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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import multiprocessing
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import random
sessruntotal = 0
def oblivious_cond_swap_bit(cond, x, y):
Conditional private swap for single attribute
Param-cond: compare result(SS) for x and y
Formula: return cond * x + y - cond * y, cond * y + x - cond * x
import latticex.rosetta as rtt
# sess = tf.Session()
# cond =
# cx =, x))
# cy =, y))
# tempAdd_1 =, y))
# tempAdd_2 =, x))
# res_1 = rtt.SecureSub(tempAdd_1, cy)
# res_2 = rtt.SecureSub(tempAdd_2, cx)
res_1 = rtt.SecureAdd(rtt.SecureMul(cond, rtt.SecureSub(x, y)), y)
res_2 = rtt.SecureAdd(rtt.SecureMul(cond, rtt.SecureSub(y, x)), x)
# res_1 = rtt.SecureSub(rtt.SecureAdd(rtt.SecureMul(cond, x), y), rtt.SecureMul(cond, y))
# res_2 = rtt.SecureSub(rtt.SecureAdd(rtt.SecureMul(cond, y), x), rtt.SecureMul(cond, x))
# res_1 = tf.subtract(tf.add(tf.multiply(cond, x), y), tf.multiply(cond, y))
# res_2 = tf.subtract(tf.add(tf.multiply(cond, y), x), tf.multiply(cond, x))
return res_1, res_2
def oblivious_cond_swap_record(attr, InputVector, index_1, index_2, ifDummy, mode):
Conditional private swap between records
e.g. If we want to swap two record according to AGE in ascending order.
...... ......
...... ......
1003 38 1500000 ---> 1015 25 80000
...... ......
...... ......
...... ......
1015 25 80000 1003 38 1500000
attr: The column attribute to sort by. e.g. If we want to sort a table(ID, AGE, DEPOSIT) according to AGE, then attr is 1
InputVector: The vector to be sort (SS) Note. Should transfer the ciphertext from tf.Tensor to ndarray
index_1 / index_2: Two objects' indexs to be swapped (plaintext)
ifDummy: Marking whether each element is dummy -> 0: Real record; 1: Dummy (plaintext)
mode: Sorting mode -> 0: Ascending; 1: Descending (plaintext)
import latticex.rosetta as rtt
x_value = InputVector[index_1]
y_value = InputVector[index_2]
x_flag = ifDummy[index_1]
y_flag = ifDummy[index_2]
Swap strategy: move the dummy to the end of vector and shrink
if (x_flag == 1) & (y_flag == 0):
If the front element is real value while backend element is dummy, then do swap
InputVector[index_1] = y_value
ifDummy[index_1] = y_flag
InputVector[index_2] = x_value
ifDummy[index_2] = x_flag
if y_flag == 1:
If the backend element is dummy, no need to swap
If both of x_value and y_value are real value, then do conditional private compare(obliviously swap)
x_attr = InputVector[index_1][attr]
y_attr = InputVector[index_2][attr]
if mode == 0:
sig = rtt.SecureLess(np.array(x_attr), np.array(y_attr))
sig = rtt.SecureGreater(np.array(x_attr), np.array(y_attr))
sess = tf.Session()
# x_value_tensor_new, y_value_tensor_new = oblivious_cond_swap_bit(sig, np.array(x_value), np.array(y_value))
# TIME_START = time.time()
x_value_tensor_new, y_value_tensor_new = oblivious_cond_swap_bit(sig, x_value, y_value)
# TIME_END = time.time()
# print('Each obviously swap time:', TIME_END - TIME_START)
# TIME_START = time.time()
x_value_new =
y_value_new =
# TIME_END = time.time()
# global sessruntotal
# sessruntotal += (TIME_END - TIME_START)
# print('Each time:', TIME_END - TIME_START)
InputVector[index_1] = x_value_new
InputVector[index_2] = y_value_new
def oblivious_odd_even_merge_sort(attr, InputVector, mode, sorted_length = 1):
This module will sort the InputVector according to attr and mode
Step1. Pads the vector to power of 2 with dummy elements
original_length = len(InputVector)
padding_length = len(InputVector)
while padding_length & (padding_length - 1) != 0:
padding_length += 1
record_len = len(InputVector[0])
rd = np.random.RandomState(1487)
DataSort = []
DataFlag = []
for idx in range(padding_length):
if idx < original_length:
Push the real value
Padding with dummy
DataSort.append(InputVector[rd.randint(0, original_length)])
DataSort = np.array(DataSort)
Step2. Execute odd-even merge sort obviously
l = sorted_length
num_keys = len(DataSort)
while l < num_keys:
l *= 2
k = 1
while k < l:
k *= 2
n_outer = num_keys // l
n_inner = l // k
n_innermost = 1 if k == 2 else k // 2 - 1
for i in range(n_outer):
for j in range(n_inner):
base = i * l + j
step = l // k
if k == 2:
index1 = base
index2 = base + step
oblivious_cond_swap_record(attr, DataSort, index1, index2, DataFlag, mode)
for i_inner in range(n_innermost):
m1 = step + i_inner * 2 * step
m2 = m1 + base
index1 = m2
index2 = m2 + step
oblivious_cond_swap_record(attr, DataSort, index1, index2, DataFlag, mode)
DataSort = DataSort[0 : original_length, 0 : record_len]
# global sessruntotal
# print(' total time:', sessruntotal)
return DataSort
# def test(id):
# sys.argv.extend(["--node_id", "P{}".format(id)])
# import latticex.rosetta as rtt
# rtt.backend_log_to_stdout(False)
# rtt.activate("SecureNN")
# test_table = 'users/user1/S_user1_table0.csv'
# TIME_START = time.time()
# if id == 0:
# plaintext = np.loadtxt(open(test_table), delimiter = ",", skiprows = 1)
# rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(plaintext)
# rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(None)
# rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(None)
# elif id == 1:
# rd = np.random.RandomState(1789)
# plaintext = rd.randint(0, 1, (1, 1))
# rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(None)
# rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(plaintext)
# rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(None)
# else:
# rd = np.random.RandomState(1999)
# plaintext = rd.randint(0, 1, (1, 1))
# rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(None)
# rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(None)
# rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(plaintext)
# session = tf.Session()
# sorted_rtxdata = oblivious_odd_even_merge_sort(1, rtx, 0)
# TIME_END = time.time()
# print('Successfully sort the array, total time:', TIME_END - TIME_START)
# sorted_rtxdata_plaintext =
# tf.get_default_graph().finalize()
# print(sorted_rtxdata_plaintext)
# p0 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test, args = (0,))
# p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test, args = (1,))
# p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test, args = (2,))
# p0.daemon = True
# p0.start()
# p1.daemon = True
# p1.start()
# p2.daemon = True
# p2.start()
# p0.join()
# p1.join()
# p2.join()
Reference in New Issue