forked from p35462178/gks2d-str
373 lines
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373 lines
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void boundary_layer()
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block;
block.uniform = false;
block.ghost = 3;
double tstop = 20000;
block.CFL = 0.3;
K = 3;
Gamma = 1.4;
Pr = 1.0;
double renum = 1e5;
double den_ref = 1.0;
double u_ref = 0.15;
double L = 100;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
Fluid2d* bcvalue = new Fluid2d[1];
bcvalue[0].primvar[0] = den_ref;
bcvalue[0].primvar[1] = u_ref;
bcvalue[0].primvar[2] = 0.0;
bcvalue[0].primvar[3] = den_ref / Gamma;
Mu = den_ref * u_ref * L / renum;
cout << Mu << endl;
//prepare the reconstruction function
gausspoint = 1;
reconstruction_variable = conservative;
wenotype = wenoz;//只有WENO才会起作用
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = Vanleer_normal;
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = Vanleer_tangent;
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_3rd_normal;
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_3rd_tangent;
is_reduce_order_warning = true;
flux_function_2d = GKS2D;
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d;
tau_type = NS;
c1_euler = 0.0;
c2_euler = 0;
timecoe_list_2d = S1O2_2D;
Fluid2d* fluids = NULL;
Interface2d* xinterfaces = NULL;
Interface2d* yinterfaces = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = NULL;
string grid = add_mesh_directory_modify_for_linux()
+ "structured-mesh/flat-plate-str.plt";
(grid, &fluids, &xinterfaces, &yinterfaces, &xfluxes, &yfluxes, block);
ICfor_uniform_2d(fluids, bcvalue[0].primvar, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0;
block.step = 0;
int inputstep = 1;
while (block.t < tstop)
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
boundaryforBoundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 100 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
Residual2d(fluids, block, 10);
output_wall_info_boundary_layer(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, L);
output_skin_friction_boundary_layer(fluids, yinterfaces, yfluxes, block, u_ref, renum, L);
if (block.step % 5000 == 0 || abs(block.t - tstop) < 1e-14)
output2d(fluids, block);
char loc1[] = "0050";
char loc2[] = "0105";
char loc3[] = "0165";
char loc4[] = "0265";
char loc5[] = "0305";
char loc6[] = "0365";
char loc7[] = "0465";
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.050 * L, loc1);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.105 * L, loc2);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.165 * L, loc3);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.265 * L, loc4);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.305 * L, loc5);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.365 * L, loc6);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.465 * L, loc7);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "\n the total running time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for initializing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for computing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
void boundaryforBoundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue)
inflow_boundary_left(fluids, block, bcvalue);
inflow_boundary_right(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//free_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//outflow_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
inflow_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//the boundary at the bottom
int order = block.ghost;
for (int j = order - 1; j >= 0; j--)
for (int i = order; i < block.nx; i++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
int ref = i * block.ny + 2 * order - 1 - j;
if (fluids[index].coordx < 0.0)
fluids[index].convar[0] = fluids[ref].convar[0];
fluids[index].convar[1] = fluids[ref].convar[1];
fluids[index].convar[2] = -fluids[ref].convar[2];
fluids[index].convar[3] = fluids[ref].convar[3];
fluids[index].convar[0] = fluids[ref].convar[0];
fluids[index].convar[1] = -fluids[ref].convar[1];
fluids[index].convar[2] = -fluids[ref].convar[2];
fluids[index].convar[3] = fluids[ref].convar[3];
void output_boundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, double* bcvalue, double coordx, char* label)
int order = block.ghost;
int i;
for (int k = 0; k < block.nx; k++)
int index = k * block.ny + order;
if (fluids[index].coordx > coordx)
i = k;
stringstream name;
name << "result/boundarylayer_line" << label << setfill('0') << setw(5) << "step" << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables =ys,density,us,vs,pressure" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << 1 << ",j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
double vel = bcvalue[1];
double nu = Mu / bcvalue[0];
for (int j = order; j < block.ny - order; j++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
Convar_to_primvar_2D(fluids[index].primvar, fluids[index].convar);
out << fluids[index].coordy / (sqrt(nu * fluids[index].coordx / vel)) << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[1] / vel << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[2] / (sqrt(nu * vel / fluids[index].coordx)) << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[3] << " "
<< endl;
void output_wall_info_boundary_layer(Interface2d* xInterfaces, Interface2d* yInterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss** xFluxes, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double L_ref)
//there are four blocks
int outstep = 20;
if (block.step % outstep != 0)
double t = block.t;
double dt = block.timecoefficient[block.stages - 1][0][0] * block.dt;
double var[8];
Array_zero(var, 8);
//the contribute from the bottom
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int ref = i * (block.ny + 1) + block.ghost;
if (yInterfaces[ref].x > 0.0)
double f_local[4];
double derf_local[4];
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
Local_to_Global(f_local, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].f, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].normal);
Local_to_Global(derf_local, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].derf, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].normal);
double l = yInterfaces[ref].length;
double sign = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
var[k] += sign * l * yFluxes[ref][block.stages - 1].gauss[m].x[k] / dt;
var[k + 4] += sign * l * gauss_weight[m] * (f_local[k]) / block.dt;
ofstream out;
if (block.step == outstep)
|"result/boundary-layer-force-history.plt", ios::out);
|"result/boundary-layer-force-history.plt", ios::ate | ios::out | ios::in);
if (!out.is_open())
cout << "cannot find square-cylinder-force-history.plt" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
if (block.step == outstep)
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "variables = t,mass_transfer,cd,cl,heatflux,";
out << "mass_transfer_instant, cd_instant, cl_instant, heatflux_instant" << endl;
Array_scale(var, 8, L_ref);
out << block.t << " "
<< var[0] << " " << var[1] << " "
<< var[2] << " " << var[3] << " ";
out << var[4] << " " << var[5] << " "
<< var[6] << " " << var[7] << " ";
out << endl;
void output_skin_friction_boundary_layer
(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* yInterfaces, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double u_ref, double re_ref, double L_ref)
int outstep = 1000;
if (block.step % outstep != 0)
double t = block.t;
double dt = block.timecoefficient[0][0][0] * block.dt;
double var[3];
Array_zero(var, 3);
ofstream out;
|"result/boundary-layer-skin-friction.plt", ios::out);
out << "variables = log<sub>10</sub>Re<sub>x</sub>, log<sub>10</sub>C<sub>f</sub>, C<sub>p</sub>";
out << endl;
//output the data
//the contribute from the bottom
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int ref = i * (block.ny + 1) + block.ghost;
int ref_cell = i * (block.ny) + block.ghost;
if (yInterfaces[ref].x > 0.0)
Array_zero(var, 3);
for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
var[k] += yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].x[k] / dt;
var[1] = -var[1];
var[2] = (var[2] - 1.0 / Gamma);
double rex = yInterfaces[ref].x / L_ref * re_ref;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
var[k] /= (0.5 * u_ref * u_ref);
out << log10(rex) << " " << log10(var[1]) << " " << var[2] << endl;