diff --git a/app/views/users/search.html.erb b/app/views/users/search.html.erb
index 98becc197..fa252ada0 100644
--- a/app/views/users/search.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/users/search.html.erb
@@ -37,32 +37,36 @@
<% if @users.size > 0 %>
- <% @users.each do |user| -%>
- <% unless user.id == 1%>
- <%= content_tag "p", "#{format_date(user.created_on)}#{l(:label_member_since)}", :class => "float_right member_since" %>
- <%= image_tag "/images/time_member.png", :class => "img_member_time"%>
- <%= image_tag(url_to_avatar(user), :class => 'avatar') %>
- <%= content_tag "span", link_to_user(user), :class => "nomargin avatar_name" %>
- <%= l(:label_has_fans,:count=>user.watcher_users.count)%>
- <%= l(:label_has_watchers,:count=>User.watched_by(user.id).count) %>
- <% unless user.memberships.empty? %>
- <%= l(:label_contribute_to, :project_count => "#{user.memberships.count}") %>
- <% for member in user.memberships %>
- <%= link_to_project(member.project) %><%= (user.memberships.last == member) ? '' : ',' %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <%= user.changesets.count == 0 ? '' : ",#{l(:label_total_commit, :total_commit => user.changesets.count)}" %>
- <% end -%>
- <% end -%>
+ <%= render :partial => 'user_show' %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => "layouts/no_content"%>
<% end %>
diff --git a/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js b/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js
index dba1e9306..ebda240da 100644
--- a/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js
+++ b/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/iframe/dialogs/iframe.js
@@ -1,10 +1,75 @@
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
-(function(){function c(b){var c=this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox;b.hasAttribute(this.id)&&(b=b.getAttribute(this.id),c?this.setValue(e[this.id]["true"]==b.toLowerCase()):this.setValue(b))}function d(b){var c=""===this.getValue(),a=this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox,d=this.getValue();c?b.removeAttribute(this.att||this.id):a?b.setAttribute(this.id,e[this.id][d]):b.setAttribute(this.att||this.id,d)}var e={scrolling:{"true":"yes","false":"no"},frameborder:{"true":"1","false":"0"}};
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add("iframe",function(b){var f=b.lang.iframe,a=b.lang.common,e=b.plugins.dialogadvtab;return{title:f.title,minWidth:350,minHeight:260,onShow:function(){this.fakeImage=this.iframeNode=null;var a=this.getSelectedElement();a&&(a.data("cke-real-element-type")&&"iframe"==a.data("cke-real-element-type"))&&(this.fakeImage=a,this.iframeNode=a=b.restoreRealElement(a),this.setupContent(a))},onOk:function(){var a;a=this.fakeImage?this.iframeNode:new CKEDITOR.dom.element("iframe");var c={},d=
-"right"],[a.alignTop,"top"],[a.alignMiddle,"middle"],[a.alignBottom,"bottom"]],style:"width:100%",labelLayout:"vertical",label:a.align,setup:function(a,b){c.apply(this,arguments);if(b){var d=b.getAttribute("align");this.setValue(d&&d.toLowerCase()||"")}},commit:function(a,b,c){d.apply(this,arguments);this.getValue()&&(c.align=this.getValue())}}]},{type:"hbox",widths:["50%","50%"],children:[{id:"scrolling",type:"checkbox",requiredContent:"iframe[scrolling]",label:f.scrolling,setup:c,commit:d},{id:"frameborder",
\ No newline at end of file
+ */
+(function () {
+ function c(b) {
+ var c = this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox;
+ b.hasAttribute(this.id) && (b = b.getAttribute(this.id), c ? this.setValue(e[this.id]["true"] == b.toLowerCase()) : this.setValue(b))
+ }
+ function d(b) {
+ var c = "" === this.getValue(), a = this instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox, d = this.getValue();
+ c ? b.removeAttribute(this.att || this.id) : a ? b.setAttribute(this.id, e[this.id][d]) : b.setAttribute(this.att || this.id, d)
+ }
+ var e = {scrolling: {"true": "yes", "false": "no"}, frameborder: {"true": "1", "false": "0"}};
+ CKEDITOR.dialog.add("iframe", function (b) {
+ var f = b.lang.iframe, a = b.lang.common, e = b.plugins.dialogadvtab;
+ return{title: f.title, minWidth: 350, minHeight: 260, onShow: function () {
+ this.fakeImage = this.iframeNode = null;
+ var a = this.getSelectedElement();
+ a && (a.data("cke-real-element-type") && "iframe" == a.data("cke-real-element-type")) && (this.fakeImage = a, this.iframeNode = a = b.restoreRealElement(a), this.setupContent(a))
+ }, onOk: function () {
+ var a;
+ a = this.fakeImage ? this.iframeNode : new CKEDITOR.dom.element("iframe");
+ var c = {}, d =
+ {};
+ this.commitContent(a, c, d);
+ a = b.createFakeElement(a, "cke_iframe", "iframe", !0);
+ a.setAttributes(d);
+ a.setStyles(c);
+ this.fakeImage ? (a.replace(this.fakeImage), b.getSelection().selectElement(a)) : b.insertElement(a)
+ }, contents: [
+ {id: "info", label: a.generalTab, accessKey: "I", elements: [
+ {type: "vbox", padding: 0, children: [
+ {id: "src", type: "text", label: a.url, required: !0, validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(f.noUrl), setup: c, commit: d}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {id: "width", type: "text", requiredContent: "iframe[width]",
+ style: "width:100%", labelLayout: "vertical", label: a.width, validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.htmlLength(a.invalidHtmlLength.replace("%1", a.width)), setup: c, commit: d},
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+ {id: "align", type: "select", requiredContent: "iframe[align]", "default": "", items: [
+ [a.notSet, ""],
+ [a.alignLeft, "left"],
+ [a.alignRight,
+ "right"],
+ [a.alignTop, "top"],
+ [a.alignMiddle, "middle"],
+ [a.alignBottom, "bottom"]
+ ], style: "width:100%", labelLayout: "vertical", label: a.align, setup: function (a, b) {
+ c.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (b) {
+ var d = b.getAttribute("align");
+ this.setValue(d && d.toLowerCase() || "")
+ }
+ }, commit: function (a, b, c) {
+ d.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.getValue() && (c.align = this.getValue())
+ }}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["50%", "50%"], children: [
+ {id: "scrolling", type: "checkbox", requiredContent: "iframe[scrolling]", label: f.scrolling, setup: c, commit: d},
+ {id: "frameborder",
+ type: "checkbox", requiredContent: "iframe[frameborder]", label: f.border, setup: c, commit: d}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["50%", "50%"], children: [
+ {id: "name", type: "text", requiredContent: "iframe[name]", label: a.name, setup: c, commit: d},
+ {id: "title", type: "text", requiredContent: "iframe[title]", label: a.advisoryTitle, setup: c, commit: d}
+ ]},
+ {id: "longdesc", type: "text", requiredContent: "iframe[longdesc]", label: a.longDescr, setup: c, commit: d}
+ ]},
+ e && e.createAdvancedTab(b, {id: 1, classes: 1, styles: 1}, "iframe")
+ ]}
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js b/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
index 84a5c8b5c..dfd773de0 100644
--- a/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
+++ b/public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js
@@ -1,37 +1,492 @@
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
-CKEDITOR.dialog.add("link",function(n){var p,q;function r(a){return a.replace(/'/g,"\\$&")}function t(a){var g,c=p,d,e;g=[q,"("];for(var b=0;b
0?this.getElement().show():this.getElement().hide()},children:[{type:"hbox",id:"selectAnchor",children:[{type:"select",id:"anchorName","default":"",label:b.anchorName,style:"width: 100%;",items:[[""]],setup:function(a){this.clear();this.add("");for(var b=0;b0?this.getElement().show():this.getElement().hide()}}]},{type:"html",id:"noAnchors",style:"text-align: center;",html:''+CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(b.noAnchors)+"
-id:"emailAddress",label:b.emailAddress,required:!0,validate:function(){var a=this.getDialog();return!a.getContentElement("info","linkType")||a.getValueOf("info","linkType")!="email"?true:CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(b.noEmail).apply(this)},setup:function(a){a.email&&this.setValue(a.email.address);(a=this.getDialog().getContentElement("info","linkType"))&&a.getValue()=="email"&&this.select()},commit:function(a){if(!a.email)a.email={};a.email.address=this.getValue()}},{type:"text",id:"emailSubject",
-title:b.target,elements:[{type:"hbox",widths:["50%","50%"],children:[{type:"select",id:"linkTargetType",label:i.target,"default":"notSet",style:"width : 100%;",items:[[i.notSet,"notSet"],[b.targetFrame,"frame"],[b.targetPopup,"popup"],[i.targetNew,"_blank"],[i.targetTop,"_top"],[i.targetSelf,"_self"],[i.targetParent,"_parent"]],onChange:s,setup:function(a){a.target&&this.setValue(a.target.type||"notSet");s.call(this)},commit:function(a){if(!a.target)a.target={};a.target.type=this.getValue()}},{type:"text",
-onShow:function(){var a=this.getParentEditor(),b=a.getSelection(),c=null;(c=w.getSelectedLink(a))&&c.hasAttribute("href")?b.getSelectedElement()||b.selectElement(c):c=null;this.setupContent(I.apply(this,[a,c]))},onOk:function(){var a={},b=[],c={},d=this.getParentEditor();this.commitContent(c);switch(c.type||"url"){case "url":var e=c.url&&c.url.protocol!=void 0?c.url.protocol:"http://",i=c.url&&CKEDITOR.tools.trim(c.url.url)||"";a["data-cke-saved-href"]=i.indexOf("/")===0?i:e+i;break;case "anchor":e=
-c.anchor&&c.anchor.id;a["data-cke-saved-href"]="#"+(c.anchor&&c.anchor.name||e||"");break;case "email":var f=c.email,e=f.address;switch(o){case "":case "encode":var i=encodeURIComponent(f.subject||""),h=encodeURIComponent(f.body||""),f=[];i&&f.push("subject="+i);h&&f.push("body="+h);f=f.length?"?"+f.join("&"):"";if(o=="encode"){e=["javascript:void(location.href='mailto:'+",u(e)];f&&e.push("+'",r(f),"'");e.push(")")}else e=["mailto:",e,f];break;default:e=e.split("@",2);f.name=e[0];f.domain=e[1];e=
-["javascript:",t(f)]}a["data-cke-saved-href"]=e.join("")}if(c.target)if(c.target.type=="popup"){for(var e=["window.open(this.href, '",c.target.name||"","', '"],j=["resizable","status","location","toolbar","menubar","fullscreen","scrollbars","dependent"],i=j.length,f=function(a){c.target[a]&&j.push(a+"="+c.target[a])},h=0;h 0 ? this.getElement().show() : this.getElement().hide()
+ }, children: [
+ {type: "hbox", id: "selectAnchor", children: [
+ {type: "select", id: "anchorName", "default": "", label: b.anchorName, style: "width: 100%;", items: [
+ [""]
+ ], setup: function (a) {
+ this.clear();
+ this.add("");
+ for (var b = 0; b < a.anchors.length; b++)a.anchors[b].name && this.add(a.anchors[b].name);
+ a.anchor &&
+ this.setValue(a.anchor.name);
+ (a = this.getDialog().getContentElement("info", "linkType")) && a.getValue() == "email" && this.focus()
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.anchor)a.anchor = {};
+ a.anchor.name = this.getValue()
+ }},
+ {type: "select", id: "anchorId", "default": "", label: b.anchorId, style: "width: 100%;", items: [
+ [""]
+ ], setup: function (a) {
+ this.clear();
+ this.add("");
+ for (var b = 0; b < a.anchors.length; b++)a.anchors[b].id && this.add(a.anchors[b].id);
+ a.anchor && this.setValue(a.anchor.id)
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.anchor)a.anchor = {};
+ a.anchor.id =
+ this.getValue()
+ }}
+ ], setup: function (a) {
+ a.anchors.length > 0 ? this.getElement().show() : this.getElement().hide()
+ }}
+ ]},
+ {type: "html", id: "noAnchors", style: "text-align: center;", html: '' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(b.noAnchors) + "
", focus: !0, setup: function (a) {
+ a.anchors.length < 1 ? this.getElement().show() : this.getElement().hide()
+ }}
+ ], setup: function () {
+ this.getDialog().getContentElement("info", "linkType") || this.getElement().hide()
+ }},
+ {type: "vbox", id: "emailOptions", padding: 1, children: [
+ {type: "text",
+ id: "emailAddress", label: b.emailAddress, required: !0, validate: function () {
+ var a = this.getDialog();
+ return!a.getContentElement("info", "linkType") || a.getValueOf("info", "linkType") != "email" ? true : CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty(b.noEmail).apply(this)
+ }, setup: function (a) {
+ a.email && this.setValue(a.email.address);
+ (a = this.getDialog().getContentElement("info", "linkType")) && a.getValue() == "email" && this.select()
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.email)a.email = {};
+ a.email.address = this.getValue()
+ }},
+ {type: "text", id: "emailSubject",
+ label: b.emailSubject, setup: function (a) {
+ a.email && this.setValue(a.email.subject)
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.email)a.email = {};
+ a.email.subject = this.getValue()
+ }},
+ {type: "textarea", id: "emailBody", label: b.emailBody, rows: 3, "default": "", setup: function (a) {
+ a.email && this.setValue(a.email.body)
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.email)a.email = {};
+ a.email.body = this.getValue()
+ }}
+ ], setup: function () {
+ this.getDialog().getContentElement("info", "linkType") || this.getElement().hide()
+ }}
+ ]},
+ {id: "target", requiredContent: "a[target]", label: b.target,
+ title: b.target, elements: [
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["50%", "50%"], children: [
+ {type: "select", id: "linkTargetType", label: i.target, "default": "notSet", style: "width : 100%;", items: [
+ [i.notSet, "notSet"],
+ [b.targetFrame, "frame"],
+ [b.targetPopup, "popup"],
+ [i.targetNew, "_blank"],
+ [i.targetTop, "_top"],
+ [i.targetSelf, "_self"],
+ [i.targetParent, "_parent"]
+ ], onChange: s, setup: function (a) {
+ a.target && this.setValue(a.target.type || "notSet");
+ s.call(this)
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.target)a.target = {};
+ a.target.type = this.getValue()
+ }},
+ {type: "text",
+ id: "linkTargetName", label: b.targetFrameName, "default": "", setup: function (a) {
+ a.target && this.setValue(a.target.name)
+ }, commit: function (a) {
+ if (!a.target)a.target = {};
+ a.target.name = this.getValue().replace(/\W/gi, "")
+ }}
+ ]},
+ {type: "vbox", width: "100%", align: "center", padding: 2, id: "popupFeatures", children: [
+ {type: "fieldset", label: b.popupFeatures, children: [
+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "resizable", label: b.popupResizable, setup: j, commit: l},
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "status", label: b.popupStatusBar, setup: j, commit: l}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "location", label: b.popupLocationBar, setup: j, commit: l},
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "toolbar", label: b.popupToolbar, setup: j, commit: l}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "menubar", label: b.popupMenuBar, setup: j, commit: l},
+ {type: "checkbox", id: "fullscreen", label: b.popupFullScreen, setup: j, commit: l}
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+ {type: "checkbox", id: "scrollbars", label: b.popupScrollBars, setup: j, commit: l},
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+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {type: "text", widths: ["50%", "50%"], labelLayout: "horizontal", label: i.width, id: "width", setup: j, commit: l},
+ {type: "text", labelLayout: "horizontal", widths: ["50%", "50%"], label: b.popupLeft, id: "left", setup: j, commit: l}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", children: [
+ {type: "text", labelLayout: "horizontal", widths: ["50%", "50%"], label: i.height, id: "height", setup: j, commit: l},
+ {type: "text", labelLayout: "horizontal", label: b.popupTop, widths: ["50%", "50%"], id: "top", setup: j, commit: l}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {id: "upload", label: b.upload, title: b.upload,
+ hidden: !0, filebrowser: "uploadButton", elements: [
+ {type: "file", id: "upload", label: i.upload, style: "height:40px", size: 29},
+ {type: "fileButton", id: "uploadButton", label: i.uploadSubmit, filebrowser: "info:url", "for": ["upload", "upload"]}
+ ]},
+ {id: "advanced", label: b.advanced, title: b.advanced, elements: [
+ {type: "vbox", padding: 1, children: [
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["45%", "35%", "20%"], children: [
+ {type: "text", id: "advId", requiredContent: "a[id]", label: b.id, setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "select", id: "advLangDir", requiredContent: "a[dir]",
+ label: b.langDir, "default": "", style: "width:110px", items: [
+ [i.notSet, ""],
+ [b.langDirLTR, "ltr"],
+ [b.langDirRTL, "rtl"]
+ ], setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", id: "advAccessKey", requiredContent: "a[accesskey]", width: "80px", label: b.acccessKey, maxLength: 1, setup: k, commit: m}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["45%", "35%", "20%"], children: [
+ {type: "text", label: b.name, id: "advName", requiredContent: "a[name]", setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", label: b.langCode, id: "advLangCode", requiredContent: "a[lang]", width: "110px", "default": "", setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", label: b.tabIndex, id: "advTabIndex", requiredContent: "a[tabindex]", width: "80px", maxLength: 5, setup: k, commit: m}
+ ]}
+ ]},
+ {type: "vbox", padding: 1, children: [
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["45%", "55%"], children: [
+ {type: "text", label: b.advisoryTitle, requiredContent: "a[title]", "default": "", id: "advTitle", setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", label: b.advisoryContentType, requiredContent: "a[type]", "default": "", id: "advContentType", setup: k, commit: m}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["45%", "55%"], children: [
+ {type: "text", label: b.cssClasses,
+ requiredContent: "a(cke-xyz)", "default": "", id: "advCSSClasses", setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", label: b.charset, requiredContent: "a[charset]", "default": "", id: "advCharset", setup: k, commit: m}
+ ]},
+ {type: "hbox", widths: ["45%", "55%"], children: [
+ {type: "text", label: b.rel, requiredContent: "a[rel]", "default": "", id: "advRel", setup: k, commit: m},
+ {type: "text", label: b.styles, requiredContent: "a{cke-xyz}", "default": "", id: "advStyles", validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle(n.lang.common.invalidInlineStyle), setup: k, commit: m}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ onShow: function () {
+ var a = this.getParentEditor(), b = a.getSelection(), c = null;
+ (c = w.getSelectedLink(a)) && c.hasAttribute("href") ? b.getSelectedElement() || b.selectElement(c) : c = null;
+ this.setupContent(I.apply(this, [a, c]))
+ }, onOk: function () {
+ var a = {}, b = [], c = {}, d = this.getParentEditor();
+ this.commitContent(c);
+ switch (c.type || "url") {
+ case "url":
+ var e = c.url && c.url.protocol != void 0 ? c.url.protocol : "http://", i = c.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim(c.url.url) || "";
+ a["data-cke-saved-href"] = i.indexOf("/") === 0 ? i : e + i;
+ break;
+ case "anchor":
+ e =
+ c.anchor && c.anchor.id;
+ a["data-cke-saved-href"] = "#" + (c.anchor && c.anchor.name || e || "");
+ break;
+ case "email":
+ var f = c.email, e = f.address;
+ switch (o) {
+ case "":
+ case "encode":
+ var i = encodeURIComponent(f.subject || ""), h = encodeURIComponent(f.body || ""), f = [];
+ i && f.push("subject=" + i);
+ h && f.push("body=" + h);
+ f = f.length ? "?" + f.join("&") : "";
+ if (o == "encode") {
+ e = ["javascript:void(location.href='mailto:'+", u(e)];
+ f && e.push("+'", r(f), "'");
+ e.push(")")
+ } else e = ["mailto:", e, f];
+ break;
+ default:
+ e = e.split("@", 2);
+ f.name = e[0];
+ f.domain = e[1];
+ e =
+ ["javascript:", t(f)]
+ }
+ a["data-cke-saved-href"] = e.join("")
+ }
+ if (c.target)if (c.target.type == "popup") {
+ for (var e = ["window.open(this.href, '", c.target.name || "", "', '"], j = ["resizable", "status", "location", "toolbar", "menubar", "fullscreen", "scrollbars", "dependent"], i = j.length, f = function (a) {
+ c.target[a] && j.push(a + "=" + c.target[a])
+ }, h = 0; h < i; h++)j[h] = j[h] + (c.target[j[h]] ? "=yes" : "=no");
+ f("width");
+ f("left");
+ f("height");
+ f("top");
+ e.push(j.join(","), "'); return false;");
+ a["data-cke-pa-onclick"] = e.join("");
+ b.push("target")
+ } else {
+ c.target.type !=
+ "notSet" && c.target.name ? a.target = c.target.name : b.push("target");
+ b.push("data-cke-pa-onclick", "onclick")
+ }
+ if (c.adv) {
+ e = function (d, e) {
+ var f = c.adv[d];
+ f ? a[e] = f : b.push(e)
+ };
+ e("advId", "id");
+ e("advLangDir", "dir");
+ e("advAccessKey", "accessKey");
+ c.adv.advName ? a.name = a["data-cke-saved-name"] = c.adv.advName : b = b.concat(["data-cke-saved-name", "name"]);
+ e("advLangCode", "lang");
+ e("advTabIndex", "tabindex");
+ e("advTitle", "title");
+ e("advContentType", "type");
+ e("advCSSClasses", "class");
+ e("advCharset", "charset");
+ e("advStyles",
+ "style");
+ e("advRel", "rel")
+ }
+ e = d.getSelection();
+ a.href = a["data-cke-saved-href"];
+ if (this._.selectedElement) {
+ d = this._.selectedElement;
+ i = d.data("cke-saved-href");
+ f = d.getHtml();
+ d.setAttributes(a);
+ d.removeAttributes(b);
+ c.adv && (c.adv.advName && CKEDITOR.plugins.link.synAnchorSelector) && d.addClass(d.getChildCount() ? "cke_anchor" : "cke_anchor_empty");
+ if (i == f || c.type == "email" && f.indexOf("@") != -1) {
+ d.setHtml(c.type == "email" ? c.email.address : a["data-cke-saved-href"]);
+ e.selectElement(d)
+ }
+ delete this._.selectedElement
+ } else {
+ e =
+ e.getRanges()[0];
+ if (e.collapsed) {
+ d = new CKEDITOR.dom.text(c.type == "email" ? c.email.address : a["data-cke-saved-href"], d.document);
+ e.insertNode(d);
+ e.selectNodeContents(d)
+ }
+ d = new CKEDITOR.style({element: "a", attributes: a});
+ d.applyToRange(e);
+ e.select()
+ }
+ }, onLoad: function () {
+ n.config.linkShowAdvancedTab || this.hidePage("advanced");
+ n.config.linkShowTargetTab || this.hidePage("target")
+ }, onFocus: function () {
+ var a = this.getContentElement("info", "linkType");
+ if (a && a.getValue() == "url") {
+ a = this.getContentElement("info",
+ "url");
+ a.select()
+ }
+ }}
\ No newline at end of file