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Model Movement Plugin

This plugin example demonstates moving a model to a specified set of goal points.

The movement is not kinematic aware as it uses Pose Animation described in this tutorial.

Build Instructions

From this directory

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make

Run Instructions

There are several ways to interact with the animation. Below you can find how to run the standalone example, which defines the animation programatically. It is also possible to define the animation parameters in the SDF file.

Run the standalone publisher

  1. Go to the build directory and run gazebo with the example world

    $ cd build
    $ gazebo ../model_move.world
  2. Publish the path publisher

    open a new terminal
    $ cd build
    $ ./path_publisher

Use predefined animation from the SDF file

Go to the build directory and run gazebo with the example world

$ cd build
$ gazebo ../model_move_with_movement.world

To change the input parameters, you can modify the world file sdf:

<goals> container of the list of poses to be reached by the model
<pose> 6 floats (position, orientation) to be treated as goals

Example (in sdf file):

<plugin name="model_move" filename="libmodel_move.so">
    <pose>5 5 0 0 0 0</pose>
    <pose>5 -5 0 0 0 0</pose>
    <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>