
213 lines
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2019-03-25 11:01:43 +08:00
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="fixed_joint_reduction_test_model">
<link name="world"/>
<!-- trivial fixed joint reduction, coincident cg's
expect mass=300, origin = zeros
ixx = 7, iyy = 9, izz = 11 -->
<joint name="joint01" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1"/>
<link name="link1">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1"/>
<child link="link2"/>
<link name="link2">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>
<!-- trivial fixed joint reduction, coincident cg's
cancelling offsets in joint12a and link2a
expect mass=300, origin = zeros
ixx = 7, iyy = 9, izz = 11 -->
<joint name="joint01a" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1a"/>
<link name="link1a">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12a" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="1 2 3"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1a"/>
<child link="link2a"/>
<link name="link2a">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-1 -2 -3"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>
<!-- trivial fixed joint reduction, coincident cg's
cancelling rotations in joint12a and link2a
expect mass=300, origin = zeros
ixx = 7, iyy = 9, izz = 11 -->
<joint name="joint01b" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1b"/>
<link name="link1b">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12b" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0.1 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1b"/>
<child link="link2b"/>
<link name="link2b">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="-0.1 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>
<!-- fixed joint reduction, 2nd c.g. translate 0.3 in x
expect mass=300, origin = 0.2, 0, 0
ixx = 7, iyy = 15, izz = 17 -->
<joint name="joint01c" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1c"/>
<link name="link1c">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12c" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1c"/>
<child link="link2c"/>
<link name="link2c">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.3 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>
<!-- fixed joint reduction, 2nd c.g. translate 0.3 in x
expect mass=300, origin = 0.2, 0, 0
ixx = 7, iyy = 15, izz = 17 -->
<joint name="joint01d" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1d"/>
<link name="link1d">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12d" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.3 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1d"/>
<child link="link2d"/>
<link name="link2d">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>
<!-- fixed joint reduction, 2nd c.g. translate 0.3 in x
expect mass=300, origin = 0.2, 0, 0
ixx = 7, iyy = 15, izz = 17 -->
<joint name="joint01e" type="continuous">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="link1e"/>
<link name="link1e">
<mass value="100"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="2" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="3" iyz="0" izz="4"/>
<joint name="joint12e" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 1.57079632679" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<axis xyz="0 1 0"/> <!-- in child (link1) frame -->
<limit lower="0" upper="0" velocity="1000" effort="10000"/>
<parent link="link1e"/>
<child link="link2e"/>
<link name="link2e">
<mass value="200"/>
<origin rpy="0 0 -1.57079632679" xyz="0 -0.3 0"/>
<inertia ixx="5" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="6" iyz="0" izz="7"/>