/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "gazebo/test/ServerFixture.hh" #include "gazebo/test/helper_physics_generator.hh" using namespace gazebo; class SpeedTest : public ServerFixture, public testing::WithParamInterface { /// \brief Spawn 500 spheres into empty.world and /// verify that real-time factor is fast enough. /// \param[in] _physicsEngine Physics engine to use. public: void BallTest(const std::string &_physicsEngine); /// \brief Spawn 500 spheres into shapes.world and /// verify that real-time factor is fast enough. /// \param[in] _physicsEngine Physics engine to use. public: void ShapesWorld(const std::string &_physicsEngine); /// \brief Unthrottle real-time update rate and call World::Step /// in an empty world. /// Verify that it goes at least 2 times faster than real-time. /// \param[in] _physicsEngine Physics engine to use. public: void UnthrottledStep(const std::string &_physicsEngine); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SpeedTest::BallTest(const std::string &_physicsEngine) { Load("worlds/empty.world", false, _physicsEngine); double emptySpeed; while ((emptySpeed = GetPercentRealTime()) == 0) common::Time::MSleep(100); common::Time::MSleep(2000); emptySpeed = GetPercentRealTime(); // Load 500 spheres into the world std::string name = "sphere"; math::Vector3 pos(0, 0, 5); for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { pos.z += i; SpawnSphere(name + boost::lexical_cast(i), pos, math::Vector3(0, 0, 0), i == 499); } common::Time::MSleep(2000); double loadedSpeed = GetPercentRealTime(); double speedRatio = loadedSpeed / emptySpeed; std::cout << "Speed: Empty[" << emptySpeed << "] Loaded[" << loadedSpeed << "] Ratio[" << speedRatio << "]\n"; #ifdef BUILD_TYPE_RELEASE EXPECT_GT(speedRatio, 0.02); #else EXPECT_GT(speedRatio, 0.01); #endif } TEST_P(SpeedTest, BallTest) { BallTest(GetParam()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SpeedTest::ShapesWorld(const std::string &_physicsEngine) { Load("worlds/shapes.world", false, _physicsEngine); double emptySpeed; while ((emptySpeed = GetPercentRealTime()) == 0) common::Time::MSleep(100); common::Time::MSleep(2000); emptySpeed = GetPercentRealTime(); // Load 500 spheres into the world std::string name = "sphere"; math::Vector3 pos(0, 0, 5); for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { pos.z += i; SpawnSphere(name + boost::lexical_cast(i), pos, math::Vector3(0, 0, 0), i == 499); } common::Time::MSleep(2000); double loadedSpeed = GetPercentRealTime(); double speedRatio = loadedSpeed / emptySpeed; std::cout << "Speed: Empty[" << emptySpeed << "] Loaded[" << loadedSpeed << "] Ratio[" << speedRatio << "]\n"; #ifdef BUILD_TYPE_RELEASE EXPECT_GT(speedRatio, 0.08); #else EXPECT_GT(speedRatio, 0.01); #endif } TEST_P(SpeedTest, ShapesWorld) { ShapesWorld(GetParam()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SpeedTest::UnthrottledStep(const std::string &_physicsEngine) { Load("worlds/empty.world", true, _physicsEngine); physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world("default"); ASSERT_TRUE(world != NULL); // Unthrottle physics updates physics::PhysicsEnginePtr physics = world->GetPhysicsEngine(); ASSERT_TRUE(physics != NULL); physics->SetRealTimeUpdateRate(0.0); double dt = physics->GetMaxStepSize(); const unsigned int steps = 2000; common::Time startTime = common::Time::GetWallTime(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { world->Step(1); } common::Time runTime = common::Time::GetWallTime() - startTime; double realTimeFactor = dt * steps / runTime.Double(); gzdbg << "realTimeFactor " << realTimeFactor << std::endl; EXPECT_GT(realTimeFactor, 2.0); RecordProperty("engine", _physicsEngine); this->Record("realTimeFactor", realTimeFactor); } TEST_P(SpeedTest, UnthrottledStep) { UnthrottledStep(GetParam()); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(PhysicsEngines, SpeedTest, PHYSICS_ENGINE_VALUES); int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }