#!/bin/bash ## Installation script that should run in the virtual machine # copy it into the virtual machine with: # scp @ . # and run it: # sh ./install.sh # # local setting (must be adjusted) USERNAME="lukas" REPOS_PATH="home/lukas/ros-repos" HOST_IP="" # This script does the following steps: # create ssh login without password # ssh-keygen -t rsa cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh $USERNAME@$HOST_IP 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' # create prepared rosinstall file URL="ssh://$USERNAME@$HOST_IP/$REPOS_PATH" cat > fuerte-ros-base.rosinstall << EOF - git: local-name: catkin uri: $URL/catkin-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-catkin_0.4.4_lucid - git: local-name: common_msgs uri: $URL/common_msgs-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-common-msgs_1.8.7_lucid - git: local-name: gencpp uri: $URL/gencpp-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-gencpp_0.3.4_lucid - git: local-name: genlisp uri: $URL/genlisp-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-genlisp_0.3.3_lucid - git: local-name: genmsg uri: $URL/genmsg-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-genmsg_0.3.10_lucid - git: local-name: genpy uri: $URL/genpy-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-genpy_0.3.7_lucid - git: local-name: ros uri: $URL/ros-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-ros_1.8.9_lucid - git: local-name: ros_comm uri: $URL/ros_comm-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-ros-comm_1.8.12_lucid - git: local-name: roscpp_core uri: $URL/roscpp_core-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-roscpp-core_0.2.5_lucid - git: local-name: rospack uri: $URL/rospack-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-rospack_2.0.13_lucid - git: local-name: std_msgs uri: $URL/std_msgs-release version: debian/ros-fuerte-std-msgs_0.4.8_lucid EOF # run rosinstall mkdir ~/ros rosinstall --catkin ~/ros fuerte-ros-base.rosinstall # apply patch cd ~/ros/ros_comm patch -p1 << EOF diff -cr ros_comm/tools/rosbag/src/recorder.cpp ros_comm.patched/tools/rosbag/src/recorder.cpp *** ros_comm/tools/rosbag/src/recorder.cpp 2012-12-06 14:12:06.773910947 +0100 --- ros_comm.patched/tools/rosbag/src/recorder.cpp 2012-12-06 14:14:49.145917680 +0100 *************** *** 436,442 **** break; } boost::xtime xt; ! boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC); xt.nsec += 250000000; queue_condition_.timed_wait(lock, xt); if (checkDuration(ros::Time::now())) --- 436,442 ---- break; } boost::xtime xt; ! boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC_); xt.nsec += 250000000; queue_condition_.timed_wait(lock, xt); if (checkDuration(ros::Time::now())) EOF # cmake invocation cd ~/ros mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/ros/fuerte -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT=OFF # compile and install make make install # start roscore . /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.sh roscore