forked from p35462178/gks2d-str
824 lines
21 KiB
824 lines
21 KiB
![]() |
void make_directory_for_result()
string newfolder = "result";
#if defined(_WIN32)
//一个简单的宏定义判断,如果是win系统 则运行以下代码
if (_mkdir(newfolder.c_str()) != 0)
cout << "fail to create new folder for result file" << endl;
//如果是linux系统 则运行以下代码
mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777);
if (mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777) != 0)
mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777);
cout << "fail to create new folder for result file" << endl;
void couthere()
// to test that the program can run up to here
cout << "here" << endl;
void cinhere()
// to test taht the program can run up here
//and only show once
double a;
cout << "the program run here" << endl;
cin >> a;
void output_error_form(double CFL, double dt_ratio, int mesh_set, int* mesh_number, double** error)
cout << "Accuracy-residual-file-output" << endl;
ofstream error_out("result/error.txt");
error_out << "the CFL number is " << CFL << endl;
error_out << "the dt ratio over dx is " << dt_ratio << endl;
double** order = new double* [mesh_set - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set - 1; i++)
order[i] = new double[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
order[i][j] = log(error[i][j] / error[i + 1][j]) / log(2);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set; i++)
if (i == 0)
error_out << "1/" << mesh_number[i]
<< scientific << setprecision(6)
<< " & " << error[i][0] << " & ~"
<< " & " << error[i][1] << " & ~"
<< " & " << error[i][2] << " & ~"
<< " \\\\ " << endl;
error_out << "1/" << mesh_number[i]
<< " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][0];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][0];
error_out << " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][1];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][1];
error_out << " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][2];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][2];
error_out << " \\\\ " << endl;
void output1d(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result1D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables = x,density,u,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i].cx << " "
<< setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[i].primvar[1] << " "
<< fluids[i].primvar[2] << " "
<< Temperature(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< entropy(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i].primvar[1], 2)) / Soundspeed(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< endl;
void continue_compute(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d& block)
fstream in("result/continue-in.txt", ios::in);
if (!in.is_open())
cout << "cannot find continue.txt" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
int in_mesh[2];
in >> in_mesh[0] >> in_mesh[1];
if (in_mesh[0] == block.nodex && in_mesh[1] == block.nodey)
fstream dat("result/continue-in.plt", ios::in);
if (!dat.is_open())
cout << "cannot find continue.plt, which contains fluid data" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
string s;
getline(dat, s);
dat.ignore(256, '\n');
if (block.ghost <= 0 || block.ghost >= 5)
cout << "a wrong ghost set up initializing" << endl;
//cell avg information
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
dat >> fluids[index].coordx
>> fluids[index].coordy;
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
dat >> fluids[index].convar[var];
in >> block.t;
cout << "successfully read in continue-compute-file in t= " << block.t << endl;
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
cout << "change convar to primvar" << endl;
cout << "mesh size is not same" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
void output2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
//for create a output file, pls include the follow standard lib
//#include <fstream>
//#include <sstream>
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,density,u,v,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy << " "
<< setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3] << " "
<< Temperature(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< entropy(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], 2) + pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2], 2)) /
Soundspeed(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< endl;
void output2d_center(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,density,u,v,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex + 1 << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey + 1 << ", DATAPACKING=BLOCK, VARLOCATION=([3-9]=CELLCENTERED)" << endl;
//output locations
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[0] << " ";
out << endl;
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[1] << " ";
out << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
//output four primary variables
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
//output temperature
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< Temperature(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
//output entropy
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< entropy(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
//output Ma number
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], 2))
/ Soundspeed(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
void output2d_blow_up(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/BlowUp-2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,blow_point,density,u,v,pressure" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex + 1 << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey + 1 << ", DATAPACKING=BLOCK, VARLOCATION=([3-7]=CELLCENTERED)" << endl;
//output locations
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[0] << " ";
out << endl;
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[1] << " ";
out << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
if (negative_density_or_pressure(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar))
out << 1.0 << " ";
out << 0.0 << " ";
out << endl;
//output four primary variables
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
if (negative_density_or_pressure(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar))
out << -1.0 << " ";
out << setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
void output_record(Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/Record2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".txt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# This is a two dimensional result" << endl;
if (block.uniform == true)
out << "# uniform mesh is used for calculation" << endl;
out << "# left region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.left << endl;
out << "# right region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.right << endl;
out << "# down region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.down << endl;
out << "# up region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.up << endl;
out << "# non-uniform mesh is used for calculation" << endl;
out << "# ghost cell number is " << endl;
out << block.ghost << endl;
out << "# Mesh size nodex and nodey" << endl;
out << block.nodex << " " << block.nodey << endl;
out << "# CFL number is " << endl;
out << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# simulation time is " << endl;
out << block.t << endl;
out << "# simulation step is " << endl;
out << block.step << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << endl;
out << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << " c2_euler " << endl;
out << c1_euler << " " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << " Nu " << endl;
out << Mu << " " << Nu << endl;
out << "# the number of gaussian point it use: " << endl;
out << gausspoint << endl;
out << "# normal_reconstruction_for_left_right_states is ";
if (cellreconstruction_2D_normal == First_order_normal)
out << "FirstOrder_splitting " << endl;
else if (cellreconstruction_2D_normal == Vanleer_normal)
out << "Vanleer_splitting " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# normal_reconstruction_for_g0_states is ";
if (g0reconstruction_2D_normal == Center_collision_normal)
out << "Center_collision_normal " << endl;
else if (g0reconstruction_2D_normal == Center_3rd_normal)
out << "Center_3rd_normal " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# tangential_reconstruction_for_left_right_states is ";
if (cellreconstruction_2D_tangent == Vanleer_tangent)
out << "Vanleer_tangent " << endl;
else if (cellreconstruction_2D_tangent == First_order_tangent)
out << "First_order_tangent " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# g0reconstruction_2D_multi is ";
if (g0reconstruction_2D_tangent == Center_all_collision_multi)
out << "Center_all_collision_tangent " << endl;
else if (g0reconstruction_2D_tangent == Center_3rd_tangent)
out << "Center_all_collision_tangent " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is ";
if (timecoe_list_2d == S1O1_2D)
out << "S1O1 " << endl;
if (timecoe_list_2d == S2O4_2D)
out << "S2O4 " << endl;
if (timecoe_list_2d == RK4_2D)
out << "RK4 " << endl;
out << "# the flux function is ";
if (flux_function_2d == GKS2D_smooth)
out << "gks2nd_smooth" << endl;
if (flux_function_2d == GKS2D)
if (gks2dsolver == kfvs1st_2d)
out << "kfvs1st " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == kfvs2nd_2d)
out << "kfvs2nd " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == gks1st_2d)
out << "gks1st " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == gks2nd_2d)
out << "gks2nd " << endl;
out << "# the limitation for current scheme is " << endl;
void output2d_binary(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
cout << "Output binary result..." << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out;
|, ios::out | ios::binary);
int IMax = block.nodex;
int JMax = block.nodey;
int KMax = 1;
int NumVar = 7;
char Title[] = "structure2d";
char Varname1[] = "X";
char Varname2[] = "Y";
char Varname3[] = "Z";
char Varname4[] = "density";
char Varname5[] = "u";
char Varname6[] = "v";
char Varname7[] = "pressure";
char Zonename1[] = "Zone 001";
float ZONEMARKER = 299.0;
float EOHMARKER = 357.0;
//==============Header Secontion =================//
//------1.1 Magic number, Version number
char MagicNumber[] = "#!TDV101";
// the magic number must be output with 8 lengths without NULL end
out.write(MagicNumber, 8);
//---- - 1.2.Integer value of 1.----------------------------------------------------------
int IntegerValue = 1;
out.write((char*)&IntegerValue, sizeof(IntegerValue));
//---- - 1.3.Title and variable names.------------------------------------------------ -
//---- - 1.3.1.The TITLE.
write_character_into_plt(Title, out);
//---- - 1.3.2 Number of variables(NumVar) in the c_strfile.
out.write((char*)&NumVar, sizeof(NumVar));
//------1.3.3 Variable names.N = L[1] + L[2] + ....L[NumVar]
write_character_into_plt(Varname1, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname2, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname3, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname4, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname5, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname6, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname7, out);
//---- - 1.4.Zones------------------------------------------------------------------ -
//--------Zone marker.Value = 299.0
out.write((char*)&ZONEMARKER, sizeof(ZONEMARKER));
//--------Zone name.
write_character_into_plt(Zonename1, out);
//--------Zone color
int ZoneColor = -1;
out.write((char*)&ZoneColor, sizeof(ZoneColor));
int ZoneType = 0;
out.write((char*)&ZoneType, sizeof(ZoneType));
//--------DaraPacking 0=Block, 1=Point
int DaraPacking = 1;
out.write((char*)&DaraPacking, sizeof(DaraPacking));
//--------Specify Var Location. 0 = Don't specify, all c_str is located at the nodes. 1 = Specify
int SpecifyVarLocation = 0;
out.write((char*)&SpecifyVarLocation, sizeof(SpecifyVarLocation));
//--------Number of user defined face neighbor connections(value >= 0)
int NumOfNeighbor = 0;
out.write((char*)&NumOfNeighbor, sizeof(NumOfNeighbor));
//-------- - IMax, JMax, KMax
out.write((char*)&IMax, sizeof(IMax));
out.write((char*)&JMax, sizeof(JMax));
out.write((char*)&KMax, sizeof(KMax));
//----------// -1 = Auxiliary name / value pair to follow 0 = No more Auxiliar name / value pairs.
int AuxiliaryName = 0;
out.write((char*)&AuxiliaryName, sizeof(AuxiliaryName));
//----I HEADER OVER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//=============================Geometries section=======================
//=============================Text section======================
// EOHMARKER, value = 357.0
out.write((char*)&EOHMARKER, sizeof(EOHMARKER));
//================II.Data section===============//
//---- - 2.1 zone---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
out.write((char*)&ZONEMARKER, sizeof(ZONEMARKER));
//--------variable c_str format, 1 = Float, 2 = Double, 3 = LongInt, 4 = ShortInt, 5 = Byte, 6 = Bit
int fomat[20];
for (int ifomat = 0; ifomat < 20; ifomat++)
fomat[ifomat] = 2;
for (int ifomat = 0; ifomat < NumVar; ifomat++)
out.write((char*)&fomat[ifomat], sizeof(fomat[ifomat]));
//--------Has variable sharing 0 = no, 1 = yes.
int HasVarSharing = 0;
out.write((char*)&HasVarSharing, sizeof(HasVarSharing));
//----------Zone number to share connectivity list with(-1 = no sharing).
int ZoneNumToShareConnectivity = -1;
out.write((char*)&ZoneNumToShareConnectivity, sizeof(ZoneNumToShareConnectivity));
//----------Zone c_str.Each variable is in c_str format asspecified above.
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
double coordz = 0.0;
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&coordz, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3], sizeof(double));
void write_character_into_plt(char* str, ofstream& out)
int value = 0;
while ((*str) != '\0')
value = (int)*str;
out.write((char*)&value, sizeof(value));
char null_char[] = "";
value = (int)*null_char;
out.write((char*)&value, sizeof(value));
void continue_compute_output(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
//for create a output file, pls include the follow standard lib
//#include <fstream>
//#include <sstream>
stringstream name;
name << "result/continue-out" << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables = x,y,convar0,convar1,convar2,convar3";
out << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy << " "
<< setprecision(10);
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].convar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
void continue_compute_output_param(Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/continue-out" << ".txt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << block.nodex << " " << block.nodey << endl; //mesh point
out << setprecision(14);
out << block.t << endl;//simulation time