617 lines
22 KiB
617 lines
22 KiB
// P P H H E NN N G L E I +
// P H H E N N N G G L E I +
// Platform for Hybrid Engineering Simulation of Flows +
// China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center +
// (C) Copyright, Since 2010 +
//! @file Geo_StructBC.h
//! @brief It is the class 'StructBC', which is type of Structured geometry grid operation for boundary condition.
//! The inheriting order is: SimpleBC -> StructBC/UnstructBC.
//! @author Zhang Yong, Bell, He Xin.
#pragma once
#include "LIB_Macro.h"
#include "TypeDefine.h"
#include "Geo_SimpleBC.h"
#include "PHMpi.h"
#include "Constants.h"
using namespace std;
namespace PHSPACE
//! @brief It defines the class 'StructBC', which is the base class of structured geometry grid operation for boundary condition.
//! The inheriting order is: SimpleBC -> StructBC/UnstructBC.
class StructBC : public SimpleBC
//! Construct the StructBC.
//! @param[in] zoneID Zone Index.
//! @param[in] regionID Region Index.
StructBC(int zoneID, uint_t regionID);
//! Region index (the number of region).
uint_t nr;
//! s_nd: Dimensional number in the current zone. s - source, nd - the number of dimension.
//! t_nd: Dimensional number in the neighbor zone. t - target, nd - the number of dimension.
//! -# 0: i direction.
//! -# 1: j direction.
//! -# 2: k direction.
int s_nd, t_nd;
//! s_lr : This BC region is on the left or right side in the current zone. s - source, lr - Left/Right.
//! t_lr : This BC region is on the left or right side in the neighbor zone. t - target, lr - Left/Right.
//! -# -1: Left side.
//! -# 1: Right side.
int s_lr, t_lr;
//! s_lr3d && t_lr3d stores the composite information of both s_nd/t_nd && s_lr/t_lr.
//! It is used to uniform the loop format only. The values are equal to the following:
//! if (i == s_nd) s_lr3d[i] = s_lr; else s_lr3d[i] = 0;
//! if (i == t_nd) t_lr3d[i] = t_lr; else t_lr3d[i] = 0;
int s_lr3d[3], t_lr3d[3];
//! nbs: The current zone index of this BC region. nb - the number of block, s - source.
//! nbt: The neighbor zone index of this BC region. nb - the number of block, t - target.
int nbs, nbt;
//! s_st: Start local point index in the current zone. s - source, st - start.
//! s_ed: End local point index in the current zone. s - source, ed - end.
int s_st[3], s_ed[3];
int lnkInfo[12];
//! s_dir3d: the i\j\k direction between the current face and matching target face if the face is a interface.
int s_dir3d[3];
StructBC & operator = (const StructBC &rhs);
void SetFaceMatchingTargetDirIndex(int *dir3dIn);
//! Set the current source zone index.
void SetRegionBlock(int currentSourceZoneID);
//! Set the target zone index.
void SetTargetRegionBlock(int targetZoneID);
//! Set the start/end range index in the current zone in i/j/k dimensions.
void SetIJKRegion(int ist, int ied, int jst, int jed, int kst, int ked);
//! Set the start/end range index in the neighbor zone in i/j/k dimensions.
void SetTargetIJKRegion(int ist, int ied, int jst, int jed, int kst, int ked);
//! Set this BC region on the left(-1) or right(1) in the current zone.
void SetFaceLeftOrRightIndex(int s_lr);
//! Set this BC region on the left(-1) or right(1) in the neighbor target zone.
void SetFaceLeftOrRightIndexOfTargetBlock(int t_lr);
//! Set the dimension number of this BC region on the current zone.
//! 0-1-2, represents i, j, k direction, respectively.
void SetFaceDirection(int s_nd);
//! Set the dimension number of this BC region on the neighbor target zone.
//! 0-1-2, represents i, j, k direction, respectively.
void SetFaceDirectionOfTargetBlock(int t_nd);
//! Return the current source zone index.
int GetRegionBlock() const;
//! Return the neighbor target zone index.
int GetTargetRegionBlock() const;
//! Return face direction.
int * GetFaceDirectionIndex();
//! Return direction between current face and matching target face.
int * GetFaceMatchingTargetDirIndex();
//! Return face direction in the neighbor zone.
int * GetFaceDirectionIndexOfTargetBlock();
//! Process to construct start/end local point index in the current/neighbor zones.
void ProcessBCInfo();
void SetLnkInfo();
//! Init Face direction, all to zero.
void InitFaceDirectionIndex();
//! Return the start/end i/j/k range in the current zone.
void GetIJKRegion(int &ist, int &ied, int &jst, int &jed, int &kst, int &ked);
//! Return the three dimensional start index in the current zone.
int * GetStartPoint();
//! Return the m-th dimensional start index in the current zone.
int GetStartPoint(int m);
//! Return the three dimensional end index in the current zone.
int * GetEndPoint(void);
//! Return the m-th dimensional end index in the current zone.
int GetEndPoint(int m);
int * GetInkInfo();
//! Return the m-th dimensional start index in the neighbor target zone.
int GetTargetStart(int m);
//! Return the m-th dimensional end index in the neighbor target zone.
int GetTargetEnd(int m);
//! Return the three dimensional start index in the neighbor target zone.
int * GetTargetStart();
//! Return the three dimensional end index in the neighbor target zone.
int * GetTargetEnd();
//! Return this BC region on the left(-1) or right(1) in the current zone.
int GetFaceLeftOrRightIndex() const;
//! Return this BC region on the left(-1) or right(1) in the neighbor target zone.
int GetFaceLeftOrRightIndexOfTargetBlock() const;
//! Return the dimension number of this BC region on the current zone.
//! 0-1-2, represents i, j, k direction, respectively.
int GetFaceDirection() const;
//! Return the dimension number of this BC region on the neighbor target zone.
//! 0-1-2, represents i, j, k direction, respectively.
int GetFaceDirectionOfTargetBlock() const;
//! Compute the coarse grid i/j/k range for multi-grid.
void ComputeMultiGridIJKRegion(int imin, int imax, int jmin, int jmax, int kmin, int kmax, int istp, int jstp, int kstp, int nsurf);
//! The followings used to accelerate the massive grid converting, or for overset grid,
//! Do not care about it.
void ComputeRelativeParameters();
int * GetStam();
int * GetRate();
void ProbeExternalOverlapCells(int *iBlank, int nci, int ncj, int &counter);
//! Return the i/j/k range in the current source zone, it is rarely used.
void GetNormalizeIJKRegion(int &ist, int &ied, int &jst, int &jed, int &kst, int &ked);
//! Return the cell index inside flowfield.
void GetInsideCellIndex(int i, int j, int k, int &is, int &js, int &ks, int nss);
//! Return the cell index of ghostcell.
void GetGhostCellIndex(int i, int j, int k, int &it, int &jt, int &kt, int ntt);
//! Return the index of boundary face.
void GetBoundaryFaceIndex(int i, int j, int k, int &ib, int &jb, int &kb);
//! t_st: Start local point index in the neighbor zone. t - target, st - start.
//! t_ed: End local point index in the neighbor zone. t - target, ed - end.
int t_st[3], t_ed[3];
//! stam[3] && rate[3] are used to accelerate the massive grid converting.
//! Do not care about the two.
int stam[3], rate[3];
//! @brief StructBCSet class defines the composites of StructBC informations.
//! In one zone (block), several StructBCs may be exist, so all StructBCs in one zone
//! are defined as a 'StructBCSet'.
class StructBCSet
//! Number of zone (block) index this BC in.
int zoneID;
//! The BCRegions list in the current StructBCSet.
vector<StructBC *> *bcRegions;
//! The I/J/K id of interface faces.
int *iID, *jID, *kID;
//! The bcRegions id of interface faces.
int *bcRegionIDofIFace;
//! Boundary name of given type;
string boundaryName[100];
StructBCSet(int zoneID = 0);
string GetBCName(int bcType) { return boundaryName[bcType]; }
void CopyStructBCSet(StructBCSet *rightHandSide);
StructBC * GetBCRegion(uint_t iBCRegion) const;
void CreateBCRegion(uint_t nBCRegion);
void SetBCRegion(uint_t iBCRegion, StructBC *bcregion);
int GetnBCRegion() const;
void GetSourceIndexIJK(int iFace, int ipos, int &i, int &j, int &k);
void GetSourceIndexIJK_Nsurf_LR(int iFace, int ipos, int &i, int &j, int &k, int &nsruf, int &s_lr);
void GetTargetIndexIJK(int iFace, int ipos, int &i, int &j, int &k);
void GetSourceIndexIJK_fornodetransfer(int iFace, int &id, int &jd, int &kd, int &i_lr, int &j_lr, int &k_lr);
void GetTargetIndexIJK_fornodetransfer(int iFace, int &id, int &jd, int &kd, int &i_lr, int &j_lr, int &k_lr);
void ProcessBCInfo();
void SetLnkInfo();
void SetIFaceInfo();
//! Get the bcregion id by interfaceIndexContainerForReceive value.
int * GetIFaceInfo();
void DecodeIJK(int index, int &i, int &j, int &k);
void DeleteIndex();
void InitBoundaryName();
#include "Geo_StructBC.hxx"
void GetBCFaceIDX(int *s_lr3d, int &id, int &jd, int &kd);
template < typename T >
void GhostCell2D(PHArray<T, 2> &w, int ni, int nj)
//! w(-1:ni+1, -1:nj+1).
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0 , j) = w(1 , j);
w(ni, j) = w(ni-1, j);
for (int i = 0; i <= ni; ++ i)
w(i, 0) = w(i, 1 );
w(i, nj) = w(i, nj-1);
//! Initialize volume in second row of ghost cells.
for (int j = 0; j <= nj; ++ j)
w(-1 , j) = w(0 , j);
w(ni+1, j) = w(ni, j);
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, -1 ) = w(i, 0);
w(i, nj+1) = w(i, nj);
template < typename T >
void GhostCell2D(PHArray<T, 3> &w, int ni, int nj, int nm)
//! w(-1:ni+1, -1:nj+1, 0:nm-1).
for (int m = 0; m < nm; ++ m)
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0 , j, m) = w(1 , j, m);
w(ni, j, m) = w(ni-1, j, m);
for (int i = 0; i <= ni; ++ i)
w(i, 0 , m) = w(i, 1 , m);
w(i, nj, m) = w(i, nj-1, m);
//! Initialize volume in second row of ghost cells.
for (int j = 0; j <= nj; ++ j)
w(-1 , j, m) = w(0 , j, m);
w(ni+1, j, m) = w(ni, j, m);
for (int i = - 1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, -1 , m) = w(i, 0 , m);
w(i, nj+1, m) = w(i, nj, m);
template < typename T >
void GhostCell3D(PHArray<T, 3> &w, int ni, int nj, int nk)
//! w(-1:ni+1, -1:nj+1, -1:nk+1).
int kst, ked;
kst = 1;
ked = nk;
if (nk == 1) ked = 1;
for (int k = kst; k <= ked; ++ k)
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0 , j, k) = w(1 , j, k);
w(ni, j, k) = w(ni-1, j, k);
for (int i = 0; i <= ni; ++ i)
w(i, 0 , k) = w(i, 1 , k);
w(i, nj, k) = w(i, nj-1, k);
//! Initialize volume in second row of ghost cells.
for (int j = 0; j <= nj; ++ j)
w(-1 , j, k) = w(0 , j, k);
w(ni+1, j, k) = w(ni, j, k);
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, -1 , k) = w(i, 0 , k);
w(i, nj+1, k) = w(i, nj, k);
if (nk == 1) return;
for (int j = -1; j <= nj + 1; ++ j)
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, j, 0) = w(i, j, 1);
w(i, j, -1) = w(i, j, 1);
w(i, j, nk ) = w(i, j, nk-1);
w(i, j, nk+1) = w(i, j, nk-1);
template < typename T >
void GhostCell3D(PHArray<T, 4> &w, int ni, int nj, int nk, int nm)
//! w(-1:ni+1, -1:nj+1, -1:nk+1, 0:nm-1).
if (nk != 1)
for (int m = 0; m < nm; ++ m)
for (int k = 1; k <= nk - 1; ++ k)
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0 , j, k, m) = w(1 , j, k, m);
w(ni, j, k, m) = w(ni-1, j, k, m);
for (int i = 0; i <= ni; ++ i)
w(i, 0 , k, m) = w(i, 1 , k, m);
w(i, nj, k, m) = w(i, nj-1, k, m);
//! Initialize volume in second row of ghost cells.
for (int j = 0; j <= nj; ++ j)
w(-1 , j, k, m) = w(0 , j, k, m);
w(ni+1, j, k, m) = w(ni, j, k, m);
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, -1 , k, m) = w(i, 0 , k, m);
w(i, nj+1, k, m) = w(i, nj, k, m);
for (int j = -1; j <= nj + 1; ++ j)
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, j, 0 , m) = w(i, j, 1, m);
w(i, j, -1, m) = w(i, j, 1, m);
w(i, j, nk , m) = w(i, j, nk-1, m);
w(i, j, nk+1, m) = w(i, j, nk-1, m);
int k = 1;
for (int m = 0; m < nm; ++ m)
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0 , j, k, m) = w(1 , j, k, m);
w(ni, j, k, m) = w(ni-1, j, k, m);
for (int i = 0; i <= ni; ++ i)
w(i, 0 , k, m) = w(i, 1 , k, m);
w(i, nj, k, m) = w(i, nj-1, k, m);
//! Initialize volume in second row of ghost cells.
for (int j = 0; j <= nj; ++ j)
w(-1 , j, k, m) = w(0 , j, k, m);
w(ni+1, j, k, m) = w(ni, j, k, m);
for (int i = -1; i <= ni + 1; ++ i)
w(i, -1 , k, m) = w(i, 0 , k, m);
w(i, nj+1, k, m) = w(i, nj, k, m);
template < typename T >
void FillCornerPoint3D(PHArray<T, 3> &w, int ni, int nj, int nk)
//! This subroutine is developed to fill the ghost points which are
//! shared by two planes. this is necessary for the calculation of the
//! viscous fluxes.
//! The figure below shows a 2d plane.
//! nsurf -->
//! $(a) | x | x = internal cell
//! | |
//! .........----------------- $ = ghost cell filled by
//! . . bcin or bcvis
//! ? . $(b). ? = ghost cell filled by
//! .......................... this routine
//! The algorithm used to fill the points ? is the following. in the
//! algorithm for the calculation of the viscous fluxes, the average
//! is taken from the 4 points shown in the figure. this average is
//! replaced by taking the average of the points $(a) and x, hence
//! the value of ? is set to accomplish this.
//! 3d: fill the 8 vertex lines for each direction nsurf.
if (nk != 1)
for (int k = 1; k <= nk - 1; ++ k)
w(0, 0, k) = w(0 , 1, k) + w( 1, 0, k) - w( 1, 1, k);
w(0, nj, k) = w(0 , nj-1, k) + w( 1, nj, k) - w( 1, nj-1, k);
w(ni, 0, k) = w(ni, 1, k) + w(ni-1, 0, k) - w(ni-1, 1, k);
w(ni, nj, k) = w(ni, nj-1, k) + w(ni-1, nj, k) - w(ni-1, nj-1, k);
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0, j, 0) = w(0, j, 1) + w( 1, j, 0) - w( 1, j, 1);
w(0, j, nk) = w(0, j, nk-1) + w( 1, j, nk) - w( 1, j, nk-1);
w(ni, j, 0) = w(ni, j, 1) + w(ni-1, j, 0) - w(ni-1, j, 1);
w(ni, j, nk) = w(ni, j, nk-1) + w(ni-1, j, nk) - w(ni-1, j, nk-1);
for (int i = 1; i <= ni - 1; ++ i)
w(i, 0, 0) = w(i, 0, 1) + w(i, 1, 0) - w(i, 1, 1);
w(i, 0, nk) = w(i, 0, nk-1) + w(i, 1, nk) - w(i, 1, nk-1);
w(i, nj, 0) = w(i, nj, 1) + w(i, nj-1, 0) - w(i, nj-1, 1);
w(i, nj, nk) = w(i, nj, nk-1) + w(i, nj-1, nk) - w(i, nj-1, nk-1);
//! Fill the 8 corner points.
w(0, 0, 0) = third * (w( 1, 0, 0) + w(0, 1, 0) + w(0, 0, 1));
w(0, nj, 0) = third * (w( 1, nj, 0) + w(0, nj-1, 0) + w(0, nj, 1));
w(0, 0, nk) = third * (w( 1, 0, nk) + w(0, 1, nk) + w(0, 0, nk-1));
w(0, nj, nk) = third * (w( 1, nj, nk) + w(0, nj-1, nk) + w(0, nj, nk-1));
w(ni, 0, 0) = third * (w(ni-1, 0, 0) + w(ni, 1, 0) + w(ni, 0, 1));
w(ni, nj, 0) = third * (w(ni-1, nj, 0) + w(ni, nj-1, 0) + w(ni, nj, 1));
w(ni, 0, nk) = third * (w(ni-1, 0, nk) + w(ni, 1, nk) + w(ni, 0, nk-1));
w(ni, nj, nk) = third * (w(ni-1, nj, nk) + w(ni, nj-1, nk) + w(ni, nj, nk-1));
int k = 1;
w(0, 0, k) = w(0 , 1, k) + w( 1, 0, k) - w( 1, 1, k);
w(0, nj, k) = w(0 , nj-1, k) + w( 1, nj, k) - w( 1, nj-1, k);
w(ni, 0, k) = w(ni, 1, k) + w(ni-1, 0, k) - w(ni-1, 1, k);
w(ni, nj, k) = w(ni, nj-1, k) + w(ni-1, nj, k) - w(ni-1, nj-1, k);
template < typename T >
void FillCornerPoint3D(PHArray<T, 4 > &w, int ni, int nj, int nk, int nl)
//! This subroutine is developed to fill the ghost points which are
//! shared by two planes. this is necessary for the calculation of the
//! viscous fluxes.
//! The figure below shows a 2d plane.
//! nsurf -->
//! $(a) | x | x = internal cell
//! | |
//! .........----------------- $ = ghost cell filled by
//! . . bcin or bcvis
//! ? . $(b). ? = ghost cell filled by
//! .......................... this routine
//! The algorithm used to fill the points ? is the following. in the
//! algorithm for the calculation of the viscous fluxes, the average
//! is taken from the 4 points shown in the figure. this average is
//! replaced by taking the average of the points $(a) and x, hence
//! the value of ? is set to accomplish this.
//! 3d: fill the 8 vertex lines for each direction nsurf.
if (nk != 1)
for (int m = 0; m < nl; ++ m)
for (int k = 1; k <= nk - 1; ++ k)
w(0, 0, k, m) = w(0 , 1, k, m) + w( 1, 0, k, m) - w( 1, 1, k, m);
w(0, nj, k, m) = w(0 , nj-1, k, m) + w( 1, nj, k, m) - w( 1, nj-1, k, m);
w(ni, 0, k, m) = w(ni, 1, k, m) + w(ni-1, 0, k, m) - w(ni-1, 1, k, m);
w(ni, nj, k, m) = w(ni, nj-1, k, m) + w(ni-1, nj, k, m) - w(ni-1, nj-1, k, m);
for (int j = 1; j <= nj - 1; ++ j)
w(0, j, 0, m) = w(0, j, 1, m) + w( 1, j, 0, m) - w( 1, j, 1, m);
w(0, j, nk, m) = w(0, j, nk-1, m) + w( 1, j, nk, m) - w( 1, j, nk-1, m);
w(ni, j, 0, m) = w(ni, j, 1, m) + w(ni-1, j, 0, m) - w(ni-1, j, 1, m);
w(ni, j, nk, m) = w(ni, j, nk-1, m) + w(ni-1, j, nk, m) - w(ni-1, j, nk-1, m);
for (int i = 1; i <= ni - 1; ++ i)
w(i, 0, 0, m) = w(i, 0, 1, m) + w(i, 1, 0, m) - w(i, 1, 1, m);
w(i, 0, nk, m) = w(i, 0, nk-1, m) + w(i, 1, nk, m) - w(i, 1, nk-1, m);
w(i, nj, 0, m) = w(i, nj, 1, m) + w(i, nj-1, 0, m) - w(i, nj-1, 1, m);
w(i, nj, nk, m) = w(i, nj, nk-1, m) + w(i, nj-1, nk, m) - w(i, nj-1, nk-1, m);
//! Fill the 8 corner points.
for (int m = 0; m < nl; ++ m)
w(0, 0, 0, m) = third * (w( 1, 0, 0, m) + w(0, 1, 0, m) + w(0, 0, 1, m));
w(0, nj, 0, m) = third * (w( 1, nj, 0, m) + w(0, nj-1, 0, m) + w(0, nj, 1, m));
w(0, 0, nk, m) = third * (w( 1, 0, nk, m) + w(0, 1, nk, m) + w(0, 0, nk-1, m));
w(0, nj, nk, m) = third * (w( 1, nj, nk, m) + w(0, nj-1, nk, m) + w(0, nj, nk-1, m));
w(ni, 0, 0, m) = third * (w(ni-1, 0, 0, m) + w(ni, 1, 0, m) + w(ni, 0, 1, m));
w(ni, nj, 0, m) = third * (w(ni-1, nj, 0, m) + w(ni, nj-1, 0, m) + w(ni, nj, 1, m));
w(ni, 0, nk, m) = third * (w(ni-1, 0, nk, m) + w(ni, 1, nk, m) + w(ni, 0, nk-1, m));
w(ni, nj, nk, m) = third * (w(ni-1, nj, nk, m) + w(ni, nj-1, nk, m) + w(ni, nj, nk-1, m));
int k = 1;
for (int m = 0; m < nl; ++ m)
w(0, 0, k, m) = w(0 , 1, k, m) + w( 1, 0, k, m) - w( 1, 1, k, m);
w(0, nj, k, m) = w(0 , nj-1, k, m) + w( 1, nj, k, m) - w( 1, nj-1, k, m);
w(ni, 0, k, m) = w(ni, 1, k, m) + w(ni-1, 0, k, m) - w(ni-1, 1, k, m);
w(ni, nj, k, m) = w(ni, nj-1, k, m) + w(ni-1, nj, k, m) - w(ni-1, nj-1, k, m);
} |