
555 lines
19 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cmath>
#include "IncomKETurbKEqCalculator.h"
using namespace std;
namespace PHSPACE
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::InitFlowAsRestart(Grid* gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int nBoundFace = grid->GetNBoundFace();
int nTotal = nTotalCell + nBoundFace;
string *varNameIncom = reinterpret_cast <string *> (GlobalDataBase::GetDataPtr("varNameIncom"));
int solverIndex = GetSolverIndex();
RDouble initPhi = GlobalDataBase::GetDoubleParaFromDB("init" + varNameIncom[solverIndex]);
RDouble* phi = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr(varNameIncom[solverIndex]));
PHSPACE::SetField(phi, initPhi, nTotal);
RDouble *visl = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("visl"));
PHSPACE::SetField(visl, 0.0, nTotal);
RDouble *vist = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("vist"));
PHSPACE::SetField(vist, 0.0, nTotal);
RDouble *nu_eff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("nu_eff"));
PHSPACE::SetField(nu_eff, 0.0, nTotal);
RDouble *yplus = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("yplus"));
PHSPACE::SetField(yplus, 0.0, nTotal);
RDouble *gen = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("gen"));
PHSPACE::SetField(gen, 0.0, nTotalCell);
RDouble *wallFlag = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("wallFlag"));
PHSPACE::SetField(wallFlag, 0.0, nTotalCell);
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::AllocateGlobalVar(Grid *gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int nBoundFace = grid->GetNBoundFace();
int nTotal = nTotalCell + nBoundFace;
RDouble *visl = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotal);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("visl", visl);
RDouble *vist = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotal);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("vist", vist);
RDouble* nu_eff = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotal);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("nu_eff", nu_eff);
RDouble* yplus = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotal);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("yplus", yplus);
RDouble* gen = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotalCell);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("gen", gen);
RDouble* wallFlag = NewPointer<RDouble>(nTotalCell);
grid->UpdateDataPtr("wallFlag", wallFlag);
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::IncompressibleInitial(Grid * gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int nTotalFace = grid->GetNTotalFace();
int nBoundFace = grid->GetNBoundFace();
int *leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
int *rightCellOfFace = grid->GetRightCellOfFace();
RDouble* k = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Kinetic"));
RDouble* Epsilon = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Epsilon"));
RDouble *visl = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("visl"));
RDouble *vist = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("vist"));
RDouble *wallFlag = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("wallFlag"));
RDouble *nu_eff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("nu_eff"));
RDouble* nu_eff_w = nu_eff + nTotalCell;
RDouble cmu = 0.09;
RDouble* rho = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("rho"));
RDouble* mu = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("mu"));
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; ++ iCell)
vist[iCell] = rho[iCell] * cmu * k[iCell] * k[iCell] / Epsilon[iCell];
visl[iCell] = mu[iCell];
if (vist[iCell] > 1e5 * visl[iCell])
vist[iCell] = visl[iCell] * 1e5;
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < nBoundFace; ++ iFace)
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFace];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFace];
vist[re] = vist[le];
mu[re] = mu[le];
nu_eff_w[iFace] = mu[le];
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; iCell++)
wallFlag[iCell] = 0.0;
UnstructBCSet* unstructBCSet = grid->GetUnstructBCSet();
int nBCRegionUnstruct = unstructBCSet->GetnBCRegion();
for (int iBCRegionUnstruct = 0; iBCRegionUnstruct < nBCRegionUnstruct; iBCRegionUnstruct++)
UnstructBC* bcRegion = unstructBCSet->GetBCRegion(iBCRegionUnstruct);
int bcType = bcRegion->GetBCType();
if (2 == bcType)
vector<int>* faceIndex = bcRegion->GetFaceIndex();
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int leftCell = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
wallFlag[leftCell] += 1.0;
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::SetDiffusionCoeff(Grid* gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int nTotalFace = grid->GetNTotalFace();
int nBoundFace = grid->GetNBoundFace();
int* leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
int* rightCellOfFace = grid->GetRightCellOfFace();
RDouble *visl = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("visl"));
RDouble *vist = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("vist"));
RDouble prandtl = 1.0;
RDouble **DiffusionCoeff = reinterpret_cast <RDouble **> (GlobalDataBase::GetDataPtr("DiffusionCoeff"));
int solverIndex = GetSolverIndex();
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; ++iCell)
DiffusionCoeff[solverIndex][iCell] = visl[iCell] + vist[iCell] / prandtl;
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < nBoundFace; ++iFace)
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFace];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFace];
DiffusionCoeff[solverIndex][re] = DiffusionCoeff[solverIndex][le];
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::UpdateProperties(Grid* gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int nTotalFace = grid->GetNTotalFace();
int nBoundFace = grid->GetNBoundFace();
int* leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
int* rightCellOfFace = grid->GetRightCellOfFace();
RDouble* k = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("Kinetic"));
RDouble* Epsilon = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("Epsilon"));
RDouble *visl = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("visl"));
RDouble *vist = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *> (grid->GetDataPtr("vist"));
RDouble cmu = 0.09;
RDouble* rho = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("rho"));
RDouble* mu = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("mu"));
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; iCell++)
if (fabs(k[iCell]) < 1e-14)
k[iCell] = 1e-14;
else if (k[iCell] < 0.0)
k[iCell] = -k[iCell];
vist[iCell] = rho[iCell] * cmu * k[iCell] * k[iCell] / Epsilon[iCell];
mu[iCell] = visl[iCell] + vist[iCell];
if (mu[iCell] > 1e5 * visl[iCell])
mu[iCell] = visl[iCell] * 1e5;
vist[iCell] = visl[iCell] * 1e5;
UnstructBCSet* unstructBCSet = grid->GetUnstructBCSet();
int nBCRegionUnstruct = unstructBCSet->GetnBCRegion();
for (int iBCRegionUnstruct = 0; iBCRegionUnstruct < nBCRegionUnstruct; iBCRegionUnstruct++)
UnstructBC* bcRegion = unstructBCSet->GetBCRegion(iBCRegionUnstruct);
int bcType = bcRegion->GetBCType();
vector<int>* faceIndex = bcRegion->GetFaceIndex();
Data_Param* bcData = bcRegion->GetBCParamDataBase();
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int *leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
int* rightCellOfFace = grid->GetRightCellOfFace();
RDouble *mu = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("mu"));
RDouble* nu_eff_w = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("nu_eff")) + nTotalCell;
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
mu[re] = nu_eff_w[iFacelocal];
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::CalcOtherMatrixACoeff(Grid * gridIn)
UnstructGrid* grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
RDouble *k = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Kinetic"));
RDouble *gen = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("gen"));
RDouble *diagMatrixCoeff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("diagMatrixCoeff"));
RDouble *bCoeff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("bCoeff"));
RDouble *rho = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("rho"));
RDouble *Epsilon = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Epsilon"));
RDouble *vol = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetCellVolume());
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; ++ iCell)
diagMatrixCoeff[iCell] += rho[iCell] * Epsilon[iCell] / (k[iCell] + 1e-20) * vol[iCell];
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::CalcOtherbCoeff(Grid* gridIn, int iEquation)
UnstructGrid* grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
RDouble *k = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Kinetic"));
RDouble *gen = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("gen"));
RDouble *diagMatrixCoeff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("diagMatrixCoeff"));
RDouble *bCoeff = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("bCoeff"));
RDouble *rho = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("rho"));
RDouble *Epsilon = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Epsilon"));
RDouble *vol = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetCellVolume());
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < nTotalCell; ++ iCell)
bCoeff[iCell] += gen[iCell] * vol[iCell];
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::GetResidual(Grid *gridIn, vector<RDouble>& res)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
RDouble resNow = 0.0;
grid->GetData("KineticResNow", &resNow, PHDOUBLE, 1);
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::InitialUnsteadyVar(Grid *gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
PHString1D phiNameList;
int isUnsteady = GlobalDataBase::GetIntParaFromDB("iunsteady");
if (isUnsteady == 0)
string TranCalcMethod = GlobalDataBase::GetStrParaFromDB("TranCalcMethod");
if (TranCalcMethod == "IMPLICIT_EULER")
ImplicitEuler_ReInitTimeVar(grid, phiNameList);
else if (TranCalcMethod == "IMPLICIT_2ND_ORDER")
Implicit2ndOrder_ReInitTimeVar(grid, phiNameList);
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::UpdateUnsteadyVariable(Grid *grid)
UnstructGrid *gridIn = UnstructGridCast(grid);
std::vector<std::string> phiNameList;
int isUnsteady = GlobalDataBase::GetIntParaFromDB("iunsteady");
if (isUnsteady == 0)
string TranCalcMethod = GlobalDataBase::GetStrParaFromDB("TranCalcMethod");
if (TranCalcMethod == "IMPLICIT_EULER")
ImplicitEuler_SaveOldTimeValue(gridIn, phiNameList);
else if (TranCalcMethod == "IMPLICIT_2ND_ORDER")
Implicit2ndOrder_SaveOldTimeValue(gridIn, phiNameList);
void IncomKETurbKEqCalculator::UpdateBCValue(Grid* gridIn)
UnstructGrid *grid = UnstructGridCast(gridIn);
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
string varName = "Kinetic";
int *leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
RDouble *phi = reinterpret_cast<RDouble *>(grid->GetDataPtr("Kinetic"));
RDouble* FaceFlux = reinterpret_cast<RDouble*>(grid->GetDataPtr("FaceFlux"));
UnstructBCSet *unstructBCSet = grid->GetUnstructBCSet();
int nBCRegionUnstruct = unstructBCSet->GetnBCRegion();
int* rightCellOfFace = grid->GetRightCellOfFace();
for (int iBCRegionUnstruct = 0; iBCRegionUnstruct < nBCRegionUnstruct; iBCRegionUnstruct++)
UnstructBC *bcRegion = unstructBCSet->GetBCRegion(iBCRegionUnstruct);
int bcType = bcRegion->GetBCType();
vector<int> *faceIndex = bcRegion->GetFaceIndex();
Data_Param *bcData = bcRegion->GetBCParamDataBase();
for (size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
phi[re] = phi[le];
else if (bcType == PHENGLEI::FARFIELD)
RDouble kb = 0.0;
for (std::size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
if (bcData)
if (bcData->IsExist("initKinetic", PHDOUBLE, 1))
bcData->GetData("initKinetic", &kb, PHDOUBLE, 1);
std::cout << " No initial value has assigned to the boundary " << std::endl;
for (int iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
if (FaceFlux[iFacelocal] < 0)
phi[re] = kb;
phi[re] = phi[le];
else if (bcType == PHENGLEI::INFLOW)
RDouble kb = 0.0;
for (std::size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
if (bcData)
if (bcData->IsExist("initKinetic", PHDOUBLE, 1))
bcData->GetData("initKinetic", &kb, PHDOUBLE, 1);
std::cout << " No initial value has assigned to the boundary " << std::endl;
if (FaceFlux[iFacelocal] < 0)
phi[re] = kb;
phi[re] = phi[le];
else if (bcType == PHENGLEI::OUTFLOW)
int nTotalCell = grid->GetNTotalCell();
int *leftCellOfFace = grid->GetLeftCellOfFace();
RDouble *xfc = grid->GetFaceCenterX();
RDouble *yfc = grid->GetFaceCenterY();
RDouble *zfc = grid->GetFaceCenterZ();
RDouble *xcc = grid->GetCellCenterX();
RDouble *ycc = grid->GetCellCenterY();
RDouble *zcc = grid->GetCellCenterZ();
RDouble kb = 0.0;
for (std::size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
if (FaceFlux[iFacelocal] < 0.0)
if (bcData)
if (bcData->IsExist("init" + varName, PHDOUBLE, 1))
bcData->GetData("init" + varName, &kb, PHDOUBLE, 1);
phi[re] = RDouble(kb);
std::cout << " Please assign a value " << std::endl;
phi[re] = phi[le];
else if (bcType == PHENGLEI::PRESSURE_INLET)
RDouble kb = 0.0;
for (std::size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
if (bcData)
if (bcData->IsExist("initKinetic", PHDOUBLE, 1))
bcData->GetData("initKinetic", &kb, PHDOUBLE, 1);
std::cout << " No initial value has assigned to the boundary " << std::endl;
if (FaceFlux[iFacelocal] < 0)
phi[re] = kb;
phi[re] = phi[le];
RDouble kb = 0.0;
for (std::size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
if (FaceFlux[iFacelocal] < 0.0)
if (bcData)
if (bcData->IsExist("init" + varName, PHDOUBLE, 1))
bcData->GetData("init" + varName, &kb, PHDOUBLE, 1);
phi[re] = RDouble(kb);
std::cout << " Please assign a value " << std::endl;
phi[re] = phi[le];
for (size_t iFace = 0; iFace < faceIndex->size(); ++ iFace)
int iFacelocal = (*faceIndex)[iFace];
int le = leftCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
int re = rightCellOfFace[iFacelocal];
phi[re] = phi[le];