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* *
* Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. *
* All rights reserved. Email: russ@q12.org Web: www.q12.org *
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of EITHER: *
* (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free *
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at *
* your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser *
* General Public License is included with this library in the *
* file LICENSE.TXT. *
* (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in *
* the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. *
* *
#ifndef _ODE_COMMON_H_
#define _ODE_COMMON_H_
#include <ode/odeconfig.h>
#include <ode/error.h>
#include <math.h>
//Add by zenglei@2018-11-21
//#ifndef USE_TPROW
//#define USE_TPROW
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define dDOUBLE 1
#define __ODE__ 1
#define PURE_INLINE static __inline
/* configuration stuff */
/* constants */
/* pi and 1/sqrt(2) are defined here if necessary because they don't get
* defined in <math.h> on some platforms (like MS-Windows)
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI REAL(3.1415926535897932384626433832795029)
#ifndef M_SQRT1_2
#define M_SQRT1_2 REAL(0.7071067811865475244008443621048490)
/* debugging:
* IASSERT is an internal assertion, i.e. a consistency check. if it fails
* we want to know where.
* UASSERT is a user assertion, i.e. if it fails a nice error message
* should be printed for the user.
* AASSERT is an arguments assertion, i.e. if it fails "bad argument(s)"
* is printed.
* DEBUGMSG just prints out a message
#ifndef dNODEBUG
# if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
# define __FUNCTION__ __func__
# endif
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define dIASSERT(a) if (!(a)) dDebug (d_ERR_IASSERT, \
"assertion \"" #a "\" failed in %s() [%s]",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__);
# define dUASSERT(a,msg) if (!(a)) dDebug (d_ERR_UASSERT, \
msg " in %s()", __FUNCTION__);
# define dDEBUGMSG(msg) dMessage (d_ERR_UASSERT, \
msg " in %s() File %s Line %d", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,__LINE__);
# else /* not __GNUC__*/
# define dIASSERT(a) if (!(a)) dDebug (d_ERR_IASSERT, \
"assertion \"" #a "\" failed in %s:%d",__FILE__,__LINE__);
# define dUASSERT(a,msg) if (!(a)) dDebug (d_ERR_UASSERT, \
msg " (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
# define dDEBUGMSG(msg) dMessage (d_ERR_UASSERT, \
msg " (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
# endif
# define dIASSERT(a) ;
# define dUASSERT(a,msg) ;
# define dDEBUGMSG(msg) ;
#define dAASSERT(a) dUASSERT(a,"Bad argument(s)")
/* Macro used to suppress unused variable warning*/
#define dVARIABLEUSED(a) ((void)a)
/* floating point data type, vector, matrix and quaternion types */
#if defined(dSINGLE)
typedef float dReal;
#ifdef dDOUBLE
#error You can only #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE, not both.
#endif /* dDOUBLE */
#elif defined(dDOUBLE)
typedef double dReal;
#error You must #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE
/* Detect if we've got both trimesh engines enabled. */
#error You can only #define dTRIMESH_OPCODE or dTRIMESH_GIMPACT, not both.
#endif /* dTRIMESH_ENABLED */
/* Define a type for indices, either 16 or 32 bit, based on build option
TODO: Currently GIMPACT only supports 32 bit indices.*/
typedef uint32 dTriIndex;
typedef uint16 dTriIndex;
#endif /* dTRIMESH_GIMPACT*/
typedef uint32 dTriIndex;
#endif /* dTRIMESH_16BIT_INDICES*/
/* round an integer up to a multiple of 4, except that 0 and 1 are unmodified
* (used to compute matrix leading dimensions)
#define dPAD(a) (((a) > 1) ? ((((a)-1)|3)+1) : (a))
/* these types are mainly just used in headers */
typedef dReal dVector3[4];
typedef dReal dVector4[4];
typedef dReal dMatrix3[4*3];
typedef dReal dMatrix4[4*4];
typedef dReal dMatrix6[8*6];
typedef dReal dQuaternion[4];
/* precision dependent scalar math functions */
#if defined(dSINGLE)
#define REAL(x) (x ## f) /* form a constant */
#define dRecip(x) ((1.0f/(x))) /* reciprocal */
#define dSqrt(x) (sqrtf(x)) /* square root */
#define dRecipSqrt(x) ((1.0f/sqrtf(x))) /* reciprocal square root */
#define dSin(x) (sinf(x)) /* sine */
#define dCos(x) (cosf(x)) /* cosine */
#define dFabs(x) (fabsf(x)) /* absolute value */
#define dAtan2(y,x) (atan2f(y,x)) /* arc tangent with 2 args */
#define dFMod(a,b) (fmodf(a,b)) /* modulo */
#define dFloor(x) floorf(x) /* floor */
#define dCeil(x) ceilf(x) /* floor */
#define dCopySign(a,b) ((dReal)copysignf(a,b)) /* copy value sign */
#define dNextAfter(x, y) nextafterf(x, y) /* next value after */
float _nextafterf(float x, float y);
#ifdef HAVE___ISNANF
#define dIsNan(x) (__isnanf(x))
#elif defined(HAVE__ISNANF)
#define dIsNan(x) (_isnanf(x))
#elif defined(HAVE_ISNANF)
#define dIsNan(x) (isnanf(x))
fall back to _isnan which is the VC way,
this may seem redundant since we already checked
for _isnan before, but if isnan is detected by
configure but is not found during compilation
we should always make sure we check for __isnanf,
_isnanf and isnanf in that order before falling
back to a default
#define dIsNan(x) (_isnan(x))
#elif defined(dDOUBLE)
#define REAL(x) (x)
#define dRecip(x) (1.0/(x))
#define dSqrt(x) sqrt(x)
#define dRecipSqrt(x) (1.0/sqrt(x))
#define dSin(x) sin(x)
#define dCos(x) cos(x)
#define dFabs(x) fabs(x)
#define dAtan2(y,x) atan2((y),(x))
#define dFMod(a,b) (fmod((a),(b)))
#define dFloor(x) floor(x)
#define dCeil(x) ceil(x)
#define dCopySign(a,b) (copysign((a),(b)))
#define dNextAfter(x, y) nextafter(x, y)
#ifdef HAVE___ISNAN
#define dIsNan(x) (__isnan(x))
#elif defined(HAVE__ISNAN)
#define dIsNan(x) (_isnan(x))
#elif defined(HAVE_ISNAN)
#define dIsNan(x) (isnan(x))
#define dIsNan(x) (_isnan(x))
#error You must #define dSINGLE or dDOUBLE
/* internal object types (all prefixed with `dx') */
struct dxWorld; /* dynamics world */
struct dxSpace; /* collision space */
struct dxBody; /* rigid body (dynamics object) */
struct dxGeom; /* geometry (collision object) */
struct dxJoint;
struct dxJointNode;
struct dxJointGroup;
struct dxWorldProcessThreadingManager;
struct dxWorldProcessContext;
typedef struct dxWorld *dWorldID;
typedef struct dxSpace *dSpaceID;
typedef struct dxBody *dBodyID;
typedef struct dxGeom *dGeomID;
typedef struct dxJoint *dJointID;
typedef struct dxJointGroup *dJointGroupID;
typedef struct dxWorldProcessThreadingManager *dWorldStepThreadingManagerID;
typedef struct dxWorldProcessContext *dWorldStepContextID;
/* error numbers */
enum {
d_ERR_UNKNOWN = 0, /* unknown error */
d_ERR_IASSERT, /* internal assertion failed */
d_ERR_UASSERT, /* user assertion failed */
d_ERR_LCP /* user assertion failed */
/* joint type numbers */
typedef enum {
dJointTypeNone = 0, /* or "unknown" */
} dJointType;
/* an alternative way of setting joint parameters, using joint parameter
* structures and member constants. we don't actually do this yet.
typedef struct dLimot {
int mode;
dReal lostop, histop;
dReal vel, fmax;
dReal fudge_factor;
dReal bounce, soft;
dReal suspension_erp, suspension_cfm;
} dLimot;
enum {
dLimotLoStop = 0x0001,
dLimotHiStop = 0x0002,
dLimotVel = 0x0004,
dLimotFMax = 0x0008,
dLimotFudgeFactor = 0x0010,
dLimotBounce = 0x0020,
dLimotSoft = 0x0040
/* standard joint parameter names. why are these here? - because we don't want
* to include all the joint function definitions in joint.cpp. hmmmm.
* MSVC complains if we call D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES_X with a blank second argument,
* which is why we have the D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES macro as well. please copy and
* paste between these two.
#define D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES(start) \
/* parameters for limits and motors */ \
dParamLoStop = start, \
dParamHiStop, \
dParamVel, \
dParamFMax, \
dParamFudgeFactor, \
dParamBounce, \
dParamCFM, \
dParamStopERP, \
dParamStopCFM, \
/* parameters for suspension */ \
dParamSuspensionERP, \
dParamSuspensionCFM, \
dParamERP, \
\var dParamGroup This is the starting value of the different group
(i.e. dParamGroup1, dParamGroup2, dParamGroup3)
It also helps in the use of parameter
(dParamGroup2 | dParamFMax) == dParamFMax2
#define D_ALL_PARAM_NAMES_X(start,x) \
dParamGroup ## x = start, \
/* parameters for limits and motors */ \
dParamLoStop ## x = start, \
dParamHiStop ## x, \
dParamVel ## x, \
dParamFMax ## x, \
dParamFudgeFactor ## x, \
dParamBounce ## x, \
dParamCFM ## x, \
dParamStopERP ## x, \
dParamStopCFM ## x, \
/* parameters for suspension */ \
dParamSuspensionERP ## x, \
dParamSuspensionCFM ## x, \
dParamERP ## x,
enum {
dParamsInGroup, /*< Number of parameter in a group*/
/* add a multiple of this constant to the basic parameter numbers to get
* the parameters for the second, third etc axes.
/* angular motor mode numbers */
enum {
dAMotorUser = 0,
dAMotorEuler = 1
/* joint force feedback information */
typedef struct dJointFeedback {
dVector3 f1; /* force applied to body 1 */
dVector3 t1; /* torque applied to body 1 */
dVector3 f2; /* force applied to body 2 */
dVector3 t2; /* torque applied to body 2 */
} dJointFeedback;
/* private functions that must be implemented by the collision library:
* (1) indicate that a geom has moved, (2) get the next geom in a body list.
* these functions are called whenever the position of geoms connected to a
* body have changed, e.g. with dBodySetPosition(), dBodySetRotation(), or
* when the ODE step function updates the body state.
void dGeomMoved (dGeomID);
dGeomID dGeomGetBodyNext (dGeomID);
* dGetConfiguration returns the specific ODE build configuration as
* a string of tokens. The string can be parsed in a similar way to
* the OpenGL extension mechanism, the naming convention should be
* familiar too. The following extensions are reported:
* ODE_single_precision
* ODE_double_precision
* ODE_EXT_no_debug
* ODE_EXT_trimesh
* ODE_EXT_opcode
* ODE_EXT_gimpact
* ODE_EXT_malloc_not_alloca
* ODE_EXT_gyroscopic
* ODE_OPC_16bit_indices
* ODE_OPC_new_collider
ODE_API const char* dGetConfiguration (void);
* Helper to check for a token in the ODE configuration string.
* Caution, this function is case sensitive.
* @param token A configuration token, see dGetConfiguration for details
* @return 1 if exact token is present, 0 if not present
ODE_API int dCheckConfiguration( const char* token );
#ifdef __cplusplus