475 lines
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475 lines
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// P P H H E NN N G L E I +
// P H H E N N N G G L E I +
// Platform for Hybrid Engineering Simulation of Flows +
// China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center +
// (C) Copyright, Since 2010 +
//! @file TurbSolverStruct.h
//! @brief turbulence solver for struct grid.
//! @author He Xin, He Kun, He Xianyao, Liu Jian, Zhang Zipei, Li peng, Ma Yankai.
#pragma once
#include "TurbSolver.h"
namespace PHSPACE
class StructBC;
class Param_TurbSolverStruct;
class TurbSolverStr : public TurbSolver
//! Length scale of XXDES, such as DES/DDES/IDDES.
RDouble3D *DESLength;
RDouble3D *SSTLength;
//! To obtain the turbulent residual according to the flux between the cell face.
//! @param[in out ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent residual are stored.
//! @param[in ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void LoadFlux(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the turbulent viscous flux of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void CompVisFlux(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the one equation turbulent viscous flux of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void CompVisFluxOneEquation(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the two equation turbulent viscid flux of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void CompVisFluxTwoEquation(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To set the turbulent residual to zero of the Special cell, which is inherited from class NSSolver.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent residual are stored.
void ZeroResidualOfSpecialCells(Grid * gridIn);
//! To set the turbulent variables from primitive form to conservative form in two equation model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent variables are stored.
void ChangeTurbQ (Grid *gridIn);
//! To set the turbulent variables from conservative form to primitive form in two equation model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent variables are stored.
void RecoverTurbQ(Grid *gridIn);
//! To obtain the two equation turbulent inviscid flux of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: qLeftProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qRightProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qpmvl_proxy denotes the laminar q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qpmvr_proxy denotes the laminar q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[out ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void ComputeInviscidFlux(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qRightProxy, FieldProxy *qpmvl_proxy, FieldProxy *qpmvr_proxy, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the two equation turbulent inviscid flux of the cell face by NND method, called by function ComputeInviscidFlux.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: qLeftProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qRightProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qLaminarLeftProxy denotes the laminar q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: qpmvr_proxy denotes the laminar q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[out ]: fluxProxy denotes the flux proxy of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void NNDFlux(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qRightProxy, FieldProxy *qLaminarLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qLaminarRightProxy, FieldProxy *fluxProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the turbulent MUSCL interpolate value of the cell face in iSurface direction.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out ]: qLeftProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[out ]: qRightProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void GetInviscidFaceValue(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qRightProxy, int iSurface);
//! To obtain the laminar velocity of the cell face for turbulent equation in iSurface direction.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out ]: qLaminarLeftProxy denotes the velocity proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[out ]: qLaminarRightProxy denotes the velocity proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void GetInvFaceQValueforTurb(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qLaminarLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qLaminarRightProxy, int iSurface);
//! To modify the interpolate turbulent vaule on the boundary, especially on the SOLID SURFACE.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in out ]: qLeftProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in out ]: qRightProxy denotes the turbulent q proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in out ]: qLaminarLeftProxy denotes the velocity proxy to the left of the cell face.
//! @param[in out ]: qLaminarRightProxy denotes the velocity proxy to the right of the cell face.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void CorrectFaceVar(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qRightProxy, FieldProxy *qLaminarLeftProxy, FieldProxy *qLaminarRightProxy, int iSurface);
//! To get the gradient of turbulent variables at the cell center.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, on which dependent variables are stored.
void ComputeGradientCellCenter(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the gradient of turbulent variables at the cell center.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, on which dependent variables are stored.
//void ReconGrad(Grid *gridIn, int iSurface);
//! To modified the boundary value of the turbulent variables's gradient at the cell center.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, on which dependent variables are stored.
void SetCellCenterGradientBoundary(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the gradient of turbulent variables at the cell face from the cell center gradient.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, on which dependent variables are stored.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void ReconGradVolWeightedwithCorrection(Grid *gridIn, int iSurface);
//! To correct the gradient of turbulent variables at the special physical boundaries, such as viscous wall, symmetry.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, on which dependent variables are stored.
//! @param[in ]: iSurface denotes the direction index of the grid faces, where 1 indicates the I-direction, 2 for J-direction, and 3 is K-direction.
void GetGradientAtFace_CorrectionAtPhysicalBoundary(Grid *gridIn, int iSurface);
void RotateVectorFromInterface(Grid *gridIn, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &nEquation);//zhangyong
void AverageMixingPlane(Grid *grid) {};
void MixingPlaneDataTransfer(Grid *grid, Grid *NeighborGrid) {};
void NonReflective(Grid *grid, Grid *NeighborGrid) {};
void SetMixingPlaneData(Grid *grid) {};
//! Interface: to put the boundary data to DataContainer for parallel communication.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information for parallel communication.
void UploadInterfaceData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! implement: to put the boundary data to DataContainer for parallel communication, called by function UploadInterfaceData.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information for parallel communication.
void UploadInterfaceValue(ActionKey *actkey){};
//! Interface: to get the boundary data from DataContainer for parallel communication.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information for parallel communication.
void DownloadInterfaceData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! implement: to get the boundary data from DataContainer for parallel communication, called by function DownloadInterfaceData.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information for parallel communication.
void DownloadInterfaceValue(ActionKey *actkey){};
//! Implement: to compress turbulent dq data from grid to date dataContainer.
void CompressDQ(DataContainer *&dataContainer, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, Grid *grid, const int &zoneIndex, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &neqn);
void DecompressDQ(DataContainer *&dataContainer, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, Grid *grid, const int &zoneIndex, const int &neighborZoneIndex, const int &neqn);
//! Todo: overset information communication hasn't carried out yet.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information for parallel communication.
void UploadOversetData(ActionKey *actkey);
void DownloadOversetData(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To set all of the value of the turbulent field proxy equal to the input value
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out]: fieldProxy denotes the target turbulent field proxy which will be covered by input value .
//! @param[in ]: value denotes the source value.
void FillField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *fieldProxy, RDouble value);
//! To set all of the value of the fieldProxy equal to the input value
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out]: targetFieldProxy denotes the target turbulent field proxy which will be covered by the source field proxy.
//! @param[in ]: sourceFieldProxy denotes the source turbulent field proxy.
void FillField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *targetFieldProxy, FieldProxy *sourceFieldProxy);
//! To creat a turbulent fieldProxy and get data by field name.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in]: fieldName denotes the field name to be set into fieldProxy.
//! @return: the turbulent field proxy created.
FieldProxy *GetFieldProxy(Grid *gridIn, const string &fieldName);
//! To creat a turbulent fieldProxy without initionalization.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @return: the turbulent field proxy created.
FieldProxy *CreateFieldProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! To creat a laminar fieldProxy without initionalization.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @return: the laminar field proxy created.
FieldProxy *CreateFlowFieldProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! To creat a turbulent residual proxy and set by "res_turb" data in gridIn.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @return: the turbulent residual proxy created.
FieldProxy *GetResidualProxy(Grid *gridIn);
//! To set the turbulent right hand side proxy by "res_turb" in gridIn.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[out]: rightHandSideProxy: the turbulent right hand side proxy.
void StoreRhsByResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rightHandSideProxy);
//! To initionalization the "res_turb" data in gridIn by turbulent right hand side proxy.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: rightHandSideProxy: the turbulent right hand side proxy.
void InitResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rightHandSideProxy);
//! To set the "res_turb" data in gridIn by turbulent right hand side proxy.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: rightHandSideProxy: the turbulent right hand side proxy.
void RecoverResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rightHandSideProxy);
//! Create and initialize control parameters.
LIB_EXPORT void InitControlParameters();
//! Get control parameters.
LIB_EXPORT Param_TurbSolverStruct *GetControlParameters();
//! Judge if the flow field variables file already exists in Turb solver.
bool JudgeIfRestart();
bool JudgeIfReadAverage();
bool JudgeIfProtectedRestart();
void InitFlowAsReadingProtectedRestart(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To write the flow data to restart file by original "fts" form for continue to simulation.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information.
void DumpRestart(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To read the flow data from restart file by original "fts" form for continue to simulation.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information.
void ReadRestart(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To write the flow data to restart file by HDF5 "fts" form for continue to simulation.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information.
void DumpRestartH5(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To read the flow data from restart file by HDF5 "fts" form for continue to simulation.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control information.
void ReadRestartH5(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To allocate the internal storage of field variables/residual/spectum array and other global data array.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void AllocateGlobalVar(Grid *gridIn);
//! To deallocate the internal storage of array.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void DeAllocateGlobalVar(Grid *gridIn);
//! To initionalize the flow flield according to the inflow condition
void InitFlowAsRestart();
//! Interface: to get the turbulent viscousity.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeViscousCoeff(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: to get the turbulent viscousity, called by function ComputeViscousCoeff.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void Viscosity(Grid *gridIn);
//! To set the flow field value of the external boundary condition of the computational region. \n
//! It looped all the internal boundary and was realized by call the specific boundary functions.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void Boundary(Grid *gridIn);
//! To set the inflow boundary condition by setting the flow field value equal to the far field value.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void InFlowBC (Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
//! To set the outflow boundary condition by 2nd order interpolation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void OutFlowBC (Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
//! To set the symmetry boundary condition by 1st order interpolation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void SymmetryBC(Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
//! To set the viscid wall boundary condition by setting the turbulent variables equal to zero or other specific value.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void VisWall(Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
void VisWallWithWallFunctionStandard(Grid* gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
void VisWallWithWallFunctionPAB3D(Grid* gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
//! To set the farfield boundary condition according to riemann method.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void FarFieldBC(Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC);
//! To implement the standard wall function while y+ isn't meet the need.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void WallFunctionStandard(Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC, int is, int js, int ks, int it, int jt, int kt, int i, int j, int k);
//! To implement the Pab3D wall function while y+ isn't meet the need.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: structBC denotes the current boundary condition region which need to be set.
void WallFunctionPab3D(Grid *gridIn, StructBC *structBC, int is, int js, int ks, int it, int jt, int kt, int i, int j, int k);
//! To obtain the turbulent residual according to the right hand side.
//! @param[in out ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent residual are stored.
//! @param[in ]: rightHandSideProxy denotes the right hand side proxy of the cell face.
void LoadResiduals(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *rightHandSideProxy);
//! To set the turbulent residual zero.
//! @param[in out ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent residual are stored.
void ZeroResiduals(Grid *gridIn);
//! To set the turbulent spectum zero.
//! @param[in out ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids, in which turbulent spectum are stored.
void InitSpectrum(Grid *gridIn);
//! Interface: to get the turbulent source flux of one equation model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SourceFluxOneEquation(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: to get the turbulent source flux of one equation model by original method.
//! Don't use yet.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SourceFluxOneEquationOriginal(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: to get the turbulent source flux of one equation model by new method.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SourceFluxOneEquationNew(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the turbulent source flux of two one equation model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SourceFluxTwoEquation(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the turbulent inviscid flux.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void InviscidFlux(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the turbulent viscid flux.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ViscousFlux(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the turbulent dual time source residual.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void DualTimeSource(Grid *gridIn);
//! To update the unsteady turbulent flow field variables such as qTurbulence, residual, volume.
//! q(n+1) = q(n); q(n) = q(n-1)..
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void UpdateUnsteadyFlow(Grid *gridIn);
RDouble UnsteadyConvergence(Grid *gridIn);
//! Interface: to get the turbulent spectum.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void Diagonal(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: to get the turbulent spectum of one equation model, called by function Spectrum.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SpectrumRadiusOfOneEquation(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: to get the turbulent spectum of two equation model, called by function Spectrum.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void SpectrumRadiusOfTwoEquation(Grid *gridIn);
//! To load flow variables stored in grid to qProxy.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: qProxy denotes the turbulent field proxy.
void LoadQ(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qProxy);
//! To get the turbulent residual for Runge-Kutta method.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void RungeKuttaResidual(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, RDouble coef);
//! Implicit LU-SGS time integration method.
void SolveLUSGSForward(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, FieldProxy *LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
void SolveLUSGSBackward(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *dqProxy, FieldProxy *LUplusDQ, RDouble &sweepNormal, bool iAdvanceStep = false);
//! To update the turbulent flow field variables for steady flow.
//! q(n+1) = q(n)+dq.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: qProxy denotes the turbulent field proxy.
//! @param[in ]: dqProxy denotes the of turbulent field proxy increment of one iteration step.
void UpdateFlowField(Grid *gridIn, FieldProxy *qProxy, FieldProxy *dqProxy);
//! To set turbulent flow field variables's value at the corner point.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void CornerPoint(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the distance between the two point(i, j, k) and (i+1, j+1, k+1).
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @param[in ]: i, j, k denotes grid point index.
//! @return: the distance between the two point(i, j, k) and (i+1, j+1, k+1).
RDouble GetDistance(Grid *gridIn, int i, int j, int k);
//! To get maximum residual for output.
//! @param[in ]: actkey contains the control parameter.
void GetResidual(ActionKey *actkey);
//! To get the crossing term for two equation turbulent model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void Crossing(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the blending term for two equation turbulent model.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void Blending(Grid *gridIn);
//! Interface: To get the length scale for DES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeLengthScaleofOneEquationModel(Grid *gridIn);
//! Interface: To get the length scale for SST-based DES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeLengthScaleofTwoEquationModel(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for standard DES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeDESLength(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for SST DES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeDESLengthSST(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for standard DDES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeDDESLength(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for SST DDES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeDDESLengthSST(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for standard IDDES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeIDDESLength(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for SST IDDES simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeIDDESLengthSST(Grid *gridIn);
//! Implement: To get the length scale for SST simulation.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
void ComputeSSTLength(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the length scale for one equation model turbulent simulation.
//! With DES: DES length scale.
//! Without DES: wall diatance.
//! @param[in ]: gridIn denotes the current computational regions of the grids.
//! @return: the lenth scale for turbulent simulation.
RDouble3D * GetLengthScale(Grid *gridIn);
//! To get the length scale for SST model turbulent simulation.
//! With DES: DES length scale.
//! Without DES: sqrt(ke) / (beta * kw).
//! @return: the lenth scale for SST turbulent simulation.
RDouble3D * GetLengthScaleSST();
RDouble3D * GetDESLength() { return this->DESLength; }
RDouble3D * GetSSTLength() { return this->SSTLength; }
void SetDESLength(RDouble3D *length) { this->DESLength = length; }
void SetSSTLength(RDouble3D *length) { this->SSTLength = length; }
void ComputeLESLengthofSA(Grid *gridIn, RDouble3D *LESLength, RDouble3D *lowReynoldsNumberCorrection, int DESType);
void ComputeLESLengthofSST(Grid *gridIn, RDouble3D *LESLength, int DESType);
void ComputeLowReynoldsNumberCorrection(Grid *gridIn, RDouble3D *lowReynoldsNumberCorrection);