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# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 LG Electronics, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Configuration file for the webOS build configuration tool "mcf". The file
# specifies the name of the distribution, the supported MACHINE-s, the
# layers used in the build, and additional lines to be appended to the generated
# conf/bblayers.conf.
# The layers are specified via:
# Layers = [
# ('layer-name', priority, 'URL', 'fetch', 'working-dir'),
# ...
# ]
# where:
# layer-name = Unique identifier; it represents the layer directory containing
# conf/layer.conf.
# priority = Integer layer priority as defined by OpenEmbedded. It also
# specifies the order in which layers are searched for files.
# Larger values have higher priority. In also determines the order
# of layer updates. A value of -1 indicates that the entry is not
# for a metadata layer; for example, bitbake.
# URL = Git repository address of the layer from which to clone. A value
# of '' skips the cloning.
# fetch = Information used by Git to fetch the layer and to name the local
# branch. This item has the form:
# [branch=<remote-branch-name>][,][commit=<id>]
# The default for <remote-branch-name> is the branch pointed to by
# "origin/HEAD", which is usually "master". If "commit" is not
# present, the current head of <remote-branch-name>
# is fetched. Note that the commit fetched does not have to lie
# along <remote-branch-name>. If the value of the item is '', no
# fetch is done for the layer.
# working-dir = Alternative directory for the layer.
# If this setting is absent, version 1 is assumed.
McfFileVersion = 2
# Value for DISTRO
Distribution = "webos"
# Supported MACHINE-s
Machines = ['raspberrypi3','qemux86']
# Note that the repositories are read-only mirrors of
# the authoritative repositories on .
Layers = [
('bitbake', -1, 'git://', 'branch=1.32,commit=0193e1f', ''),
('meta', 5, 'git://', 'branch=morty,commit=4b32784', ''),
('meta-oe', 10, 'git://', 'branch=morty,commit=997caf9', ''),
('meta-multimedia', 11, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-networking', 12, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-python', 13, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-filesystems', 14, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-qt5', 20, 'git://', 'branch=krogoth,commit=dcfcb58', ''),
('meta-webos-backports-2.3', 30, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-webos-backports-2.4', 31, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-webos-backports-2.5', 32, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-webos-backports-2.6', 33, 'git://', '', ''),
('meta-ros2', 38, 'git://', 'branch=ros2pr,commit=b92ab96',''),
# build 69
('meta-webos', 40, 'git://', 'branch=master,commit=288cff4', ''),
('meta-raspberrypi', 50, 'git://', 'branch=morty,commit=2a19226', ''),
('meta-webos-raspberrypi', 51, 'git://', '', ''),
# BblayersConfExtraLines is a list of strings to be appended to the generated
# conf/bblayers.conf .
BblayersConfExtraLines = ['DISTRO ?= "' + Distribution + '"',
'ROS_DISTRO ?= "crystal"',
'ROS_SUPPORTED_MACHINES ?= "' + ' '.join(Machines) + '"'