# nBoundaryConditons : number of global boundary conditions. # bcName : Boundary Condition Name. # bcType(in PHengLEI): Boundary Condition Type. # Account of how to set boundaryconditon. # string bcName = "Farfield"; # { # int bcType = 4; # int inflowParaType = 1; # double attackd = 0; # double refReNumber = 6.5e6; # double refMachNumber = 3.5; # double angleSlide = 0; # } int nBoundaryConditons = 5; string bcName = "Interface"; { int bcType = -1; } string bcName = "mixgridinterior"; { int bcType = -1; } string bcName = "wall"; { int bcType = 2; } string bcName = "in"; { int bcType = 5; } string bcName = "out"; { int bcType = 6; } # 'bcType' is defined as following: # 99: PERIODIC # -2: WAKE # -1: INTERFACE # 0 : NO_BOUNDARY_CONDITION # 1 : EXTRAPOLATION # 2 : SOLID_SURFACE # 3 : SYMMETRY # 4 : FARFIELD # 5 : INFLOW # 6 : OUTFLOW # 52: PRESSURE_INLET # 62: PRESSURE_OUTLET # 61: OUTFLOW_CONFINED # 7 : POLE