GKS是香港科技大学华人学者徐昆教授原创的针对可压缩流动的格式(推荐一篇集大成的文献是 K. Xu, 2001, JCP, A Gas-Kinetic BGK Scheme for the Navier–Stokes Equations and Its Connection with Artificial Dissipation and Godunov Method)
1) X. JI, F. ZHAO, W. SHYY, & K. XU (2018). A family of high-order gas-kinetic schemes and its comparison with Riemann solver based high-order methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 356, 150-173.
2) X. JI, & K. XU (2020). Performance Enhancement for High-order Gas-kinetic Scheme Based on WENO-adaptive-order Reconstruction. Communication in Computational Physics, 28, 2, 539-590