#include #include #include #include #include "settings-search-plugin.h" #include "file-utils.h" using namespace Zeeker; SettingsSearchPlugin::SettingsSearchPlugin(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { SearchPluginIface::Actioninfo open { 0, tr("Open")}; m_actionInfo << open; xmlElement(); initDetailPage(); } const QString SettingsSearchPlugin::name() { return "Settings Search"; } const QString SettingsSearchPlugin::description() { return tr("Settings search."); } QString SettingsSearchPlugin::getPluginName() { return tr("Settings Search"); } void Zeeker::SettingsSearchPlugin::KeywordSearch(QString keyword, DataQueue *searchResult) { if (keyword == "/") return; QStringList pinyinlist; QStringList resultName; ResultInfo resultInfo; resultInfo.type = 0; QLocale ql; /* if (ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese) { for (auto i = m_chineseSearchList.constBegin(); i != m_chineseSearchList.constEnd(); ++i) { QStringList regmatch = *i; QString key = i.key(); for (int t = 0; t < regmatch.size(); t++) { if (keyword == "/") continue; QString str = regmatch.at(t); if (str.contains(keyword)) { resultInfo.name = str;//中文名 str = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(str, true); resultInfo.actionKey = str; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); continue; } pinyinlist = FileUtils::findMultiToneWords(str); for (int i = 0; i < pinyinlist.size() / 2; i++) { str = regmatch.at(t); QString shouzimu = pinyinlist.at(2 * i + 1); // 中文转首字母 if (shouzimu.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = str; str = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(str, true); resultInfo.actionKey = str; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } if (keyword.size() < 2) break; QString pinyin = pinyinlist.at(2 * i); // 中文转拼音 if (pinyin.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = str; str = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(str, true); resultInfo.actionKey = str; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } } } } } if (ql.language() == QLocale::English) { for (auto i = m_englishSearchList.constBegin(); i != m_englishSearchList.constEnd(); ++i) { QStringList regmatch = *i; QString key = i.key(); for (int t = 0; t < regmatch.size(); t++) { if (keyword == "/") continue; QString str = regmatch.at(t); if (str.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = str; str = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(str, true); resultInfo.actionKey = str; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); } } } } */ //匹配中英混合列表(一级菜单) for (auto i = m_mixSearchList.constBegin(); i != m_mixSearchList.constEnd(); ++i) { QMap regmatch = *i; QString key = i.key(); for (auto t = regmatch.begin(); t != regmatch.end(); ++t) { QString englishStr = t.value(); QString chineseStr = t.key(); QString englishPath = ""; QString chinesePath = ""; //转拼音(支持模糊) QStringList pinyinlist = FileUtils::findMultiToneWords(chineseStr); for (int i = 0; i < pinyinlist.size() / 2; i++) { //首字母 QString shouzimu = pinyinlist.at(2 * i + 1); // 中文转首字母 if (shouzimu.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? chineseStr : englishStr; if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); if(ql.language() == QLocale::English) { englishPath = key + "/" + englishStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(englishPath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = englishPath; } else if (ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese) { chinesePath = key + "/" + chineseStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(chinesePath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = chinesePath; } searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } if (keyword.size() < 2) break; //拼音 QString pinyin = pinyinlist.at(2 * i); // 中文转拼音 if (pinyin.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? chineseStr : englishStr; if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); if(ql.language() == QLocale::English) { englishPath = key + "/" + englishStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(englishPath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = englishPath; } else if (ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese) { chinesePath = key + "/" + chineseStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(chinesePath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = chinesePath; } searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } } //中文名 if (chineseStr.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? chineseStr : englishStr; if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); chinesePath = key + "/" + chineseStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(chinesePath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = chinesePath; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); } //英文名 if (englishStr.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? chineseStr : englishStr; if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); englishPath = key + "/" + englishStr; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(englishPath, true); resultInfo.actionKey = englishPath; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); } } } //匹配中文列表(二级菜单) for (auto i = m_chineseSearchList.constBegin(); i != m_chineseSearchList.constEnd(); ++i) { QStringList regmatch = *i; QString key = i.key(); for (int t = 0; t < regmatch.size(); t++) { QString str = regmatch.at(t); QString path = ""; //直接匹配 if (str.contains(keyword)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? str : m_englishSearchList[key].at(t); if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); path = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(path, true); resultInfo.actionKey = path; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); continue; } //转拼音(支持模糊) pinyinlist = FileUtils::findMultiToneWords(str); for (int i = 0; i < pinyinlist.size() / 2; i++) { //首字母匹配 QString shouzimu = pinyinlist.at(2 * i + 1); // 中文转首字母 if (shouzimu.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? str : m_englishSearchList[key].at(t); if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); path = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(path, true); resultInfo.actionKey = path; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } if (keyword.size() < 2) break; //拼音匹配 QString pinyin = pinyinlist.at(2 * i); // 中文转拼音 if (pinyin.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? str : m_englishSearchList[key].at(t); if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); path = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(path, true); resultInfo.actionKey = path; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); break; } } } } //匹配英文列表(二级菜单) for (auto i = m_englishSearchList.constBegin(); i != m_englishSearchList.constEnd(); ++i) { QStringList regmatch = *i; QString key = i.key(); QString path = ""; for (int t = 0; t < regmatch.size(); t++) { QString str = regmatch.at(t); if (str.contains(keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { resultInfo.name = ql.language() == QLocale::Chinese ? m_chineseSearchList[key].at(t) : str; if (resultName.contains(resultInfo.name)) { continue; } resultName.append(resultInfo.name); path = key + "/" + str; resultInfo.icon = FileUtils::getSettingIcon(path, true); resultInfo.actionKey = path; searchResult->enqueue(resultInfo); } } } } QList SettingsSearchPlugin::getActioninfo(int type) { return m_actionInfo; } void SettingsSearchPlugin::openAction(int actionkey, QString key, int type) { //TODO add some return message here. QProcess process; switch (actionkey) { case 0: //打开控制面板对应页面 process.startDetached(QString("ukui-control-center -m %1").arg(key.left(key.indexOf("/")).toLower())); break; default: break; } } QWidget *SettingsSearchPlugin::detailPage(const ResultInfo &ri) { m_currentActionKey = ri.actionKey; m_iconLabel->setPixmap(ri.icon.pixmap(120, 120)); QFontMetrics fontMetrics = m_nameLabel->fontMetrics(); QString showname = fontMetrics.elidedText(ri.name, Qt::ElideRight, 215); //当字体长度超过215时显示为省略号 m_nameLabel->setText(QString("


").arg(FileUtils::escapeHtml(showname))); if(QString::compare(showname, ri.name)) { m_nameLabel->setToolTip(ri.name); } return m_detailPage; } //bool SettingsSearchPlugin::isPreviewEnable(QString key, int type) //{ // return false; //} //QWidget *SettingsSearchPlugin::previewPage(QString key, int type, QWidget *parent = nullptr) //{ // return nullptr; //} /** * @brief SettingsSearchPlugin::xmlElement * 将xml文件内容读到内存 */ void SettingsSearchPlugin::xmlElement() { QString environment = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("XDG_SESSION_TYPE"); QString version; QFile file(QString::fromLocal8Bit("/usr/share/ukui-control-center/shell/res/search.xml")); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return; } QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(&file); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode node = root.previousSibling(); node = root.firstChild(); QString chineseIndex; QString englishIndex; QStringList chineseSearchResult; QStringList englishSearchResult; while (!node.isNull()) { QDomElement element = node.toElement(); QDomNodeList list = element.childNodes(); //通过xml文件的子节点判断父节点是否有问题 if (list.count() >= 8 && (list.at(6).nodeName() == QString::fromLocal8Bit("EnglishFunc1"))) { //直接获取二级菜单英文名 QString key = list.at(6).toElement().text(); chineseSearchResult = m_chineseSearchList.value(key); englishSearchResult = m_englishSearchList.value(key); for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) { QDomNode n = list.at(i); if (n.nodeName() == QString::fromLocal8Bit("Environment")) { version=n.toElement().text(); if ((version == "v101" && environment == "wayland") || (version == "hw990" && environment == "x11")) { break; } continue; } if (n.nodeName() == QString::fromLocal8Bit("ChineseFunc1")) { chineseIndex = n.toElement().text(); if (chineseIndex.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (0 == m_mixSearchList[key].count(chineseIndex)) { m_mixSearchList[key].insert(chineseIndex, key); } } if (n.nodeName() == QString::fromLocal8Bit("ChineseFunc2")) { chineseIndex = n.toElement().text(); if (chineseIndex.isEmpty()) { continue; } chineseSearchResult.append(chineseIndex); } if (n.nodeName() == QString::fromLocal8Bit("EnglishFunc2")) { englishIndex = /*QString::fromLocal8Bit("/") + */n.toElement().text(); if (englishIndex.isEmpty()) { continue; } englishSearchResult.append(englishIndex); } } m_chineseSearchList.insert(key, chineseSearchResult); m_englishSearchList.insert(key, englishSearchResult); node = node.nextSibling(); } else { qWarning() << "There's something wrong with the xml file's item:" << element.attribute("name"); node = node.nextSibling(); } } file.close(); } void SettingsSearchPlugin::initDetailPage() { m_detailPage = new QWidget(); m_detailPage->setFixedWidth(360); m_detailPage->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); m_detailLyt = new QVBoxLayout(m_detailPage); m_detailLyt->setContentsMargins(8, 0, 16, 0); m_iconLabel = new QLabel(m_detailPage); m_iconLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); m_iconLabel->setFixedHeight(128); m_nameFrame = new QFrame(m_detailPage); m_nameFrameLyt = new QHBoxLayout(m_nameFrame); m_nameFrame->setLayout(m_nameFrameLyt); m_nameFrameLyt->setContentsMargins(8, 0, 0, 0); m_nameLabel = new QLabel(m_nameFrame); m_nameLabel->setMaximumWidth(280); m_pluginLabel = new QLabel(m_nameFrame); m_pluginLabel->setText(tr("Settings")); m_pluginLabel->setEnabled(false); m_nameFrameLyt->addWidget(m_nameLabel); m_nameFrameLyt->addStretch(); m_nameFrameLyt->addWidget(m_pluginLabel); m_line_1 = new QFrame(m_detailPage); m_line_1->setLineWidth(0); m_line_1->setFixedHeight(1); m_line_1->setStyleSheet("QFrame{background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}"); m_actionFrame = new QFrame(m_detailPage); m_actionFrameLyt = new QVBoxLayout(m_actionFrame); m_actionFrameLyt->setContentsMargins(8, 0, 0, 0); m_actionLabel1 = new ActionLabel(tr("Open"), m_currentActionKey, m_actionFrame); m_actionFrameLyt->addWidget(m_actionLabel1);; m_actionFrame->setLayout(m_actionFrameLyt); m_detailLyt->addSpacing(50); m_detailLyt->addWidget(m_iconLabel); m_detailLyt->addWidget(m_nameFrame); m_detailLyt->addWidget(m_line_1); m_detailLyt->addWidget(m_actionFrame); m_detailPage->setLayout(m_detailLyt); m_detailLyt->addStretch(); connect(m_actionLabel1, &ActionLabel::actionTriggered, [ & ](){ openAction(0, m_currentActionKey, 0); }); }