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* Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
#include <ignition/math/Rand.hh>
#include "gazebo/physics/physics.hh"
#include "gazebo/sensors/sensors.hh"
#include "gazebo/common/common.hh"
#include "gazebo/common/Timer.hh"
#include "gazebo/rendering/Camera.hh"
#include "gazebo/sensors/CameraSensor.hh"
#include "gazebo/test/ServerFixture.hh"
#include "scans_cmp.h"
using namespace gazebo;
class CameraSensor : public ServerFixture
std::mutex mutex;
unsigned char* img = NULL;
unsigned char* img2 = NULL;
unsigned char* img3 = NULL;
unsigned char* img4 = NULL;
int imageCount = 0;
int imageCount2 = 0;
int imageCount3 = 0;
int imageCount4 = 0;
std::string pixelFormat = "";
float *depthImg = nullptr;
void OnNewCameraFrame(int* _imageCounter, unsigned char* _imageDest,
const unsigned char *_image,
unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
unsigned int _depth,
const std::string &_format)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
pixelFormat = _format;
memcpy(_imageDest, _image, _width * _height * _depth);
*_imageCounter += 1;
void OnNewRGBPointCloud(int* _imageCounter, float* _imageDest,
const float *_image,
unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
unsigned int _depth,
const std::string &_format)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
pixelFormat = _format;
float f;
memcpy(_imageDest, _image, _width * _height * sizeof(f) * _depth * 4);
*_imageCounter += 1;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, WorldReset)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 10;
math::Pose setPose, testPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
common::Timer timer;
// let the camera render for 2 seconds at 10 Hz
int total_images = 20;
while (imageCount < total_images && timer.GetElapsed().Double() < 4)
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, total_images);
common::Time dt = timer.GetElapsed();
EXPECT_GT(dt.Double(), 1.0);
EXPECT_LT(dt.Double(), 3.0);
// reset the world and verify
physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world("default");
common::Time simTime = world->GetSimTime().Double();
EXPECT_TRUE(world->GetSimTime() == common::Time(0.0) ||
world->GetSimTime() < simTime);
// verify that the camera can continue to render and generate images at
// the specified rate
imageCount = 0;
while (imageCount < total_images && timer.GetElapsed().Double() < 4)
dt = timer.GetElapsed();
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, total_images);
EXPECT_GT(dt.Double(), 1.0);
EXPECT_LT(dt.Double(), 3.0);
delete [] img;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, MultipleCameraSameName)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn first camera sensor
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240; // 106 fps
double updateRate = 10;
ignition::math::Pose3d setPose, testPose(
ignition::math::Vector3d(-5, 0, 5),
ignition::math::Quaterniond(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.Pos(),
setPose.Rot().Euler(), width, height, updateRate);
std::string sensorScopedName =
"default::" + modelName + "::body::" + cameraName;
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName);
EXPECT_TRUE(sensor != NULL);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
EXPECT_TRUE(camSensor != NULL);
rendering::CameraPtr camera = camSensor->Camera();
EXPECT_TRUE(camera != NULL);
// spawn second camera sensor with same name but attached to a different model
std::string modelName2 = modelName + "_2";
SpawnCamera(modelName2, cameraName, setPose.Pos(),
setPose.Rot().Euler(), width, height, updateRate);
std::string sensorScopedName2 =
"default::" + modelName2 + "::body::" + cameraName;
sensors::SensorPtr sensor2 = sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName2);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, sensor2);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor2 =
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, camSensor2);
rendering::CameraPtr camera2 = camSensor2->Camera();
EXPECT_TRUE(camera2 != NULL);
// verify that the sensors and cameras are not the same
EXPECT_TRUE(camSensor != camSensor2);
EXPECT_TRUE(camera != camera2);
// get camera scene and verify camera count
rendering::ScenePtr scene = camera->GetScene();
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, scene);
EXPECT_EQ(scene->CameraCount(), 2u);
// remove the second camera sensor first and check that it does not remove
// the first one with the same name
int sleep = 0;
int maxSleep = 10;
while (sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName2) != NULL && sleep < maxSleep)
sensor2 = sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName2);
EXPECT_TRUE(sensor2 == NULL);
sensor = sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName);
EXPECT_TRUE(sensor != NULL);
// verify the first camera is still there
EXPECT_EQ(scene->CameraCount(), 1u);
EXPECT_TRUE(camera == scene->GetCamera(0));
std::string renderingCameraName = camera->Name();
// remove the first camera sensor and there should be no sensors or cameras
// left
sleep = 0;
while (sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName) != NULL && sleep < maxSleep)
sensor = sensors::get_sensor(sensorScopedName);
EXPECT_TRUE(sensor == NULL);
camera = scene->GetCamera(renderingCameraName);
EXPECT_TRUE(camera == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(scene->CameraCount(), 0u);
TEST_F(CameraSensor, CheckThrottle)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240; // 106 fps
double updateRate = 10;
math::Pose setPose, testPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c = camSensor->Camera()->ConnectNewImageFrame(
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
common::Timer timer;
// time how long it takes to get 50 images @ 10Hz
int total_images = 50;
while (imageCount < total_images)
common::Time dt = timer.GetElapsed();
double rate = static_cast<double>(total_images)/dt.Double();
gzdbg << "timer [" << dt.Double() << "] seconds rate [" << rate << "] fps\n";
EXPECT_GT(rate, 7.0);
EXPECT_LT(rate, 11.0);
delete [] img;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, FillMsg)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
// test resolution, my machine gets about 106 fps
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 0;
math::Pose setPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
msgs::Sensor msg;
// Required fields
EXPECT_EQ(msg.name(), cameraName);
EXPECT_EQ(msg.parent(), sensor->ParentName());
EXPECT_EQ(msg.type(), "camera");
// Optional fields
EXPECT_EQ(msg.always_on(), sensor->IsActive());
EXPECT_EQ(msgs::ConvertIgn(msg.pose()), sensor->Pose());
EXPECT_EQ(msg.topic(), sensor->Topic());
EXPECT_EQ(msg.update_rate(), sensor->UpdateRate());
EXPECT_EQ(msg.visualize(), sensor->Visualize());
auto cameraMsg = msg.camera();
auto cam = camSensor->Camera();
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.horizontal_fov(), cam->HFOV().Radian());
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.image_size().x(), camSensor->ImageWidth());
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.image_size().y(), camSensor->ImageHeight());
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.image_format(), cam->ImageFormat());
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.near_clip(), cam->NearClip());
EXPECT_EQ(cameraMsg.far_clip(), cam->FarClip());
TEST_F(CameraSensor, UnlimitedTest)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
// test resolution, my machine gets about 106 fps
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 0;
math::Pose setPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
common::Timer timer;
// time how long it takes to get N images
int total_images = 500;
while (imageCount < total_images)
common::Time dt = timer.GetElapsed();
double rate = static_cast<double>(total_images)/dt.Double();
gzdbg << "timer [" << dt.Double() << "] seconds rate [" << rate << "] fps\n";
EXPECT_GT(rate, 30.0);
delete [] img;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, MultiSenseHigh)
// This test is disabled because it does not work on machines with
// limited rendering capabilities.
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
// nominal resolution of multisense
unsigned int width = 2048;
unsigned int height = 1088;
double updateRate = 25;
math::Pose setPose, testPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
common::Timer timer;
// time how long it takes to get N images
int total_images = 500;
while (imageCount < total_images)
common::Time dt = timer.GetElapsed();
double rate = static_cast<double>(total_images)/dt.Double();
gzdbg << "timer [" << dt.Double() << "] seconds rate [" << rate << "] fps\n";
EXPECT_GT(rate, 24.0);
EXPECT_LT(rate, 25.0);
delete img;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, MultiSenseLow)
// This test is disabled because it does not work on machines with
// limited rendering capabilities.
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn sensors of various sizes to test speed
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
// lower resolution of multisense
unsigned int width = 1024;
unsigned int height = 544;
double updateRate = 25;
math::Pose setPose, testPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5));
common::Timer timer;
// time how long it takes to get N images
int total_images = 500;
while (imageCount < total_images)
common::Time dt = timer.GetElapsed();
double rate = static_cast<double>(total_images)/dt.Double();
gzdbg << "timer [" << dt.Double() << "] seconds rate [" << rate << "] fps\n";
EXPECT_GT(rate, 24.0);
EXPECT_LT(rate, 25.0);
delete img;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, CheckNoise)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// Spawn two cameras in the same location, one with noise and one without.
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
std::string modelNameNoisy = "camera_model_noisy";
std::string cameraNameNoisy = "camera_sensor_noisy";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 10;
double noiseMean = 0.1;
double noiseStdDev = 0.01;
math::Pose setPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
SpawnCamera(modelNameNoisy, cameraNameNoisy, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate,
"gaussian", noiseMean, noiseStdDev);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraNameNoisy);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorNoisy =
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
img2 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c2 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// Get some images
while (imageCount < 10 || imageCount2 < 10)
unsigned int diffMax = 0, diffSum = 0;
double diffAvg = 0.0;
this->ImageCompare(img, img2, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
// We expect that there will be some non-zero difference between the two
// images.
EXPECT_NE(diffSum, 0u);
// We expect that the average difference will be well within 3-sigma.
EXPECT_NEAR(diffAvg/255., noiseMean, 3*noiseStdDev);
delete[] img;
delete[] img2;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, CheckDistortion)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// Spawn 4 cameras. One has no distortion.
// The second has distortion, but all the distortion parameters are set to 0.
// The third has barrel (negative k1) distortion.
// The fourth has pincushion (positive k1) distortion.
std::string modelNameUndistorted = "camera_model_undistorted";
std::string cameraNameUndistorted = "camera_sensor_undistorted";
std::string modelNameFlat = "camera_model_flat";
std::string cameraNameFlat = "camera_sensor_flat";
std::string modelNameBarrel = "camera_model_barrel";
std::string cameraNameBarrel = "camera_sensor_barrel";
std::string modelNamePincushion = "camera_model_pincushion";
std::string cameraNamePincushion = "camera_sensor_pincushion";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 10;
math::Pose setPose(
math::Vector3(-5, 0, 5), math::Quaternion(0, GZ_DTOR(15), 0));
// spawn an undistorted camera
SpawnCamera(modelNameUndistorted, cameraNameUndistorted, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
// spawn a flat camera
SpawnCamera(modelNameFlat, cameraNameFlat, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate,
"", 0, 0, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
// spawn a camera with barrel distortion
SpawnCamera(modelNameBarrel, cameraNameBarrel, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate,
"", 0, 0, true, -0.1349, -0.51868, -0.001, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
// spawn a camera with pincushion distortion
SpawnCamera(modelNamePincushion, cameraNamePincushion, setPose.pos,
setPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate,
"", 0, 0, true, 0.1349, 0.51868, 0.001, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
sensors::SensorPtr sensorUndistorted =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorUndistorted =
sensors::SensorPtr sensorFlat =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorFlat =
sensors::SensorPtr sensorBarrel =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorBarrel =
sensors::SensorPtr sensorPincushion =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorPincushion =
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
imageCount3 = 0;
imageCount4 = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
img2 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
img3 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
img4 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c2 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c3 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount3, img3,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c4 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount4, img4,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// Get some images
while (imageCount < 10 || imageCount2 < 10 ||
imageCount3 < 10 || imageCount4 < 10)
unsigned int diffMax = 0, diffSum = 0;
double diffAvg = 0.0;
// We expect that there will be some non-zero difference between the images,
// except for the 0.0 distortion camera, which should return a completely
// identical camera to the one with no distortion tag in the SDF.
this->ImageCompare(img, img2, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
EXPECT_EQ(diffSum, 0u);
this->ImageCompare(img, img3, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
EXPECT_NE(diffSum, 0u);
this->ImageCompare(img, img4, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
EXPECT_NE(diffSum, 0u);
this->ImageCompare(img3, img4, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
EXPECT_NE(diffSum, 0u);
// Compare colors. Barrel distorted image should have more darker pixels than
// the original as the ground plane has been warped to occupy more of the
// image. The same should be true for pincushion distortion, because the
// ground plane is still distorted to be larger - just different parts
// of the image are distorted.
unsigned int colorSum = 0;
unsigned int colorSum3 = 0;
unsigned int colorSum4 = 0;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width*3; x+=3)
unsigned int r = img[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g = img[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b = img[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum += r + g + b;
unsigned int r3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum3 += r3 + g3 + b3;
unsigned int r4 = img4[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g4 = img4[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b4 = img4[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum4 += r4 + g4 + b4;
EXPECT_GT(colorSum, colorSum3);
EXPECT_GT(colorSum, colorSum4);
delete[] img;
delete[] img2;
delete[] img3;
delete[] img4;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Set a specific seed to avoid occasional test failures due to
// statistically unlikely, but possible results.
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
// Place two cameras at some distance apart and a box in between
// them. Verify they generate different images.
TEST_F(CameraSensor, CompareSideBySideCamera)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// Spawn two cameras at 2m apart.
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
std::string modelName2 = "camera_model2";
std::string cameraName2 = "camera_sensor2";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 10;
math::Pose testPose(
math::Vector3(0, 0, 0.5), math::Quaternion(0, 0, 0));
math::Pose testPose2(
math::Vector3(0, 2, 0.5), math::Quaternion(0, 0, 0));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, testPose.pos,
testPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
SpawnCamera(modelName2, cameraName2, testPose2.pos,
testPose.rot.GetAsEuler(), width, height, updateRate);
// Spawn a box in front of the cameras
SpawnBox("test_box", math::Vector3(1, 1, 1),
math::Vector3(4, 1, 0.5), math::Vector3(0, 0, 0));
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName2);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor2 =
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
unsigned char *prevImg = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
img2 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
unsigned char *prevImg2 = new unsigned char[width * height*3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c2 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
while (imageCount < 10 || imageCount2 < 10)
memcpy(prevImg, img, width * height * 3);
memcpy(prevImg2, img2, width * height * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
// Get some images
while (imageCount < 1 || imageCount2 < 1)
unsigned int diffMax12 = 0;
unsigned int diffSum12 = 0;
unsigned int diffSum = 0;
unsigned int diffSum2 = 0;
double diffAvg12 = 0.0;
unsigned int diffMax = 0;
double diffAvg = 0.0;
unsigned int diffMax2 = 0;
double diffAvg2 = 0.0;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
this->ImageCompare(img, prevImg, width, height, 3,
diffMax, diffSum, diffAvg);
this->ImageCompare(prevImg2, prevImg2, width, height, 3,
diffMax2, diffSum2, diffAvg2);
this->ImageCompare(img, img2, width, height, 3,
diffMax12, diffSum12, diffAvg12);
memcpy(prevImg, img, width * height * 3);
memcpy(prevImg2, img2, width * height * 3);
// Images from the same camera should be identical
// Allow a very small tolerance. There could be a few pixel rgb value
// changes between frames
EXPECT_LE(diffSum, 10u);
EXPECT_LE(diffSum2, 10u);
// We expect that there will some noticeable difference
// between the two different camera images.
EXPECT_NE(diffSum12, 1000000u);
EXPECT_GT(diffAvg12, 0.0);
EXPECT_GT(diffMax12, 0.0);
delete[] img;
delete[] img2;
delete[] prevImg;
delete[] prevImg2;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, PointCloud)
// world contains a point cloud camera looking at 4 boxes whose faces have
// different depth in each quadrant of the image
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// get point cloud depth camera sensor
std::string cameraName = "pointcloud_camera_sensor";
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::DepthCameraSensorPtr camSensor =
EXPECT_TRUE(camSensor != nullptr);
rendering::DepthCameraPtr depthCam = camSensor->DepthCamera();
EXPECT_TRUE(depthCam != nullptr);
unsigned int width = depthCam->ImageWidth();
unsigned int height = depthCam->ImageHeight();
EXPECT_GT(width, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(height, 0u);
imageCount = 0;
depthImg = new float[width * height * 4];
event::ConnectionPtr c = depthCam->ConnectNewRGBPointCloud(
std::bind(&::OnNewRGBPointCloud, &imageCount, depthImg,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// wait for a few images
int total_images = 10;
while (imageCount < total_images)
// get the world
physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world();
ASSERT_TRUE(world != nullptr);
// get the boxes
physics::ModelPtr boxTR = world->GetModel("tr_box");
ASSERT_TRUE(boxTR != nullptr);
physics::ModelPtr boxTL = world->GetModel("tl_box");
ASSERT_TRUE(boxTL != nullptr);
physics::ModelPtr boxBR = world->GetModel("br_box");
ASSERT_TRUE(boxTR != nullptr);
physics::ModelPtr boxBL = world->GetModel("bl_box");
ASSERT_TRUE(boxTL != nullptr);
// get distance to boxes
float boxWidth = 1.0;
float boxHalfWidth = boxWidth * 0.5;
float distToBoxTR = boxTR->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos().X() - boxHalfWidth;
float distToBoxTL = boxTL->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos().X() - boxHalfWidth;
float distToBoxBR = boxBR->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos().X() - boxHalfWidth;
float distToBoxBL = boxBL->GetWorldPose().Ign().Pos().X() - boxHalfWidth;
// verify point cloud xyz data for four unit boxes at different distance
// in front of the point cloud camera.
// camera uses openni kinect optical frame convention, see comments in
// issue #2323: x right, y down, z forward
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
// loop through the pixel values
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < width * 4; j+=4)
int idx = i * width * 4 + j;
float x = depthImg[idx];
float y = depthImg[idx+1];
float z = depthImg[idx+2];
// rgb values not valid, see issue #1865
// int rgb = depthImg[idx+3];
// left
if (j < width*4/2)
// all x values on the left side of camera should be negative and
EXPECT_LE(x, 0.0);
// top left
if (i < height/2)
EXPECT_LE(y, 0.0);
EXPECT_NEAR(z, distToBoxTL, 1e-4);
// bottom left
EXPECT_GT(y, 0.0);
EXPECT_NEAR(z, distToBoxBL, 1e-4);
// right
// all x values on the right side of camera should be positive
EXPECT_GT(x, 0.0);
// top right
if (i < height/2)
EXPECT_LE(y, 0.0);
EXPECT_NEAR(z, distToBoxTR, 1e-4);
// bottom right
EXPECT_GT(y, 0.0);
EXPECT_NEAR(z, distToBoxBR, 1e-4);
// x and y should be within the width of 2 boxes
EXPECT_GE(x, -boxWidth);
EXPECT_LE(x, boxWidth);
EXPECT_GE(y, -boxWidth);
EXPECT_LE(y, boxWidth);
delete [] depthImg;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, LensFlare)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// Get the lens flare camera model
std::string modelNameLensFlare = "camera_lensflare";
std::string cameraNameLensFlare = "camera_sensor_lensflare";
physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world();
ASSERT_TRUE(world != nullptr);
physics::ModelPtr model = world->GetModel(modelNameLensFlare);
ASSERT_TRUE(model != nullptr);
sensors::SensorPtr sensorLensFlare =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorLensFlare =
ASSERT_TRUE(camSensorLensFlare != nullptr);
// Get the lens flare camera model with scale applied
std::string modelNameLensFlareScaled = "camera_lensflare_scaled";
std::string cameraNameLensFlareScaled = "camera_sensor_lensflare_scaled";
model = world->GetModel(modelNameLensFlareScaled);
ASSERT_TRUE(model != nullptr);
sensors::SensorPtr sensorLensFlareScaled =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensorLensFlareScaled =
ASSERT_TRUE(camSensorLensFlareScaled != nullptr);
// Spawn a camera without lens flare at the same pose as
// the camera lens flare model
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
unsigned int width = camSensorLensFlare->ImageWidth();
unsigned int height = camSensorLensFlare->ImageHeight();
double updateRate = camSensorLensFlare->UpdateRate();
EXPECT_GT(width, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(height, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(updateRate, 0u);
ignition::math::Pose3d setPose = model->GetWorldPose().Ign();
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.Pos(),
setPose.Rot().Euler(), width, height, updateRate);
// get a pointer to the camera without lens flare
sensors::SensorPtr sensor =
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
ASSERT_TRUE(camSensor != nullptr);
// collect images from all 3 cameras
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
imageCount3 = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
img2 = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
img3 = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c2 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c3 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount3, img3,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// Get some images
int sleep = 0;
while ((imageCount < 10 || imageCount2 < 10 || imageCount3 < 10)
&& sleep++ < 1000)
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, 10);
EXPECT_GE(imageCount2, 10);
EXPECT_GE(imageCount3, 10);
// Compare colors.
unsigned int colorSum = 0;
unsigned int colorSum2 = 0;
unsigned int colorSum3 = 0;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width*3; x+=3)
unsigned int r = img[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g = img[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b = img[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum += r + g + b;
unsigned int r2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum2 += r2 + g2 + b2;
unsigned int r3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b3 = img3[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum3 += r3 + g3 + b3;
// camera with lens flare should be brighter than camera with scaled down
// lens flare
EXPECT_GT(colorSum, colorSum2) <<
"colorSum: " << colorSum << ", " <<
"colorSum2: " << colorSum2;
// camera with scaled down lens flare should be brighter than camera without
// lens flare
EXPECT_GT(colorSum2, colorSum3) <<
"colorSum2: " << colorSum2 << ", " <<
"colorSum3: " << colorSum3;
// test lens flare occlusion by spawning box in front of camera
// Spawn a box in front of the cameras
ignition::math::Vector3d boxPos = setPose.Pos()
+ ignition::math::Vector3d(2.5, 0, 0.5);
SpawnBox("occlusion_box", ignition::math::Vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
boxPos, ignition::math::Vector3d::Zero, true);
c = camSensorLensFlare->Camera()->ConnectNewImageFrame(
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
c2 = camSensor->Camera()->ConnectNewImageFrame(
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// Get more images
sleep = 0;
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
while ((imageCount < 10 || imageCount2 < 10) && sleep++ < 1000)
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, 10);
EXPECT_GE(imageCount2, 10);
// Lens flare should be completely occluded.
// Camera sensor with lens flare plugin should have approx the same image as
// the one without the lens flare plugin.
colorSum = 0;
colorSum2 = 0;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width*3; x+=3)
unsigned int r = img[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g = img[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b = img[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum += r + g + b;
unsigned int r2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b2 = img2[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
colorSum2 += r2 + g2 + b2;
// set tolerance to be 0.02% of total pixel values
unsigned int tol = width * height * 3 * 255 * 2e-4;
EXPECT_NEAR(colorSum, colorSum2, tol);
delete[] img;
delete[] img2;
delete[] img3;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, 16bit)
// World contains a box positioned at top right quadrant of image generated
// by a mono 16 bit camera and a color 16 bit camera.
// Verify pixel values of top right quadrant of image (corresponding to box)
// are approximately the same but different from the background's pixel
// values.
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// get L16 camera sensor
std::string l16CameraName = "l16bit_camera_sensor";
sensors::SensorPtr l16Sensor = sensors::get_sensor(l16CameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr l16CamSensor =
EXPECT_TRUE(l16CamSensor != nullptr);
rendering::CameraPtr l16Cam = l16CamSensor->Camera();
EXPECT_TRUE(l16Cam != nullptr);
unsigned int l16Width = l16Cam->ImageWidth();
unsigned int l16Height = l16Cam->ImageHeight();
EXPECT_GT(l16Width, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(l16Height, 0u);
// get rgb16 camera sensor
std::string rgb16CameraName = "rgb16bit_camera_sensor";
sensors::SensorPtr rgb16Sensor = sensors::get_sensor(rgb16CameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr rgb16CamSensor =
EXPECT_TRUE(rgb16CamSensor != nullptr);
rendering::CameraPtr rgb16Cam = rgb16CamSensor->Camera();
EXPECT_TRUE(rgb16Cam != nullptr);
unsigned int rgb16Width = rgb16Cam->ImageWidth();
unsigned int rgb16Height = rgb16Cam->ImageHeight();
EXPECT_GT(rgb16Width, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(rgb16Height, 0u);
// connect to new frame event
imageCount = 0;
imageCount2 = 0;
img = new unsigned char[l16Width * l16Height * 2];
img2 = new unsigned char[rgb16Width * rgb16Height * 3 * 2];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
event::ConnectionPtr c2 =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount2, img2,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// wait for a few images
int sleep = 0;
int maxSleep = 500;
int totalImages = 10;
while ((imageCount < totalImages || imageCount2 < totalImages)
&& sleep++ < maxSleep)
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, totalImages);
EXPECT_GE(imageCount2, totalImages);
// verify L16 camera images
uint16_t bgValue = 0;
uint16_t boxValue = 0;
uint16_t *l16Img = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(img);
// expect pixel values to be within 0.2% of valid 16bit pixel range
uint16_t tol = std::pow(2, 16) * 0.002;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < l16Height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < l16Width; ++x)
uint16_t value = l16Img[(y*l16Width)+x];
EXPECT_NE(0, value);
// box in top right quadrant of image
if (x >= l16Width / 2 && y < l16Height / 2)
// set its color if not done already
if (boxValue == 0)
boxValue = value;
// verify pixels correspond to box
EXPECT_NEAR(boxValue, value, tol);
// rest are all background
// set background color if not done already
if (bgValue == 0)
bgValue = value;
// verify pixels correspond to background
EXPECT_NEAR(bgValue, value, tol);
// expect background pixel value to be different from box pixel value
EXPECT_GT(bgValue, boxValue);
uint16_t minDiff = std::pow(2, 16) * 0.25;
uint16_t diff = bgValue - boxValue;
EXPECT_GT(diff, minDiff);
// verify RGB UINT16 camera images
uint16_t bgRValue = 0;
uint16_t bgGValue = 0;
uint16_t bgBValue = 0;
uint16_t boxRValue = 0;
uint16_t boxGValue = 0;
uint16_t boxBValue = 0;
uint16_t *rgb16Img = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(img2);
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < rgb16Height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < rgb16Width * 3; x+=3)
uint16_t r = rgb16Img[(y*rgb16Width*3)+x];
uint16_t g = rgb16Img[(y*rgb16Width*3)+x+1];
uint16_t b = rgb16Img[(y*rgb16Width*3)+x+2];
// verify gray color
EXPECT_EQ(r, g);
EXPECT_EQ(r, b);
EXPECT_NE(0, r);
EXPECT_NE(0, g);
EXPECT_NE(0, b);
// box in top right quadrant of image
if (x >= (rgb16Width*3) / 2 && y < rgb16Height / 2)
// set its color if not done already
if (boxRValue == 0 && boxGValue == 0 && boxBValue == 0)
boxRValue = r;
boxGValue = g;
boxBValue = b;
// verify pixels correspond to box
EXPECT_NEAR(boxRValue, r, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(boxGValue, g, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(boxBValue, b, tol);
// rest are all background
// set background color if not done already
if (bgRValue == 0 && bgGValue == 0 && bgBValue == 0)
bgRValue = r;
bgGValue = g;
bgBValue = b;
// verify pixels correspond to background
EXPECT_NEAR(bgRValue, r, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(bgGValue, g, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(bgBValue, b, tol);
// expect background color to be different from box color
EXPECT_GT(bgRValue, boxRValue);
EXPECT_GT(bgGValue, boxGValue);
EXPECT_GT(bgBValue, boxBValue);
uint16_t diffR = bgRValue - boxRValue;
uint16_t diffG = bgGValue - boxGValue;
uint16_t diffB = bgBValue - boxBValue;
EXPECT_GT(diffR, minDiff);
EXPECT_GT(diffG, minDiff);
EXPECT_GT(diffB, minDiff);
delete [] img;
delete [] img2;
TEST_F(CameraSensor, AmbientOcclusion)
// Make sure the render engine is available.
if (rendering::RenderEngine::Instance()->GetRenderPathType() ==
gzerr << "No rendering engine, unable to run camera test\n";
// spawn a camera
std::string modelName = "camera_model";
std::string cameraName = "camera_sensor";
unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
double updateRate = 10;
ignition::math::Pose3d setPose(
ignition::math::Vector3d(6, 0, 2),
ignition::math::Quaterniond(0, 0, 3.14));
SpawnCamera(modelName, cameraName, setPose.Pos(),
setPose.Rot().Euler(), width, height, updateRate);
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::get_sensor(cameraName);
sensors::CameraSensorPtr camSensor =
// collect images
imageCount = 0;
img = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];
event::ConnectionPtr c =
std::bind(&::OnNewCameraFrame, &imageCount, img,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
// Get some images
int sleep = 0;
while ((imageCount < 10) && sleep++ < 1000)
EXPECT_GE(imageCount, 10);
// verify image contains gray pixels
// Without the ambient occlusion plugin, it would just be a white image.
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> uniquePixel;
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width*3; x+=3)
unsigned int r = img[(y*width*3) + x];
unsigned int g = img[(y*width*3) + x + 1];
unsigned int b = img[(y*width*3) + x + 2];
EXPECT_EQ(r, g);
EXPECT_EQ(r, b);
if (uniquePixel.find(r) != uniquePixel.end())
uniquePixel[r] = ++uniquePixel[r];
uniquePixel[r] = 1;
// verify image is predominantly white but not the whole image
EXPECT_GT(uniquePixel[255], width*height*0.80);
EXPECT_LT(uniquePixel[255], width*height*0.85);
// there should be some variations of grayscale pixels
EXPECT_LT(uniquePixel.size(), 255*0.35);
delete[] img;