# This section MUST be configured SITE_NAME: "WinDy's Blog" # Admin Dashboard Management, If ADMIN_USER is blank, No One can login into Dashboard # Recommend using your personal Email, if SENDCLOUD_USER is setted, System WILL send you notification email. # For more detail, see: /app/models/comment.rb ADMIN_USER: 'admin' ADMIN_PASSWORD: 'admin' # Rails secret token, use `rake secret` to generate new one here. SECRET_TOKEN: 'e4122773d4324fce978c52cde790d84d14f7194f377aea41b7b8302d1d10150e6076a3b7e5e0c1f24ca330cf0a058482c95ea37908bba1722d0761ba5d4e566a' #locale: en or zh-CN, zh-CN is default value LOCALE: 'zh-CN' # sidekiq redis namespace, if you configure two blog in on VPS, you should change it. # default is wblog REDIS_NAMESPACE: 'wblog' # META description for SEO INTRODUCE: '这是李亚飞的博客, 李亚飞是暂住在深圳的一名 Ruby 程序员, 这里是关于技术, 创业, 生活的思考' #Website Address for footer display without http SITE_ADDRESS: 'yafeilee.com' #Website Year for footer display SITE_YEAR: '© 2012 - 2019' #Website beian for footer display SITE_BEIAN: '粤ICP备19030132号-3' # optional # google analytics, blank it if you don't need GOOGLE: '' # CDN ( optional ) CDN: '' # Email Setting, see more: /config/environments/production.rb MAIL_SERVER: '' DOMAIN_NAME: '' MAIL_USERNAME: '' MAIL_PASSWORD: ''