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This source file is part of SkyX.
Visit http://www.paradise-studios.net/products/skyx/
Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Xavier Vergu<EFBFBD>n Gonz<EFBFBD>lez <xavyiy@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
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// ------------------- SkyX volumetric clouds + lightning -----------------------
void main_vp(
// IN
float4 iPosition : POSITION,
float3 i3DCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float2 iNoiseUV : TEXCOORD1,
float iOpacity : TEXCOORD2,
// OUT
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
out float3 o3DCoord : TEXCOORD0,
out float2 oNoiseUV : TEXCOORD1,
out float oOpacity : TEXCOORD2,
out float3 oEyePixel : TEXCOORD3,
out float oDistance : TEXCOORD4,
out float4 oPositionAtt : TEXCOORD5,
uniform float4x4 uWorldViewProj,
uniform float3 uCameraPosition,
uniform float uRadius)
// Clip space position
oPosition = mul(uWorldViewProj, iPosition);
// 3D coords
o3DCoord = i3DCoord;
// Noise coords
oNoiseUV = iNoiseUV;
// Opacity
oOpacity = iOpacity;
// Eye to pixel vector
oEyePixel = normalize(iPosition.xyz - uCameraPosition);
// Distance in [0,1] range
oDistance = length(float2(iPosition.x, iPosition.z)) / uRadius;
oPositionAtt.xyz = iPosition.xyz;
oPositionAtt.w = 225.0/uRadius;
void main_fp(
// IN
float3 i3DCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float2 iNoiseUV : TEXCOORD1,
float iOpacity : TEXCOORD2,
float3 iEyePixel : TEXCOORD3,
float iDistance : TEXCOORD4,
float4 iPositionAtt : TEXCOORD5,
// OUT
out float4 oColor : COLOR,
uniform float uInterpolation,
uniform float3 uSunDirection,
uniform float3 uAmbientColor,
uniform float3 uSunColor,
uniform float4 uLightResponse,
uniform float4 uAmbientFactors,
uniform float4 uLightning0,
uniform float4 uLightning1,
uniform float4 uLightning2,
uniform float3 uLightningColor,
uniform sampler3D uDensity0 : register(s0),
uniform sampler3D uDensity1 : register(s1),
uniform sampler2D uNoise : register(s2))
// x - Sun light power
// y - Sun beta multiplier
// z - Ambient color multiplier
// w - Distance attenuation
// uLightResponse = float4(0.25,0.2,1,0.1);
// Ambient light factors
// x - constant, y - linear, z - cuadratic, w - cubic
// float4 uAmbientFactors = float4(0.4,1,1,1);
float3 Noise = tex2D(uNoise, iNoiseUV*5);
float3 Final3DCoord = i3DCoord+0.002575*(Noise-0.5f)*2;
Final3DCoord.z = saturate(Final3DCoord.z);
float3 Density0 = tex3D(uDensity0, Final3DCoord);
float3 Density1 = tex3D(uDensity1, Final3DCoord);
float3 Density = Density0*(1-uInterpolation) + Density1*uInterpolation;
float3 finalcolor = float3(0,0,0);
float Opacity = 0;
if (Density.x > 0)
float cos0 = saturate(dot(uSunDirection,iEyePixel));
float c2=cos0*cos0;
float Beta = c2*uLightResponse.y*(0.5f+2.5f*saturate(1-2*uSunDirection.y)*Density.y);
float sunaccumulation = max(0.2, saturate(Beta+Density.y*uLightResponse.x+pow(iDistance,1.5)*uLightResponse.w));
float ambientaccumulation =
saturate(uAmbientFactors.x + uAmbientFactors.y*i3DCoord.z + uAmbientFactors.z*pow(i3DCoord.z,2) + uAmbientFactors.w*pow(i3DCoord.z,3))*uLightResponse.z;
finalcolor = uAmbientColor*ambientaccumulation + uSunColor*sunaccumulation;
Opacity = (1 - exp(-Density.x*(7.5-6.5*i3DCoord.z)))*iOpacity;
float3 lightningColor = uLightningColor*2*(1-saturate(finalcolor));
// Lightning 0
finalcolor += lightningColor * uLightning0.w / (0.85 + iPositionAtt.w*length(uLightning0.xyz - iPositionAtt.xyz));
// Lightning 1
finalcolor += lightningColor * uLightning1.w / (0.85 + iPositionAtt.w*length(uLightning1.xyz - iPositionAtt.xyz));
// Lightning 2
finalcolor += lightningColor * uLightning2.w / (0.85 + iPositionAtt.w*length(uLightning2.xyz - iPositionAtt.xyz));
oColor = float4(finalcolor, Opacity);
// oColor.a = saturate(oColor.a+1)*iOpacity;
// oColor.xyz+=Noise;
//oColor.rgb*=0.0001;oColor.r = dot(uLightDirection,iEyePixel);