335 lines
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335 lines
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// P P H H E NN N G L E I +
// P H H E N N N G G L E I +
// Platform for Hybrid Engineering Simulation of Flows +
// China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center +
// (C) Copyright, Since 2010 +
//! @file Controller.h
//! @brief the class 'Controller' is used to assemble grid zones and \n
//! solvers together to simulate. All simulations are controlled \n
//! by the class 'Controller'.
//! @author Bell.
#pragma once
#include "LIB_Macro.h"
#include "Precision.h"
#include <vector>
namespace PHSPACE
class Zone;
class Region;
class FieldProxy;
class CFDSolver;
class ZoneFieldProxy;
//! @brief It defines the class 'Controller', which is used to assemble grid zones and
//! solvers together to simulate. All simulations are controlled by this class.
//! All solvers are implemented in the way of multi-grid cycles, which is defined
//! in Controller.
class Controller
//! Computational region, in which the local computational grids are defined.
//! this is the very important base of the CFD solver.
Region *region;
//! Flow field variables proxy, actually, it stores the fields on different grid levels in MG.
ZoneFieldProxy *qProxy;
//! Right Hand Side (RHS) proxy, actually, it stores the RHS on different grid levels in MG.
ZoneFieldProxy *rhsProxy;
//! Solver index.
int solverID;
Controller(int iSolver, Region *region);
LIB_EXPORT void Initialize(int iSolver);
LIB_EXPORT void InitCoarseGridsFlow(int iSolver, int level);
LIB_EXPORT void CleanUp(int iSolver);
//! Steady simulation by implementing multi-grid cycle.
//! Each solver simulation will be controlled by this multi-grid cycle, and this is the right
//! reason why this class is named as 'Controller'.
//! The standard simulation order is:
//! Zero residual --> go into Multi-Grid cycle, if single level grid used, go to Relaxation directly.
LIB_EXPORT void SolveSteadyField();
//! Steady simulation by implementing multi-grid cycle.
//! Each solver simulation will be controlled by this multi-grid cycle, and this is the right
//! reason why this class is named as 'Controller'.
//! The standard simulation order is:
//! Zero residual --> go into Multi-Grid cycle, if single level grid used, go to Relaxation directly.
LIB_EXPORT void SolveIncomSteadyField(int iSolver, int level = 0);
//! Steady simulation by implementing multi-grid cycle.
//! Each solver simulation will be controlled by this multi-grid cycle, and this is the right
//! reason why this class is named as 'Controller'.
//! The standard simulation order is:
//! Zero residual --> go into Multi-Grid cycle, if single level grid used, go to Relaxation directly.
LIB_EXPORT void SolveHyrbridDBPBSteadyField(int iSolver, int level = 0);
//! Unsteady simulation using Dual Time Step method.
//! In which, the steady simulation process is used as the virtual dual time step (or sub-iteration),
//! and the steady relaxation sub-iterations are nested inside the real physical time step.
LIB_EXPORT void SolveUnsteadyField();
//! Update unsteady flow.
//! The the flow field of n+1 physical time step is updated by using the last sub-iteration results.
void UpdateUnsteadyFlow(int iSolver, int level = 0);
//! Multi-Grid (MG) acceleration cycle control.
//! All MG stages are defined in it, such as relaxation, restriction, prolongation, correction.
void MultiGrid(int iSolver, int level = 0);
//! Implicit and explicit time integration.
//! Time step is first computed, and then using Runge-Kutta or LUSGS or other methods to advancing one step.
void Relaxation(int iSolver, int level);
//! Computing time step of each iteration, in which CFL number is used.
//! Both local and global methods are defined. Computing process:\n
//! 1. Compute time step of each zone.\n
//! 2. Compute the global minimum time step.\n
//! 3. Balance time step by reducing time step to no more than k-times of global minimum time step.
void TimeStep(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the inviscous/viscous/chemical spectrum radius, \n
//! the results stored in array invSpectralRadius and visSpectralRadius and srs.
void SpectrumRadius(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the diagonal 'matrix' for LU-SGS. Although it is named as 'matrix',
//! only scale variable is used since the Jacobian matrix is simplified to be spectrum radius.
void Diagonal(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute and return the global minimum time step.
//! For parallel computing, all_reduce is used to communicate the global minimum value.
RDouble ComputeMinTimeStep(int iSolver, int level);
//! Balance time step by reducing time step to no more than k-times of global minimum time step.
void ReduceMaxTimeStep(int iSolver, int level);
//! Set residual to be zero.
void ZeroResiduals(int iSolver, int level = 0);
//! Compute solver residual, by computing inviscid and viscous flux and source terms.
void LoadResiduals(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute inviscid and viscous flux and source terms.
void UpdateResiduals(int iSolver, int level);
void UpdateResidualsOnlyforMixGrid(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute pressure factor for entropy fix (Method 2).
void PressureFactor(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the gama and temperature of flowfield on the level-th multigrid.
void ComputeGamaAndTField(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the independent flowfield value (such as gama/temperature/laminar viscous/gradient) on the level-th multigrid.
void UpdateIndependentField(int iSolver, int level);
//! Set the boundary condition of flowfield on the level-th multigrid.
void SetBoundaryValueOfField(int iSolver, int level);
void MixingPlaneBoundary(int iSolver, int level);
void PreSolveforStructHighOrder(int iSolver, int level);
void GetIndependentVariablesforStructHighOrder(int iSolver, int level);
void GetDependentVariablesforStructHighOrder(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the gama and temperature of flowfield on the level-th multigrid.
void ComputeViscousCoeff(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute the cross and blending function F1 and F2 term of turbulence flow.
void ComputeBlendFunctionSST(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute gradient for viscous flux computation.
void ComputeGradient(int iSolver, int level);
void ComputeLimiter(int iSolver, int level);
//! Compute node bctype.
void ComputeNodeBCType();
void CommunicationNodeBCType();
//! Relaxation by explicit Runge-Kutta method.
void RungeKutta(int iSolver, int level);
//! Define the post-processing for each solver.
void PostSolve(int level = 0);
//! Flow field interpolation to fine grid from computing results on coarse grid.
LIB_EXPORT void InterpolatFineGrid(int iSolver, int level);
//! Flow initialization using coarse level if Multi-Grid is used.
LIB_EXPORT void MultiGridInitFlow(int level);
//! Compute the sub-iteration norm.
RDouble ComputeSubIterationNorm(int iSolver, int level);
//! Get the current being used solver index.
int GetSolverIndex();
//! Get the number of post-processing which is need for each solver.
int GetNPostSolve(int iSolver);
//! Get flow field on multi-grid of 'level' of iSolver-th solver.
FieldProxy **GetQProxy (int level);
//! Get Right Hand Side on multi-grid of 'level' of iSolver-th solver.
FieldProxy **GetRHSProxy(int level);
Zone * GetZone(int iZone);
CFDSolver * GetCFDSolver(int iZone, int iSolver);
//! GMRES solver -- a linear system solver
//! This method can be referenced "Sen Zhang, Boqian Wang, et al. Implementation of a Newton-Krylov Algorithm in the Open-source Solver PHengLEI[C]."
//! GPPS Hong Kong , October 17-19, 2023.
void GMRESSolver(int iSolver, int level);
void GMRESSolver_Coupled(int level); // GMRESCoupled
void GMRESSolver_backupversion(int iSolver, int level);
void GMRESForZone(RDouble **dRdq, std::vector<int>& AI, std::vector<int>& AJ, RDouble **res, FieldProxy *dqProxy, const int& nTotalcells, const int& nEquations); //GMRESSparse GMRESCSR
//! For New LUSGS with one sweep, Sub-routines of LUSGS method, which is divided into 4 steps.
void LUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
void DualTimeStepsLUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
void LUSGSInitialization(int iSolver, int level, int nSweep, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ);
void BLUSGSInitialization(int iSolver, int level, int nSweep, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ);
void MatrixLUSGSInitialization(int iSolver, int level, int nSweep, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ);
void ForwardSweep(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
void BackwardSweep(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
void UpdateFlowField(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy);
void DetermineCFLNumber(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **dqProxy1);
void CommunicationInterfaceData(int iSolver);
void CommunicationInterfaceDataOneLevel(int iSolver, int level);
void CommunicationDQ(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy);
void CommunicateGenericArray(int iSolver, int level);
void CommunicateGradientArray(int iSolver, int level);
void CommunicateGradientandLimitOnlyForMixGrid();
void CommunicateQlQrOnlyforMixGrid();
void CommunicateFacefluxOnlyforMixGrid();
void LHS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **resProxy, const RDouble &coef);
void FillField(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **targetProxy, FieldProxy **sourceProxy);
//! To start the block LU-SGS Method.
//! @param[in ]: iSolver is the serial number of the current solver.
//! @param[in ]: level denotes the serial number of the layer where the variables are compute in the multigrid method.
//void BLUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
//! Block Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss<73>CSeidel Scheme for unstruct grid.
void BLUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
//! Forward sweep in BLUSGS methods.
void ForwardSweepBLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal , int &iSweep);
//! Backward sweep in BLUSGS methods.
void BackwardSweepBLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal);
//! Matix Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss<73>CSeidel Scheme for struct grid.
void MatrixLUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
//! Forward sweep in MatrixLUSGS methods.
void ForwardSweepMatrixLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal , int &iSweep);
//! Backward sweep in MatrixLUSGS methods.
void BackwardSweepMatrixLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal);
//! Line implicit Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss<73>CSeidel Scheme for unstruct grid.
void LineLUSGS(int iSolver, int level);
void LineLUSGSInitialization(int iSolver, int level, int nSweep, FieldProxy **dqProxy, FieldProxy **LUplusDQ);
//! Forward sweep in line BLUSGS methods.
void ForwardSweepLineLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy** dqProxy, FieldProxy** LUplusDQ, RDouble& sweepNormal, int& iSweep);
//! Backward sweep in line LUSGS methods.
void BackwardSweepLineLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy** dqProxy, FieldProxy** LUplusDQ, RDouble& sweepNormal);
//! To execute the forward sweep of the block LU-SGS method.
//! @param[in ]: iSolver is the serial number of the current solver.
//! @param[in ]: level denotes the serial number of the layer where the variables are compute in the multigrid method.
//! @param[out]: dqProxy is an array that stores the difference values between the conservative variables at n and n+1 time step.
//void ForwardSweepBLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy);
//! To execute the backward sweep of the block LU-SGS method.
//! @param[in ]: iSolver is the serial number of the current solver.
//! @param[in ]: level denotes the serial number of the layer where the variables are compute in the multigrid method.
//! @param[out]: dqProxy is an array that stores the difference values between the conservative variables at n and n+1 time step.
//void BackwardSweepBLUSGS(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **dqProxy);
void RungeKuttaThirdTVD(int iSolver, int level);
void CreatqProxyfor3rdRK(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **q0Proxy);
void Stagefor3rdRK(int iSolver, int level, FieldProxy **q0Proxy, int nstage);
//! MG stages.
void InitResidual(int iSolver, int level);
void LoadQ(int iSolver, int level);
void RestrictAllQ(int iSolver, int level);
void RestrictDefect(int iSolver, int level);
void PutCorrection(int iSolver, int level);
void PutCorrectionBack(int iSolver, int level);
void CorrectFineGrid(int iSolver, int level);
void CreateQProxy (int iSolver, int level);
void DestroyQProxy (int level);
void CreateRHSProxy (int iSolver, int level);
void DestroyRHSProxy(int level);
void StoreRhsByResidual(int iSolver, int level);
void RecoverResidual (int iSolver, int level);
bool CVGNorm(int iSolver, int level = 0);
bool ISCoarsestGrid(int level);
bool JudgeIfCalTheZoneForDensityBasedMethod(int zoneID, int iSolver);
bool JudgeIfCalTheZoneForPressureBasedMethod(int zoneID, int iSolver);
class MultiGridFieldProxy
int iSolver, level, nzone;
FieldProxy **field_proxy;
MultiGridFieldProxy(int iSolver, int level, int nZone);
FieldProxy ** GetFieldProxy() { return field_proxy; }
class ZoneFieldProxy
int iSolver, nzone;
uint_t nlevel;
MultiGridFieldProxy **field_proxy;
ZoneFieldProxy(int iSolver, uint_t nLevel, int nZone);
FieldProxy ** GetFieldProxy(int level);
#include "Controller.hxx"