161 lines
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161 lines
5.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import os
from pydoc import plain
import sys
import multiprocessing
from venv import logger
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import time
import random
import logging
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1'
from queryParse import parseSQL
from saveCipherTable import *
from loadCipherTable import *
from AST import *
from obliviousSort import *
from secureGroupBy import *
from cache import *
from parameters import *
# from executeSecurePlan import *
In this py file, we test the SQL demo:
SELECT user_id
FROM passwords|P1U...Upasswords|Pm
GROUP BY CONCAT(user_id, password)
Note: this test just for this SQL, deployer can parse your own SQL to use our MPC-Cache idea
def test_demo2(id):
sys.argv.extend(["--node_id", "P{}".format(id)])
import latticex.rosetta as rtt
SQL2_START = time.time()
Step1. group by the ciphertable according to attr, return the sorted ciphertable and compare_result
if id == 0:
Generate the 1's SS
plaintext = [[0], [1]]
rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(plaintext)
rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(None)
rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(None)
elif id == 1:
test_table = 'users/user0/S_user0_test.csv'
plaintext = np.loadtxt(open(test_table), delimiter = ",", skiprows = 1)
rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(None)
rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(plaintext)
rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(None)
test_table = 'users/user0/S_user0_test.csv'
plaintext = np.loadtxt(open(test_table), delimiter = ",", skiprows = 1)
plaintext_concat = []
for i in range(len(plaintext)):
plaintext_concat.append([plaintext[i][0]*pow(10, plaintext[i][1]//10 + 1) + plaintext[i][1]])
plaintext_concat = np.array(plaintext_concat)
rtx = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P0"]).load_X(None)
rty = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P1"]).load_X(None)
rtz = rtt.controller.PrivateDataset(["P2"]).load_X(plaintext_concat)
print('Successfully load the data')
MPC_START = time.time()
sorted_rtxdata, compare_result = secureGroupBy(id, rtz, 0)
param = parameters()
cacheName = 'rty' + '_' + '0' + '_' + 'ASC' + '_' + str(param.dataScale)
if param.cacheTurn == True and ifCached(id, cacheName) == True:
rty = cacheLoad(id, cacheName, [len(rty), len(rty[0])])
rty = oblivious_odd_even_merge_sort(0, rty, 0)
if param.cacheTurn == True and ifCached(id, cacheName) == False:
cacheSave(id, rty, cacheName)
SORTED_END = time.time()
compare_result = np.append(compare_result, rtx[1])
print('Successfully compute the oblivious sort and private compare')
sess = tf.Session()
tensor_0 = tf.convert_to_tensor(rtx[0])
tensor_1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(rtx[1])
Step2. compute the SS compare array D_0 = sorted_data * (1 - compare_result)
D_0 = rtt.SecureLogicalXor(tensor_1, compare_result)
D_0 = rtt.SecureMul(D_0, rty[:,0])
D_0 = sess.run(D_0)
print('Successfully execute the step2.')
Step3. compute the COUNT(*) for D_1
C_ = rtt.SecureEqual(D_0, 0)
counter += 1
D_1 = (1 - C_) * counter
update the counter: counter = C_ * counter
counter = tf.convert_to_tensor(rtx[0])
C_ = rtt.SecureEqual(D_0, tensor_0)
C_ = sess.run(C_)
print('Successfully execute the step3.')
D_1 = []
for i in range(len(rty)):
# print(i)
counter = rtt.SecureAdd(counter, tensor_1)
# D_1.append(sess.run(rtt.SecureMul(rtt.SecureLogicalXor(C_[i], tensor_1), counter)))
D_1.append(rtt.SecureMul(rtt.SecureLogicalXor(C_[i], tensor_1), counter))
counter = rtt.SecureMul(counter, C_[i])
# counter = sess.run(counter)
D_1 = np.array(D_1)
print('Successfully execute the step4.')
SQL2_END = time.time()
print('Sorted total time:', SORTED_END - MPC_START, 's')
print('MPC total time:', SQL2_END - MPC_START, 's')
print('SQL2\'s total time:', SQL2_END - SQL2_START, 's')
# print(sess.run(rtt.SecureReveal(sorted_rtxdata)))
# print(sess.run(rtt.SecureReveal(compare_result)))
# print(sess.run(rtt.SecureReveal(D_0)))
# print(sess.run(rtt.SecureReveal(C_)))
# print(sess.run(rtt.SecureReveal(D_1)))
p0 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test_demo2, args = (0,))
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test_demo2, args = (1,))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target = test_demo2, args = (2,))
p0.daemon = True
p1.daemon = True
p2.daemon = True
p2.join() |