forked from jiuyuan/InfiniTensor
Add: evaluate onnx script
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
import functools
import numpy as np
import onnx
import onnx.checker
import onnx.numpy_helper
import onnx.shape_inference
from rules import conv_transposed2d_rules, conv_rules, print_result
def _add_value_info_for_constants(model : onnx.ModelProto):
Currently onnx.shape_inference doesn't use the shape of initializers, so add
that info explicitly as ValueInfoProtos.
Mutates the model.
model: The ModelProto to update.
# All (top-level) constants will have ValueInfos before IRv4 as they are all inputs
if model.ir_version < 4:
def add_const_value_infos_to_graph(graph : onnx.GraphProto):
inputs = { for i in graph.input}
existing_info = { vi for vi in graph.value_info}
for init in graph.initializer:
# Check it really is a constant, not an input
if in inputs:
# The details we want to add
elem_type = init.data_type
shape = init.dims
# Get existing or create new value info for this constant
vi = existing_info.get(
if vi is None:
vi = graph.value_info.add()
|||| =
# Even though it would be weird, we will not overwrite info even if it doesn't match
tt = vi.type.tensor_type
if tt.elem_type == onnx.TensorProto.UNDEFINED:
tt.elem_type = elem_type
if not tt.HasField("shape"):
# Ensure we set an empty list if the const is scalar (zero dims)
for dim in shape:
tt.shape.dim.add().dim_value = dim
# Handle subgraphs
for node in graph.node:
for attr in node.attribute:
# Ref attrs refer to other attrs, so we don't need to do anything
if attr.ref_attr_name != "":
if attr.type == onnx.AttributeProto.GRAPH:
if attr.type == onnx.AttributeProto.GRAPHS:
for g in attr.graphs:
return add_const_value_infos_to_graph(model.graph)
def _parse_attribute(attributes, defaults=dict()):
atts = defaults
for att in attributes:
if att.type == onnx.AttributeProto.INT:
atts[] = att.i
elif att.type == onnx.AttributeProto.INTS:
atts[] = att.ints
elif att.type == onnx.AttributeProto.FLOAT:
atts[] = att.f
elif att.type == onnx.AttributeProto.STRING:
atts[] = att.s
elif att.type == onnx.AttributeProto.TENSOR:
atts[] = att.t
assert False, "Unsupported Attribute Type: {}".format(att.type)
return atts
def _onnx_datatype_tostring(dtype):
if dtype == 0:
return 'UNDEFINED'
elif dtype == 1:
return 'FLOAT'
elif dtype == 2:
return 'UINT8'
elif dtype == 3:
return 'INT8'
elif dtype == 4:
return 'UINT16'
elif dtype == 5:
return 'INT16'
elif dtype == 6:
return 'INT32'
elif dtype == 7:
return 'INT64'
elif dtype == 8:
return 'STRING'
elif dtype == 9:
return 'BOOL'
elif dtype == 10:
return 'FLOAT16'
elif dtype == 11:
return 'DOUBLE'
elif dtype == 12:
return 'UINT32'
elif dtype == 13:
return 'UINT64'
elif dtype == 14:
return 'COMPLEX64'
elif dtype == 15:
return 'COMPLEX128'
elif dtype == 16:
return 'BFLOAT16'
assert False, 'Unknown onnx datatype'
def import_onnx(model_path: str, bs :int):
ts, ds, ops, consts = dict(), dict(), dict(), dict() # (key, value) = (name, class)
model = onnx.load(model_path)
# Tensor_input
for input in model.graph.input:
if not in ts:
dims = [d.dim_value for d in input.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
# ts[] = g.tensor(dims, _onnx_datatype_tostring(input.type.tensor_type.elem_type))
ds[] = dims
# Tensor_weight
for weight in model.graph.initializer:
if not in ts:
# ts[] = g.tensor(weight.dims, _onnx_datatype_tostring(weight.data_type))
ds[] = weight.dims
# Tensor_inference
infered_model = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(model)
for v in infered_model.graph.value_info:
if not in ts:
dims = [d.dim_value for d in v.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
# ts[] = g.tensor(dims, _onnx_datatype_tostring(v.type.tensor_type.elem_type))
ds[] = dims
# Tensor_output
for output in model.graph.output:
if not in ts:
dims = [d.dim_value for d in output.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]
# ts[] = g.tensor(dims, _onnx_datatype_tostring(output.type.tensor_type.elem_type))
ds[] = dims
# Op
for node in model.graph.node:
# if node.op_type == 'Add':
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.add([ts[item] for item in node.input], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Cast':
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# # Ignore for now (TODO)
# g.identity(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
if node.op_type == 'Conv':
attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {
"auto_pad": "NOTSET",
"dilations": [1, 1],
"pads": [0, 0, 0, 0],
"strides": [1, 1]})
assert len(node.input) == 2 or len(node.input) == 3
assert len(node.output) == 1
assert attrs["auto_pad"] == "NOTSET"
assert len(attrs["pads"]) == 4
assert len(attrs["strides"]) == 2
assert len(attrs["dilations"]) == 2
assert attrs["pads"][0] == attrs["pads"][2]
assert attrs["pads"][1] == attrs["pads"][3]
assert ds[node.input[0]][1] % ds[node.input[1]][1] == 0
n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw = ds[node.input[0]][0], ds[node.input[0]][1], ds[node.input[0]][2], ds[node.input[0]][3],ds[node.input[1]][0], ds[node.input[1]][2], ds[node.input[1]][3], attrs["pads"][0], attrs["pads"][1], attrs["strides"][0], attrs["strides"][1], attrs["dilations"][0], attrs["dilations"][1]
group = ds[node.input[0]][1] // ds[node.input[1]][1]
# t = getPerfConv(n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
# sh, sw, dh, dw, group, "")
# print(, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, group, f'{t:.3f}')
for rule in conv_rules:
rule(, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, group)
elif node.op_type == 'ConvTranspose':
attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {
"auto_pad": "NOTSET",
"dilations": [1, 1],
"pads": [0, 0, 0, 0],
"strides": [1, 1],
"group": 1})
assert len(node.input) == 2 or len(node.input) == 3
assert len(node.output) == 1
assert attrs["auto_pad"] == "NOTSET"
assert len(attrs["pads"]) == 4
assert len(attrs["strides"]) == 2
assert len(attrs["dilations"]) == 2
assert attrs["pads"][0] == attrs["pads"][2]
assert attrs["pads"][1] == attrs["pads"][3]
n, f, h, w = ds[node.input[0]]
_, c, r, s = ds[node.input[1]]
ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw = attrs["pads"][0], attrs["pads"][1], attrs["strides"][0], attrs["strides"][1], attrs["dilations"][0], attrs["dilations"][1]
oph, opw = 0, 0
if "output_padding" in attrs:
oph, opw = attrs["output_padding"][0], attrs["output_padding"][1]
assert attrs["output_padding"][0] == attrs["output_padding"][1]
for rule in conv_transposed2d_rules:
rule(, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw, group)
elif node.op_type == 'MatMul':
print(f'{} skipped')
assert len(node.input) == 2
assert len(node.output) == 1
dimA = list(ds[node.input[0]])
dimB = list(ds[node.input[1]])
dimO = list(ds[node.output[0]])
# if len(dimA) == 2 and len(dimB) == 2:
# tmpI0 = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.input[0]]), "FLOAT")
# tmpI1 = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.input[1]]), "FLOAT")
# tmpO = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.output[0]]), "FLOAT")
# g.transpose(ts[node.input[0]], tmpI0, 0, Perm([PermItem(-1), PermItem(0), PermItem(1)]), 1)
# g.transpose(ts[node.input[1]], tmpI1, 0, Perm([PermItem(-1), PermItem(0), PermItem(1)]), 1)
# g.matmul(tmpI0, tmpI1, tmpO, False, False, None)
# g.transpose(tmpO, ts[node.output[0]], -1, Perm([PermItem([0, 1]), PermItem(2)]), 0)
# else:
# assert len(dimO) >= 3
# batch = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, dimO[:-2])
# if len(dimA) == 3:
# tmpI0 = ts[node.input[0]]
# else:
# tmpI0 = g.tensor([batch, dimA[-2], dimA[-1]], "FLOAT")
# g.reshape(ts[node.input[0]], tmpI0)
# if len(dimB) == 3:
# tmpI1 = ts[node.input[1]]
# else:
# tmpI1 = g.tensor([batch, dimB[-2], dimB[-1]], "FLOAT")
# g.reshape(ts[node.input[1]], tmpI1)
# if len(dimO) == 3:
# tmpO = ts[node.output[0]]
# g.matmul(tmpI0, tmpI1, tmpO, False, False, None)
# else:
# tmpO = g.tensor([batch, dimO[-2], dimO[-1]], "FLOAT")
# g.matmul(tmpI0, tmpI1, tmpO, False, False, None)
# g.reshape(tmpO, ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Concat':
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# g.concat([ts[item] for item in node.input], ts[node.output[0]], attrs["axis"])
# elif node.op_type == 'Constant':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# c = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(attrs["value"])
# if c.ndim == 0:
# c = c[()]
# consts[node.output[0]] = c
# elif node.op_type == 'Flatten':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {"axis": 1})
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.flatten(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], attrs["axis"])
# elif node.op_type == 'Gather':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {"axis": 0})
# assert len(node.input) == 2
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.gather(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.input[1]], ts[node.output[0]], attrs["axis"])
# elif node.op_type == 'Gemm':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {
# "alpha": 1.0,
# "beta": 1.0,
# "transA": 0,
# "transB": 0})
# assert len(node.input) == 2 or len(node.input) == 3
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# assert attrs["alpha"] == 1.0
# assert attrs["beta"] == 1.0 or len(node.input) == 2
# tmpI0 = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.input[0]]), "FLOAT")
# tmpI1 = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.input[1]]), "FLOAT")
# tmpO = g.tensor([1] + list(ds[node.output[0]]), "FLOAT")
# g.transpose(ts[node.input[0]], tmpI0, 0, Perm([PermItem(-1), PermItem(0), PermItem(1)]), 1)
# g.transpose(ts[node.input[1]], tmpI1, 0, Perm([PermItem(-1), PermItem(0), PermItem(1)]), 1)
# g.matmul(tmpI0, tmpI1, tmpO,
# attrs["transA"], attrs["transB"],
# None if len(node.input) == 2 else ts[node.input[2]])
# g.transpose(tmpO, ts[node.output[0]], -1, Perm([PermItem([0, 1]), PermItem(2)]), 0)
# elif node.op_type == 'Mul':
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.mul([ts[x] for x in node.input], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'GlobalAveragePool':
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# dims = ds[node.input[0]]
# if len(dims) > 0:
# g.avgpool(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], dims[2], dims[3], 0, 0, 1, 1)
# else:
# g.avgpool(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'MaxPool':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {
# "auto_pad": "NOTSET",
# "dilations": [1, 1],
# "pads": [0, 0, 0, 0],
# "strides": [1, 1]})
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# assert len(attrs["kernel_shape"]) == 2
# assert len(attrs["pads"]) == 4
# assert len(attrs["strides"]) == 2
# assert len(attrs["dilations"]) == 2
# assert attrs["pads"][0] == attrs["pads"][2]
# assert attrs["pads"][1] == attrs["pads"][3]
# g.maxpool(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]],
# attrs["kernel_shape"][0], attrs["kernel_shape"][1],
# attrs["dilations"][0], attrs["dilations"][1],
# attrs["pads"][0], attrs["pads"][1],
# attrs["strides"][0], attrs["strides"][1])
# elif node.op_type == 'AveragePool':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {
# "auto_pad": "NOTSET",
# "count_include_pad": 0,
# "pads": [0, 0, 0, 0],
# "strides": [1, 1]})
# # No dilation in ONNX
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# assert attrs["count_include_pad"] == 0 # To be consistent with
# assert len(attrs["kernel_shape"]) == 2
# assert len(attrs["pads"]) == 4
# assert len(attrs["strides"]) == 2
# assert attrs["pads"][0] == attrs["pads"][2]
# assert attrs["pads"][1] == attrs["pads"][3]
# g.avgpool(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]],
# attrs["kernel_shape"][0], attrs["kernel_shape"][1],
# attrs["pads"][0], attrs["pads"][1],
# attrs["strides"][0], attrs["strides"][1])
# elif node.op_type == 'Pad':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {'mode': b'constant'})
# assert attrs["mode"].decode("ascii") == "constant"
# assert len(attrs["pads"]) % 2 == 0
# assert attrs["value"] == 0
# nDim = len(attrs["pads"]) // 2
# begin = attrs["pads"][:nDim]
# end = attrs["pads"][nDim:]
# g.pad(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], begin, end)
# elif node.op_type == 'ReduceMean':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {'keepdims': 1})
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# assert len(attrs["axes"]) == 1
# axis = attrs["axes"][0]
# if axis < 0:
# axis = len(ds[node.input[0]]) - axis
# g.reduceMean(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], axis)
# elif node.op_type == 'Softmax':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute)
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# axis = attrs["axis"]
# if axis < 0:
# axis = len(ds[node.input[0]]) - axis
# g.softmax(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], axis)
# elif node.op_type == 'Reshape':
# assert len(node.input) == 2
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.reshape(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Relu':
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.relu(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Tanh':
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.tanh(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Sigmoid':
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.sigmoid(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Shape':
# # Ignore for now, and no need to output anything (TODO)
# pass
# elif node.op_type == 'Sub':
# assert len(node.input) == 2
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.sub(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.input[1]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == 'Transpose':
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# assert "perm" in attrs
# g.transpose(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]], -1,
# Perm([PermItem(x) for x in attrs["perm"]]), 0)
# elif node.op_type == 'Unsqueeze':
# assert len(node.input) == 2
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.reshape(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]])
# elif node.op_type == "BatchNormalization":
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.input) == 5
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# epsilon = attrs['epsilon'] if 'epsilon' in attrs else 1e-5
# momentum = attrs['momentum'] if 'momentum' in attrs else 0.9
# g.batchnorm(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.input[1]],
# ts[node.input[2]], ts[node.input[3]],
# ts[node.input[4]], ts[node.output[0]],
# epsilon, momentum)
# elif node.op_type == "Split":
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.input) == 1
# assert len(node.output) > 1
# axis = attrs['axis']
# split = attrs['split']
# g.split(ts[node.input[0]], [ts[t] for t in node.output], axis, split)
# elif node.op_type == "Slice":
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.input) == 4
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# g.slice(ts[node.input[0]], ts[node.output[0]],
# ts[node.input[1]], ts[node.input[2]])
# elif node.op_type == "Resize":
# attrs = _parse_attribute(node.attribute, {})
# assert len(node.input) == 4
# assert len(node.output) == 1
# roi = ts[node.input[1]] if node.input[1] != '' else g.tensor(
# [], 'FLOAT')
# g.resize(ts[node.input[0]], roi, ts[node.output[0]])
# else:
# assert False, "Unsupported op: " + node.op_type
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("model", help="ONNX model file")
parser.add_argument("bs", help="batch size", type=int, default=1)
# parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output file")
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from operator_timer import *
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.3f}'.format
df= pd.DataFrame(columns=['n', 'c', 'h', 'w', 'f', 'r', 's', 'ph', 'pw', 'sh', 'sw', 'dh', 'dw', 'oph', 'opw', 'group'])
def conv_original(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group):
df.loc[name, ['n', 'c', 'h', 'w', 'f', 'r', 's', 'ph', 'pw', 'sh', 'sw', 'dh', 'dw', 'group']] = n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, group
df.loc[name, 't_original'] = getPerfConv(n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group)
df.loc[name, 't_bias'] = getPerfConvBiasActCudnn(n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group, bias=True)
df.loc[name, 't_bias_relu'] = getPerfConvBiasActCudnn(n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group, bias=True, act="Relu")
def conv_rule_5x5_to_3x3(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group):
col = 't_5x5_to_3x3'
if r == 5 and s == 5:
df.loc[name, col] = getPerfConv(n, c, h, w, f*4, 3, 3, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group)
df.loc[name, col] = np.inf
def conv_rule_9x9_to_3x3(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group):
col = 't_9x9_to_3x3'
if r == 9 and s == 9:
df.loc[name, col] = getPerfConv(n, c, h, w, f*9, r//3, s//3, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group)
df.loc[name, col] = np.inf
bandwidth=200*10**6 # (200GB/ms)
def conv_rule_conv2gemm(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw,
sh, sw, dh, dw, group):
col = 't_conv2gemm'
if [sh, sw, dh, dw, group] == [1] * 5:
# b = group
# m = batch_size * input_height * input_width
# n = output_channel * kernel_height * kernel_width
# k = input_channel // group
t_reduce= group*n*h*w*f*r*s*4/bandwidth if r>1 or s>1 else 0
df.loc[name, '_'+col+'_mem'] = t_reduce
df.loc[name, col] = getPerfMatmul(group, n*h*w, f*r*s, c//group) + t_reduce
df.loc[name, col] = np.inf
# conv_rules=[conv_original, conv_rule_9x9_to_3x3, conv_rule_5x5_to_3x3, conv_rule_conv2gemm]
def conv_tranpsposed2d_original(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw, group):
df.loc[name, ['n', 'c', 'h', 'w', 'f', 'r', 's', 'ph', 'pw', 'sh', 'sw', 'dh', 'dw', 'oph', 'opw', 'group']] = n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw, group
df.loc[name, 't_original'] = getPerfConvTransposed2dCudnn(n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw, group)
def conv_tranpsposed2d_togemm(name, n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw, group):
col = 't_conv2gemm'
if [dh, dw, group] == [1] * 3:
# ConvTransose2gemm
# b = 1
# m = batch_size * input_height*input_width
# n = output_channel*kernel_height*kernel_width
# k = input_channel
t_reduce= n*h*w*c*r*s*4/bandwidth if r>1 or s>1 else 0
df.loc[name, '_'+col+'_mem'] = t_reduce
print('t_conv2gemm', group, n*h*w, c*r*s, f)
df.loc[name, col] = getPerfMatmul(group, n*h*w, c*r*s, f) + t_reduce
df.loc[name, col] = np.inf
conv_transposed2d_rules=[conv_tranpsposed2d_original, conv_tranpsposed2d_togemm]
def print_result():
df['t_min'] = df.filter(regex=("^t_.*")).min(axis=1)
print(f'Origin: {df["t_original"].sum():.3f} ms')
print(f'Min: {df["t_min"].sum():.3f} ms')
print(f'Speedup: {df["t_original"].sum()/df["t_min"].sum():.3f} x')
Reference in New Issue