# bouncy/cache.diffme distribution_file: - release_platforms: ----- ubuntu: [bionic] ----- repositories: ----- ament_cmake: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_cmake.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [ament_cmake, ament_cmake_auto, ament_cmake_core, ament_cmake_export_definitions, ament_cmake_export_dependencies, ament_cmake_export_include_directories, ament_cmake_export_interfaces, ament_cmake_export_libraries, ament_cmake_export_link_flags, ament_cmake_gmock, ament_cmake_gtest, ament_cmake_include_directories, ament_cmake_libraries, ament_cmake_nose, ament_cmake_pytest, ament_cmake_python, ament_cmake_target_dependencies, ament_cmake_test], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_cmake-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_cmake.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ament_cmake_ros: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ament_cmake_ros.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_cmake_ros-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ament_cmake_ros.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ament_index: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_index.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [ament_index_cpp, ament_index_python], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_index-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_index.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ament_lint: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_lint.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [ament_clang_format, ament_cmake_clang_format, ament_cmake_copyright, ament_cmake_cppcheck, ament_cmake_cpplint, ament_cmake_flake8, ament_cmake_lint_cmake, ament_cmake_pclint, ament_cmake_pep257, ament_cmake_pep8, ament_cmake_pyflakes, ament_cmake_uncrustify, ament_copyright, ament_cppcheck, ament_cpplint, ament_flake8, ament_lint_auto, ament_lint_cmake, ament_lint_common, ament_pclint, ament_pep257, ament_pep8, ament_pyflakes, ament_uncrustify], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_lint-release.git', version: 0.5.2-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_lint.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ament_package: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_package.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_package-release.git', version: 0.5.2-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_package.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ament_tools: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_tools.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ament_tools-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/ament_tools.git', version: bouncy }, status: end-of-life, status_description: The build tool has been replaced by colcon } ----- angles: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/angles.git', version: ros2 }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/angles-release.git', version: 1.12.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/angles.git', version: ros2 }, status: maintained } ----- cartographer: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/cartographer.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/cartographer-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/cartographer.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- cartographer_ros: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/cartographer_ros.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [cartographer_ros, cartographer_ros_msgs], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/cartographer_ros-release.git', version: 2.1.1-1 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/cartographer_ros.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- class_loader: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/class_loader.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/class_loader-release.git', version: 1.1.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/class_loader.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- common_interfaces: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/common_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [actionlib_msgs, common_interfaces, diagnostic_msgs, geometry_msgs, nav_msgs, sensor_msgs, shape_msgs, std_msgs, std_srvs, stereo_msgs, trajectory_msgs, visualization_msgs], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/common_interfaces-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/common_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- console_bridge: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/console_bridge.git', version: master }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/console_bridge-release.git', version: 0.4.0-0 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/console_bridge.git', version: master }, status: maintained } ----- control_msgs: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-controls/control_msgs.git', version: bouncy-devel }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros-gbp/control_msgs-release.git', version: 2.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-controls/control_msgs.git', version: bouncy-devel }, status: maintained } ----- demos: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/demos.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [composition, demo_nodes_cpp, demo_nodes_cpp_native, demo_nodes_py, dummy_map_server, dummy_robot_bringup, dummy_sensors, image_tools, intra_process_demo, lifecycle, logging_demo, pendulum_control, pendulum_msgs, topic_monitor], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/demos-release.git', version: 0.5.1-1 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/demos.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- depthimage_to_laserscan: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/depthimage_to_laserscan.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/depthimage_to_laserscan-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/depthimage_to_laserscan.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ecl_core: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, release: { packages: [ecl_command_line, ecl_concepts, ecl_containers, ecl_converters, ecl_core_apps, ecl_devices, ecl_eigen, ecl_exceptions, ecl_filesystem, ecl_formatters, ecl_geometry, ecl_ipc, ecl_linear_algebra, ecl_manipulators, ecl_math, ecl_mobile_robot, ecl_mpl, ecl_sigslots, ecl_statistics, ecl_streams, ecl_threads, ecl_time, ecl_type_traits, ecl_utilities], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_core-release.git', version: 1.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- ecl_lite: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, release: { packages: [ecl_config, ecl_console, ecl_converters_lite, ecl_errors, ecl_io, ecl_sigslots_lite, ecl_time_lite], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_lite-release.git', version: 1.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- ecl_tools: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, release: { packages: [ecl_build, ecl_license], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/ecl_tools-release.git', version: 1.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- example_interfaces: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/example_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/example_interfaces-release.git', version: 0.5.0-1 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/example_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- examples: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/examples.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [examples_rclcpp_minimal_client, examples_rclcpp_minimal_composition, examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher, examples_rclcpp_minimal_service, examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber, examples_rclcpp_minimal_timer, examples_rclpy_executors, examples_rclpy_minimal_client, examples_rclpy_minimal_publisher, examples_rclpy_minimal_service, examples_rclpy_minimal_subscriber], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/examples-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/examples.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- fastcdr: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-CDR.git', version: master }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/fastcdr-release.git', version: 1.0.7-0 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-CDR.git', version: master }, status: developed } ----- fastrtps: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-RTPS.git', version: master }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/fastrtps-release.git', version: 1.6.0-5 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-RTPS.git', version: master }, status: developed } ----- geometry2: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/geometry2.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [tf2, tf2_eigen, tf2_geometry_msgs, tf2_msgs, tf2_ros], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/geometry2-release.git', version: 0.9.1-1 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/geometry2.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- googletest: { release: { packages: [gmock_vendor, gtest_vendor], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/googletest-release.git', version: 1.8.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/googletest.git', version: ros2 }, status: developed } ----- joystick_drivers: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/joystick_drivers.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [joy], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/joystick_drivers-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/joystick_drivers.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- kdl_parser: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/kdl_parser-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/kdl_parser.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- laser_geometry: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/laser_geometry-release.git', version: 2.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-perception/laser_geometry.git', version: ros2 }, status: maintained } ----- launch: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/launch.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [launch, launch_ros, launch_testing, ros2launch], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/launch-release.git', version: 0.6.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/launch.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- libyaml_vendor: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/libyaml_vendor-release.git', version: 1.0.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/libyaml_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- navigation: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/navigation.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [amcl, map_server], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/navigation-release.git', version: 3.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/navigation.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- navigation_msgs: { release: { packages: [map_msgs], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/navigation_msgs-release.git', version: 2.0.0-1 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation_msgs.git', version: ros2 }, status: maintained } ----- orocos_kinematics_dynamics: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/orocos_kinematics_dynamics.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [orocos_kdl], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/orocos_kinematics_dynamics-release.git', version: 3.0.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/orocos_kinematics_dynamics.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- osrf_pycommon: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/osrf_pycommon-release.git', version: 0.1.5-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/osrf/osrf_pycommon.git', version: master }, status: maintained } ----- osrf_testing_tools_cpp: { release: { packages: [osrf_testing_tools_cpp, test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/osrf_testings_tools_cpp-release.git', version: 1.0.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/osrf/osrf_testing_tools_cpp.git', version: master }, status: maintained } ----- pcl_conversions: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/pcl_conversions-release.git', version: 2.0.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/pcl_conversions.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- pluginlib: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/pluginlib.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/pluginlib-release.git', version: 2.1.1-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/pluginlib.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- poco_vendor: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/poco_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/poco_vendor-release.git', version: 1.1.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/poco_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- py_trees: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/py_trees.git', version: release/0.8.x }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/py_trees-release.git', version: 0.8.2-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/py_trees.git', version: release/0.8.x }, status: developed } ----- py_trees_msgs: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/py_trees_msgs.git', version: release/0.4.x }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/py_trees_msgs-release.git', version: 0.4.1-0 }, status: developed } ----- rcl: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rcl.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rcl, rcl_lifecycle, rcl_yaml_param_parser], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rcl-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rcl.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- rcl_interfaces: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rcl_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [builtin_interfaces, lifecycle_msgs, rcl_interfaces, rosgraph_msgs, test_msgs], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rcl_interfaces-release.git', version: 0.5.0-3 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rcl_interfaces.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- rclcpp: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rclcpp, rclcpp_lifecycle], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rclcpp-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- rclpy: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rclpy.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rclpy-release.git', version: 0.5.4-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rclpy.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- rcutils: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rcutils-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rcutils.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- realtime_support: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/realtime_support.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rttest, tlsf_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/realtime_support-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/realtime_support.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- resource_retriever: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/resource_retriever.git', version: ros2 }, release: { packages: [libcurl_vendor, resource_retriever], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/resource_retriever-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/resource_retriever.git', version: ros2 }, status: maintained } ----- rmw: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rmw, rmw_implementation_cmake], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rmw-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- rmw_connext: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_connext.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rmw_connext_cpp, rmw_connext_shared_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rmw_connext-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_connext.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rmw_fastrtps: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [fastrtps_cmake_module, rmw_fastrtps_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rmw_fastrtps-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rmw_implementation: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_implementation.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rmw_implementation-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_implementation.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rmw_opensplice: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_opensplice.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rmw_opensplice_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rmw_opensplice-release.git', version: 0.5.2-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rmw_opensplice.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- robot_state_publisher: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/robot_state_publisher-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/robot_state_publisher.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- ros1_bridge: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros1_bridge.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros1_bridge-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros1_bridge.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ros2cli: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros2cli.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [ros2cli, ros2lifecycle, ros2msg, ros2node, ros2param, ros2pkg, ros2run, ros2service, ros2srv, ros2topic], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros2cli-release.git', version: 0.5.4-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros2cli.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ros_astra_camera: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros_astra_camera.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [astra_camera], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros_astra_camera-release.git', version: 2.1.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros_astra_camera.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ros_environment: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/ros_environment.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros_environment-release.git', version: 2.1.1-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/ros_environment.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- ros_workspace: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/ros_workspace-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/ros_workspace.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rosidl_cmake, rosidl_generator_c, rosidl_generator_cpp, rosidl_parser, rosidl_typesupport_interface, rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c, rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_dds: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_dds.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rosidl_generator_dds_idl], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_dds-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_dds.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_defaults: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_defaults.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rosidl_default_generators, rosidl_default_runtime], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_defaults-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_defaults.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_python: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_python.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [python_cmake_module, rosidl_generator_py], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_python-release.git', version: 0.5.2-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_python.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_typesupport: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [rosidl_typesupport_c, rosidl_typesupport_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_typesupport-release.git', version: 0.5.0-2 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_typesupport_connext: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport_connext.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [connext_cmake_module, rosidl_typesupport_connext_c, rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_typesupport_connext-release.git', version: 0.5.3-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport_connext.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rosidl_typesupport_opensplice: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport_opensplice.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [opensplice_cmake_module, rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c, rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rosidl_typesupport_opensplice-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rosidl_typesupport_opensplice.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- rviz: { release: { packages: [rviz2, rviz_assimp_vendor, rviz_common, rviz_default_plugins, rviz_ogre_vendor, rviz_rendering, rviz_rendering_tests, rviz_visual_testing_framework, rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/rviz-release.git', version: 4.0.2-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/rviz.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- sophus: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/sophus.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/yujinrobot-release/sophus-release.git', version: 1.0.2-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/stonier/sophus.git', version: release/1.0-bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- sros2: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/sros2.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/sros2-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/sros2.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- teleop_twist_joy: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/teleop_twist_joy-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/teleop_twist_joy.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- teleop_twist_keyboard: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/teleop_twist_keyboard.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/teleop_twist_keyboard-release.git', version: 2.1.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/teleop_twist_keyboard.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- tinyxml2_vendor: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/tinyxml2_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/tinyxml2_vendor-release.git', version: 0.4.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/tinyxml2_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- tinyxml_vendor: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/tinyxml_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/tinyxml_vendor-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/tinyxml_vendor.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- tlsf: { release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/tlsf-release.git', version: 0.5.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/tlsf.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- turtlebot2_demo: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/turtlebot2_demo.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [depthimage_to_pointcloud2, turtlebot2_amcl, turtlebot2_cartographer, turtlebot2_demo, turtlebot2_drivers, turtlebot2_follower, turtlebot2_teleop], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/turtlebot2_demo-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/turtlebot2_demo.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- uncrustify: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/uncrustify.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [uncrustify_vendor], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/uncrustify-release.git', version: 0.66.1-1 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ament/uncrustify.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- urdf: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/urdf.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/urdf-release.git', version: 2.1.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/urdf.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- urdfdom: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/urdfdom.git', version: bouncy }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/urdfdom-release.git', version: 2.0.0-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/urdfdom.git', version: bouncy }, status: maintained } ----- urdfdom_headers: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/urdfdom_headers.git', version: master }, release: { tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/urdfdom_headers-release.git', version: 1.0.0-1 }, source: { test_commits: false, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros/urdfdom_headers.git', version: master }, status: maintained } ----- variants: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/variants.git', version: bouncy }, release: { packages: [desktop, ros_base, ros_core], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/variants-release.git', version: 0.5.1-0 }, source: { test_pull_requests: true, type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros2/variants.git', version: bouncy }, status: developed } ----- vision_opencv: { doc: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git', version: ros2 }, release: { packages: [cv_bridge, image_geometry, vision_opencv], tags: { release: 'release/bouncy/{package}/{version}' }, url: 'https://github.com/ros2-gbp/vision_opencv-release.git', version: 2.0.5-0 }, source: { type: git, url: 'https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git', version: ros2 }, status: developed } ----- type: distribution ----- version: 2 name: bouncy release_package_xmls: ----- actionlib_msgs: actionlib_msgs A package containing some message definitions used in the implementation or actions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces std_msgs builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- amcl: amcl

amcl is a probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D. It implements the adaptive (or KLD-sampling) Monte Carlo localization approach (as described by Dieter Fox), which uses a particle filter to track the pose of a robot against a known map.

This node is derived, with thanks, from Andrew Howard's excellent 'amcl' Player driver.

http://wiki.ros.org/amcl Brian P. Gerkey contradict@gmail.com David V. Lu!! Michael Ferguson D. Hood LGPL ament_cmake_auto ament_cmake_ros geometry_msgs nav_msgs rclcpp rcutils sensor_msgs std_srvs tf2 tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_msgs tf2_ros geometry_msgs nav_msgs nav_msgs rclcpp rcutils sensor_msgs std_srvs tf2 tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_msgs tf2_ros map_server ament_cmake
----- ament_clang_format: ament_clang_format The ability to check code against style conventions using clang-format and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 clang-format ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_cmake: ament_cmake The entry point package for the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 cmake cmake ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_export_dependencies ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_export_definitions ament_cmake_export_dependencies ament_cmake_export_include_directories ament_cmake_export_interfaces ament_cmake_export_libraries ament_cmake_export_link_flags ament_cmake_libraries ament_cmake_python ament_cmake_target_dependencies ament_cmake_test ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_auto: ament_cmake_auto The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_clang_format: ament_cmake_clang_format The CMake API for ament_clang_format to lint C / C++ code using clang format. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_clang_format ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_copyright: ament_cmake_copyright The CMake API for ament_copyright to check every source file contains copyright reference. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_copyright ament_cmake_test ament_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_core: ' ament_cmake_core The core of the ament buildsystem in CMake. Several subcomponents provide specific funtionalities: * environment: provide prefix-level setup files * environment_hooks: provide package-level setup files and environment hooks * index: store information in an index and retrieve them without crawling * package_templates: templates from the ament_package Python package * symlink_install: use symlinks for CMake install commands Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 cmake ament_package python3-catkin-pkg-modules cmake ament_package python3-catkin-pkg-modules ament_cmake ' ----- ament_cmake_cppcheck: ament_cmake_cppcheck The CMake API for ament_cppcheck to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using Cppcheck. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_cppcheck ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_cpplint: ament_cmake_cpplint The CMake API for ament_cpplint to lint C / C++ code using cpplint. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_cpplint ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_definitions: ament_cmake_export_definitions The ability to export definitions to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_dependencies: ament_cmake_export_dependencies The ability to export dependencies to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_libraries ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_include_directories: ament_cmake_export_include_directories The ability to export include directories to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_interfaces: ament_cmake_export_interfaces The ability to export interfaces to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_export_libraries ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_libraries: ament_cmake_export_libraries The ability to export libraries to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_export_link_flags: ament_cmake_export_link_flags The ability to export link flags to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_flake8: ament_cmake_flake8 The CMake API for ament_flake8 to check code syntax and style conventions with flake8. D. Hood Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_flake8 ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_gmock: ament_cmake_gmock The ability to add Google mock-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_test gmock_vendor google-mock ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_gtest: ament_cmake_gtest The ability to add gtest-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test gtest gtest_vendor ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_include_directories: ament_cmake_include_directories The functionality to order include directories according to a chain of prefixes in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_libraries: ament_cmake_libraries The functionality to deduplicate libraries in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_lint_cmake: ament_cmake_lint_cmake The CMake API for ament_lint_cmake to lint CMake code using cmakelint. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_lint_cmake ament_cmake_test ament_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_nose: ament_cmake_nose The ability to add nose-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test python3-nose ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_pclint: ament_cmake_pclint The CMake API for ament_pclint to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using PCLint. Juan Pablo Samper Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_pclint ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_pep257: ament_cmake_pep257 The CMake API for ament_pep257 to check code against the style conventions in PEP 257. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_pep257 ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_pep8: ament_cmake_pep8 The CMake API for ament_pep8 to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_pep8 ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_pyflakes: ament_cmake_pyflakes The CMake API for ament_pyflakes to check code using pyflakes. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_pyflakes ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_pytest: ament_cmake_pytest The ability to run Python tests using pytest in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test python3-pytest ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_python: ament_cmake_python The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_ros: ament_cmake_ros The ROS specific CMake bits in the ament buildsystem. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_target_dependencies: ament_cmake_target_dependencies The ability to add definitions, include directories and libraries of a package to a target in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_include_directories ament_cmake_libraries ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_test: ament_cmake_test The ability to add tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ament_cmake_uncrustify: ament_cmake_uncrustify The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_test ament_uncrustify ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake ----- ament_copyright: ament_copyright The ability to check source files for copyright and license information. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_cppcheck: ament_cppcheck The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using Cppcheck and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 cppcheck ament_python ----- ament_cpplint: ament_cpplint The ability to check code against the Google style conventions using cpplint and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 BSD ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_flake8: ament_flake8 The ability to check code for style and syntax conventions with flake8. D. Hood Apache License 2.0 python3-flake8 ament_python ----- ament_index_cpp: ament_index_cpp C++ API to access the ament resource index. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ament_index_python: ament_index_python Python API to access the ament resource index. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_lint_auto: ament_lint_auto The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament linters in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_test ament_cmake ----- ament_lint_cmake: ament_lint_cmake The ability to lint CMake code using cmakelint and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_lint_common: ament_lint_common The list of commonly used linters in the ament buildsytem in CMake. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_export_dependencies ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_copyright ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_flake8 ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_pep257 ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_cmake ----- ament_package: ament_package The parser for the manifest files in the ament buildsystem. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 python3-setuptools python3-flake8 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_pclint: ament_pclint The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using pclint and generate xUnit test result files. Juan Pablo Samper Apache License 2.0 ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_pep257: ament_pep257 The ability to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8 and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 MIT pydocstyle ament_flake8 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_pep8: ament_pep8 The ability to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8 and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 python3-pep8 ament_python ----- ament_pyflakes: ament_pyflakes The ability to check code using pyflakes and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 pyflakes3 ament_pep8 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_tools: ament_tools The command line tools for the ament buildsystem. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_package osrf_pycommon python3-catkin-pkg-modules ament_package osrf_pycommon python3-catkin-pkg-modules ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ament_uncrustify: ament_uncrustify The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 uncrustify_vendor ament_python ----- angles: angles This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future. John Hsu Tully Foote BSD http://wiki.ros.org/angles ament_cmake ament_cmake ----- astra_camera: astra_camera Drivers for Orbbec Astra Devices. Chris Lalancette BSD Tim Liu git ament_cmake boost builtin_interfaces libudev-dev libusb-1.0-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake ----- builtin_interfaces: builtin_interfaces A package containing builtin message and service definitions. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- cartographer: cartographer Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. Chris Lalancette Apache 2.0 https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer The Cartographer Authors g++-static cmake boost eigen libcairo2-dev libceres-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev lua5.2-dev protobuf-dev cmake ----- cartographer_ros: cartographer_ros Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration. Chris Lalancette Apache 2.0 https://github.com/ros2/cartographer_ros The Cartographer Authors ament_cmake eigen pcl_conversions tf2_eigen urdfdom_headers cartographer cartographer_ros_msgs console_bridge lua5.2-dev nav_msgs libpcl-all-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2 tf2_ros urdf visualization_msgs tf2_msgs yaml-cpp ament_cmake ----- cartographer_ros_msgs: cartographer_ros_msgs ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package. Chris Lalancette Apache 2.0 https://github.com/ros2/cartographer_ros The Cartographer Authors ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators geometry_msgs std_msgs rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_interface_packages ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- class_loader: class_loader The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes. Mikael Arguedas BSD http://ros.org/wiki/class_loader Mirza Shah Dirk Thomas ament_cmake console_bridge libpoco-dev poco_vendor console_bridge libpoco-dev poco_vendor ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- common_interfaces: common_interfaces common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake actionlib_msgs builtin_interfaces diagnostic_msgs geometry_msgs nav_msgs sensor_msgs shape_msgs std_msgs std_srvs stereo_msgs trajectory_msgs visualization_msgs ament_cmake ----- composition: composition Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators ament_index_cpp class_loader example_interfaces rclcpp rcutils rosidl_cmake std_msgs ament_index_cpp class_loader example_interfaces rclcpp rcutils rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rmw_implementation_cmake rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- connext_cmake_module: connext_cmake_module Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- console_bridge: console_bridge ROS-independent package for logging that seamlessly pipes into rosconsole/rosout for ROS-dependent packages. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 cmake cmake ----- control_msgs: control_msgs control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories. Stuart Glaser Bence Magyar BSD http://ros.org/wiki/control_msgs ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces actionlib_msgs trajectory_msgs builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- cv_bridge: cv_bridge This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS2 Image messages and OpenCV images. Patrick Mihelich James Bowman Ethan Gao BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/cv_bridge https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv/tree/ros2 https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv/issues ament_cmake ament_cmake_ros python_cmake_module boost libopencv-dev python3-numpy sensor_msgs ament_index_python ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common python3-opencv dvipng ----- demo_nodes_cpp: demo_nodes_cpp C++ nodes which were previously in the ros2/examples repository but are now just used for demo purposes. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators example_interfaces rclcpp rcutils rmw_implementation_cmake sensor_msgs std_msgs example_interfaces launch_ros rclcpp rcutils rmw_implementation rosidl_default_runtime sensor_msgs std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rclcpp rmw_implementation rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ament_cmake ----- demo_nodes_cpp_native: demo_nodes_cpp_native C++ nodes which access the native handles of the rmw implemenation. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rclcpp rmw_fastrtps_cpp std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing ament_cmake ----- demo_nodes_py: demo_nodes_py Python nodes which were previously in the ros2/examples repository but are now just used for demo purposes. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Esteve Fernandez example_interfaces rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- depthimage_to_laserscan: depthimage_to_laserscan depthimage_to_laserscan Chad Rockey Chris Lalancette BSD http://ros.org/wiki/depthimage_to_laserscan https://github.com/ros-perception/depthimage_to_laserscan/issues https://github.com/ros-perception/depthimage_to_laserscan ament_cmake_ros image_geometry libopencv-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake ----- depthimage_to_pointcloud2: depthimage_to_pointcloud2 A simple node to convert a depth image and camera info into a PointCloud2. Chris Lalancette Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake image_geometry rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- desktop: desktop A package which extends 'ros_base' and includes high level packages like vizualization tools and demos. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ros_base angles depthimage_to_laserscan joy pcl_conversions rviz2 rviz_default_plugins teleop_twist_joy teleop_twist_keyboard composition demo_nodes_cpp demo_nodes_cpp_native demo_nodes_py dummy_map_server dummy_robot_bringup dummy_sensors image_tools intra_process_demo lifecycle logging_demo pendulum_control topic_monitor tlsf tlsf_cpp examples_rclcpp_minimal_client examples_rclcpp_minimal_composition examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher examples_rclcpp_minimal_service examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber examples_rclcpp_minimal_timer examples_rclpy_executors examples_rclpy_minimal_client examples_rclpy_minimal_publisher examples_rclpy_minimal_service examples_rclpy_minimal_subscriber sros2 ament_cmake ----- diagnostic_msgs: diagnostic_msgs A package containing some diagnostics related message and service definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- dummy_map_server: dummy_map_server dummy map server node Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake nav_msgs rclcpp nav_msgs rclcpp ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- dummy_robot_bringup: dummy_robot_bringup dummy robot bringup Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_index_python dummy_map_server dummy_sensors launch robot_state_publisher ros2run ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- dummy_sensors: dummy_sensors dummy sensor nodes Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rclcpp sensor_msgs rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_build: ecl_build Collection of cmake/make build tools primarily for ecl development itself, but also contains a few cmake modules useful outside of the ecl. Daniel Stonier Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_build https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools/issues ament_cmake ecl_license ecl_license ament_cmake ----- ecl_command_line: ecl_command_line Embeds the TCLAP library inside the ecl. This is a very convenient command line parser in templatised c++. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_command_line https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_license ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_concepts: ecl_concepts Introduces a compile time concept checking mechanism that can be used most commonly to check for required functionality when passing template arguments. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_concepts https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_type_traits ecl_license ecl_config ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_config: ecl_config These tools inspect and describe your system with macros, types and functions. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_config https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_license ecl_license ecl_build ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_console: ecl_console Color codes for ansii consoles. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_console https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ament_cmake ----- ecl_containers: ecl_containers The containers included here are intended to extend the stl containers. In all cases, these implementations are designed to implement c++ conveniences and safety where speed is not sacrificed. Also includes techniques for memory debugging of common problems such as buffer overruns. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_containers https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_converters ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ecl_utilities ecl_license ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_converters ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ecl_utilities ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_converters: ecl_converters Some fast/convenient type converters, mostly for char strings or strings. These are not really fully fleshed out, alot of them could use the addition for the whole range of fundamental types (e.g. all integers, not just int, unsigned int). They will come as the need arises. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_converters https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ecl_concepts ecl_license ecl_concepts ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_converters_lite: ecl_converters_lite These are a very simple version of some of the functions in ecl_converters suitable for firmware development. That is, there is no use of new, templates or exceptions. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_converters_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_config ecl_license ecl_config ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_core_apps: ecl_core_apps This includes a suite of programs demo'ing various aspects of the ecl_core. It also includes various benchmarking and utility programs for use primarily with embedded systems. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_core_apps https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_license ecl_config ecl_linear_algebra ecl_command_line ecl_converters ecl_containers ecl_devices ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_geometry ecl_ipc ecl_sigslots ecl_streams ecl_threads ecl_type_traits ecl_time_lite ecl_build ecl_license ecl_config ecl_linear_algebra ecl_command_line ecl_converters ecl_containers ecl_devices ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_geometry ecl_ipc ecl_sigslots ecl_streams ecl_threads ecl_type_traits ecl_time_lite ament_cmake ----- ecl_devices: ecl_devices Provides an extensible and standardised framework for input-output devices. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_devices https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_containers ecl_errors ecl_mpl ecl_threads ecl_type_traits ecl_utilities ecl_license ecl_config ecl_containers ecl_errors ecl_mpl ecl_threads ecl_type_traits ecl_utilities ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_eigen: ecl_eigen This provides an Eigen implementation for ecl's linear algebra. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_eigen https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros eigen eigen ament_cmake ----- ecl_errors: ecl_errors This library provides lean and mean error mechanisms. It includes c style error functions as well as a few useful macros. For higher level mechanisms, refer to ecl_exceptions. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_errors https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_license ecl_config ament_cmake ----- ecl_exceptions: ecl_exceptions Template based exceptions - these are simple and practical and avoid the proliferation of exception types. Although not syntatactically ideal, it is convenient and eminently practical. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_exceptions https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_license ecl_config ecl_errors ament_cmake ----- ecl_filesystem: ecl_filesystem Cross platform filesystem utilities (until c++11 makes its way in). Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_filesystem https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_formatters: ecl_formatters The formatters here simply format various input types to a specified text format. They can be used with most streaming types (including both ecl and stl streams). Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_formatters https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_exceptions ecl_converters ecl_license ecl_config ecl_exceptions ecl_converters ament_cmake ----- ecl_geometry: ecl_geometry Any tools relating to mathematical geometry. Primarily featuring polynomials and interpolations. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_geometry https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_license ecl_config ecl_containers ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_linear_algebra ecl_math ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ecl_build ecl_license ecl_config ecl_containers ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_linear_algebra ecl_math ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_io: ecl_io Most implementations (windows, posix, ...) have slightly different api for low level input-output functions. These are gathered here and re-represented with a cross platform set of functions. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_io https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_license ecl_config ecl_errors ament_cmake ----- ecl_ipc: ecl_ipc Interprocess mechanisms vary greatly across platforms - sysv, posix, win32, there are more than a few. This package provides an infrastructure to allow for developing cross platform c++ wrappers around the lower level c api's that handle these mechanisms. These make it not only easier to utilise such mechanisms, but allow it to be done consistently across platforms. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_ipc https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_threads ecl_time_lite ecl_time ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_threads ecl_time_lite ecl_time ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_license: ecl_license Maintains the ecl licenses and also provides an install target for deploying licenses with the ecl libraries. Daniel Stonier Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_license https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools https://github.com/stonier/ecl_tools/issues ament_cmake ament_cmake ----- ecl_linear_algebra: ecl_linear_algebra Ecl frontend to a linear matrix package (currently eigen). Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_linear_algebra https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_converters ecl_eigen ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_license ecl_math sophus ecl_build ecl_converters ecl_eigen ecl_exceptions ecl_formatters ecl_license ecl_math sophus ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_manipulators: ecl_manipulators Deploys various manipulation algorithms, currently just feedforward filters (interpolations). Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_manipulators https://github.com/stonier/ecl_manipulation https://github.com/stonier/ecl_manipulation/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_license ecl_exceptions ecl_geometry ecl_formatters ecl_build ecl_license ecl_exceptions ecl_geometry ecl_formatters ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_math: ecl_math This package provides simple support to cmath, filling in holes or redefining in a c++ formulation where desirable. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_math https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_type_traits ecl_license ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_mobile_robot: ecl_mobile_robot Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_mobile_robot https://github.com/stonier/ecl_navigation https://github.com/stonier/ecl_navigation/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_build ecl_license ecl_errors ecl_geometry ecl_math ecl_formatters ecl_linear_algebra ecl_build ecl_license ecl_errors ecl_geometry ecl_math ecl_formatters ecl_linear_algebra ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_mpl: ecl_mpl Metaprogramming tools move alot of runtime calculations to be shifted to compile time. This has only very elementary structures at this stage. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_mpl https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_license ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_sigslots: ecl_sigslots Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe. Daniel Stonier BSD http://ros.org/wiki/ecl_sigslots https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_threads ecl_license ecl_config ecl_threads ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_sigslots_lite: ecl_sigslots_lite This avoids use of dynamic storage (malloc/new) and thread safety (mutexes) to provide a very simple sigslots implementation that can be used for *very* embedded development. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_sigslots_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_license ecl_config ecl_errors ament_cmake ----- ecl_statistics: ecl_statistics Common statistical structures and algorithms for control systems. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_statistics https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_linear_algebra ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_linear_algebra ecl_mpl ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_streams: ecl_streams These are lightweight text streaming classes that connect to standardised ecl type devices. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_streams https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_errors ecl_concepts ecl_devices ecl_time ecl_converters ecl_type_traits ecl_license ecl_errors ecl_concepts ecl_devices ecl_time ecl_converters ecl_type_traits ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_threads: ecl_threads This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_threads https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_concepts ecl_exceptions ecl_time ecl_utilities ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_concepts ecl_exceptions ecl_time ecl_utilities ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_time: ' ecl_time Timing utilities are very dependent on the system api provided for their use. This package provides a means for handling different timing models. Current support - posix rt : complete. - macosx : posix timers only, missing absolute timers. - win : none. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_time https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_time_lite ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_exceptions ecl_time_lite ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ' ----- ecl_time_lite: ecl_time_lite Provides a portable set of time functions that are especially useful for porting other code or being wrapped by higher level c++ classes. Daniel Stonier-->Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_time_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite https://github.com/stonier/ecl_lite/issues ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_errors ament_cmake ----- ecl_type_traits: ecl_type_traits Extends c++ type traits and implements a few more to boot. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_type_traits https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_config ecl_mpl ecl_license ecl_mpl ecl_config ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ecl_utilities: ecl_utilities Includes various supporting tools and utilities for c++ programming. Daniel Stonier BSD http://wiki.ros.org/ecl_utilities https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core https://github.com/stonier/ecl_core/issues Daniel Stonier-->ament_cmake_ros ecl_license ecl_build ecl_mpl ecl_concepts ecl_license ecl_mpl ecl_concepts ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- example_interfaces: example_interfaces Contains message and service definitions used by the examples. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_client: examples_rclcpp_minimal_client Examples of minimal service clients Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake rclcpp example_interfaces rclcpp example_interfaces ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_composition: examples_rclcpp_minimal_composition Minimalist examples of composing nodes in the same process Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake class_loader rclcpp std_msgs class_loader rclcpp std_msgs ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher: examples_rclcpp_minimal_publisher Examples of minimal publisher nodes Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake rclcpp std_msgs rclcpp std_msgs ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_service: examples_rclcpp_minimal_service A minimal service server which adds two numbers Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake rclcpp example_interfaces rclcpp example_interfaces ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber: examples_rclcpp_minimal_subscriber Examples of minimal subscribers Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake rclcpp std_msgs rclcpp std_msgs ament_cmake ----- examples_rclcpp_minimal_timer: examples_rclcpp_minimal_timer Examples of minimal nodes which have timers Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley ament_cmake rclcpp rclcpp ament_cmake ----- examples_rclpy_executors: examples_rclpy_executors Examples of creating and using exectors to run multiple nodes in the same process Shane Loretz Apache License 2.0 rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- examples_rclpy_minimal_client: examples_rclpy_minimal_client Examples of minimal service clients using rclpy. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 example_interfaces rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- examples_rclpy_minimal_publisher: examples_rclpy_minimal_publisher Examples of minimal publishers using rclpy. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- examples_rclpy_minimal_service: examples_rclpy_minimal_service Examples of minimal service servers using rclpy. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 example_interfaces rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- examples_rclpy_minimal_subscriber: examples_rclpy_minimal_subscriber Examples of minimal subscribers using rclpy. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 rclpy std_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- fastcdr: fastcdr CDR serialization implementation. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 cmake cmake ----- fastrtps: fastrtps Implementation of RTPS standard. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 asio libssl-dev libssl-dev fastcdr tinyxml2 cmake cmake ----- fastrtps_cmake_module: fastrtps_cmake_module Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 Ricardo González ament_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- geometry_msgs: geometry_msgs A package containing some geometry related message definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators std_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- gmock_vendor: gmock_vendor The package provides GoogleMock. Dirk Thomas BSD cmake gtest_vendor cmake ----- gtest_vendor: gtest_vendor The package provides GoogleTest. Dirk Thomas BSD cmake cmake ----- image_geometry: image_geometry `image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types. Mikael Arguedas BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_geometry Patrick Mihelich Vincent Rabaud ament_cmake ament_cmake_ros libopencv-dev sensor_msgs ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest dvipng texlive-latex-extra ----- image_tools: image_tools Tools to capture and play back images to and from DDS subscriptions and publications. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake libopencv-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs std_msgs libopencv-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rmw_implementation_cmake ament_cmake ----- intra_process_demo: intra_process_demo Demonstrations of intra process communication. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake libopencv-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs std_msgs libopencv-dev rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rmw_implementation_cmake ament_cmake ----- joy: joy BSD ROS2 driver for a generic Linux joystick. Will contain a MacOS and Windows version later. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS2. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. Mikael Arguedas Morgan Quigley Brian Gerkey Kevin Watts Blaise Gassend Jonathan Bohren https://github.com/ros2/joystick_drivers https://github.com/ros2/joystick_drivers/issues ament_cmake rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake ----- kdl_parser: kdl_parser The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism.kdl_parserprovides tools to construct a KDL tree from an XML robot representation in URDF. Wim Meeussen Ioan Sucan Jackie Kay Chris Lalancette Shane Loretz BSD https://github.com/ros2/kdl_parser https://github.com/ros2/kdl_parser/issues ament_cmake_ros orocos_kdl tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdf urdfdom_headers tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdf ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common urdfdom_headers ament_cmake ----- laser_geometry: " laser_geometry This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners. William Woodall BSD Dave Hershberger Tully Foote Radu Bogdan Rusu http://ros.org/wiki/laser_geometry ament_cmake eigen rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2 eigen rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2 ament_cmake ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_cmake " ----- launch: launch The ROS launch tool. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 osrf_pycommon ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- launch_ros: " launch_ros ROS specific extensions to the launch tool. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_index_python launch lifecycle_msgs osrf_pycommon rclpy ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python " ----- launch_testing: launch_testing Helper scripts for tests that use the ROS launch tool. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 Esteve Fernandez launch ament_index_python ament_flake8 ament_pep257 launch python3-pytest ament_python ----- libcurl_vendor: " libcurl_vendor Wrapper around libcurl, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 MIT https://github.com/curl/curl ament_cmake pkg-config curl ament_cmake " ----- libyaml_vendor: " libyaml_vendor Wrapper around libyaml, provides the last version (1.8.0 rc) that ships with a CMake module Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 MIT https://github.com/yaml/libyaml ament_cmake ament_cmake " ----- lifecycle: lifecycle Package containing demos for lifecycle implementation Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake lifecycle_msgs rclcpp_lifecycle std_msgs rclcpp_lifecycle lifecycle_msgs ros2run std_msgs ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- lifecycle_msgs: lifecycle_msgs A package containing some lifecycle related message and service definitions. Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- logging_demo: logging_demo Examples for using and configuring loggers. D. Hood Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators ament_index_cpp class_loader rclcpp rcutils rosidl_cmake std_msgs ament_index_cpp class_loader rclcpp rcutils rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rmw_implementation_cmake rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- map_msgs: " map_msgs This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages. Stéphane Magnenat David V. Lu!! Michael Ferguson William Woodall BSD http://ros.org/wiki/map_msgs https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation_msgs/issues ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators nav_msgs sensor_msgs std_msgs nav_msgs rosidl_default_runtime sensor_msgs std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake " ----- map_server: map_server map_server provides themap_serverROSNode, which offers map data as a ROSService. It also provides themap_savercommand-line utility, which allows dynamically generated maps to be saved to file. Brian Gerkey Tony Pratkanis contradict@gmail.com David V. Lu!! Michael Ferguson William Woodall http://wiki.ros.org/map_server BSD ament_cmake geometry_msgs nav_msgs rclcpp rcutils sdl sdl-image tf2 yaml-cpp nav_msgs rclcpp rcutils sdl sdl-image tf2 yaml-cpp ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest launch_testing rclpy ament_cmake ----- nav_msgs: nav_msgs A package containing some navigation related message and service definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- opensplice_cmake_module: opensplice_cmake_module Provide CMake module to find PrismTech OpenSplice. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake libopensplice67 ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- orocos_kdl: orocos_kdl This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. Mikael Arguedas LGPL http://wiki.ros.org/orocos_kdl Ruben Smits cmake eigen eigen pkg-config cppunit cmake ----- osrf_pycommon: " osrf_pycommon Commonly needed Python modules, used by Python software developed at OSRF. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_python " ----- osrf_testing_tools_cpp: " osrf_testing_tools_cpp Testing tools for C++, and is used in various OSRF projects. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 cmake cmake " ----- pcl_conversions: pcl_conversions Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types William Woodall Paul Bovbel Bill Morris Chris Lalancette BSD http://wiki.ros.org/pcl_conversions https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_conversions https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_conversions/issues ament_cmake builtin_interfaces eigen libpcl-all-dev sensor_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces eigen libpcl-all-dev sensor_msgs std_msgs libpcl-all-dev ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake ----- pendulum_control: pendulum_control Demonstrates ROS 2's realtime capabilities with a simulated inverted pendulum. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Jackie Kay ament_cmake rclcpp pendulum_msgs rttest tlsf_cpp rclcpp pendulum_msgs rttest tlsf_cpp ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common launch launch_testing rmw_implementation_cmake ros2run ament_cmake ----- pendulum_msgs: pendulum_msgs Custom messages for real-time pendulum control. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Jackie Kay ament_cmake builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- pluginlib: pluginlib The pluginlib package provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure. To work, these tools require plugin providers to register their plugins in the package.xml of their package. Mikael Arguedas BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/pluginlib https://github.com/ros/pluginlib/issues https://github.com/ros/pluginlib Eitan Marder-Eppstein Tully Foote Dirk Thomas Mirza Shah ament_cmake ament_index_cpp class_loader rcutils tinyxml2_vendor ament_cmake ----- poco_vendor: " poco_vendor CMake shim over the poco library. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 Boost Software License 1.0 cmake cmake libpoco-dev pcre zlib cmake " ----- py_trees: py_trees Pythonic implementation of behaviour trees. Daniel Stonier Michal Staniaszek Naveed Usmani Daniel Stonier BSD http://py-trees.readthedocs.io https://github.com/stonier/py_trees https://github.com/stonier/py_trees/issues python3-setuptools python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-argparse python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-pydot python3-pydot python3-nose python3-nose-yanc ament_python ----- py_trees_msgs: py_trees_msgs Messages used by py_trees_ros and some extras for the mock demos/tests. Daniel Stonier BSD http://ros.org/wiki/py_trees_msgs https://github.com/stonier/py_trees_msgs https://github.com/stonier/py_trees_msgs/issues Daniel Stonier Michal Staniaszek Naveed Usmani ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators std_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- python_cmake_module: python_cmake_module Provide CMake module with extra functionality for Python. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Esteve Fernandez ament_cmake python3-dev ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rcl: rcl The ROS client library common implementation. This package contains an API which builds on the ROS middleware API and is optionally built upon by the other ROS client libraries. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rmw rcl_interfaces rcutils rosidl_generator_c rcl_interfaces rcutils rosidl_generator_c ament_cmake rcutils rosidl_default_runtime rmw_implementation ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw rmw_implementation_cmake launch osrf_testing_tools_cpp std_msgs test_msgs ament_cmake ----- rcl_interfaces: rcl_interfaces The ROS client library common interfaces. This package contains the messages and services which ROS client libraries will use under the hood to communicate higher level concepts such as parameters. Tully Foote Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- rcl_lifecycle: rcl_lifecycle Package containing a C-based lifecycle implementation Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rosidl_default_generators lifecycle_msgs rcl rcutils rmw_implementation rosidl_default_generators lifecycle_msgs rcl rcutils rmw_implementation rosidl_default_runtime ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_common ament_lint_auto ament_cmake ----- rcl_yaml_param_parser: rcl_yaml_param_parser Package containing various utility types and functions for C Anup Pemmaiah Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros libyaml_vendor yaml rcutils rcl ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_common ament_lint_auto launch_testing ament_cmake ----- rclcpp: rclcpp The ROS client library in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rmw builtin_interfaces rcl_interfaces rosgraph_msgs rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp builtin_interfaces rcl_interfaces rosgraph_msgs rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp rcl rcl_yaml_param_parser rmw_implementation ament_cmake ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw rmw_implementation_cmake test_msgs ament_cmake ----- rclcpp_lifecycle: rclcpp_lifecycle Package containing a prototype for lifecycle implementation Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rosidl_default_generators rclcpp rcl_lifecycle rmw_implementation rosidl_default_generators std_msgs lifecycle_msgs rclcpp rcl_lifecycle rclpy rmw_implementation rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs lifecycle_msgs ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rclpy: rclpy Package containing the Python client. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 Esteve Fernandez ament_cmake python_cmake_module rcutils rmw_implementation_cmake rmw_implementation rcl ament_index_python ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rcl_interfaces rosidl_generator_py test_msgs ament_cmake ----- rcutils: rcutils Package containing various utility types and functions for C Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros python3-empy ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_common ament_lint_auto launch_testing osrf_testing_tools_cpp ament_cmake ----- resource_retriever: resource_retriever This package retrieves data from url-format files such as http://, ftp://, package:// file://, etc., and loads the data into memory. The package:// url for ros packages is translated into a local file:// url. The resourse retriever was initially designed to load mesh files into memory, but it can be used for any type of data. The resource retriever is based on the the libcurl library. Josh Faust Ioan Sucan Chris Lalancette Shane Loretz BSD http://ros.org/wiki/resource_retriever https://github.com/ros/robot_model https://github.com/ros/robot_model/issues ament_cmake_ros ament_index_cpp libcurl_vendor ament_cmake ----- rmw: rmw Contains the ROS middleware API. Dirk Thomas William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rcutils rcutils rosidl_generator_c ament_cmake_gmock ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rmw_connext_cpp: rmw_connext_cpp Implement the ROS middleware interface using RTI Connext static code generation in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_cmake ament_cmake rosidl_cmake connext_cmake_module rcutils rmw rmw_connext_shared_cpp rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_dds_idl rosidl_typesupport_connext_c rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 connext_cmake_module rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_typesupport_connext_c rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 rcutils rmw rmw_connext_shared_cpp ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw_implementation_packages ament_cmake ----- rmw_connext_shared_cpp: rmw_connext_shared_cpp C++ types and functions shared by the ROS middleware interface to RTI Connext Static and RTI Connext Dynamic. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_cmake ament_cmake connext_cmake_module rcutils rmw rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 connext_cmake_module rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rmw_fastrtps_cpp: rmw_fastrtps_cpp Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 Ricardo González ament_cmake_ros fastrtps_cmake_module ament_cmake fastcdr fastrtps fastrtps_cmake_module rcutils rmw rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp fastcdr fastrtps fastrtps_cmake_module rcutils rmw rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw_implementation_packages ament_cmake ----- rmw_implementation: rmw_implementation The decision which ROS middleware implementation should be used for C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rcutils rmw rmw_connext_cpp rmw_fastrtps_cpp rmw_opensplice_cpp libpoco-dev poco_vendor rmw_implementation_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw_implementation_packages ament_cmake ----- rmw_implementation_cmake: rmw_implementation_cmake CMake functions which can discover and enumerate available implementations. Dirk Thomas William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rmw_opensplice_cpp: rmw_opensplice_cpp Implement the ROS middleware interface using PrismTech OpenSplice static code generation in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake ament_cmake opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rcutils libopensplice67 rmw rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp rosidl_generator_dds_idl libopensplice67 rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp rmw ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rmw_implementation_packages ament_cmake ----- robot_state_publisher: robot_state_publisher ROS2 version of the robot_state_publisher package Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake geometry_msgs kdl_parser orocos_kdl rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2_ros urdf urdfdom_headers geometry_msgs kdl_parser orocos_kdl rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2_ros urdf urdfdom_headers ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- ros1_bridge: ros1_bridge A simple bridge between ROS 1 and ROS 2 Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_index_python python3-catkin-pkg-modules rosidl_cmake rosidl_parser builtin_interfaces pkg-config python3-yaml rclcpp rcutils rmw_implementation_cmake std_msgs builtin_interfaces python3-yaml rclcpp rcutils std_msgs ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common demo_nodes_cpp diagnostic_msgs launch ros2run rosidl_interface_packages actionlib_msgs diagnostic_msgs example_interfaces geometry_msgs nav_msgs rosgraph_msgs sensor_msgs shape_msgs std_srvs stereo_msgs tf2_msgs trajectory_msgs visualization_msgs ament_cmake ----- ros2cli: ros2cli Framework for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 python3-pkg-resources rclpy ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2launch: " ros2launch The launch command for ROS 2 command line tools. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_index_python launch launch_ros ros2cli ros2pkg ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python " ----- ros2lifecycle: ros2lifecycle The lifecycle command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 rclpy ros2cli lifecycle_msgs ros2node ros2service ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2msg: ros2msg The msg command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli ament_index_python ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest std_msgs std_srvs ament_python ----- ros2node: ros2node The node command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2param: ros2param The param command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 rcl_interfaces rclpy ros2cli ros2node ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2pkg: ros2pkg The pkg command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli ament_index_python python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-empy python3-pkg-resources ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2run: ros2run The run command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli ros2pkg ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2service: ros2service The service command for ROS 2 command line tools. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 rclpy ros2cli python3-yaml ros2srv ros2topic ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- ros2srv: ros2srv The srv command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli ament_index_python ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest std_msgs std_srvs ament_python ----- ros2topic: ros2topic The topic command for ROS 2 command line tools. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ros2cli python3-yaml rclpy ros2msg ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest test_msgs ament_python ----- ros_base: ros_base A package which extends 'ros_core' and includes other basic functionalities like tf2 and urdf. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ros_core tf2 tf2_eigen tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_ros kdl_parser urdf robot_state_publisher ament_cmake ----- ros_core: ros_core A package to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, generate messages and other core ROS concepts. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_cmake_auto ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_pytest ament_cmake_ros ament_index_cpp ament_index_python ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rcl_lifecycle rclcpp rclcpp_lifecycle rclpy rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ros_environment common_interfaces ros2launch ros2lifecycle ros2msg ros2node ros2param ros2pkg ros2run ros2service ros2srv ros2topic class_loader pluginlib ament_cmake ----- ros_environment: ros_environment The package provides the environment variables `ROS_VERSION` and `ROS_DISTRO`. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/ros/ros_environment https://github.com/ros/ros_environment/issues ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- ros_workspace: ros_workspace Provides the prefix level environment files for ROS 2 packages. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_core ament_package cmake cmake ----- rosgraph_msgs: rosgraph_msgs Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_cmake: rosidl_cmake The CMake functionality to invoke code generation for ROS interface files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake_python ament_cmake python3-empy rosidl_parser ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rosidl_default_generators: rosidl_default_generators A configuration package defining the default ROS interface generators. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake_core rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_py rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp rosidl_generator_packages rosidl_typesupport_c_packages rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rosidl_default_runtime: rosidl_default_runtime A configuration package defining the runtime for the ROS interfaces. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_py rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp rosidl_runtime_packages rosidl_typesupport_c_packages rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rosidl_generator_c: rosidl_generator_c Generate the ROS interfaces in C. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros rosidl_typesupport_interface ament_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_typesupport_interface rosidl_parser ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_generator_cpp: rosidl_generator_cpp Generate the ROS interfaces in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_parser ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_packages rosidl_runtime_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_generator_dds_idl: rosidl_generator_dds_idl Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake rosidl_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rosidl_generator_py: rosidl_generator_py Generate the ROS interfaces in Python. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Esteve Fernandez ament_cmake rmw ament_cmake ament_index_python python_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_interface rmw_implementation rmw_implementation_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_parser ament_cmake_pytest ament_index_python ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common python3-pytest python_cmake_module rmw rmw_implementation rmw_implementation_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_parser rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_generator_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_parser: rosidl_parser The parser for ROS interface files. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_cmake_pytest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common python3-pytest ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_c: rosidl_typesupport_c Generate the type support for C messages. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros libpoco-dev poco_vendor rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_connext_c rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c ament_cmake_core rmw_implementation rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_c_packages libpoco-dev poco_vendor rosidl_typesupport_interface ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_runtime_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_connext_c: rosidl_typesupport_connext_c Generate the C interfaces for RTI Connext. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake connext_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp ament_cmake connext_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_dds_idl rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp rmw rosidl_parser ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_c_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp: rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp Generate the C++ interfaces for RTI Connext. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake connext_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 ament_cmake connext_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_dds_idl rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 rmw rosidl_parser rosidl_typesupport_interface ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_cpp: rosidl_typesupport_cpp Generate the type support for C++ messages. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros libpoco-dev poco_vendor rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_connext_cpp rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp ament_cmake_core rmw_implementation rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_c rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages libpoco-dev poco_vendor rosidl_typesupport_interface ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_runtime_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_interface: rosidl_typesupport_interface The interface for rosidl typesupport packages. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c: rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros ament_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_parser ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_c_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp: rosidl_typesupport_introspection_cpp Generate the message type support for dynamic message construction in C++. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake_ros ament_cmake rosidl_cmake rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_parser rosidl_typesupport_interface rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c: rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_c Generate the C interfaces for PrismTech OpenSplice. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake libopensplice67 opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp ament_cmake libopensplice67 opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_dds_idl rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp rmw rosidl_parser ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_c_packages ament_cmake ----- rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp: rosidl_typesupport_opensplice_cpp Generate the C++ interfaces for PrismTech OpenSplice. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake libopensplice67 opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp ament_cmake libopensplice67 opensplice_cmake_module rosidl_cmake rosidl_generator_c rosidl_generator_cpp rosidl_generator_dds_idl rmw rosidl_parser rosidl_typesupport_interface ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_typesupport_cpp_packages ament_cmake ----- rttest: rttest Instrumentation library for real-time performance testing Chris Lalancette Apache License 2.0 Jackie Kay ament_cmake ament_cmake_gtest ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- rviz2: rviz2 3D visualization tool for ROS. D. Hood William Woodall BSD Dave Hershberger David Gossow Josh Faust https://github.com/ros2/rviz/blob/ros2/README.md https://github.com/ros2/rviz https://github.com/ros2/rviz/issues ament_cmake qtbase5-dev rviz_default_plugins rviz_common rviz_ogre_vendor ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify geometry_msgs rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake ----- rviz_assimp_vendor: " rviz_assimp_vendor Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 BSD http://assimp.sourceforge.net/index.html ament_cmake assimp ament_cmake " ----- rviz_common: rviz_common Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications. William Woodall BSD Dave Hershberger David Gossow Josh Faust https://github.com/ros2/rviz/blob/ros2/README.md https://github.com/ros2/rviz https://github.com/ros2/rviz/issues ament_cmake qtbase5-dev rviz_assimp_vendor qtbase5-dev rviz_assimp_vendor libqt5-core libqt5-gui libqt5-opengl libqt5-widgets geometry_msgs pluginlib rclcpp resource_retriever rviz_ogre_vendor rviz_rendering rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor sensor_msgs std_msgs tf2 tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_ros tinyxml_vendor urdf ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_cmake ----- rviz_default_plugins: rviz_default_plugins Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality. William Woodall BSD Dave Hershberger David Gossow Josh Faust https://github.com/ros2/rviz/blob/ros2/README.md https://github.com/ros2/rviz https://github.com/ros2/rviz/issues ament_cmake qtbase5-dev libqt5-core libqt5-gui libqt5-opengl libqt5-widgets geometry_msgs laser_geometry nav_msgs map_msgs pluginlib rclcpp resource_retriever rviz_common rviz_rendering tinyxml_vendor urdf visualization_msgs ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_index_cpp rviz_rendering_tests rviz_visual_testing_framework ament_cmake ----- rviz_ogre_vendor: " rviz_ogre_vendor Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 MIT https://www.ogre3d.org/ ament_cmake pkg-config libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6-dev libfreetype6 libx11-dev libxaw libxrandr opengl ament_cmake " ----- rviz_rendering: rviz_rendering Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz. William Woodall BSD Dave Hershberger David Gossow Josh Faust https://github.com/ros2/rviz/blob/ros2/README.md https://github.com/ros2/rviz https://github.com/ros2/rviz/issues ament_cmake rviz_assimp_vendor rviz_ogre_vendor qtbase5-dev rviz_assimp_vendor libqt5-core libqt5-gui libqt5-opengl libqt5-widgets rviz_ogre_vendor ament_index_cpp resource_retriever eigen ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify rviz_assimp_vendor ament_cmake ----- rviz_rendering_tests: rviz_rendering_tests Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development William Woodall BSD https://github.com/ros2/rviz https://github.com/ros2/rviz/issues ament_cmake qtbase5-dev rviz_rendering resource_retriever ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_index_cpp ament_cmake ----- rviz_visual_testing_framework: rviz_visual_testing_framework 3D testing framework for RViz. William Woodall BSD Alessandro Bottero http://ros.org/wiki/rviz2 https://github.com/ros-visualization/rviz https://github.com/ros-visualization/rviz/issues ament_cmake qtbase5-dev rviz_common ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_cppcheck ament_cmake_cpplint ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_lint_cmake ament_cmake_uncrustify ament_cmake ----- rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor: " rviz_yaml_cpp_vendor Wrapper around yaml-cpp, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of it. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 MIT https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp ament_cmake ament_cmake " ----- sensor_msgs: sensor_msgs A package containing some sensor data related message and service definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- shape_msgs: shape_msgs A package containing some message definitions which describe geometric shapes. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators geometry_msgs geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- sophus: sophus C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen. https://github.com/strasdat/sophus https://github.com/strasdat/sophus/issues Daniel Stonier Hauke Strasdat MIT cmake eigen eigen cmake ----- sros2: sros2 Command line tools for managing SROS2 keys Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Morgan Quigley Mikael Arguedas ros2cli openssl ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- std_msgs: std_msgs A package containing some standard message definitions. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- std_srvs: std_srvs A package containing some standard service definitions. Dirk Thomas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- stereo_msgs: stereo_msgs A package containing some stereo camera related message definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators sensor_msgs std_msgs rosidl_default_runtime sensor_msgs std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- teleop_twist_joy: teleop_twist_joy Generic joystick teleop for twist robots. Chris Lalancette BSD http://wiki.ros.org/teleop_twist_joy Mike Purvis ament_cmake_ros geometry_msgs rclcpp sensor_msgs ament_cmake ----- teleop_twist_keyboard: teleop_twist_keyboard A robot-agnostic teleoperation node to convert keyboard commands to Twist messages. Chris Lalancette BSD License 2.0 http://wiki.ros.org/teleop_twist_keyboard Austin Hendrix Graylin Trevor Jay geometry_msgs rclpy ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 ament_python ----- test_msgs: test_msgs A package containing message definitions and fixtures used exclusively for testing purposes. Karsten Knese Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces builtin_interfaces rosidl_default_runtime ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp: " test_osrf_testing_tools_cpp Test package, which uses things exported by osrf_testing_tools_cpp. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 cmake osrf_testing_tools_cpp cmake " ----- tf2: tf2 tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. Tully Foote Eitan Marder-Eppstein Wim Meeussen Tully Foote BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf2 ament_cmake console_bridge geometry_msgs ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake ----- tf2_eigen: tf2_eigen tf2_eigen Koji Terada Tully Foote BSD ament_cmake eigen geometry_msgs tf2 tf2_ros ament_cmake_gtest eigen ament_cmake ----- tf2_geometry_msgs: tf2_geometry_msgs tf2_geometry_msgs Wim Meeussen Tully Foote BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf2_ros ament_cmake_auto geometry_msgs orocos_kdl tf2 tf2_ros ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake ----- tf2_msgs: tf2_msgs tf2_msgs Eitan Marder-Eppstein Tully Foote BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf2_msgs ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- tf2_ros: tf2_ros This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 library, for both Python and C++. Eitan Marder-Eppstein Wim Meeussen Tully Foote BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf2_ros ament_cmake geometry_msgs rclcpp std_msgs tf2 tf2_msgs geometry_msgs rclcpp std_msgs tf2 tf2_msgs rclcpp ament_cmake ----- tinyxml2_vendor: " tinyxml2_vendor Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 cmake tinyxml2 cmake " ----- tinyxml_vendor: tinyxml_vendor CMake shim over the tinxml library. Steven! Ragnarök Apache License 2.0 cmake tinyxml cmake ----- tlsf: tlsf TLSF allocator version 2.4.6 Chris Lalancette GNU Lesser Public License 2.1 Jackie Kay ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_cmake ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- tlsf_cpp: tlsf_cpp C++ stdlib-compatible wrapper around tlsf allocator and ROS2 examples Chris Lalancette GNU Lesser Public License 2.1 Jackie Kay ament_cmake ament_cmake rclcpp rmw std_msgs tlsf ament_cmake rclcpp rmw std_msgs tlsf ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake_gtest rmw_implementation_cmake ament_cmake ----- topic_monitor: topic_monitor Package containing tools for monitoring ROS 2 topics. D. Hood Apache License 2.0 rclpy launch launch_ros rclpy std_msgs ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python ----- trajectory_msgs: trajectory_msgs A package containing some robot trajectory message definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- turtlebot2_amcl: turtlebot2_amcl Demo of turtlebot2 localization with amcl. D. Hood Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake amcl ament_index_python astra_camera depthimage_to_laserscan joy launch map_server ros2run teleop_twist_joy tf2_ros turtlebot2_drivers ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- turtlebot2_cartographer: turtlebot2_cartographer Launch files for turtlebot2 cartographer demo Chris Lalancette Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake ament_index_python astra_camera cartographer_ros depthimage_to_laserscan depthimage_to_pointcloud2 joy launch ros2run teleop_twist_joy tf2_ros turtlebot2_drivers ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- turtlebot2_demo: " turtlebot2_demo Metapackage aggregating the turtlebot2 demo packages Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake depthimage_to_pointcloud2 turtlebot2_amcl turtlebot2_cartographer turtlebot2_drivers turtlebot2_follower turtlebot2_teleop ament_cmake " ----- turtlebot2_drivers: turtlebot2_drivers Set of drivers to talk to the kobuki base. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Brian Gerkey ament_cmake geometry_msgs nav_msgs rclcpp sensor_msgs tf2 tf2_ros ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- turtlebot2_follower: turtlebot2_follower A simple follower using centroid in depth images. Mikael Arguedas Apache License 2.0 Brian Gerkey ament_cmake geometry_msgs rclcpp sensor_msgs astra_camera launch ros2run turtlebot2_drivers ament_cmake ----- turtlebot2_teleop: turtlebot2_teleop Launch files for turtlebot2 teleop demo Chris Lalancette Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake joy launch ros2run teleop_twist_joy turtlebot2_drivers ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- uncrustify_vendor: uncrustify_vendor Package a newer version of uncrustify (0.61+, b6593c1, April 14th 2015). Dirk Thomas GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify ament_cmake_core ament_cmake ----- urdf: urdf This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases. Ioan Sucan Jackie Kay Chris Lalancette Shane Loretz BSD https://github.com/ros2/urdf https://github.com/ros2/urdf/issues ament_cmake_ros console_bridge tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdfdom urdfdom_headers tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdfdom urdfdom_headers tinyxml urdfdom_headers ament_lint_auto ament_lint_common ament_cmake ----- urdfdom: urdfdom A library to access URDFs using the DOM model. Steven! Ragnarök BSD Wim Meeussen John Hsu Ioan Sucan console_bridge tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdfdom_headers cmake console_bridge tinyxml tinyxml_vendor urdfdom_headers cmake ----- urdfdom_headers: urdfdom_headers C++ headers for URDF. Steven! Ragnarök BSD http://ros.org/wiki/urdf cmake console_bridge tinyxml cmake ----- vision_opencv: vision_opencv Packages for interfacing ROS2 with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. Ethan Gao BSD http://www.ros.org/wiki/vision_opencv https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv/issues https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv Patrick Mihelich James Bowman Vincent Rabaud ament_cmake cv_bridge image_geometry ament_cmake ----- visualization_msgs: visualization_msgs A package containing some visualization and interaction related message definitions. William Woodall Apache License 2.0 ament_cmake rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs std_msgs builtin_interfaces geometry_msgs rosidl_default_runtime std_msgs ament_lint_common rosidl_interface_packages ament_cmake ----- source_repo_package_xmls: { } type: cache version: 2