import torch import os import sys import shutil import argparse os.environ["PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF"] = "max_split_size_mb:128" def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--base_path", type=str, help="base model path", required=True) parser.add_argument("--delta_path", type=str, help="the lora model path", required=True) parser.add_argument("--merge_path", type=str, help="merge the base and lora model as one models", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() return args def merge_lora_models(args): scale = 64 # model = torch.load(f"/home/wangxvjia/9g_models/llama_fin_new/checkpoints-epoch-4/") model = torch.load(args.delta_path) dic = {} num = 0 allocated_mem = torch.cuda.memory_allocated() print(f"allocated GPU memory: {allocated_mem/1024**3} GB") for key, value in model.items(): print(key) print(value.shape) layer_list = key.split('.') layer = ".".join(layer_list[:-1]) if layer in dic: other = dic[layer].cuda() value = value.cuda() if layer_list[-1] == "lora_B": other =, other).cpu() alpha = scale / value.shape[1] else : other =, value).cpu() dic.update({layer: other}) else: dic.update({layer: value}) print("end") print(f"alpha: {scale} | weight: {alpha}") torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("begin") base_model = torch.load(args.base_path ,map_location=torch.device('cpu')) # base_model = torch.load("/data/public/opensource_models/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-mc/",map_location=torch.device('cpu')) for key, value in base_model.items(): layer_list = key.split('.') layer = ".".join(layer_list[:-1]) + ".lora" value = value.cuda() if layer in dic: print(layer) other = dic[layer].cuda() value = torch.add(value, alpha * other.half()).detach().cpu() print(value) value = value.cpu() base_model.update({key: value}) #, f"/home/wangxvjia/9g_models/cpm_fin_new_1e4/fin/"), args.merge_path) exit(0) if __name__=='__main__': args = get_args() merge_lora_models(args)