Move generation of status json and png to separate classes
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins;
import com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection.GitLabConnectionProperty;
import com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook.StatusJsonAction;
import com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook.StatusPngAction;
import hudson.Extension;
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ import org.gitlab.api.models.GitlabBranch;
import org.gitlab.api.models.GitlabCommit;
import org.gitlab.api.models.GitlabMergeRequest;
import org.gitlab.api.models.GitlabProject;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
@ -78,25 +81,25 @@ public class GitLabWebHook implements UnprotectedRootAction {
public void getDynamic(final String projectName, final StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse res) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebHook called with url: {0}", req.getRestOfPath());
final Iterator<String> restOfPathParts = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings().split(req.getRestOfPath()).iterator();
final Job<?, ?>[] projectHolder = new Job<?, ?>[] { null };
final AbstractProject<?, ?>[] projectHolder = new AbstractProject<?, ?>[] { null };
ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance();
if (jenkins != null) {
Item item = jenkins.getItemByFullName(projectName);
while (item instanceof ItemGroup<?> && !(item instanceof Job<?, ?>) && restOfPathParts.hasNext()) {
while (item instanceof ItemGroup<?> && !(item instanceof AbstractProject<?, ?>) && restOfPathParts.hasNext()) {
item = jenkins.getItem(, (ItemGroup<?>) item);
if (item instanceof Job<?, ?>) {
projectHolder[0] = (Job<?, ?>) item;
if (item instanceof AbstractProject<?, ?>) {
projectHolder[0] = (AbstractProject<?, ?>) item;
final Job<?, ?> project = projectHolder[0];
final AbstractProject<?, ?> project = projectHolder[0];
if (project == null) {
throw HttpResponses.notFound();
@ -153,22 +156,11 @@ public class GitLabWebHook implements UnprotectedRootAction {
String lastPath = paths.get(paths.size()-1);
String firstPath = paths.get(0);
if(lastPath.equals("status.json") && !firstPath.equals("!builds")) {
String commitSHA1 = paths.get(1);
this.generateStatusJSON(commitSHA1, project, req, res);
new StatusJsonAction(project, paths.get(1)).execute(res);
} else if(lastPath.equals("build") || (lastPath.equals("status.json") && firstPath.equals("!builds"))) {
this.generateBuild(theString, project, req, res);
} else if(lastPath.equals("status.png")) {
String branch = req.getParameter("ref");
String commitSHA1 = req.getParameter("sha1");
try {
this.generateStatusPNG(branch, commitSHA1, project, req, res);
} catch (ServletException e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500,"Could not generate an image.");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500,"Could not generate an image.");
new StatusPngAction(project, req.getParameter("sha1"), req.getParameter("ref")).execute(res);
} else if((firstPath.equals("commits") || firstPath.equals("builds")) && !lastPath.equals("status.json")) {
Run build = this.getBuildBySHA1(project, lastPath, true);
redirectToBuildPage(res, build);
@ -194,119 +186,6 @@ public class GitLabWebHook implements UnprotectedRootAction {
private GitSCM getGitSCM(SCMTriggerItem item) {
if(item != null) {
for(SCM scm : item.getSCMs()) {
if(scm instanceof GitSCM) {
return (GitSCM) scm;
return null;
private void generateStatusJSON(String commitSHA1, Job project, StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) {
SCMTriggerItem item = SCMTriggerItems.asSCMTriggerItem(project);
GitSCM gitSCM = getGitSCM(item);
if(gitSCM == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This repo does not use git.");
Run mainBuild = this.getBuildBySHA1(project, commitSHA1, true);
JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
object.put("sha", commitSHA1);
if(mainBuild == null) {
try {
object.put("status", "pending");
this.writeJSON(rsp, object);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500,"Could not generate response.");
object.put("id", mainBuild.getNumber());
Result res = mainBuild.getResult();
//TODO: add status of pending when we figure it out.
if(mainBuild.isBuilding()) {
object.put("status", "running");
}else if(res == Result.ABORTED) {
object.put("status", "canceled");
}else if(res == Result.SUCCESS) {
object.put("status", "success");
}else {
object.put("status", "failed");
try {
this.writeJSON(rsp, object);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500,"Could not generate response.");
private void generateStatusPNG(String branch, String commitSHA1, Job project, final StaplerRequest req, final StaplerResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException {
SCMTriggerItem item = SCMTriggerItems.asSCMTriggerItem(project);
GitSCM gitSCM = getGitSCM(item);
if(gitSCM == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This repo does not use git.");
Run mainBuild = null;
if(branch != null) {
mainBuild = this.getBuildByBranch(project, branch);
} else if(commitSHA1 != null) {
mainBuild = this.getBuildBySHA1(project, commitSHA1, false);
String baseUrl = Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl();
// Remove trailing slash
if (baseUrl.endsWith("/")) {
baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, baseUrl.length() - 1);
String imageUrl = "images/unknown.png";
if(null != mainBuild) {
Result res = mainBuild.getResult();
if(mainBuild.isBuilding()) {
imageUrl = "images/running.png";
}else if(res == Result.SUCCESS) {
imageUrl = "images/success.png";
}else if(res == Result.FAILURE) {
imageUrl = "images/failed.png";
}else if(res == Result.UNSTABLE) {
imageUrl = "images/unstable.png";
}else {
imageUrl = "images/unknown.png";
Authentication old = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
try {
URL resourceUrl = new URL(Jenkins.getInstance().getPlugin("gitlab-plugin").getWrapper().baseResourceURL + imageUrl);
||||"serving image "+resourceUrl.toExternalForm());
rsp.setHeader("Expires","Fri, 01 Jan 1984 00:00:00 GMT");
rsp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, private");
rsp.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/png");
hudson.util.IOUtils.copy(new File(resourceUrl.toURI()), rsp.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500,"Could not generate response.");
} finally {
* Take the GitLab Data and parse through it.
* {
@ -610,27 +489,6 @@ public class GitLabWebHook implements UnprotectedRootAction {
return null;
* @param rsp The stapler response to write the output to.
* @throws IOException
private void writeJSON(StaplerResponse rsp, JSONObject jsonObject) throws IOException {
PrintWriter w = rsp.getWriter();
if(jsonObject == null) {
} else {
public static class GitlabWebHookCrumbExclusion extends CrumbExclusion {
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.Build;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData;
import hudson.scm.SCM;
import hudson.util.HttpResponses;
import jenkins.triggers.SCMTriggerItem;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
* @author Robin Müller
public abstract class BuildStatusAction implements WebHookAction {
private final AbstractProject<?, ?> project;
public BuildStatusAction(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
this.project = project;
public void execute(StaplerResponse response) {
SCMTriggerItem item = SCMTriggerItem.SCMTriggerItems.asSCMTriggerItem(project);
if (!hasGitSCM(item)) {
throw HttpResponses.error(409, "The project has no GitSCM configured");
AbstractBuild<?, ?> build = retrieveBuild(project);
writeStatusBody(response, build, getStatus(build));
protected abstract AbstractBuild<?, ?> retrieveBuild(AbstractProject<?, ?> project);
protected abstract void writeStatusBody(StaplerResponse response, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildStatus status);
private boolean hasGitSCM(SCMTriggerItem item) {
if(item != null) {
for(SCM scm : item.getSCMs()) {
if(scm instanceof GitSCM) {
return true;
return false;
private BuildStatus getStatus(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) {
if (build == null) {
return BuildStatus.PENDING;
} else if (build.isBuilding()) {
return BuildStatus.RUNNING;
} else if (build.getResult() == Result.ABORTED) {
return BuildStatus.CANCELED;
} else if (build.getResult() == Result.SUCCESS) {
return BuildStatus.SUCCESS;
} else if (build.getResult() == Result.UNSTABLE) {
return BuildStatus.UNSTABLE;
} else {
return BuildStatus.FAILED;
protected enum BuildStatus {
PENDING("pending"), RUNNING("running"), CANCELED("canceled"), SUCCESS("success"), FAILED("failed"), UNSTABLE("failed");
private String value;
BuildStatus(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.Build;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData;
import hudson.util.HttpResponses;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
* @author Robin Müller
public class StatusJsonAction extends BuildStatusAction {
private String commitSHA1;
public StatusJsonAction(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, String commitSHA1) {
this.commitSHA1 = commitSHA1;
protected void writeStatusBody(StaplerResponse response, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildStatus status) {
try {
JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
object.put("sha", commitSHA1);
if (build != null) {
object.put("id", build.getNumber());
object.put("status", status.getValue());
writeBody(response, object);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500, "Failed to generate response");
protected AbstractBuild<?, ?> retrieveBuild(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
for (AbstractBuild build : project.getBuilds()) {
BuildData data = build.getAction(BuildData.class);
if (data != null && data.lastBuild != null) {
if (data.lastBuild.isFor(commitSHA1)) {
return build;
return null;
private void writeBody(StaplerResponse response, JSONObject body) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.plugins.git.Branch;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.Build;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.MergeRecord;
import hudson.util.HttpResponses;
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
import org.acegisecurity.Authentication;
import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
* @author Robin Müller
public class StatusPngAction extends BuildStatusAction {
private final String commitSHA1;
private final String branchName;
public StatusPngAction(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, String commitSHA1, String branchName) {
this.commitSHA1 = commitSHA1;
this.branchName = branchName;
protected void writeStatusBody(StaplerResponse response, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildStatus status) {
Authentication old = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
try {
URL resourceUrl = new URL(Jenkins.getInstance().getPlugin("gitlab-plugin").getWrapper().baseResourceURL + getStatusImageUrl(status));
response.setHeader("Expires","Fri, 01 Jan 1984 00:00:00 GMT");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, private");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/png");
hudson.util.IOUtils.copy(new File(resourceUrl.toURI()), response.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw HttpResponses.error(500, "Could not generate response.");
} finally {
protected AbstractBuild<?, ?> retrieveBuild(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
if (branchName != null) {
return getBuildByBranch(project, branchName);
} else {
return getBuildBySHA1(project, commitSHA1);
private AbstractBuild<?, ?> getBuildByBranch(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, String branchName) {
for (AbstractBuild<?, ?> build : project.getBuilds()) {
BuildData data = build.getAction(BuildData.class);
MergeRecord merge = build.getAction(MergeRecord.class);
if (hasLastBuild(data) && isNoMergeBuild(data, merge)) {
for (Branch branch : data.lastBuild.getRevision().getBranches()) {
if (branch.getName().endsWith("/" + branchName)) {
return build;
return null;
private AbstractBuild<?, ?> getBuildBySHA1(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, String sha1) {
for (AbstractBuild build : project.getBuilds()) {
BuildData data = build.getAction(BuildData.class);
MergeRecord merge = build.getAction(MergeRecord.class);
if (hasLastBuild(data) && isNoMergeBuild(data, merge)) {
if (data.lastBuild.isFor(sha1)) {
return build;
return null;
private boolean isNoMergeBuild(BuildData data, MergeRecord merge) {
return merge == null || merge.getSha1().equals(data.lastBuild.getMarked().getSha1String());
private boolean hasLastBuild(BuildData data) {
return data != null && data.lastBuild != null && data.lastBuild.getRevision() != null;
private String getStatusImageUrl(BuildStatus status) {
if(status == BuildStatus.RUNNING) {
return "images/running.png";
} else if (status == BuildStatus.SUCCESS) {
return "images/success.png";
} else if (status == BuildStatus.FAILED) {
return "images/failed.png";
} else if (status == BuildStatus.UNSTABLE) {
return "images/unstable.png";
} else {
return "images/unknown.png";
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.webhook;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
* @author Robin Müller
public interface WebHookAction {
void execute(StaplerResponse response);
Reference in New Issue