# Table of Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [User support](#user-support) - [Known bugs/issues](#known-bugsissues) - [Supported GitLab versions](#supported-gitlab-versions) - [Configuring access to GitLab](#configuring-access-to-gitlab) - [Jenkins Job Configuration](#jenkins-job-configuration) - [Gitlab Configuration (>= 8.1)](#gitlab-configuration) - [Branch filtering](#branch-filtering) - [Build Tags](#build-tags) - [Parameterized builds](#parameterized-builds) - [Contributing to the Plugin](#contributing-to-the-plugin) - [Quick test environment setup using Docker](#quick-test-environment-setup-using-docker) - [Access GitLab](#access-gitlab) - [Access Jenkins](#access-jenkins) - [Release Workflow](#release-workflow) # Introduction This plugin allows GitLab to trigger builds in Jenkins after code is pushed and/or after a merge request is created and/or after an existing merge request was merged/closed, and report build status back to GitLab. # Seeking maintainers We are seeking new maintainers for the plugin! The existing codebase is clean and well-tested thanks to a lot of hard work done by former lead maintainer [coder-hugo,](https://github.com/coder-hugo) but he is no longer using GitLab and does not have spare time to keep working on the plugin. We're looking for an active GitLab user and experienced Java programmer to take over as lead maintainer. The main work necessary at this point is resolving minor bugs and maintaining support for new versions of GitLab. If you're interested, reach out to [Owen](https://github.com/omehegan) - email address in the project's commit log. # User support If you have a problem or question about using the plugin, please make sure you are using the latest version. Then create an issue in the GitHub project if necessary. New issues should include the following: * GitLab plugin version (e.g. 1.2.0) * GitLab version (e.g. 8.1.1) * Jenkins version (e.g. 1.651.1) * Relevant log output from the plugin (see below for instructions on capturing this) Version 1.2.0 of the plugin introduced improved logging for debugging purposes. To enable it: 1. Go to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> System Log 2. Add new log recorder 3. Enter 'Gitlab plugin' or whatever you want for the name 4. On the next page, enter 'com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins' for Logger, set log level to FINEST, and save 5. Then click on your Gitlab plugin log, click 'Clear this log' if necessary, and then use GitLab to trigger some actions 6. Refresh the log page and you should see output You can also try chatting with us in the #gitlab-plugin channel on the Freenode IRC network. # Known bugs/issues This is not an exhaustive list of issues, but rather a place for us to note significant bugs that may impact your use of the plugin in certain circumstances. For most things, please search the [Issues](https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/issues) section and open a new one if you don't find anything. * [#272](https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/issues/272) - Plugin version 1.2.0+ does not work with GitLab Enterprise Edition < 8.8.3, due to a bug on their side. * Jenkins versions 1.651.2 and 2.3 removed the ability of plugins to set arbitrary job parameters that are not specifically defined in each job's configuration. This was an important security update, but it has broken compatibility with some plugins, including ours. See [here](https://jenkins.io/blog/2016/05/11/security-update/) for more information and workarounds if you are finding parameters unset or empty that you expect to have values. * [#473](https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/issues/473) - When upgrading from plugin versions older than 1.2.0, you must upgrade to that version first, and then to the latest version. Otherwise, you will get a NullPointerException in com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.matchers.IdMatcher after you upgrade. See the linked issue for specific instructions. # Supported GitLab versions * GitLab versions 8.1.x and newer (both CE and EE editions) are supported via the GitLab commit status API which supports with external CI services like Jenkins * Versions older than 8.1.x may work but are no longer officially supported # Configuring access to GitLab Optionally, the plugin communicates with the GitLab server in order to fetch additional information. At this moment, this information is limited to fetching the source project of a Merge Request, in order to support merging from forked repositories. To enable this functionality, a user should be set up on GitLab, with GitLab 'Developer' permissions, to access the repository. You will need to give this user access to each repo you want Jenkins to be able to clone. Log in to GitLab as that user, go to its profile, and copy its secret API key. On the Global Configuration page in Jenkins, supply the GitLab host URL, e.g. ``http://your.gitlab.server.`` Click the 'Add' button to add a credential, choose 'GitLab API token' as the kind of credential, and paste your GitLab user's API key into the 'API token' field. Testing the connection should succeed. ## Jenkins Job Configuration ### Git configuration for Freestyle jobs 1. In the *Source Code Management* section: 1. Click *Git* 2. Enter your *Repository URL*, such as ``git@your.gitlab.server:gitlab_group/gitlab_project.git`` * In the *Advanced* settings, set *Name* to ``origin`` and *Refspec* to ``+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*`` 3. In order to merge from forked repositories:
**Note:** this requires [configuring communication to the GitLab server](#configuring-access-to-gitlab) * Click *Add Repository* to specify the merge request source repository. Then specify: * *URL*: ``${gitlabSourceRepoURL}`` * In the *Advanced* settings, set *Name* to ``${gitlabSourceRepoName}``. Leave *Refspec* blank. 4. In *Branch Specifier* enter: * For single-repository workflows: ``origin/${gitlabSourceBranch}`` * For forked repository workflows: ``merge-requests/${gitlabMergeRequestIid}`` 5. In *Additional Behaviours*: * Click the *Add* drop-down button * Select *Merge before build* from the drop-down * Set *Name of repository* to ``origin`` * Set *Branch to merge* as ``${gitlabTargetBranch}`` **Note:** Since version **1.2.0** the *gitlab-plugin* sets the gitlab hook values through *environment variables* instead of *build parameters*. To set default values, consult [EnvInject Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/EnvInject+Plugin). ### Git configuration for Pipeline/Workflow jobs **Incompatibility note:** When upgrading to version 1.2.1 or later of the plugin, if you are using Pipeline jobs you will need to manually reconfigure your Pipeline scripts. In older versions the plugin set global Groovy variables that could be accessed as e.g. ${gitlabSourceBranch}. After version 1.2.1, these variables are only accessible in the env[] map. E.g. ${env.gitlabSourceBranch}. * A Jenkins Pipeline bug will prevent the Git clone from working when you use a Pipeline script from SCM. It works if you use the Jenkins job config UI to edit the script. There is a workaround mentioned here: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-33719 * Use the Snippet generator, General SCM step, to generate sample Groovy code for the git checkout/merge etc. * Example that performs merge before build: `checkout changelog: true, poll: true, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "origin/${env.gitlabSourceBranch}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'PreBuildMerge', options: [fastForwardMode: 'FF', mergeRemote: 'origin', mergeStrategy: 'default', mergeTarget: "${env.gitlabTargetBranch}"]]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[name: 'origin', url: 'git@mygitlab:foo/testrepo.git']]]` ### Git configuration for Multibranch Pipeline/Workflow jobs **Note:** none of the GitLab environment variables are available for mulitbranch pipeline jobs as there is no way to pass some additional data to a multibranch pipeline build while notifying a multibranch pipeline job about SCM changes. Due to this the plugin just listens for GitLab Push Hooks for multibranch pipeline jobs; Merge Request hooks are ignored. 1. Click **Add source** 2. Select **Git** 3. Enter your *Repository URL* (e.g.: ``git@your.gitlab.server:group/repo_name.git``) 4. Unlike other job types, there is no 'Trigger' setting required for a Multibranch job configuration; just create a webhook in GitLab for push requests which points to ``http://JENKINS_URL/project/PROJECT_NAME`` Example `Jenkinsfile` for multibranch pipeline jobs ``` // Reference the GitLab connection name from your Jenkins Global configuration (http://JENKINS_URL/configure, GitLab section) properties([gitLabConnection(' gitlabCommitStatus {