forked from p35462178/gks2d-str
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void riemann_problem_1d()
Runtime runtime;//statement for recording the running time
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block1d block;
block.nodex = 100;
block.ghost = 4;
double tstop = 0.2;
block.CFL = 0.5;
Fluid1d* bcvalue = new Fluid1d[2];
K = 4;
Gamma = 1.4;
R_gas = 1.0;
gks1dsolver = gks2nd;
//g0type = collisionn;
tau_type = Euler;
//Smooth = false;
c1_euler = 0.05;
c2_euler = 1;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
BoundaryCondition leftboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition rightboundary(0);
leftboundary = free_boundary_left;
rightboundary = free_boundary_right;
//prepare the reconstruction function
cellreconstruction = Vanleer;
wenotype = wenoz;
reconstruction_variable = characteristic;
g0reconstruction = Center_3rd;
is_reduce_order_warning = true;
//prepare the flux function
flux_function = GKS;
//prepare time marching stratedgy
timecoe_list = S1O2;
// allocate memory for 1-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.nodex_begin = block.ghost;
block.nodex_end = block.nodex + block.ghost - 1;
Fluid1d* fluids = new Fluid1d[block.nx];
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, N+1
Interface1d* interfaces = new Interface1d[block.nx + 1];
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux1d** fluxes = Setflux_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
//bulid or read mesh,
//since the mesh is all structured from left and right,
//there is no need for buliding the complex topology between cells and interfaces
//just using the index for address searching
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 1.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, interfaces, fluxes);
//ended mesh part
// then its about initializing, lets first initialize a sod test case
//you can initialize whatever kind of 1d test case as you like
Fluid1d zone1; zone1.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone1.primvar[1] = 0.0; zone1.primvar[2] = 1.0;
Fluid1d zone2; zone2.primvar[0] = 0.125; zone2.primvar[1] = 0.0; zone2.primvar[2] = 0.1;
//Fluid1d zone1; zone1.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone1.primvar[1] = -2.0; zone1.primvar[2] = 0.4;
//Fluid1d zone2; zone2.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone2.primvar[1] = 2.0; zone2.primvar[2] = 0.4;
ICfor1dRM(fluids, zone1, zone2, block);
//initializing part end
//then we are about to do the loop
block.t = 0;//the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int inputstep = 1;//input a certain step,
//initialize inputstep=1, to avoid a 0 result
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
while (block.t < tstop)
// assume you are using command window,
// you can specify a running step conveniently
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output1d(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
//Copy the fluid vales to fluid old
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
//determine the cfl condtion
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
//after determine the cfl condition, let's implement boundary condtion
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
// here the boudary type, you shall go above the search the key words"BoundaryCondition leftboundary;"
// to see the pointer to the corresponding function
//then is reconstruction part, which we separate the left or right reconstrction
//and the center reconstruction
Reconstruction_within_cell(interfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(interfaces, fluids, block);
//then is solver part
Calculate_flux(fluxes, interfaces, block, i);
//then is update flux part
Update(fluids, fluxes, block, i);
//output1d_checking(fluids, interfaces, fluxes, block);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 10 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
if ((block.t - tstop) > 0)
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "initializiation time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
cout << "computational time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
output1d(fluids, block);
//output1d_checking(fluids, interfaces, fluxes, block);
void ICfor1dRM(Fluid1d* fluids, Fluid1d zone1, Fluid1d zone2, Block1d block)
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
if (i < 0.5 * block.nx)
Copy_Array(fluids[i].primvar, zone1.primvar, 3);
Copy_Array(fluids[i].primvar, zone2.primvar, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
Primvar_to_convar_1D(fluids[i].convar, fluids[i].primvar);
void riemann_problem_2d()
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block;
block.uniform = true;
block.nodex = 200;
block.nodey = 200;
block.ghost = 3;
block.CFL = 0.5;
Fluid2d* bcvalue = new Fluid2d[4];
K = 3;
Gamma = 1.4;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
BoundaryCondition2dnew leftboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew rightboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew downboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew upboundary(0);
leftboundary = free_boundary_left;
rightboundary = free_boundary_right;
downboundary = free_boundary_down;
upboundary = free_boundary_up;
//prepare the reconstruction function
gausspoint = 1;
reconstruction_variable = characteristic;
wenotype = wenoz;
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = Vanleer_normal;
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = Vanleer_tangent;
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_do_nothing_normal;
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_all_collision_multi;
is_reduce_order_warning = true; //重构出负后 输出出负的单元
//prepare the flux function
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d;
tau_type = Euler;
c1_euler = 0.05;
c2_euler = 1;
flux_function_2d = GKS2D;
//prepare time marching stratedgy
//time coe list must be 2d
timecoe_list_2d = S1O2_2D;
// allocate memory for 2-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N*N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.ny = block.nodey + 2 * block.ghost;
Fluid2d* fluids = Setfluid(block);
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, (N+1)*(N+1)
Interface2d* xinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
Interface2d* yinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 1.0;
block.down = 0.0;
block.up = 1.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
block.dy = (block.up - block.down) / block.nodey;
block.overdx = 1 / block.dx;
block.overdy = 1 / block.dy;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, xfluxes, yfluxes);
//ended mesh part
//RM 1 T=0.2
double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
double zone1[] = { 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0 };
double zone2[]{ 1.0, 0, 0.7276, 1.0 };
double zone3[]{ 0.5313, 0, 0, 0.4 };
double zone4[]{ 1.0, 0.7276, 0, 1.0 };
////RM config 1 four rarefaction wave T=0.2
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 0.1072,-0.7259,-1.4045,0.0439 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.2579,0,-1.4045,0.15};
//Initial zone3{ 1,0,0,1};
//Initial zone4{ 0.5197,-0.7259,0,0.4};
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone4{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone3{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone2{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone3{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//Initial zone4{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
////RM 3 T=0.8 with x,y=0.5
//double tstop[] = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55,0.6 };
//double p0 = 1.0; // this p0 is for adjust the speed of shear layer
//Initial zone1{ 1, -0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone2{ 3.0, -0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone3{ 1.0, 0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone4{ 2.0, 0.75, 0.5, p0 };
////RM 2 T=0.6 with x,y = 0.7
//double tstop[] = { 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
//Initial zone1{ 0.138, 1.206, 1.206, 0.029 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.5323, 0, 1.206, 0.3 };
//Initial zone3{ 1.5, 0, 0, 1.5 };
//Initial zone4{ 0.5323, 1.206, 0, 0.3 };
////RM 4 T=0.25 with x,y=0.5
//double tstop[] = { 0.25,0.3};
//double p0 = 1.0; // this p0 is for adjust the speed of shear layer
//Initial zone3{ 1, -0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone4{ 2.0, -0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone2{ 3.0, 0.75, -0.5, p0 };
IC_for_riemann_2d(fluids, zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0;//the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int tstop_dim = sizeof(tstop) / sizeof(double);
int inputstep = 1;//input a certain step,
//initialize inputstep=1, to avoid a 0 result
for (int instant = 0; instant < tstop_dim; ++instant)
if (inputstep == 0)
while (block.t < tstop[instant])
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d_binary(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop[instant]);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
downboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[2]);
upboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[3]);
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 10 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
if ((block.t - tstop[instant]) > 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (block.step % 100 == 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (fluids[block.nx / 2 * (block.ny) + block.ny / 2].convar[0] != fluids[block.nx / 2 * (block.ny) + block.ny / 2].convar[0])
cout << "the program blows up!" << endl;
output2d(fluids, block);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "the total run time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "initializing time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "the pure computational time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
void IC_for_riemann_2d(Fluid2d* fluid, double* zone1, double* zone2, double* zone3, double* zone4, Block2d block)
double discon[2];
discon[0] = 0.5;
discon[1] = 0.5;
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ny - block.ghost; j++)
if (i < discon[0] * block.nx && j < discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone1, 4);
if (i >= discon[0] * block.nx && j < discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone2, 4);
if (i >= discon[0] * block.nx && j >= discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone3, 4);
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone4, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < block.ny; j++)
Primvar_to_convar_2D(fluid[i * block.ny + j].convar, fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar);