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React Bluetooth - Name

Redux middleware to dispatch actions via bluetooth to a peripheral store

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Redux Bluetooth is a project which consists in two components: webapp middleware, is a redux middleware to dispatch actions via web bluetooth. peripheral store, is a redux store which process actions received over bluetooth and notify changes on every store change.


$ npm install redux-bluetooth



import { createSyncStore } from 'redux-bluetooth/build/webapp';

// ACTIONS, list of actions types to dispatch over bluetooth
const store = createSyncStore(ACTIONS);
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { actions } from 'redux-bluetooth/build/webapp';

import Component from './component';

const mapState = state => state;

const mapAction = {
  onConnect: actions.connectStore,

export { Component };
export default connect(mapState, mapAction)(Component);

Warning: actions.connectStore must be trigger by an user action. more info


import { connectSyncStore } from 'redux-bluetooth/build/peripheral';

// NAME, name of the peripehral
// STORE, redux store
connectSyncStore(NAME, STORE);


Set up

First, clone this repo and install example dependencies

$ git clone
$ cd redux-bluetooth
$ npm run example:install

Start Peripheral

Make sure you have your bluetooth enabled

$ npm run example:start

Open Webapp

Before starting the webapp, go to chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features, enable the highlighted flag, and restart Chrome on your mobile.

Then, Make sure you have your bluetooth enabled.

Finally, open this url on your mobile.