gitlab-jenkins-plugin ===================== This plugin emulates Jenkins as a GitlabCI Web Service to be used with GitlabHQ. [![Build Status](]( [![Gitter chat](]( Current Supported GitLabCI Functions ===================== * `/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1/status.json` * `/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?ref=BRANCH_NAME` * `/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?sha1=COMMIT_SHA1` * `/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1` redirects to build page. * `/project/PROJECT_NAME` In order for it to build properly on push you need to add this as a seperate web hook for just merge requests. Major Help Needed ===================== I would like this project to be able to handle building merge requests and regular pushes. In order to do this I need a way to configure the git plugin via code to merge two branches together before a build. Much like the in the git plugin, we need a class that takes to branches, a source and a target, and can be passed as a build action. I have started an issue for the Git plugin here: If you know of a way to do this please PM on twitter at @bass_rock. All the other necessary code exists in this repo and works. Using it With A Job ===================== * Create a new job by going to ``New Job`` * Set the ``Project Name`` * Feel free to specify the ``GitHub Project`` url as the url for the Gitlab project (if you have the GitHub plugin installed) * In the ``Source Code Management`` section: * Click ``Git`` and enter your Repositroy URL and in Advanced set its Name to ``origin`` * In ``Branch Specifier`` enter ``origin/${sourceBranch}`` * In the ``Additional Behaviours`` section: * Click the ``Add`` drop down button and the ``Merge before build`` item * Specify the name of the repository as ``origin`` (if origin corresponds to Gitlab) and enter the ``Branch to merge to`` as ``${targetBranch}`` * In the ``Build Triggers`` section: * Check the ``Build when a change is pushed to GitLab.`` * In GitLab go to the project ``Settings`` * Click on ``Services`` * Click on ``GitLab CI`` * For ``token`` put any random string (This is not yet functioning) * For ``Project URL`` put ``http://JENKINS_URL/project/PROJECT_NAME`` * Click on ``Web Hooks`` * Add a ``Web Hook`` for ``Merge Request Events`` to ``http://JENKINS_URL/project/PROJECT_NAME`` (GitLab for some reason does not send a merge request event with the GitLab Service) * Configure any other pre build, build or post build actions as necessary * ``Save`` to preserve your changes You can trigger a job a manually by clicking ``This build is parameterized`` and adding the relevant build parameters. These include: * sourceBranch * targetBranch * branch (This is optional and can be used in shell scripts for the branch being built by the push request) Help Needed ===================== * `/projects/` - seems to be already used by Jenkins, A way to use this path would be awesome * `?token=XYZ` - Can not find a way to include a token parameter on an AbstractProject to security check without an extra plugin configuration * `/PROJECT_NAME/` should really be /PROJECT_ID_NUMBER/ - Can not find a project id number on an AbstractProject to use here instead. Known Issues ===================== * GitLab CI Merge Status pages says pending when there is no build scheduled, or the status is unknown. This is because I coded a workaround until this bug gets resolved: Contributing ===================== 1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/gitlab-jenkins-plugin/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request Contributors ===================== * @bass_rock, base ground work, primary developer. * @DABSquared, company sponsoring development. * @xaniasd, suggested a temporary work around for merge requests on Gitter.