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2024-10-14 09:32:17 +08:00
// P P H H E NN N G L E I +
// P H H E N N N G G L E I +
// Platform for Hybrid Engineering Simulation of Flows +
// China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center +
// (C) Copyright, Since 2010 +
//! @file MixedGas.h
//! @brief Explain this file briefly.
//! @author Meng Liyuan, Li Peng.
#pragma once
#include "Precision.h"
#include "Gas.h"
#include "Geo_StructGrid.h"
#include "Geo_UnstructGrid.h"
#include "ChemModel.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace PHSPACE
class DataContainer;
namespace GAS_SPACE
const RDouble chem_temp_diff = 1.0e-8;
const int chem_pres_iter_max = 1000;
class ThermodynamicFunction
int number_of_polynomial_coefficient;
int number_of_temperature_interval;
RDouble **polynomial_coefficient;
RDouble *enthalpyFitCoefficient;
RDouble **polynomial_coefficientT2;
int GetNumberOfPolynomialCoefficient() const { return number_of_polynomial_coefficient; }
void SetNumberOfPolynomialCoefficient(int number_of_polynomial_coefficient) { this->number_of_polynomial_coefficient = number_of_polynomial_coefficient; }
void Init(int number_of_temperature_interval, int number_of_polynomial_coefficient);
RDouble * GetPolynomialCoefficient(int i_temperature_interval) { return polynomial_coefficient[i_temperature_interval]; }
RDouble * GetPolynomialCoefficientT2(int i_temperature_interval) { return polynomial_coefficientT2[i_temperature_interval]; }
RDouble * GetEnthalpyFitCoefficient() { return enthalpyFitCoefficient; }
void ReadPolynomialCoefficient(fstream &file);
void CreatePolynomialCoefficient(RDouble **curveFitData, RDouble **curveFitDataT2, RDouble *enthalpyFitData);
void ReadPolynomialCoefficient(DataContainer *cdata);
void WritePolynomialCoefficient(DataContainer *cdata);
class ThermodynamicManager
int numberOfSpecies;
int numberOfTemperatureInterval, numberofpolynomialcoefficient;
ThermodynamicFunction **thermoDynamicFunction;
RDouble *temperatureRange;
RDouble *temperatureStart;
void Init(int numberOfSpecies);
void Read(fstream &file);
void GenerateData(vector<string> &namelist);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
RDouble * GetEnthalpyFitCoefficient(int iSpecies);
RDouble * GetPolynomialCoefficient(int iSpecies, int itemperature);
RDouble * GetPolynomialCoefficientT2(int iSpecies, int itemperature);
void GetTemperatureRangeIndex(const RDouble &temperature_dimensional, int &indexOfTemperatureRange);
RDouble GetTemperatureMin();
RDouble GetTemperatureMax();
int GetNumberofPolynomialCoefficient();
RDouble GetBenchmarkTemperature(int iSpecies);
class ReactionRate
int numberOfReaction;
RDouble *afr, *bfr, *cfr, *abr, *bbr, *cbr;
void Init(int numberOfReaction);
void Read(fstream &file);
//! To generate the reaction rate coefficient of curve fitting method.
//! Param[in]: reationCoef denotes the array of saving the chemical reaction coefficient of each reaction equation.
void Create(RDouble **reationCoef);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
RDouble * GetForwardReactionRateCoefficientA() { return afr; }
RDouble * GetForwardReactionRateCoefficientB() { return bfr; }
RDouble * GetForwardReactionRateCoefficientC() { return cfr; }
RDouble * GetBackwardReactionRateCoefficientA() { return abr; }
RDouble * GetBackwardReactionRateCoefficientB() { return bbr; }
RDouble * GetBackwardReactionRateCoefficientC() { return cbr; }
class StoichiometricEquation
int numberOfReaction, numberOfSpecies;
int **cvp, **cvn;
RDouble **cpz;
int *reactionType;
bool *isCollisionType;
void Init(int numberOfReaction, int numberOfSpecies);
void Read(fstream &file);
void Create(int **forwardCoef, int **backwardCoef, RDouble **collisionCoef, int **reactionFlag);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
int * GetChemicalReactionType() { return reactionType; }
bool * GetCollisionReactionFlag() { return isCollisionType; }
int ** GetForwardReactionStoichiometricCoefficient() const { return cvp; }
int ** GetBackwardReactionStoichiometricCoefficient() const { return cvn; }
RDouble ** GetReactionStoichiometricThirdBodyCoefficient() const { return cpz; }
class CurveFitsMethod
int numberOfSpecies;
//The curve fit coefficients of blottner method.
RDouble *blotter_ai, *blotter_bi, *blotter_ci, *blotter_di, *blotter_ei;
//The curve fit coefficients of average collision areas of species couples.
RDouble *omega_ai, *omega_bi, *omega_ci, *omega_di;
//The curve fit coefficients of vibrational excitation rate of electron collision-N2.
RDouble *curvefit_av, *curvefit_bv, *curvefit_cv;
//The curve fit coefficients of effective collision cross-sectional area between the electron and neutral heavy particle.
//The sorting sequence of the neutral heavy particle is O, O2, NO, N and N2.
RDouble *curvefit_aes, *curvefit_bes, *curvefit_ces;
void Init(int numberOfSpecies, int nGasModel = 0);
void Read(fstream &file);
void GenerateData(vector<string> &namelist);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
//!Obtain the array of curve fit coefficients that is used to compute the viscosities of species.
RDouble * GetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficientA() const { return blotter_ai; }
RDouble * GetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficientB() const { return blotter_bi; }
RDouble * GetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficientC() const { return blotter_ci; }
RDouble * GetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficientD() const { return blotter_di; }
RDouble * GetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficientE() const { return blotter_ei; }
//! Set the curve fitting data of Blotter viscosity.
//! @param[in ]: speciesName is an array of saving the names of species.
//! @param[in ]: nSpecies is the number of the total species.
//void SetBlotterCurveFittingCoefficients(string *speciesName, int nSpecies);
//void SetGuptaCurveFittingCoefficients(string *speciesName, int nSpecies);
//!Obtain the array of curve fit coefficients that is used to compute the average collision areas of species couples.
RDouble * GetOmegaCurveFittingCoefficientA() const { return omega_ai; }
RDouble * GetOmegaCurveFittingCoefficientB() const { return omega_bi; }
RDouble * GetOmegaCurveFittingCoefficientC() const { return omega_ci; }
RDouble * GetOmegaCurveFittingCoefficientD() const { return omega_di; }
//!Set the curve fit coefficients of vibrational excitation rate of electron collision-N2.
void SetNitrogenVibrationalExcitationRate();
//!Obtain the array of curve fit coefficients that is used to compute the vibrational excitation rate of electron collision-N2.
RDouble * GetNitrogenVibrationalExcitationRateA() const { return curvefit_av; }
RDouble * GetNitrogenVibrationalExcitationRateB() const { return curvefit_bv; }
RDouble * GetNitrogenVibrationalExcitationRateC() const { return curvefit_cv; }
//!Set the curve fit coefficients of effective collision cross-sectional area between the electron and neutral heavy particle.
void SetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalAreaCurveFits(int nGasModel = 0);
void SetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalAreaCurveFits(vector<string> &namelist);
//!Obtain the array of curve fit coefficients that is used to compute the effective collision cross-sectional area between the electron and neutral heavy particle.
RDouble * GetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalAreaCurveFitsA() const { return curvefit_aes; }
RDouble * GetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalAreaCurveFitsB() const { return curvefit_bes; }
RDouble * GetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalAreaCurveFitsC() const { return curvefit_ces; }
class SchmidtNumber
int numberOfSpecies;
RDouble *scl, *sct, *oscl, *osct;
void Init(int numberOfSpecies);
//void Read(fstream &file);
void ComputeSpeciesSchmidtNumber(int *ionTypeOfSpecies);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
RDouble * GetLaminarSchmidtNumber() const { return scl; }
RDouble * GetTurbulentSchmidtNumber() const { return sct; }
RDouble * GetLaminarSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const { return oscl; }
RDouble * GetTurbulentSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const { return osct; }
//! Define the struct to store thermodynamic properties.
typedef struct{
//! The type is used to identify electron, monatom and polyatom.
int nType;
//! The degeneracy.
int gs0, gs1;
//! The characteristic temperature of vibration mode.
//RDouble Tvs;
VibrationModeData Tvs;
//! The characteristic temperature of electron mode.
RDouble Tes;
//! The enthalpy of formation.
RDouble hs0;
class MolecularProperty
int numberOfSpecies;
RDouble *molecularWeightDimensional, *molecularWeight, *oMolecularWeightDimensional, *oMolecularWeight;
RDouble *characteristicTemperatureOfSpecies;
RDouble *mass_fraction_reference;
string *name_of_species;
int *ionTypeOfSpecies;
RDouble *collisionCrossSection;
SchmidtNumber *schmidt_number;
//! The thermodynamic parameters of species in the mixed gas.
Thermo_Param *thermodynamicProperties;
void Init(int numberOfSpecies);
void Read(fstream &file);
void GenerateData(vector<string> &namelist, vector<RDouble> &initMassFractions);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
//! Obtain the nondimensional molecular weight of the mixture gas.
RDouble * GetMolecularWeight() const { return molecularWeight; }
RDouble * GetMolecularWeightReciprocal() const { return oMolecularWeight; }
//! Obtain the dimensional molecular weight of the mixture gas whose unit is kg/mol.
RDouble * GetMolecularWeightDimensional() const { return molecularWeightDimensional; }
RDouble * GetMolecularWeightReciprocalDimensional() const { return oMolecularWeightDimensional; }
RDouble * GetInitialMassFraction() const { return mass_fraction_reference; }
string * GetNameOfSpecies() const { return name_of_species; }
RDouble * GetLaminarSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const;
RDouble * GetTurbulentSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const;
//! To obtain the thermodynamic properties of species.
Thermo_Param * GetThermodynamicProperties() const { return thermodynamicProperties; }
int * GetIonTypeOfSpecies() const { return ionTypeOfSpecies; }
class MixedGas : public Gas
FluidParameter referenceParameterDimensional; //! Ref
ThermodynamicManager *thermodynamicManager; //! Ppolynomial fitting for Species Energy
ReactionRate *reactionRate; //! kb<6B><62>kf
StoichiometricEquation *stoichiometricEquation; //! Equation coef for matrix
CurveFitsMethod *CurveFits; //! Curve fitting for viscosity<74><79>collision section
MolecularProperty *molecularProperty; //! Species characteristic parameter
int nm, nl, numberOfSpecies, numberOfReaction, nchem, ntmodel, nEquation;
int nTEnergyModel; //! 0 indicates Energy level method , 1 is for curve fitting method.
int nSpeciesEquation; //! The number of species equation.
int nElectronIndex; //! The index of electron in the array.
int nNitrogenIndex; //! The index of nitrogen in the array.
int nLastSpeciesIndex; //! The index of the key species with the maximum mass fraction in the array.
int nGasModel; //! nGasModel = 0 indicates the gas of Earth, nGasModel = 1 is for gas of Mars.
int nSpeciesLimit ;
int mTT;
int mTV;
int mTE;
int nEnergyRecycle;
int nIsChemicalFreeze;
int nIsSuperCatalytic;
int nChemcalSourceModified;
int nChemcalSourceEsMethod;
int nDensityForWallMethod;
RDouble electronMass;
RDouble electronMassDimension;
RDouble reynoldsReferenceLengthDimensional;
RDouble coefficientOfStateEquation; //universal gas constant, R
RDouble oprl, oprt;
RDouble referenceEnergy;
RDouble referenceSpecificHeat;
//! The power of translational-rotational temperature in the Park's V-D(Vibration-Dissociation) coupling model.
RDouble parkVDPower; //the value is in range of [0.0, 1.0].
RDouble chemicalRelaxCorf;
RDouble veTemperatureMin;
RDouble veTemperatureMinNonDimensional;
RDouble trTemperatureMin;
RDouble trTemperatureMinNonDimensional;
RDouble maxViscous;
RDouble lnMaximum;
// int nMaxStepTemperature, precisionTemperature;
void GetReferenceParameters(FluidParameter &refParam) { refParam = referenceParameterDimensional; }
int GetSpeciesEquationNumber() const { return nSpeciesEquation; }
int GetNitrogenIndex() const { return nNitrogenIndex; }
int GetElectronIndex() const { return nElectronIndex; }
void SetSpeciesEquationNumber(int ns) { nSpeciesEquation = ns; }
void SetNitrogenIndex(int nn) { nNitrogenIndex = nn; }
void SetElectronIndex(int ne) { nElectronIndex = ne; }
void SetElectronMolecularWeight(RDouble me) { electronMass = me; }
RDouble GetElectronMolecularWeight() const { return electronMass; }
RDouble GetDimensionalElectronMolecularWeight() const { return electronMassDimension; }
int GetNSEquationNumber() const { return nm; }
int GetLaminarNumber() const { return nl; }
int GetTemperatureModel() const { return ntmodel; }
int GetChemicalType() const { return nchem; }
int GetnLastSpeciesIndex() const { return nLastSpeciesIndex; }
RDouble * GetInitMassFraction() const { return molecularProperty->GetInitialMassFraction(); }
virtual RDouble * GetMolecularWeightDimensional() const { return molecularProperty->GetMolecularWeightDimensional(); }
RDouble ComputeReferenceTotalEnthalpy();
int GetmTT() const { return mTT; }
int GetmTV() const { return mTV; }
int GetmTE() const { return mTE; }
int GetnEnergyRecycle() const { return nEnergyRecycle; }
int GetnChemcalSourceModified() const { return nChemcalSourceModified; }
int GetGasModelType() { return this->nGasModel; }
int GetnDensityForWallMethod() const { return nDensityForWallMethod; }
RDouble *moleFractions;
RDouble *massFractions;
RDouble *speciesViscosity;
RDouble *speciesWeight;
RDouble *speciesCp;
RDouble *speciesCv;
RDouble *speciesEnthalpy;
RDouble *speciesEnergyTr;
RDouble *speciesEnergyVb;
RDouble *speciesEnergyEe;
RDouble *speciesConductivity;
RDouble *workSpecies;
RDouble *dfsdx;
RDouble *dfsdy;
RDouble *dfsdz;
RDouble *fvis;
Thermo_Energy Thermo_Energy_temparay; //! Energy parameter.
RDouble *maximumSpecies; //! The maximum of each Specie.
RDouble **polynomialCoefT2; //! The interpolation coefficients for the polynomial in the two-temperature model.
RDouble GetTemperatureMin();
RDouble GetTemperatureMax();
Thermo_Energy *GetThermo_Energy_temparay() { return &Thermo_Energy_temparay; }
void AllocateWorkingSpace();
void DeAllocateWorkingSpace();
void InitCommonParameter();
void InitOtherParameter();
void ComputeReferenceParameter();
void ComputeReferenceTsuth();
void ComputeReferenceViscosityDimensionalChemical();
void ComputeReferenceSpecificHeatRatio();
void ComputeReferenceGeneralGasConstant();
void ComputeReferenceSpecificHeatRatioWithChemical();
void ComputeReferenceViscosityDimensionalNoChemical();
void ComputeReferenceViscosityDimensional();
void ComputeReferenceGasInformation();
void ComputeReferenceSoundVelocity();
void ComputeReferenceInitMassFractionInformation();
void ComputeReferenceMolecularInformation();
void ComputeReferenceMolecularInformationWithChemical();
void ComputeReferenceMolecularInformationWithoutChemical();
void ComputeReferenceVelocity();
void ComputeReferenceReynoldsNumber();
void ComputeProperReynoldsNumberForGrid();
void ComputeOtherProperParameterForGrid();
RDouble ComputeReferenceReynoldsNumberFromTotalPT(void);
void ComputeDensityWithReynoldsNumber();
void ComputePressureInGasStateEquation();
void InitReferenceParameter();
void InitNumberOfSpecies();
void ComputeCoefficientOfStateEquation();
void Print();
//! Obtain the T, p, rho and c by the height (Rg=287.053, gamma=1.4 are used). However, only the T and p is useful.
//! The other two variables will be recomputed to be compatible with the condition of chemical reactions existing.
void SetAirInformationByDataBase();
//! Obtain the T, p, rho and c by the T0, P0, Ma (Rg=287.053, gamma=1.4 are used). However, only the T and p is useful.
//!The other two variables will be recomputed to be compatible with the condition of chemical reactions existing.
void SetAirInformationByExpData();
//! This function is mainly for the average density of the mixture in chemical reactions,
//! The value of mixture density has little difference with that of no chemical reaction, which can be ignored.
void NormalizeAirInformation();
void ComputeReferencePrimitive();
void CreateAllDataClass(int numberOfSpecies, int numberOfReaction);
void Read(fstream &file);
void Read(DataContainer *cdata);
void Write(DataContainer *cdata);
void SetMaximumSpecies(RDouble *mass_fraction_ref);
void CompressData(DataContainer *&cdata);
void DecompressData(DataContainer *cdata);
RDouble * GetLaminarSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const;
RDouble * GetTurbulentSchmidtNumberReciprocal() const;
//! To obtain the laminar Schmidt number of each component.
void GetLaminarSchmidtNumber(RDouble *Scl) const;
//! To obtain the turbulent Schmidt number of each component.
void GetTurbulentSchmidtNumber(RDouble *Sct) const;
//! To obtain the molecular weight of each component.
RDouble * GetMolecularWeight() const { return molecularProperty->GetMolecularWeight(); }
int GetNumberOfSpecies() const { return numberOfSpecies; }
void SetNumberOfSpecies(int numberOfSpecies) { this->numberOfSpecies = numberOfSpecies; }
void InitGlobalParameterOfNSEquation();
void ReadGasModel(fstream &file);
//! To Generate the gas model.
void GenerateGasModel(string chemicalModel);
void GetNameList(vector<string> &namelist, vector<RDouble> &initMassFraction);
void InitGasModel();
//! To import the data of gas model from file.
void ReadGasModel();
void GetTemperatureRangeIndex(const RDouble &temperature_dimensional, int &indexOfTemperatureRange);
RDouble GetCoefficientOfStateEquation() { return coefficientOfStateEquation; }
string * GetNameOfSpecies() const;
void GetElectronMolecularWeightAndMassFraction(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble &ce, RDouble &Me);
//! Compute pressure when the total interal energy e is known.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is the array that stores the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama is the specific heat ratio.
//! @param[in ]: internalEnergy denotes the total internal energy that equals to the density multiplies the specific internal energy.
//! @param[in ]: temperature denotes the translation-rotation temperature in the one-temperature model.
//! @param[out]: pressure is the returned value that denotes the pressure of the mixed gas.
void GetPressure(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble gama, RDouble internalEnergy, RDouble temperature, RDouble &pressure);
//! Compute temperatures and pressure in the next time-advancing step.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars denotes the array that stores the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: internalEnergy denotes the total internal energy that equals to the density multiplies the specific internal energy.
//! @param[in/out]: temperature denotes the array of temperatures in the current time-advancing step and next time-advancing step.
//! As input parameter, temperature indicates the temperature of the current time-advancing step. Meanwhile,
//! it denotes the temperature of the next time-advancing step as output parameter.
//! @param[out]: pressure denotes the pressure of the mixed gas.
void GetTemperatureAndPressure(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble internalEnergy, RDouble *temperature, RDouble &pressure);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional enthalpy of each species in accordance with the temperature of mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: temperature denotes the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesEnthaly saves the non-dimensional static enthalpy of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesEnthalpy(RDouble temperature, RDouble *speciesEnthaly);
//! To obtain the dimensional total enthalpy of each species in accordance with the temperature of mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: temperature denotes the dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesEnthaly saves the dimensional total enthalpy of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesEnthalpyDimensional(RDouble temperature, RDouble *speciesEnthaly);
void ComputeSpeciesEnergy(RDouble temperature, RDouble *speciesEnergy);
void ComputeSpeciesEnergyDimensional(RDouble temperature, RDouble *speciesEnergy);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional molecular weight of the mixture gas in accordace with the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array saving the mass fraction of each species.
RDouble GetMixedGasMolecularWeight(RDouble *massFraction);
// !To obtain the non-dimensional molecular weight of the mixture gas eliminating electron.
// !@param[in ]: massFraction is an array saving the mass fraction of each species.
// !@param[out]: ceDivideMe is the value of the electron mass fraction dividing the electron molecular weight.
RDouble GetMixedGasMolecularWeightReciprocalWithoutElectron(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble &ceDivideMe);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional universal gas constant called R = 8.314J/(mol*K).
RDouble GetUniversalGasConstant();
//! To obtain the static enthalpy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array saving the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: temperature denotes the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of static enthalpy of mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixtureGasEnthalpy(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble temperature);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional constant pressure specific heat called cp according to the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array saving the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: mixedcp denotes the non-dimensional constant pressure specific heat of the mixture gas.
void ComputeConstantPressureSpecificHeatByMassFraction(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble temperature, RDouble &mixedcp);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional constant pressure specific heat called cp of each species by fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: cpSpecies is an array saving the non-dimensional constant pressure specific heat of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesConstantPressureSpecificHeat(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cpSpecies);
//! To obtain the dimensional constant pressure specific heat called cp[J/(kg*K)] of each species by fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: cpSpeciesDimensional is an array saving the dimensional constant pressure specific heat of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesConstantPressureSpecificHeatDimensional(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cpSpeciesDimensional);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional constant volume specific heat called cv according to the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array saving the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: mixedGasCv denotes the non-dimensional constant volume specific heat of the mixture gas.
void ComputeConstantVolumeSpecificHeatByMassFraction(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble temperature, RDouble &mixedGasCv);
//! To obtain the dimensional constant volume specific heat called cv[J/(kg*K)] of each species by fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: cvSpeciesDimensional is an array saving the dimensional constant volume specific heat of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesConstantVolumeSpecificHeatDimensional(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cvSpeciesDimensional);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional constant volume specific heat called cv of each species by fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: cvSpecies is an array saving the non-dimensional constant volume specific heat of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesConstantVolumeSpecificHeat(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cvSpecies);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional viscosity of each species according to the Blotter fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: viscosityOfSpecies is an array saving the non-dimensional viscosity of each species.
void ComputeOneTemperatureModelSpeciesViscosity(RDouble temperature, RDouble *viscosityOfSpecies);
//! To obtain the dimensional viscosity of each species according to the Blotter fitting formula.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: viscosityOfSpeciesDimensional is an array saving the dimensional viscosity of each species [N*s/m2]
void ComputeOneTemperatureModelSpeciesViscosityDimensional(RDouble temperature, RDouble *viscosityOfSpeciesDimensional);
void ComputeSpeciesEnthalpy(RDouble temperature, RDouble *speciesCv, RDouble *speciesE, RDouble *speciesH);
void ComputeMixtureByMassFraction(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble *mixtureOfSpecies, RDouble &mixture);
void ComputeMixtureByPrimitive(RDouble *prim, RDouble *mixtureOfSpecies, RDouble &mixture);
void ComputeMixtureCoefficientByWilkeFormula(RDouble *moleFractionOfSpecies, RDouble *chem_var, RDouble *chem_phi);
void ComputeMixtureByWilkeFormula(RDouble *moleFractionOfSpecies, RDouble *mixtureOfSpecies, RDouble *phiOfSpecies, RDouble &mixture);
//! To obtain the mass fraction of each species according to other fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: fractionOfSpecies is an array of saving the fraction of each specie,such as mole fraction,volume fraction.
void MassFractionConversion(RDouble *fractionOfSpecies);
//! To obtain the mole fraction of each species according to the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: massFractionOfSpecies is an array of saving the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[out]: moleFractionOfSpecies is an array of saving the mole fraction of each species.
void ComputeMoleFractionByMassFraction(RDouble *massFractionOfSpecies, RDouble *moleFractionOfSpecies);
//! To compute the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas in accordance with primary variables saving in the array of prim.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: temperature is the non-dimensional value of temperature.
void ComputeTemperature(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &temperature);
//! To compute the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas in accordance with primary variables saving in the array of prim.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[out]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of vibration temperature.
//! @param[out]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
void GetTemperature(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &transRotationTemperature, RDouble &vibrationTemperature, RDouble &electronTemperature);
void GetTemperatureR(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &transRotationTemperature, RDouble &vibrationTemperature, RDouble &electronTemperature);
//! To obtain the mass fraction of the last species with the label ns-1.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
void NormalizePrimitive(RDouble *primitiveVariables);
//! Compute the molecular weight reciprocal of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: massReciprocal denotes the reciprocal of the molecular weight.
void ComputeMolecularWeightReciprocal(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &massReciprocal);
void ComputeMolecularWeightReciprocalDimensional(RDouble *prim, RDouble &omavDimensional);
//! Compute the specific heat at constant pressure using the Eucken method.
//! @param[out]: cpSpecies is an array to saving the specific heat at constant pressure of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesConstantPressureSpecificHeatByEuckenFormula(RDouble *cpSpecies);
//! Compute the static enthalpy with the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama is the specific heat ratio.
//! @param[out]: enthalpy denotes the static enthalpy.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the translation-rotation temperature, vibration temperature and the electron temperature.
void ComputeEnthalpyByPrimitive(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble gama, RDouble &enthalpy, RDouble *temperatures);
//! To obtain the total energy E = e + 1/2*V2.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables, gama is the specific heat ratio of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is non-dimensional value of vibration temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[OUT]: totalEnergy denotes the total internal energy of the mixed gas.
void ComputeInternalEnergy(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble gama, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble &totalEnergy);
//! To compute the total enthalpy and the difference of the static enthalpy.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama is the specific heat ratio.
//! @param[in ]: deltaQ is an array to saving the differences of the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: deltaEnthalpy denotes the difference of static enthalpy.
//! @param[out]: totalEnthalpy denotes the total enthalpy.
void ComputeDHAndTotalEnthalpy(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &gama, RDouble *deltaQ, RDouble &deltaEnthalpy, RDouble &totalEnthalpy);
//! This function is used for perfect gas and single temperature model.
//! To compute the total enthalpy and the variable dh in the function MXDQ_STD(). dh=b2, b2 denotes the coefficient \n
//! of the vector M*dQ which can be referred to the forumla (A.7) and (A.8) in the appendix A of the PHengLEI Theory manual.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama is the specific heat ratio.
//! @param[in ]: deltaQ is an array to saving the differences of the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: totalEnthalpy denotes the total enthalpy.
//! @param[out]: deltaEnthalpy denotes the difference of static enthalpy.
void ComputeTotalEnthalpyAndDH(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &gama, RDouble *deltaQ, RDouble &totalEnthalpy, RDouble &deltaEnthalpy);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture gas according to the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: suthTemperature denotes the temperature value in the Sutherland fomula.
//! @param[out]: viscosity is the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture gas [N*s/m2].
void ComputeViscosityByPrimitive(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &transRotationTemperature, RDouble &electronTemperature, RDouble &suthTemperature, RDouble &viscosity);
//! To Compute the viscosity, heat conductivity and mass diffusion coefficient.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the array of temperature for each temperature model.
//! @param[out]: viscosity is the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: heatConductivity denotes the array of heat conductivity for each mode.
//! @param[out]: rhoDs denotes the array of mass diffusion coefficients for each species.
void ComputeTransportCoefficients(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *temperature, RDouble visTurbulence, RDouble &viscosity, RDouble *heatConductivity, RDouble *rhoDs);
void ComputeTransportCoefficientsR(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *temperature, RDouble *speciesCps, RDouble *speciesCvvs, RDouble *speciesCves, RDouble visTurbulence, RDouble &viscosity, RDouble *heatConductivity, RDouble *rhoDs);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture gas according to the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: density denotes the non-dimensional value of density of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFractionOfSpecies is an array of saving the mass fraction of each species.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: suthTemperature denotes the temperature value in the Sutherland fomula.
//! @param[out]: viscosity is the non-dimensional viscosity of the mixture gas [N*s/m2].
void ComputeViscosity(RDouble density, RDouble *massFractionOfSpecies, RDouble &transRotationTemperature, RDouble &electronTemperature, RDouble &suthTemperature, RDouble &viscosity);
//! To compute the heat conductivity of each species using the Eucken formula.
//! @param[in ]: viscosity is array of saving the species viscosity.
//! @param[in ]: cps is the array of saving the species values of specific heat at constant pressure.
//! @param[out]: conductivity is an array of saving the heat conductivity of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesHeatConductivityByEuckenFormula(RDouble *viscosity, RDouble *cps, RDouble *conductivity);
//! To compute heat conductivity of mixture gas using Eucken formula and Wassilewa relation.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas.
//! The function returns the heat conductivity of mixture gas.
RDouble ComputeMixtureGasHeatConductivityByWassilewaFormula(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble temperature);
//! To obtain the partition function values based on the targets, e.g conductivity or viscosity.
//! @param[in ]: target is array of viscosity or heat conductivity of each species.
//! @param[in ]: speciesMass is array of molecular weight.
//! @param[in ]: moleFraction is array of mole fraction.
//! @param[out]: phi is an array of saving the partition function value of each species.
void GetPartitionFunctionValues(RDouble *target, RDouble *speciesMass, RDouble *moleFraction, RDouble *phi);
//! Compute the source terms of chemical reaction equations.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: chemicalSourceTerms returns the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: iCell denotes the number of the specified control cell.
void ChemicalSource(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, int iCell);
//! Compute the source terms of vibration-electron energy equations.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceTerms returns the source terms of vibration-electron energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void EnergySource(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble **energySourceTerms, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the source term of vibration and electron energy equation.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: omega is the source term of chemical reaction equation.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is non-dimensional value of temperatures.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of source term of vibration and electron energy equation.
RDouble ComputeVibrationAndElectronEnergySourceTerm(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *omega, RDouble *temperature);
//! Compute the source term of vibration energy equation.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: omega is the source term of chemical reaction equation.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is non-dimensional value of temperatures.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of source term of vibration energy equation.
RDouble ComputeVibrationEnergySourceTerm(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *omega, RDouble *temperature);
//! Compute relaxation time of translation and vibration.The parameters are dimensional values.
//! @param[in ]: thermodynamicProperties saves the thermodynamic properties of species.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction saves the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: speciesMass saves the molecular weight of species.
//! @param[in ]: temperature, pressure, and density denote the temperature of translation and rotation, pressure and density, respectively.
//! @param[out]: tvs saves the relaxation time of translation and vibration of species.
void GetTranslationAndVibrationRelaxationTime(Thermo_Param *thermodynamicProperties, RDouble *massFraction, RDouble *speciesMass,
RDouble temperature, RDouble pressure, RDouble density, RDouble *tvs);
void GetTranslationAndVibrationRelaxationTimeR(Thermo_Param *thermodynamicProperties, RDouble *massFraction, RDouble *speciesMass,
RDouble temperature, RDouble pressure, RDouble density, RDouble *tvs);
//! Compute relaxation time of electron and vibration.The parameters are dimensional values.
//! @param[in ]: thermodynamicProperties saves the thermodynamic properties of species.
//! @param[in ]: electronPressure is the pressure of electron.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the temperature of electron.
//! @param[out]: tes saves the relaxation time of electron and vibration of species.
void GetElectronAndVibrationRelaxationTime(Thermo_Param *thermodynamicProperties, RDouble electronPressure, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *tes);
//! Compute the source term of electron energy equation.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: omega is the source term of chemical reaction equation.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is non-dimensional value of temperatures.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of source term of vibration energy equation.
RDouble ComputeElectronEnergySourceTerm(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *omega, RDouble *temperature);
//! Compute the effective collision cross-sectional area of the electron and the s-th heavy species(the element except for electron).
//! @param[in ]: thermodynamicProperties saves the thermodynamic properties of species.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the dimensional value of temperature of electron.
//! @param[in ]: electronNumberDensity denotes the number density of electron.
//! @param[out]: sigma saves the effective collision cross-sectional areas of each heavy species.
void GetEffectiveCollisionCrossSectionalArea(Thermo_Param *thermodynamicProperties, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble electronNumberDensity, RDouble *sigma);
void ChemicalSpectrumRadius(RDouble **q, RDouble **t, RDouble *vol, RDouble **src, int iCell);
//! To obtain the approximating polynomial coefficients from the polynomial curve fits in five temperature ranges. \n
//! The approximating polynomial is input for evaluating the species specific heats and enthalpies, and the temperature\n
//! boundary is smoothed by linearly averaging the polynomial cofficients.
//! @param[in ]: nSpecies denotes the species index in the collection.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the dimensional temperature value.
//! @param[out]: polynomialCoef is an array of saving the polynomial coefficients.
void GetLinearlyAveragedPolynomialCoefficients(int nSpecies, RDouble temperature, RDouble *polynomialCoef);
void GetLinearlyAveragedPolynomialCoefficientsT2(RDouble temperature, RDouble **polynomialCoef);
void GetLinearlyAveragedPolynomialCoefficientsIndex(RDouble temperature, RDouble &coef, int &nIndex1, int &nIndex2);
void GetLinearlyAveragedPolynomialCoefficientsByIndex(int nSpecies, RDouble *polynomialCoef, RDouble coef, int nIndex1, int nIndex2);
//! Compute chemical source term and its Jacobian matrix. The first function is batch processing of data, the second is single processing of data.
void ComputeChemicalSourceDerivatives(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
void ComputeChemicalSourceJacobian(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble cellVolume, RDouble *chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble **sourceDerivatives);
void ComputeChemicalSourceAndJacobian(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
void ComputeChemicalSourceAndJacobianD3(int *Inzone, RDouble4D &primitiveVariables, RDouble4D &temperatures, RDouble4D &speciesEs, RDouble4D &speciesCvs, RDouble3D &totalCv, RDouble3D &cellVolume, RDouble4D &chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble5D &sourceDerivatives);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of chemical reaction equations without electron.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: chemicalSourceTerms returns the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: sourceDerivatives returns the elements of the Jacobian matrix in the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeChemicalSourceDerivatives1(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of chemical reaction equations, it is used for the reactions including electron.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: chemicalSourceTerms returns the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: sourceDerivatives returns the elements of the Jacobian matrix in the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeChemicalSourceDerivatives2(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of chemical reaction equations. The function is used for two-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceDerivatives stores the partial derivatives of the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceDerivatives returns the partial derivatives of the source terms of energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeEnergySourceDerivatives1(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms,
RDouble ***chemicalSourceDerivatives, RDouble ***energySourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of vibration-electron energy equations. The function is used for two-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceDerivatives stores the partial derivatives of the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceDerivatives returns the diagonal element of partial derivatives to the source terms of energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeEnergySourceDiagonalDerivatives1(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms,
RDouble ***chemicalSourceDerivatives, RDouble **energySourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of vibration-electron energy equations. The function is used for three-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceDerivatives stores the partial derivatives of the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceDerivatives returns the diagonal element of partial derivatives to the source terms of energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeEnergySourceDiagonalDerivatives2(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms,
RDouble ***chemicalSourceDerivatives, RDouble **energySourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute energy source term and its Jacobian. The function is for two-temperature model, it is equal to ComputeEnergySourceDiagonalDerivatives1() which is the batch processing.
void ComputeEnergySourceJacobianT2(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble cellVolume, RDouble *chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble **sourceDerivatives);
//! Compute energy source term and its Jacobian. The function is for three-temperature model, it is equal to ComputeEnergySourceDiagonalDerivatives2() which is the batch processing.
void ComputeEnergySourceJacobianT3(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble cellVolume, RDouble *chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble **sourceDerivatives);
void ComputeEnergySourceAndJacobianT2(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
void ComputeEnergySourceAndJacobianT3(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble ***sourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
void ComputeEnergySourceAndJacobianT2D3(int *nCell, RDouble4D &primitiveVariables, RDouble4D &temperatures, RDouble4D &speciesCvvs, RDouble4D &speciesCves, RDouble4D &speciesEvs, RDouble4D &speciesEes, RDouble3D &totalCvtr, RDouble3D &totalCvv, RDouble3D &totalCve, RDouble3D &cellVolume, RDouble4D &chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble5D &sourceDerivatives);
void ComputeEnergySourceAndJacobianT3D3(int *nCell, RDouble4D &primitiveVariables, RDouble4D &temperatures, RDouble4D &speciesCvvs, RDouble4D &speciesCves, RDouble4D &speciesEvs, RDouble4D &speciesEes, RDouble3D &totalCvtr, RDouble3D &totalCvv, RDouble3D &totalCve, RDouble3D &cellVolume, RDouble4D &chemicalSourceTerms, RDouble5D &sourceDerivatives);
//! The primitive variables are transfered to the conservative variables.
//! @param[in ]: q prim indicates the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama denotes the specific heat ratio, which is valid in the perfect gas.
//! @param[in ]: Tv denotes the vibrational temperature(The non-dimensional value).
//! @param[in ]: Te denotes the electron temperature(The non-dimensional value).
//! @param[out]: indicates the conservative variables.
void Primitive2Conservative(RDouble *prim, RDouble gama, RDouble Tv, RDouble Te, RDouble *q);
void Primitive2ConservativeR(RDouble *prim, RDouble gama, RDouble Tv, RDouble Te, RDouble staticE, RDouble *q);
//! The conservative variables are transfered to the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: q indicates the conservative variables.
//! @param[in ]: gama denotes the specific heat ratio, which is valid in the perfect gas.
//! @param[out]: prim indicates the primitive variables.
//! @param[in/out]: temperature denotes the array of temperatures in the current time-advancing step and next time-advancing step.
//! As input parameter, temperature indicates the temperature of the current time-advancing step. Meanwhile,
//! It denotes the temperature of the next time-advancing step as output parameter.
void Conservative2Primitive(RDouble *q, RDouble gama, RDouble *prim, RDouble *temperature);
void Conservative2PrimitiveR(RDouble *q, RDouble gama, RDouble *prim, RDouble *temperature);
void GetSpecificHeatRatio(RDouble *prim, RDouble &gama);
//! Compute the specific heat ratio and the temperatures.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: gama denotes the specific heat ratio of the mixed gas.
//! @param[out]: transRotationTemperature denotes the translation-rotation temperature of the mixed gas.
//! @param[out]: vibrationTemperature denotes the vibration temperature of the mixed gas.
//! @param[out]: electronTemperature denotes the electron temperature of the mixed gas.
void GetSpecificHeatRatioAndTemperatute(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble &gama, RDouble &transRotationTemperature, RDouble &vibrationTemperature, RDouble &electronTemperature);
void ComputeDensityDiffusionAndKCP(RDouble temperature, RDouble *primface, RDouble mul, RDouble mut, RDouble *rho_ds_face, RDouble *hintSpeciesOfFace, RDouble &kcp);
void GetAirInfo(const RDouble &height, RDouble &temperature, RDouble &pressure, RDouble &density, RDouble &soundspeed);
//! To obtain the coefficients of computing the M*dQ in the function MXDQ_STD_LP(), added by LiPeng on Jan. 10, 2019.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is the array that stores the primitive variables of the current cell.
//! @param[out]: alpha, beta and speciesBeta are referred to the fomular (A.5) in the appendix A of the PHengLEI Theory manual.
void ComputeCoefficientInMXDQ(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble *speciesBeta);
void ComputeCoefficientInMXDQR(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble trTemperature, RDouble squareVelocity, RDouble *speciesCvs, RDouble totalCv, RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble *speciesBeta);
//!To obtain the coefficients of computing the M*dQ in the function MVXDQ_STD_LP(), added by LiPeng on Jan. 21, 2019.
//!K=visl/Prl + vist/Prt denotes the thermal conductivity coefficient, rD=visl/Scl + vist/Sct is the species diffusion coefficient,\n
//!Ds is an array of saving the diffusion coefficient of each species.
void ComputeCoefficientInMVXDQ(RDouble *prim, RDouble K, RDouble rD, RDouble *theta_s, RDouble *phi_s, RDouble *Ds);
//! Compute the mass fractions of Earth mixture for fully catalytic wall condition.
//! @param[in ]: fs is array of mass fractions of the components in the multi-species.
//! @param[out]: fcw is array of mass fractions under fully catalytic condition.
void GetEarthFullyCatalyticMassFraction(RDouble *fs, RDouble *fcw);
//! Compute the mass fractions of Mars mixture for fully catalytic wall condition.
//! @param[in ]: fs is array of mass fractions of the components in the multi-species.
//! @param[out]: fcw is array of mass fractions under fully catalytic condition.
void GetMarsFullyCatalyticMassFraction(RDouble *fs, RDouble *fcw);
//! To find the chemical element in the species, if found, return the coefficient of the element.
//! @param[in ]: species_name denotes the name of the species.
//! @param[out]: element_name denotes the name of the specified element.
//! @param[out]: coef is the stoichiometric coefficient of the element.
bool FindChemicalElement(string species_name, char element_name, int &coef);
//! To obtain the index of the specified species in the sequence in accordance with its name.
//! @param[in ]: species_name denotes the name of the species.
//! @param[out]: the function returns the index of the species if found, otherwise, returns value of -1.
int GetSpeciesIndex(string species_name);
//! To compute the translation and rotation specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[out]: speciesTransRotationCv is an array saving the translation and rotation specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeTranslationAndRotationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *speciesTransRotationCv);
//! To compute the translation and rotation specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[out]: speciesTransRotationCv is an array saving the dimensional value of translation and rotation specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeDimensionalTranslationAndRotationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *speciesTransRotationCv);
//! To compute the the translation and rotation energy.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesTransRotationEnergy is an array saving the translation and rotation energy of each species.
void ComputeTranslationAndRotationEnergy(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble *speciesTransRotationEnergy);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesVibrationCv is an array saving the vibration specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeVibrationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *speciesVibrationCv);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesVibrationCv is an array saving the dimensional value of vibration specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeDimensionalVibrationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *speciesVibrationCv);
//! To compute the dimensional value of the vibration energy (J/kg).
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesVibrationEnergy is an array saving the vibration energy of each species.
void ComputeDimensionalVibrationEnergy(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *speciesVibrationEnergy);
//! To compute the vibration energy.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesVibrationEnergy is an array saving the vibration energy of each species.
void ComputeVibrationEnergy(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *speciesVibrationEnergy);
//! To compute the electron specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesElectronCv is an array saving the electron specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeElectronSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesElectronCv);
//! To compute the electron specific heat at constant volume.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesElectronCv is an array saving the dimensional value of electron specific heat at constant volume of each species.
void ComputeDimensionalElectronSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesElectronCv);
//! To compute the dimensional value of electron energy (J/kg).
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesElectronEnergy is an array saving the electron energy of each species.
void ComputeDimensionalElectronEnergy(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesElectronEnergy);
//! To compute the electron energy.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesElectronEnergy is an array saving the electron energy of each species.
void ComputeElectronEnergy(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesElectronEnergy);
//! To compute the enthalpies of species.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: speciesEnthalpy is an array saving the enthalpies of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesEnthalpy(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesEnthalpy);
//! To compute the translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasTranslationAndRotationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of total translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasDimensionalTranslationAndRotationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total vibration specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasVibrationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of total vibration specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasDimensionalVibrationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the electron specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total electron specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasElectronSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the electron specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of total electron specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasDimensionalElectronSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the translation-rotation energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total translation-rotation energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasTranslationAndRotationEnergy(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the dimensional value of vibration energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total vibration energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasDimensionalVibrationEnergy(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the vibration energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total vibration energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasVibrationEnergy(RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the dimensional value of electron energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total electron energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasDimensionalElectronEnergy(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the electron energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the total electron energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasElectronEnergy(RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the total enthalpy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the total enthalpy of the mixed gas.
RDouble ComputeMixedGasEnthalpy(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute the total enthalpy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars indicates the array of primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures indicates the array of temperatures.
RDouble ComputeMixedGasEnthalpy(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperatures);
//! To compute the total enthalpy of formation.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array to storing the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of the formation enthalpy.
RDouble GetTotalFormationEnthalpy(RDouble *massFraction);
//! To compute translation-rotation temperature where the pressure is known.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: electronPressure is the pressure of electron.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
RDouble ComputeTranslationAndRotationTemperatureByPrimitiveVariables(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble electronPressure = 0.0);
//! To compute translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationEnergy is the total internal energy of translation and rotation mode.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of saving the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
RDouble ComputeTranslationAndRotationTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble transRotationEnergy);
//! To compute vibration temperature.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of saving the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationEnergy is the total internal energy of vibration mode.
//! @param[in ]: initTemperature is the initial temperature of the newton iteration method.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of vibration temperature.
RDouble ComputeVibrationTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble vibrationEnergy, RDouble initTemperature);
//! To compute electron temperature.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of saving the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: electronEnergy is the total internal energy of electron mode.
//! @param[in ]: initTemperature is the initial temperature of the newton iteration method.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
RDouble ComputeElectronTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble electronEnergy, RDouble initTemperature);
//! To compute vibration-electron temperature.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of saving the mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationElectronEnergy is the total internal energy of vibration and electron mode.
//! @param[in ]: initTemperature is the initial temperature of the newton iteration method.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of vibration-electron temperature.
RDouble ComputeVibrationAndElectronTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble vibrationElectronEnergy, RDouble initTemperature);
//! To compute the temperature of one-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: internalEnergy is total internal energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of temperature.
RDouble ComputeOneTemperatureModelTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble internalEnergy);
//! To compute non-equilibrium temperature of chemical reaction flow for one-temperature model using the curve fitting method.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: internalEnergy is total internal energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of temperature.
RDouble ComputeNonequilibrumTemperatureViaBisectionMethod(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble internalEnergy);
//! To compute non-equilibrium temperature of chemical reaction flow for one-temperature model using the newton method.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of mass fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: internalEnergy is total internal energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: initTemperature is the initial temperature of the newton iteration method.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of temperature.
RDouble ComputeNonequilibrumTemperature(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble internalEnergy, RDouble initTemperature);
//! To obtain the electron pressure.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: return the non-dimensional value of electron pressure.
RDouble GetElectronPressure(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble electronTemperature);
//! To compute the heat conductivity of translation and rotation using the Eucken formula.
//! @param[in ]: viscosity is array of saving the species viscosity.
//! @param[out]: conductivity is an array of saving the translation-rotation heat conductivity of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesTranslationAndRotationHeatConductivity(RDouble *viscosity, RDouble *conductivity);
//! To compute the heat conductivity of vibration using the Eucken formula.
//! @param[in ]: viscosity is array of saving the species viscosity.
//! @param[in ]: speciesVibrationCv is the array of saving the vibration specific heat at constant pressure.
//! @param[out]: conductivity is an array of saving the vibration heat conductivity of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesVibrationHeatConductivity(RDouble *viscosity, RDouble *speciesVibrationCv, RDouble *conductivity);
//! To compute the heat conductivity of electron using the Eucken formula.
//! @param[in ]: viscosity is array of saving the species viscosity.
//! @param[in ]: speciesElectronCv is the array of saving the electron specific heat at constant pressure.
//! @param[out]: conductivity is an array of saving the electron heat conductivity of each species.
void ComputeSpeciesElectronHeatConductivity(RDouble *viscosity, RDouble *speciesElectronCv, RDouble *conductivity);
//! To compute the translation-rotation heat conductivity of the mixed gas using Wilke method.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: return the translation-rotation heat conductivity of the mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixedGasTranslationAndRotationHeatConductivity(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature);
//! To compute the vibration heat conductivity of the mixed gas using Wilke method.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of vibration temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: return the vibration heat conductivity of the mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixedGasVibrationHeatConductivity(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature);
//! To compute the electron heat conductivity of the mixed gas using Wilke method.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: return the electron heat conductivity of the mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixedGasElectronHeatConductivity(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature);
void ComputeMixedGasTranslationVibrationElectronHeatConductivity(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble &transRotationConductivity, RDouble &vibrationConductivity, RDouble &electronConductivity);
//! To obtain the heat conductivity of the mixed gas using Wilke method, the value is identified by the type of the heat conductivity.
//! @param[in ]: moleFraction is an array of saving the mole fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: conductivity is an array of saving the heat conductivity of species. The heat conductivity could be translation-rotation\n
//! heat conductivity, vibration heat conductivity or electron heat conductivity.
//! @param[in ]: Phi denotes the array of the partion function.
//! @param[out]: return the heat conductivity of the mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixedGasHeatConductivityWithWilkeFormula(RDouble *moleFraction, RDouble *conductivity, RDouble *phi);
//! To compute the non-dimensional values of viscosities of species using Gupta or Blotter method.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: speciesViscosity is an array to storing the non-dimensional values of viscosities of species.
void ComputeSpeciesViscosityWithCurveFitMethod(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesViscosity);
//! To compute the dimensional values of viscosities of species using Gupta or Blotter method.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: speciesViscosity is an array to storing the dimensional values of viscosities of species(Unit: kg/(m*s)).
void ComputeSpeciesDimensionalViscosityWithCurveFitMethod(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble *speciesViscosity);
//! To compute the non-dimensional values of viscosities of species using Lennard-Jones method.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronPressure denotes the non-dimensional value of electron pressure.
//! @param[out]: speciesViscosity is an array to storing the non-dimensional values of viscosities of species.
void ComputeSpeciesViscosityWithLennardJonesMethod(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronPressure, RDouble *speciesViscosity);
//! To compute the dimensional values of viscosities of species using using Lennard-Jones method.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronPressure denotes the non-dimensional value of electron pressure.
//! @param[out]: speciesViscosity is an array to storing the dimensional values of viscosities of species(Unit: kg/(m*s)).
void ComputeSpeciesDimensionalViscosityWithLennardJonesMethod(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronPressure, RDouble *speciesViscosity);
//! To compute the collision area between the same species using the curve fit method.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronPressure denotes the non-dimensional value of electron pressure.
//! @param[out]: piOmega is an array to storing the dimensional values of collision area of species(Unit: m2).
void ComputeAverageCollisionAreaOmega22(RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronPressure, RDouble *piOmega);
//! To obtain the viscosity of the mixed gas using Wilke method.
//! @param[in ]: moleFraction is an array of saving the mole fractions of species.
//! @param[in ]: viscosity is an array of saving the viscosity of species.
//! @param[in ]: phi denotes the array of the partion function.
//! @param[out]: return the viscosity of the mixed gas.
RDouble GetMixedGasViscosityWithWilkeFormula(RDouble *moleFraction, RDouble *viscosity, RDouble *phi);
//! To obtain the diffusion coefficient of each species. added by LiPeng in Mar. 11,2019.
//! @param[in ]: massFraction is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: viscosityLaminar is the laminar viscosity, and viscosityTurbulence is the turbulent viscosity.
//! @param[out]: speciesDiffusionCoef stores the species mass diffusion coefficient of each component.
//! The function returns the diffusion coefficients of each species which saved in rDs = (1 - Cs)/(1- Xs) * (mul/Scl + mut/Sct).
void ComputeSpeciesMassDiffusionCoefficient(RDouble *massFraction, RDouble viscosityLaminar, RDouble viscosityTurbulence, RDouble *speciesDiffusionCoef);
//! To obtain the mass diffusion coefficient with CLN method, the obtained value is enjoyed by all of the species.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the non-dimensional value of electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: return the mass diffusion coefficient.
RDouble GetMassDiffusionCoefficientWithCLNModel(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature);
//! Compute the coefficient called gama system in the multi-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional value of vibration or electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: gama are partial derivative of electron pressure to vibration or electron energy.
//! @param[out]: speciesGama is an array of partial derivatives of electron pressure to species density.
void GetElectronPressurePartialDerivatives(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble electronTemperature, RDouble &gama, RDouble *speciesGama);
//! Compute the coefficient called alpha system in the multi-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional value of vibration or electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: alpha is partial derivative of pressure to internal energy.
//! @param[out]: beta is partial derivative of pressure to total density.
//! @param[out]: speciesBeta is an array of partial derivatives of pressure to species density..
void GetPressurePartialDerivatives(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature,
RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble *speciesBeta);
//! Compute the main partial derivatives in the multi-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional value of vibration or electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: alpha is the partial derivative of pressure to total energy.
//! @param[out]: beta is the partial derivative of pressure to total density.
//! @param[out]: gama is the partial derivative of electron pressure to vibration-electron enegy.
//! @param[out]: speciesBeta<74><61>speciesGama are the partial derivatives of pressure and electron pressure to species density.
void GetMultiTemperatureModelPartialDerivatives(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature,
RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble &gama, RDouble *speciesBeta, RDouble *speciesGama);
void GetMultiTemperatureModelPartialDerivativesR(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature,
RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble &gama, RDouble *speciesBeta, RDouble *speciesGama,
RDouble squareVelocity, RDouble *speciesEtrs, RDouble totalCvtr, RDouble totalCvv, RDouble totalCve);
//! Compute partial derivative of pressure to total density.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: return the partial derivative called alpha.
RDouble ComputePressureDerivativeToTotalDensity(RDouble *primitiveVars);
//! To compute the static enthalpy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature denotes the temperature of translation-rotation mode.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature denotes the temperature of vibration mode.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature denotes the temperature of electron mode.
RDouble GetMixedGasEnthalpy(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature);
RDouble ComputeMolecularWeightReciprocal(RDouble *prim);
RDouble ComputeMolecularWeight(RDouble *prim);
//! To compute heat conductivity of mixture gas using Eucken formula and Wassilewa relation.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: transRotationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: vibrationTemperature is the non-dimensional value of vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[in ]: electronTemperature is the non-dimensional value of electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: transRotationConductivity is heat conductivity of translation-rotation of mixied gas.
//! @param[out]: vibrationConductivity is heat conductivity of vibration of mixied gas.
//! @param[out]: electronConductivity is heat conductivity of electron of mixied gas.
void ComputeMixtureGasHeatConductivity(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature,
RDouble &transRotationConductivity, RDouble &vibrationConductivity, RDouble &electronConductivity);
void ComputeMixtureGasSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *primitiveVariables, RDouble transRotationTemperature, RDouble vibrationTemperature, RDouble electronTemperature,
RDouble &cvtr, RDouble &cvv, RDouble &cve);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of chemical reaction equations.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceDerivatives stores the partial derivatives of the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceDerivatives returns the partial derivatives of the source terms of energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeEnergySourceDerivatives(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms,
RDouble ***chemicalSourceDerivatives, RDouble ***energySourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of source terms of chemical reaction equations.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVariables stores the primitive variables of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures stores the temperature values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: cellVolume is an array that stores the volume values of the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceTerms stores the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: chemicalSourceDerivatives stores the partial derivatives of the source terms of chemical reaction equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[out]: energySourceDerivatives returns the diagonal element of partial derivatives to the source terms of energy equations in the specified control cells.
//! @param[in ]: nCellNumber denotes the number of the specified control cells.
void ComputeEnergySourceDiagonalDerivatives(RDouble **primitiveVariables, RDouble **temperatures, RDouble *cellVolume, RDouble **chemicalSourceTerms,
RDouble ***chemicalSourceDerivatives, RDouble **energySourceDerivatives, int nCellNumber);
//! To obtain the maximum mass diffusion coefficient among the species. added by LiPeng in Jan. 2019.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: viscosityLaminar is the laminar viscosity, and viscosityTurbulence is the turbulent viscosity.
//! The function returns the maximum mass diffusion coefficient called (1 - Cs)/(1- Xs) * (mul/Scl + mut/Sct).
RDouble GetMaximumSpeciesMassDiffusionCoef(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble viscosityLaminar, RDouble viscosityTurbulence);
RDouble ComputeMolecularWeightReciprocalWithoutElectron(RDouble *prim, RDouble &ce_div_me);
//! To obtain the diffusion coefficient of each species. added by LiPeng in Mar. 11,2019.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: viscosityLaminar is the laminar viscosity, and viscosityTurbulence is the turbulent viscosity.
//! @param[out]: speciesDiffusionCoef stores the species mass diffusion coefficient of each component.
//! The function returns the diffusion coefficients of each species which saved in rDs = (1 - Cs)/(1- Xs) * (mul/Scl + mut/Sct).
void GetSpeciesMassDiffusionCoef(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble viscosityLaminar, RDouble viscosityTurbulence, RDouble *speciesDiffusionCoef);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional constant pressure specific heat in accordance with the primary variables.
//! prim is an array of saving the primary variables, the non-dimensional temperature called Tm and the non-dimensional \n
//! Constant pressure specific heat called cp are returned.
void GetTemperatureAndCP(RDouble *prim, RDouble &Tm, RDouble &cp);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional enthalpy of each species, the variable Tm is the non-dimensional temperature of the mixture gas,\n
//! The enthalpy of each species saved in the array of hs is returned.
void GetEverySpeciesEnthalpy(RDouble trTemperature, RDouble vTemperature, RDouble eTemperature, RDouble *hs);
//! To compute the electron energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: Te is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the total electron energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasElectronEnergy(RDouble *prim, RDouble Te);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: Tv is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the total vibration specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasVibrationSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *prim, RDouble Tv);
//! To compute the vibration specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: Te is the non-dimensional electron temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of total vibration specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasElectronSpecificHeatAtConstantVolume(RDouble *prim, RDouble Te);
//! To compute the translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[out]: return the dimensional value of total translation-rotation specific heat at constant volume.
RDouble GetMixedGasTransAndRotatSpecHeatAtConstVolume(RDouble *prim);
//! To compute the translation-rotation energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: Ttr is the non-dimensional translation-rotation temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the total translation-rotation energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasTranslationAndRotationEnergy(RDouble *prim, RDouble Ttr);
//! To compute the vibration energy of the mixed gas.
//! @param[in ]: prim is an array of saving the primary variables.
//! @param[in ]: Tv is the non-dimensional vibration temperature of the mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: return the total vibration energy.
RDouble GetMixedGasVibrationEnergy(RDouble *prim, RDouble Tv);
//! Compute the frozen sound speed in the multi-temperature model.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[out]: return the frozen sound speed.
RDouble ComputeFrozenSoundSpeed(RDouble *primitiveVars);
//! To obtain the non-dimensional temperature according to the primary variables,\n
//! prim is an array of saving the primary variables, the non-dimensional temperature is returned.
RDouble GetTemperature(RDouble *prim);
//! Compute the specific heat of species.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures indicates the array of temperatures including translational-rotational temperature, vibrational temperature and electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: spciesCvtr denotes the array of translational-rotational specific heat for species.
//! @param[out]: spciesCvv denotes the array of vibrational specific heat for species.
//! @param[out]: totalCvtr and totalCvv denotes the total specific heat of mixture gas.
void ComputeSpecificHeat(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble *spciesCvtr, RDouble *spciesCvv, RDouble &totalCvtr, RDouble &totalCvv);
//! Compute the energies of species.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures indicates the array of temperatures including translational-rotational temperature, vibrational temperature and electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: spciesEtr denotes the array of translational-rotational energy for species.
//! @param[out]: spciesEv denotes the array of vibrational energy for species.
//! @param[out]: spciesEnthalpy denotes the array of enthalpies for species.
//! @param[out]: totalEtr and totalEv denotes the total energy of mixture gas.
//! @param[out]: totalEnthalpy denotes the total enthalpy of mixture gas.
void ComputeEnergy(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble *spciesEtr, RDouble *spciesEv, RDouble *spciesEnthalpy, RDouble &totalEtr, RDouble &totalEv, RDouble &totalEnthalpy);
//! Compute the partial derivatives of pressure.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is an array of saving the primitive variables.
//! @param[in ]: temperatures indicates the array of temperatures including translational-rotational temperature, vibrational temperature and electron temperature.
//! @param[out]: alpha indicates the partial derivative of pressure vs. total energy(dp/d(rho*E)).
//! @param[out]: beta indicates the partial derivative of pressure vs. density(dp/d(rho)).
//! @param[out]: eta indicates the partial derivative of pressure vs. vibration energy(dp/d(rho * Ev)).
//! @param[out]: speciesBeta indicates the partial derivatives of pressure vs. species density(dp/d(rho * ci)).
void ComputePressureDerivatives(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperatures, RDouble &alpha, RDouble &beta, RDouble &eta, RDouble *speciesBeta);
void ComputeSpecificHeatByFitMethod(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cvSpecies, bool isVibrationModel = true);
void ComputeEnthalpyByFitMethod(RDouble temperature, RDouble *hSpecies, bool isVibrationModel = true);
void ComputeSpecificHeatByPolynomialFitMethod(RDouble temperature, RDouble *cvSpecies, bool isVibrationModel = true);
void ComputeEnthalpyByPolynomialFitMethod(RDouble temperature, RDouble *hSpecies, bool isVibrationModel = true);
void ComputeTemperatureFromTotalTemperature(RDouble *massF, RDouble totalTemperature, RDouble mach, RDouble &Temperature, RDouble &gama, int Dimensional = 0);
void ChemCompressData(DataContainer *&cdata);
void ChemDecompressData(DataContainer *cdata);
//! The function computes the formula (M +- R) * dQ, where M and R denote the Jacobian matrix and spectrum radius of inviscid flux,respectively.
//! @param[in ]: primitiveVars is the array that stores the primitive variables of the current cell.
//! @param[in ]: temperature is the array that stores the temperature values of the current cell.
//! @param[in ]: nx, ny and nz are components of the average normal vector located in the center of the current cell.
//! @param[in ]: faceArea denotes the avarage area located in the center of the current cell.
//! @param[in ]: moveVelocity denotes the movement velocity located in the center of the current cell, and it is used for dynamic mesh.
//! @param[in ]: deltaQ is the increment of conservative vector.
//! @param[out]: flux is the inviscid flux that equals to the Jacobian matrix multiplies the difference values of the conservative variables.
//! @param[in ]: radius denotes the spectrum radius of invsicid Jacobian matrix.
//! @param[in ]: iSign denotes the computation symbol, -1 denotes M substracts R, 1 denotes M plus R.
void ChemicalMXDQ(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperature, RDouble nx, RDouble ny, RDouble nz, RDouble faceArea, RDouble moveVelocity,
RDouble *deltaQ, RDouble *flux, int nNSEquation, int nLaminar, int nTemperatureModel, RDouble radius, int iSign,int nElectronIndex);
void ChemicalMXDQR(RDouble *primitiveVars, RDouble *temperature, RDouble nx, RDouble ny, RDouble nz, RDouble faceArea, RDouble moveVelocity,
RDouble *deltaQ, RDouble *flux, int nNSEquation, int nLaminar, int nTemperatureModel, RDouble radius, int iSign, int nElectronIndex,
RDouble *speciesCvs, RDouble *speciesEtrs, RDouble totalH, RDouble totalCv, RDouble totalCvtr, RDouble totalCvv, RDouble totalCve);