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// P P H H E NN N G L E I +
// P H H E N N N G G L E I +
// Platform for Hybrid Engineering Simulation of Flows +
// China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center +
// (C) Copyright, Since 2010 +
//! @file TurbSolverUnstr.h
//! @brief turbulence solver for unstruct grid.
//! @author Bell, He Xin, Zhang Laiping, Dr. Wang, Zhang Yang, He Kun,
//! Wan Yunbo, Xu Gang, Zhang Yaobing.
#pragma once
#include "TransitionSolver.h"
#include "Limiter.h"
#include "FaceProxy.h"
namespace PHSPACE
class Param_TransitionSolver;
class TransitionSolverUnstr: public TransitionSolver
//! Gradient of variables on turbulent equation.
Gradient *gradientTransitionField;
//! Gradient of velocity.
Gradient *gradientVelocity;
//! Allocate and delete global variables.
void AllocateGlobalVar(Grid *gridIn);
void DeAllocateGlobalVar(Grid *gridIn);
//! Load rhs to residual which stored in grid
void LoadResiduals(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rhsProxy);
//! Variables such as specTurb are set to zero.
void InitSpectrum(Grid *gridIn);
//! Boundary condition.
void Boundary(Grid *gridIn);
//! Outflow Boundary condition, suitable for mass out, pressure out, and velocity out in turbulence flows.
void OutflowBCRegion(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct);
//! Inflow Boundary condition, suitable for mass in, pressure in, and velocity in for turbulence flows.
void InflowBCRegion(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct);
//! Wall Boundary condition.
void WallBCRegion(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct);
//! Farfield Boundary condition.
void FarfieldBCRegion(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct);
//! Residuals are set to zero
void ZeroResiduals(Grid *gridIn);
//! Judge if the flow field variables file already exists in Turb solver.
bool JudgeIfRestart();
bool JudgeIfReadAverage();
//! Initialize the flow field as simulation restarting.
void InitFlowAsRestart();
//! Write and read restart file.
void DumpRestartH5(ActionKey *actkey);
void ReadRestartH5(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Compute the residual of turbulent equation.
void GetResidual(ActionKey *actkey);
void RotateVectorFromInterface(Grid *gridIn, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &nEquation);
void InitMixingPlane(RDouble ***MixingPlaneVar, int Dim1, int Dim2, int Dim3, RDouble Value);
void AverageMixingPlane(Grid *grid);
void MixingPlaneDataTransfer(Grid *grid, Grid *NeighborGrid);
void NonReflective(Grid *grid, Grid *NeighborGrid);
void SetMixingPlaneData(Grid *grid);
//! Restrict defect from fine to coarse grid.
void RestrictDefect(Grid *fineGridIn, Grid *coarseGridIn);
//! Correct variable in fine grid using correction in coarse grid
void CorrectFineGrid(Grid *fineGridIn, Grid *coarseGridIn);
//! Interpolate variables of turbulence model in coarse grid to that in fine grid.
void InterpolatFineGrid(Grid *fineGridIn, Grid *coarseGridIn);
//! Put correction back on the coarse grid.
void PutCorrectionBack(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qProxy);
//! Load NS variables stored in grid to q.
void LoadQ(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qProxy);
//! Compute the residuals with RungeKutta method.
void RungeKuttaResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, RDouble coefficient);
//! Update flow field variables of turbulene equation.
void UpdateFlowField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qProxy, FieldProxy *dqProxy);
//! LU-SGS forward sweep.
void SolveLUSGSForward(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, FieldProxy *LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
//! LU-SGS backward sweep.
void SolveLUSGSBackward(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, FieldProxy *LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
//! Set the values at ghost cells.
void SetGhostDQLUSGS(Grid *gridIn, RDouble **dq); // Bell 20130401 add
void SetWallBCGhostDQLUSGS(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct, RDouble **dq);
void SetFarfieldBCGhostDQLUSGS(Grid *gridIn, UnstructBC *bcRegionUnstruct, RDouble **dq);
//! Smooth variables of transition equation.
void SMoothTransition(Grid *gridIn);
void SMoothTransitionPoint(Grid *gridIn, RDouble *primitiveVariable, int i);
//! Compute spectrumRadius of transition equation.
void Diagonal(Grid *grid);
//! Compute inviscid flux of transition equation.
void InviscidFlux(Grid *gridIn);
//! Compute viscous flux of transition equation.
void ViscousFlux(Grid *gridIn);
//! Compute source term of dual time step.
void DualTimeSource(Grid *gridIn);
//! Update terms used for unsteady flow simulation.
void UpdateUnsteadyFlow(Grid *gridIn);
//! Convergence norm for the unsteady flow simulation.
RDouble UnsteadyConvergence(Grid *gridIn);
//! Restrict variables of turbulent equation on fine and coarse grid.
void RestrictAllQ(Grid *fineGridIn, Grid *coarseGridIn);
//! Compute flux of the turbulent equation.
void LoadFlux(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Set value to flowfiled variables.
void FillField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, RDouble value);
void FillField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *field1Proxy, FieldProxy *field2Proxy);
//! Create proxy for variables of turbulent equation located in cell center.
FieldProxy *CreateFieldProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! Get the corresopnding proxy.
FieldProxy *GetFieldProxy(Grid *gridIn, const string &fieldName);
//! Get the proxy of residuals.
FieldProxy *GetResidualProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! Load the residuals of turbulent equation.
void RecoverResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rhsProxy);
//! Initialize the residuals of turbulent equation.
void InitResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rhsProxy);
//! Rhs is set equal to residuals of turbulent equation.
void StoreRhsByResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rhsProxy);
//! Create proxy for variables of turbulent and NS equation that located in face.
FaceProxy *CreateFaceProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! Variables of transition equation that located in face.
TransitionFaceValue *CreateTransitionFaceValue(Grid *gridIn);
Limiter * CreateLimiter(Grid *grid_in);//!modified by zhangjian
//! Compute the node value in the transition flow.
//! @param[in] grid the mesh in the computing.
void ComputeQTransitionNodeValue(Grid *grid_in);
//! modify the node value for the interpoint in the turbulent flow.
//! @param[in] grid the mesh in the computing.
void ModifyQTransitionNodeValue(Grid *grid_in);
void SourceFluxTwoEquation(Grid *gridIn);
//! Get face value for viscous flux of computation.
void GetVisFaceValue(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Compute viscous flux of turbulent equations.
void ComputeVisflux (Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Initialize wall distance for coarse grid.
void InitCGrid(Grid *fineGridIn, Grid *coarseGridIn);
//! Upload interface value for variables in turbulence model.
void UploadInterfaceValue(ActionKey *actkey);
void UploadInterfaceData(ActionKey *actkey); // Bell 20120910 add
//! Download interface value for variables in turbulence model.
void DownloadInterfaceValue(ActionKey *actkey);
void DownloadInterfaceData(ActionKey *actkey); // Bell 20120910 add
//! Upload the interpoint variables for send.
//! @param[in] actkey the actkey store the information of the interpoint.
void UploadInterpointData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Download the interpoint variables from the receive data.
//! @param[in] actkey the actkey store the information of the interpoint.
void DownloadInterpointData(ActionKey *actkey);
void CommunicationInterpointWeight(ActionKey *actkey);
void DownloadInterpointWeight(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Upload overset data at interface for variables in turbulence model.
void UploadOversetData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Download overset data at interface for variables in turbulence model.
void DownloadOversetData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Compute inviscid flux of turbulence model equation.
void ComputeInviscidFlux(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Inviscid flux scheme for turbulence model equation.
void NNDFlux(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Get left and right variables of turbulence model and NS equation.
void GetQlQr(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Obtain the gradient of variables in turbulence model.
void GetGradientField(Grid *gridIn);
//! Compute gradient of variables in turbulence model.
void ComputeGradient(Grid *grid);
//! Create and initialize controlparameters
LIB_EXPORT void InitControlParameters();
//! Get control paramters.
LIB_EXPORT Param_TransitionSolver *GetControlParameters();
////! Implement: to compress transition dq data from grid to date dataContainer.
void CompressDQ(DataContainer *&dataContainer, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, Grid *grid, const int &zoneIndex, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &neqn);
void DecompressDQ(DataContainer *&dataContainer, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, Grid *grid, const int &zoneIndex, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &neqn);
//! Get variables at face interpolated from left and right side for turbulence model equation.
void GetQlQrTransition(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Get variables at face interpolated from left and right side for NS equation.
void GetQlQrNS(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Compute the weights used to average dqdx, dqdy, etc.
void ComputeFaceWeight(Grid *gridIn, FaceProxy *faceProxy, int nst, int ned);
//! Read the averaged variables of statistical flow field.
void ReadStatisticalFlow(ActionKey *actkey);
//! Create proxy for variables of NS equations that located in face.
FaceProxy * CreateFaceProxyNS(Grid *gridIn);
//! Create proxy for variables of transition equations that located in face.
FaceProxy * CreateFaceProxyTransition(Grid *gridIn);
int machZeroExp;