forked from p35462178/gks2d-str
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++0x")
message(STATUS "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11
support. Please use a different C++ compiler.")
@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
void accuracy_sinwave_1d()
int mesh_set = 3; //用一系列网格尺寸等比例减小的网格来测试格式的精度
int mesh_number_start = 10; //最粗网格数
double length = 2.0; //计算域总长度为2,[0,2]
double CFL = 0.5; //CFL数
// 注意,为了防止时间推进和空间离散的精度不一致,dt = CFL * (dx^dt_ratio),这一点的原因也可以参看
// X. Ji et al. Journal of Computational Physics 356 (2018) 150–173 的 subsection 4.1
double dt_ratio = 1.0;
double mesh_size_start = length / mesh_number_start; //均匀网格大小
//各套网格数量-尺寸-误差 开辟数组存一下
int* mesh_number = new int[mesh_set];
double* mesh_size = new double[mesh_set];
double** error = new double* [mesh_set];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set; i++)
error[i] = new double[3]; //每一套网格都计算 L1 L2 L_inf 误差
mesh_size[i] = mesh_size_start / pow(2, i); //等比变化
mesh_number[i] = mesh_number_start * pow(2, i); //等比变化
accuracy_sinwave_1d(CFL, dt_ratio, mesh_number[i], error[i]);
output_error_form(CFL, dt_ratio, mesh_set, mesh_number, error);
void accuracy_sinwave_1d(double& CFL, double& dt_ratio, int& mesh_number, double* error)
Runtime runtime;//记录一下计算时间
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block1d block; //存储一些一维算例相关的基本信息
block.nodex = mesh_number;
block.ghost = 3; // ghost cell 数。一般来讲 二阶-三阶 需要两个,四阶-五阶 需要三个。具体算法则需具体讨论
double tstop = 2.0; //计算一个sinwave的周期
block.CFL = CFL; // CFL数
K = 4; //内部自由度
Gamma = 1.4; //比热容是由内部自由度决定的,这里为了简单,直接手动给出
tau_type = Euler; //无粘还是粘性问题
//函数指针 flux_function 可以方便的切换 使用的通量求解器
//如 L-F, HLLC, GKS
flux_function = GKS; //GKS
//通常 GKS是指 2阶gks,但通过一些近似,可以变形为
//一阶GKS(gks1st) 一阶KFVS(kfvs1st) 等,在gks1dsolver中枚举出来
gks1dsolver = gks2nd; //现在选择二阶gks
c1_euler = 0.0; //仅对于无粘流动,gks里面的人工碰撞时间系数c1
c2_euler = 0.0; //对于无粘或者粘性流动,gks里面的人工碰撞时间系数c2
Fluid1d* bcvalue = new Fluid1d[2]; //一维左右dirichlet边界的值
BoundaryCondition leftboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition rightboundary(0);
leftboundary = periodic_boundary_left;
rightboundary = periodic_boundary_right;
cellreconstruction = WENO5_AO; //以单位为中心的重构,重构出界面左值和右值
wenotype = wenoz; //非线性权的种类,linear就意味着采用线性权
reconstruction_variable = characteristic; //重构变量的类型,分为特征量和守恒量
g0reconstruction = Center_collision;//平衡态函数g0的重构方式(传统黎曼求解器用此函数得到粘性项所需要的一阶导数)
timecoe_list = S2O4;//这叫做2步4阶 two-stage fourth-order
Initial_stages(block); //赋值一下
// allocate memory for 1-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.nodex_begin = block.ghost;
block.nodex_end = block.nodex + block.ghost - 1;
Fluid1d* fluids = new Fluid1d[block.nx];
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, N+1
Interface1d* interfaces = new Interface1d[block.nx + 1];
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux1d** fluxes = Setflux_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
//bulid or read mesh,
//since the mesh is all structured from left and right,
//there is no need for buliding the complex topology between cells and interfaces
//just using the index for address searching
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 2.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, interfaces, fluxes);
ICfor_sinwave(fluids, block);
block.t = 0;//the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int inputstep = 1;//输入一个运行的时间步数
runtime.finish_initial = clock(); //记录一下初始化需要的cpu时间....
while (block.t < tstop) //显式时间步循环,from t^n to t^n+1
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output1d(fluids, block); //这个是输出一维的流场数据
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
//Copy the fluid vales to fluid old
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
//determine the cfl condtion
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; ++i)
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
Reconstruction_within_cell(interfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(interfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(fluxes, interfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, fluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if ((block.t - tstop) > 0)
error_for_sinwave(fluids, block, tstop, error);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "initializiation time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
cout << "computational time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
output1d(fluids, block);
void ICfor_sinwave(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = block.nodex_begin; i <= block.nodex_end; i++)
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
= 1.0 - 0.2 / pi / block.dx *
(cos(pi * (i + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dx) - cos(pi * (i - block.ghost) * block.dx));
fluids[i].primvar[1] = 1;
fluids[i].primvar[2] = 1;
Primvar_to_convar_1D(fluids[i].convar, fluids[i].primvar);
void error_for_sinwave(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block, double tstop, double* error)
if (abs(block.t - tstop) <= (1e-10))
double error1 = 0;
double error2 = 0;
double error3 = 0;
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
int index = i;
double primvar0 = 1 - 0.2 / pi / block.dx * (cos(pi * (i + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dx) - cos(pi * (i - block.ghost) * block.dx));
error1 = error1 + abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0);
error2 = error2 + pow(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0, 2);
error3 = (error3 > abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0)) ? error3 : abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0);
error1 /= block.nodex;
error2 = sqrt(error2 / block.nodex);
error[0] = error1; error[1] = error2; error[2] = error3;
cout << scientific << "L1 error=" << error1 << " L2 error=" << error2 << " Linf error=" << error3 << endl;
void accuracy_sinwave_2d()
int mesh_set = 3;
int mesh_number_start = 10;
double length = 2.0;
double CFL = 0.5;
double dt_ratio = 1.0;
double mesh_size_start = length / mesh_number_start;
int* mesh_number = new int[mesh_set];
double* mesh_size = new double[mesh_set];
double** error = new double* [mesh_set];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set; ++i)
error[i] = new double[3];
mesh_size[i] = mesh_size_start / pow(2, i);
mesh_number[i] = mesh_number_start * pow(2, i);
sinwave_2d(CFL, dt_ratio, mesh_number[i], error[i]);
output_error_form(CFL, dt_ratio, mesh_set, mesh_number, error);
void sinwave_2d(double& CFL, double& dt_ratio, int& mesh_number, double* error)
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block; // Class, geometry variables
block.uniform = false;
block.nodex = mesh_number;
block.nodey = mesh_number;
block.ghost = 3; // 5th-order reconstruction, should 3 ghost cell
double tstop = 2;
block.CFL = CFL;
K = 3; // 1d K=4, 2d K=3, 3d K=2;
Gamma = 1.4; // diatomic gas, r=1.4
//this part should rewritten ad gks2dsolver blabla
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d; // Emumeration, choose solver type
// 2nd means spatical 2nd-order, the traditional GKS; 2d means two dimensions
tau_type = Euler; // Emumeration, choose collision time tau type
// for accuracy test case, the tau type should be Euler and more accurately ZERO
// for inviscid case, use Euler type tau; for viscous case, use NS type tau
c1_euler = 0.0; // first coefficient in Euler type tau calculation
c2_euler = 0.0; // second coefficient in Euler type tau calculation
// when Euler type, tau is always zero;
// if the c1 c2 were given, (c1, c2, should be given together), the tau_num is determined by c1 c2, (c1*dt + c2*deltaP)
// if c1, c2 are both zero, (or not given value either), tau_num is also zero, which might be useful for accuracy test.
// when NS type, tau is always physical tau, relating to Mu or Nu;
// besides, tau_num would be determined by tau and c2 part, (tau + c2*deltaP),
// so, c2 should be given (c1 is useless now), and Mu or Nu should be given ONLY ONE;
// for NS type, specially, if Smooth is true, tau_num is determined ONLY by tau, (tau_num = tau), which means c2 is zero
Mu = 0.0;
Pr = 0.73;
R_gas = 1;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
Fluid2d* bcvalue = new Fluid2d[4]; // Class, primitive variables only for boundary
BoundaryCondition2dnew leftboundary(0); // 声明 边界条件的 函数指针
BoundaryCondition2dnew rightboundary(0); // 声明 边界条件的 函数指针
BoundaryCondition2dnew downboundary(0); // 声明 边界条件的 函数指针
BoundaryCondition2dnew upboundary(0); // 声明 边界条件的 函数指针
leftboundary = periodic_boundary_left; // 给函数指针 赋值
rightboundary = periodic_boundary_right; // 给函数指针 赋值
downboundary = periodic_boundary_down; // 给函数指针 赋值
upboundary = periodic_boundary_up; // 给函数指针 赋值
//prepare the reconstruction
gausspoint = 2; // fifth-order or sixth-order use THREE gauss points
// WENO5 has the function relating to arbitrary gausspoints
// WENO5_AO supports 2 gausspoint now, so fourth-order at most for spacial reconstruction (enough for two step fourth-order GKS)
SetGuassPoint(); // Function, set Gauss points coordinates and weight factor
reconstruction_variable = conservative; // Emumeration, choose the variables used for reconstruction type
wenotype = linear; // Emumeration, choose reconstruction type
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = WENO5_normal; // reconstruction in normal directon
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = WENO5_tangent; // reconstruction in tangential directon
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_5th_normal; // reconstruction for g0 in normal directon
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_5th_tangent; // reconstruction for g0 in tangential directon
//prepare the flux function
flux_function_2d = GKS2D_smooth; // 给函数指针 赋值 flux calculation type
// solver is GKS
// GKS2D means full solver (used for shock), GKS2D_smooth means smooth solver (used for non_shock)
// for accuracy test case, tau is ZERO, so GKS2D is equal to GKS2D_smooth for results, but the later is faster
// for inviscid flow, Euler type tau equals artifical viscosity;
// for viscous flow, NS type tau equals the modified collision time;
//prepare time marching stratedgy
//time coe list must be 2d, end by _2D
timecoe_list_2d = S2O4_2D; // 两步四阶
// allocate memory for 2-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N*N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.ny = block.nodey + 2 * block.ghost;
Fluid2d* fluids = Setfluid(block); // Function, input a class (geometry), output the pointer of one class (conservative variables)
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, (N+1)*(N+1)
Interface2d* xinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
Interface2d* yinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 2.0;
block.down = 0.0;
block.up = 2.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
block.dy = (block.up - block.down) / block.nodey;
block.overdx = 1 / block.dx;
block.overdy = 1 / block.dy;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, xfluxes, yfluxes); // Function, set mesh
ICfor_sinwave_2d(fluids, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0; //the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int inputstep = 1;//input a certain step
while (block.t < tstop)
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d_binary(fluids, block); // 二进制输出,用单元中心点代替单元
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block); // Function, copy variables
//determine the cfl condtion
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop); // Function, get real CFL number
if ((block.t + block.dt - tstop) > 0)
block.dt = tstop - block.t + 1e-16;
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
//after determine the cfl condition, let's implement boundary condtion
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
downboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[2]);
upboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[3]);
//cout << "after bc " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block); // Function
//then is reconstruction part, which we separate the left or right reconstrction
//and the center reconstruction
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block); // Function
//cout << "after cell recon " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block); // Function
//cout << "after g0 recon " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
//then is solver part
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i); // Function
//cout << "after flux calcu " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
//then is update flux part
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i); // Function
//cout << "after updating " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 1000 == 0)
cout << "step 1000 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
if ((block.t - tstop) >= 0)
output2d_binary(fluids, block);
error_for_sinwave_2d(fluids, block, tstop, error); // Function, get error
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "the total run time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "initializing time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "the pure computational time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
void ICfor_sinwave_2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ny - block.ghost; j++)
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
int index = i * (block.ny) + j;
double xleft = (i - block.ghost) * block.dx;
double xright = (i + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dx;
double yleft = (j - block.ghost) * block.dy;
double yright = (j + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dy;
//case in two dimensional x-y-plane
double k1 = sin(pi * (xright + yright));
double k2 = sin(pi * (xright + yleft));
double k3 = sin(pi * (xleft + yright));
double k4 = sin(pi * (xleft + yleft));
fluids[index].primvar[0] = 1.0 - 0.2 / pi / pi / block.dx / block.dy * ((k1 - k2) - (k3 - k4));
fluids[index].primvar[1] = 1;
fluids[index].primvar[2] = 1;
fluids[index].primvar[3] = 1;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ny - block.ghost; j++)
int index = i * (block.ny) + j;
Primvar_to_convar_2D(fluids[index].convar, fluids[index].primvar);
void error_for_sinwave_2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, double tstop, double* error)
if (abs(block.t - tstop) <= (1e-10))
cout << "Accuracy-residual-file-output" << endl;
double error1 = 0;
double error2 = 0;
double error3 = 0;
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ny - block.ghost; j++)
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
int index = i * block.ny + j;
double xleft = (i - block.ghost) * block.dx;
double xright = (i + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dx;
double yleft = (j - block.ghost) * block.dy;
double yright = (j + 1 - block.ghost) * block.dy;
//case in two dimensional x-y-plane
double k1 = sin(pi * (xright + yright));
double k2 = sin(pi * (xright + yleft));
double k3 = sin(pi * (xleft + yright));
double k4 = sin(pi * (xleft + yleft));
double primvar0 = 1.0 - 0.2 / pi / pi / block.dx / block.dy * ((k1 - k2) - (k3 - k4));
error1 = error1 + abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0);
error2 = error2 + pow(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0, 2);
error3 = (error3 > abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0)) ? error3 : abs(fluids[index].convar[0] - primvar0);
error1 /= (block.nodex * block.nodey);
error2 = sqrt(error2 / (block.nodex * block.nodey));
error[0] = error1; error[1] = error2; error[2] = error3;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
void accuracy_sinwave_1d();
void accuracy_sinwave_1d(double& CFL, double& dt_ratio, int& mesh_number, double* error);
void ICfor_sinwave(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block);
void error_for_sinwave(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block, double tstop, double* error);
void accuracy_sinwave_2d();
void sinwave_2d(double &CFL, double &dt_ratio, int& mesh_number, double *error);
void ICfor_sinwave_2d(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void error_for_sinwave_2d(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, double tstop,double *error);
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
void boundary_layer()
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block;
block.uniform = false;
block.ghost = 3;
double tstop = 20000;
block.CFL = 0.3;
K = 3;
Gamma = 1.4;
Pr = 1.0;
double renum = 1e5;
double den_ref = 1.0;
double u_ref = 0.15;
double L = 100;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
Fluid2d* bcvalue = new Fluid2d[1];
bcvalue[0].primvar[0] = den_ref;
bcvalue[0].primvar[1] = u_ref;
bcvalue[0].primvar[2] = 0.0;
bcvalue[0].primvar[3] = den_ref / Gamma;
Mu = den_ref * u_ref * L / renum;
cout << Mu << endl;
//prepare the reconstruction function
gausspoint = 1;
reconstruction_variable = conservative;
wenotype = wenoz;//只有WENO才会起作用
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = Vanleer_normal;
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = Vanleer_tangent;
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_3rd_normal;
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_3rd_tangent;
is_reduce_order_warning = true;
flux_function_2d = GKS2D;
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d;
tau_type = NS;
c1_euler = 0.0;
c2_euler = 0;
timecoe_list_2d = S1O2_2D;
Fluid2d* fluids = NULL;
Interface2d* xinterfaces = NULL;
Interface2d* yinterfaces = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = NULL;
string grid = add_mesh_directory_modify_for_linux()
+ "structured-mesh/flat-plate-str.plt";
(grid, &fluids, &xinterfaces, &yinterfaces, &xfluxes, &yfluxes, block);
ICfor_uniform_2d(fluids, bcvalue[0].primvar, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0;
block.step = 0;
int inputstep = 1;
while (block.t < tstop)
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
boundaryforBoundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 100 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
Residual2d(fluids, block, 10);
output_wall_info_boundary_layer(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, L);
output_skin_friction_boundary_layer(fluids, yinterfaces, yfluxes, block, u_ref, renum, L);
if (block.step % 5000 == 0 || abs(block.t - tstop) < 1e-14)
output2d(fluids, block);
char loc1[] = "0050";
char loc2[] = "0105";
char loc3[] = "0165";
char loc4[] = "0265";
char loc5[] = "0305";
char loc6[] = "0365";
char loc7[] = "0465";
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.050 * L, loc1);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.105 * L, loc2);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.165 * L, loc3);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.265 * L, loc4);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.305 * L, loc5);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.365 * L, loc6);
output_boundary_layer(fluids, block, bcvalue[0].primvar, 0.465 * L, loc7);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "\n the total running time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for initializing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for computing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "秒!" << endl;
void boundaryforBoundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue)
inflow_boundary_left(fluids, block, bcvalue);
inflow_boundary_right(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//free_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//outflow_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
inflow_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
//the boundary at the bottom
int order = block.ghost;
for (int j = order - 1; j >= 0; j--)
for (int i = order; i < block.nx; i++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
int ref = i * block.ny + 2 * order - 1 - j;
if (fluids[index].coordx < 0.0)
fluids[index].convar[0] = fluids[ref].convar[0];
fluids[index].convar[1] = fluids[ref].convar[1];
fluids[index].convar[2] = -fluids[ref].convar[2];
fluids[index].convar[3] = fluids[ref].convar[3];
fluids[index].convar[0] = fluids[ref].convar[0];
fluids[index].convar[1] = -fluids[ref].convar[1];
fluids[index].convar[2] = -fluids[ref].convar[2];
fluids[index].convar[3] = fluids[ref].convar[3];
void output_boundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, double* bcvalue, double coordx, char* label)
int order = block.ghost;
int i;
for (int k = 0; k < block.nx; k++)
int index = k * block.ny + order;
if (fluids[index].coordx > coordx)
i = k;
stringstream name;
name << "result/boundarylayer_line" << label << setfill('0') << setw(5) << "step" << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables =ys,density,us,vs,pressure" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << 1 << ",j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
double vel = bcvalue[1];
double nu = Mu / bcvalue[0];
for (int j = order; j < block.ny - order; j++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
Convar_to_primvar_2D(fluids[index].primvar, fluids[index].convar);
out << fluids[index].coordy / (sqrt(nu * fluids[index].coordx / vel)) << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[1] / vel << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[2] / (sqrt(nu * vel / fluids[index].coordx)) << " "
<< fluids[index].primvar[3] << " "
<< endl;
void output_wall_info_boundary_layer(Interface2d* xInterfaces, Interface2d* yInterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss** xFluxes, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double L_ref)
//there are four blocks
int outstep = 20;
if (block.step % outstep != 0)
double t = block.t;
double dt = block.timecoefficient[block.stages - 1][0][0] * block.dt;
double var[8];
Array_zero(var, 8);
//the contribute from the bottom
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int ref = i * (block.ny + 1) + block.ghost;
if (yInterfaces[ref].x > 0.0)
double f_local[4];
double derf_local[4];
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
Local_to_Global(f_local, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].f, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].normal);
Local_to_Global(derf_local, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].derf, yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].normal);
double l = yInterfaces[ref].length;
double sign = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
var[k] += sign * l * yFluxes[ref][block.stages - 1].gauss[m].x[k] / dt;
var[k + 4] += sign * l * gauss_weight[m] * (f_local[k]) / block.dt;
ofstream out;
if (block.step == outstep)
|"result/boundary-layer-force-history.plt", ios::out);
|"result/boundary-layer-force-history.plt", ios::ate | ios::out | ios::in);
if (!out.is_open())
cout << "cannot find square-cylinder-force-history.plt" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
if (block.step == outstep)
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "variables = t,mass_transfer,cd,cl,heatflux,";
out << "mass_transfer_instant, cd_instant, cl_instant, heatflux_instant" << endl;
Array_scale(var, 8, L_ref);
out << block.t << " "
<< var[0] << " " << var[1] << " "
<< var[2] << " " << var[3] << " ";
out << var[4] << " " << var[5] << " "
<< var[6] << " " << var[7] << " ";
out << endl;
void output_skin_friction_boundary_layer
(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* yInterfaces, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double u_ref, double re_ref, double L_ref)
int outstep = 1000;
if (block.step % outstep != 0)
double t = block.t;
double dt = block.timecoefficient[0][0][0] * block.dt;
double var[3];
Array_zero(var, 3);
ofstream out;
|"result/boundary-layer-skin-friction.plt", ios::out);
out << "variables = log<sub>10</sub>Re<sub>x</sub>, log<sub>10</sub>C<sub>f</sub>, C<sub>p</sub>";
out << endl;
//output the data
//the contribute from the bottom
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int ref = i * (block.ny + 1) + block.ghost;
int ref_cell = i * (block.ny) + block.ghost;
if (yInterfaces[ref].x > 0.0)
Array_zero(var, 3);
for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < gausspoint; m++)
var[k] += yFluxes[ref][0].gauss[m].x[k] / dt;
var[1] = -var[1];
var[2] = (var[2] - 1.0 / Gamma);
double rex = yInterfaces[ref].x / L_ref * re_ref;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
var[k] /= (0.5 * u_ref * u_ref);
out << log10(rex) << " " << log10(var[1]) << " " << var[2] << endl;
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
void boundary_layer();
void boundaryforBoundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void output_boundary_layer(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, double* bcvalue, double coordx, char* label);
void output_wall_info_boundary_layer(Interface2d* xInterfaces, Interface2d* yInterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss** xFluxes, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double L_ref);
void output_skin_friction_boundary_layer
(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* yInterfaces, Flux2d_gauss** yFluxes, Block2d block, double u_ref, double re_ref, double L_ref);
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
void cylinder()
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block;
block.uniform = false;
block.ghost = 3;
double tstop = 1;
block.CFL = 0.5;
K = 3;
Gamma = 1.4;
Pr = 1.0;
double renum = 1e3;
double den_ref = 1.0;
double u_ref = 5.0;
double L = 1; //cylinder diameter 1
Fluid2d icvalue;
icvalue.primvar[0] = den_ref;
icvalue.primvar[1] = u_ref;
icvalue.primvar[2] = 0.0;
icvalue.primvar[3] = den_ref / Gamma;
Mu = den_ref * u_ref * L / renum;
cout << Mu << endl;
gausspoint = 1;
reconstruction_variable = conservative;
wenotype = wenoz;
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = Vanleer_normal;
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = Vanleer_tangent;
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_do_nothing_normal;
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_all_collision_multi;
is_reduce_order_warning = false;
flux_function_2d = GKS2D;
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d;
tau_type = NS;
c1_euler = 0.05;
c2_euler = 5; //强间断 c2建议取大于等于5
timecoe_list_2d = S1O2_2D;
Fluid2d* fluids = NULL;
Interface2d* xinterfaces = NULL;
Interface2d* yinterfaces = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = NULL;
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = NULL;
string grid = add_mesh_directory_modify_for_linux()
+ "structured-mesh/half-cylinder-str-1.plt";
(grid, &fluids, &xinterfaces, &yinterfaces, &xfluxes, &yfluxes, block);
ICfor_uniform_2d(fluids, icvalue.primvar, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0;
block.step = 0;
int inputstep = 1;
while (block.t < tstop)
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d_center(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
boundary_for_cylinder(fluids, xinterfaces, block, icvalue);
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 100 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
Residual2d(fluids, block, 10);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "\n the total running time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for initializing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second!" << endl;
cout << "\n the time for computing is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second!" << endl;
output2d_center(fluids, block);
void boundary_for_cylinder(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* faces, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue)
Fluid2d wall_vel;
wall_vel.primvar[0] = bcvalue.primvar[0];
wall_vel.primvar[1] = 0.0;
wall_vel.primvar[2] = 0.0;
wall_vel.primvar[3] = bcvalue.primvar[3];
noslip_adiabatic_boundary_right(fluids, faces, block, wall_vel);
inflow_boundary_left(fluids, block, bcvalue);
free_boundary_down(fluids, block, bcvalue);
free_boundary_up(fluids, block, bcvalue);
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
void cylinder();
void boundary_for_cylinder(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* faces, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
int K = 0; //initialization //双原子,r=1.4,K=(4-2r)/(r-1)=3
double Gamma = 2.0 / (K + 2) + 1.0; //initialization
double T_inf = 285; //the real temperature, 20 Celcius degree
double R_gas = 8.31441 / (28.959e-3); //initialization //the gas constant for real ideal air
double Mu = -1.0; // mu = rho*u*L/Re
double Nu = -1.0; // Nu = u*L/Re
TAU_TYPE tau_type=Euler; //无粘还是粘性问题
//tau_type, euler==0,ns==1,sutherland==2, Power_law==3
void Copy_Array(double* target, double* origin, int dim)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
target[i] = origin[i];
void Array_zero(double* target, int dim)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
target[i] = 0.0;
void Array_subtract(double* target, double* subtractor, int dim)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
target[i] -= subtractor[i];
void Array_scale(double* target, int dim, double value)
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
target[i] *= value;
void Convar_to_primvar_1D(double* primvar, double convar[3])
primvar[0] = convar[0];
primvar[1] = U(convar[0], convar[1]);
primvar[2] = Pressure(convar[0], convar[1], convar[2]);
double Pressure(double density, double densityu, double densityE)
return (Gamma - 1) * (densityE - 0.5 * densityu * densityu / density);
double Temperature(double density, double pressure)
return pressure / R_gas / density;
double entropy(double density, double pressure)
return log(pressure / pow(density, Gamma));
double Soundspeed(double density, double pressure)
return sqrt(Gamma * pressure / density);
void Primvar_to_convar_1D(double* convar, double primvar[3])
convar[0] = primvar[0];
convar[1] = DensityU(primvar[0], primvar[1]);
convar[2] = DensityE(primvar[0], primvar[1], primvar[2]);
double DensityU(double density, double u)
return density * u;
double DensityE(double density, double u, double pressure)
return density * (pressure / density / (Gamma - 1) + 0.5 * (u * u));
void Convar_to_char1D(double* character, double primvar[3], double convar[3])
double c = sqrt(Gamma * primvar[2] / primvar[0]);
double alfa = (Gamma - 1.0) / (2.0 * c * c);
double u = primvar[1];
double s[3][3];
s[0][0] = alfa * (0.5 * u * u + u * c / (Gamma - 1.0));
s[0][1] = alfa * (-u - c / (Gamma - 1.0));
s[0][2] = alfa;
s[1][0] = alfa * (-u * u + 2.0 * c * c / (Gamma - 1.0));
s[1][1] = alfa * 2.0 * u;
s[1][2] = -2.0 * alfa;
s[2][0] = alfa * (0.5 * u * u - u * c / (Gamma - 1.0));
s[2][1] = alfa * (-u + c / (Gamma - 1.0));
s[2][2] = alfa;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
character[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
character[i] = character[i] + s[i][j] * convar[j];
void Char_to_convar1D(double* convar, double primvar[3], double charvar[3])
double c = sqrt(Gamma * primvar[2] / primvar[0]);
double u = primvar[1];
double h = 0.5 * u * u + c * c / (Gamma - 1.0);
double s[3][3];
s[0][0] = 1.0;
s[0][1] = 1.0;
s[0][2] = 1.0;
s[1][0] = u - c;
s[1][1] = u;
s[1][2] = u + c;
s[2][0] = h - u * c;
s[2][1] = u * u / 2.0;
s[2][2] = h + u * c;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
convar[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
convar[i] = convar[i] + s[i][j] * charvar[j];
double U(double density, double q_densityu)
return q_densityu / density;
double V(double density, double q_densityv)
return q_densityv / density;
double Pressure(double density, double q_densityu, double q_densityv, double q_densityE)
return (Gamma - 1.0)*(q_densityE - 0.5*q_densityu*q_densityu / density - 0.5*q_densityv*q_densityv / density);
double Q_densityu(double density, double u)
double q_densityu = density*u;
return q_densityu;
double Q_densityv(double density, double v)
double q_densityv = density*v;
return q_densityv;
double Q_densityE(double density, double u, double v, double pressure)
double q_densityE = density*(pressure / density / (Gamma - 1) + 0.5*(u*u + v*v));
return q_densityE;
void Primvar_to_convar_2D(double *convar, double primvar[4])//2d version
convar[0] = primvar[0];
convar[1] = Q_densityu(primvar[0],primvar[1]);
convar[2] = Q_densityv(primvar[0],primvar[2]);
convar[3] = Q_densityE(primvar[0], primvar[1], primvar[2], primvar[3]);
void Convar_to_primvar_2D(double *primvar, double convar[4])//2d version //density, U, V, pressure
primvar[0] = convar[0];
primvar[1] = U(convar[0], convar[1]);
primvar[2] = V(convar[0], convar[2]);
primvar[3] = Pressure(convar[0], convar[1], convar[2], convar[3]);
void Convar_to_char(double *character, double *primvar, double convar[4])
double c = sqrt(Gamma *primvar[3] / primvar[0]);
double overc = 1.0 / c;
double alfa = (Gamma - 1.0)*0.5*overc*overc;
double u = primvar[1];
double v = primvar[2];
double s[4][4];
s[0][0] = 1.0 - alfa*(u*u + v*v);
s[0][1] = 2.0*alfa*u;
s[0][2] = 2.0*alfa*v;
s[0][3] = -2.0*alfa;
s[1][0] = -v;
s[1][1] = 0.;
s[1][2] = 1.;
s[1][3] = 0.;
s[2][0] = 0.5*(-u *overc + alfa*(u*u + v*v));
s[2][1] = 0.5 *overc - alfa*u;
s[2][2] = -alfa*v;
s[2][3] = alfa;
s[3][0] = 0.5*(u *overc + alfa*(u*u + v*v));
s[3][1] = -0.5 *overc - alfa*u;
s[3][2] = -alfa*v;
s[3][3] = alfa;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
character[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
character[i] = character[i] + s[i][j] * convar[j];
void Char_to_convar(double *convar, double *primvar, double character[4])
double c = sqrt(Gamma *primvar[3] / primvar[0]);
double alfa = (Gamma - 1.0) / (2.0*c*c);
double u = primvar[1];
double v = primvar[2];
double s[4][4];
s[0][0] = 1.;
s[0][1] = 0.0;
s[0][2] = 1.0;
s[0][3] = 1.0;
s[1][0] = u;
s[1][1] = 0.;
s[1][2] = u + c;
s[1][3] = u - c;
s[2][0] = v;
s[2][1] = 1.;
s[2][2] = v;
s[2][3] = v;
s[3][0] = 0.5*(u*u + v*v);
s[3][1] = v;
s[3][2] = 0.5*(u*u + v*v) + c*u + c*c / (Gamma - 1.0);
s[3][3] = 0.5*(u*u + v*v) - c*u + c*c / (Gamma - 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
convar[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
convar[i] = convar[i] + s[i][j] * character[j];
void Global_to_Local(double* change, double *normal)
double temp[2];
temp[0] = change[1];
temp[1] = change[2];
change[1] = temp[0] * normal[0] + temp[1] * normal[1];
change[2] = -temp[0] * normal[1] + temp[1] * normal[0];
void Global_to_Local(double* change, double* origin, double* normal)
change[0] = origin[0];
change[1] = origin[1] * normal[0] + origin[2] * normal[1];
change[2] = -origin[1] * normal[1] + origin[2] * normal[0];
change[3] = origin[3];
void Local_to_Global(double *change,double *normal)
double temp[2];
temp[0] = change[1];
temp[1] = change[2];
change[1] = temp[0] * normal[0] - temp[1] * normal[1];
change[2] = temp[0] * normal[1] + temp[1] * normal[0];
void Local_to_Global(double* change, double* origin, double *normal)
change[0] = origin[0];
change[1] = origin[1] * normal[0] - origin[2] * normal[1];
change[2] = origin[1] * normal[1] + origin[2] * normal[0];
change[3] = origin[3];
double Dtx(double dtx, double dx, double CFL, double density, double u,double v, double pressure)
double tmp;
tmp = sqrt(u*u+v*v) + sqrt(Gamma *pressure / density);
if (tmp>CFL*dx / dtx)
dtx = CFL*dx / tmp;
if (dtx > 0.25*CFL*dx*dx / Mu&&tau_type == NS&&Mu>0)
dtx = 0.25*CFL*dx*dx / Mu;
return dtx;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#pragma once
using namespace std;
extern int K;
extern double Gamma;
extern double Mu;
extern double Nu;
extern double T_inf; //the real temperature
extern double R_gas; //the gas constant for real ideal air
enum TAU_TYPE { Euler, NS, Sutherland, Power_law };
extern TAU_TYPE tau_type;
void Copy_Array(double* target, double* origin, int dim);
void Array_zero(double* target, int dim);
void Array_subtract(double* target, double* subtractor, int dim);
void Array_scale(double* target, int dim, double value);
void Convar_to_primvar_1D(double* primvar, double convar[3]);
double Pressure(double density, double densityu, double densityE);
double Temperature(double density, double pressure);
double entropy(double density, double pressure);
double Soundspeed(double density, double pressure);
void Primvar_to_convar_1D(double* convar, double primvar[3]);
double DensityU(double density, double u);
double DensityE(double density, double u, double pressure);
void Convar_to_char1D(double* character, double primvar[3], double convar[3]);
void Char_to_convar1D(double* convar, double primvar[3], double charvar[3]);
double U(double density, double q_densityu);
double V(double density, double q_densityv);
double Pressure(double density, double q_densityu, double q_densityv, double q_densityE);
double Q_densityu(double density, double u);
double Q_densityv(double density, double v);
double Q_densityE(double density, double u, double v, double pressure);
void Primvar_to_convar_2D(double* convar, double primvar[4]);//2d version
void Convar_to_primvar_2D(double* primvar, double convar[4]);//2d version
void Convar_to_char(double* character, double* primvar, double convar[4]);
void Char_to_convar(double* convar, double* primvar, double character[4]);
void Global_to_Local(double* change, double* normal);
void Global_to_Local(double* change, double* origin, double* normal);
void Local_to_Global(double* change, double* normal);
void Local_to_Global(double* change, double* origin, double* normal);
double Dtx(double dtx, double dx, double CFL, double density, double u, double v, double pressure);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#pragma once
//extern type variables must be initialized (could not give value) in the corresponding .cpp file
enum GKS1d_type{nothing, kfvs1st, kfvs2nd, gks1st, gks2nd};
extern GKS1d_type gks1dsolver;
enum Reconstruction_variable{conservative,characteristic};
extern Reconstruction_variable reconstruction_variable;
enum WENOtype { linear, wenojs, wenoz };
extern WENOtype wenotype;
extern bool is_reduce_order_warning;
using namespace std;
// to remember the geometry information
typedef class Block1d
//bool uniform;
int ghost;
int nodex; // mesh number
int nx;
int nodex_begin;
int nodex_end;
double dx;
double left;
double right;
int stages;
double timecoefficient[5][5][2];
double t; //current simulation time
double CFL; //cfl number, actually just a amplitude factor
double dt;//current_global time size
int step; //start from which step
// to remeber the cell avg values
typedef class Fluid1d
double primvar[3];
double convar[3];
double convar_old[3];
double cx; //center coordinate in x direction
double dx; //the mesh size dx
// to remember the fluid information in a fixed point,
// such as reconstructioned value, or middle point value
typedef class Point1d
double convar[3];
double convar_old[3]; //this one is for compact point-wise reconstruction
double der1[3];
double x; // coordinate of a point
// remember the flux in a fixed interface,
// for RK method, we only need f
// for 2nd der method, we need derf
typedef class Flux1d
double F[3]; //total flux in dt time
double f[3]; // the f0 in t=0
double derf[4]; // the f_t in t=0
// every interfaces have left center and right value.
// and center value for GKS
// and a group of flux for RK method or multi-stage GKS method
typedef class Interface1d
Point1d left;
Point1d center;
Point1d right;
Flux1d* flux;
double x; // coordinate of the interface, equal to point1d.x
void Convar_to_primvar(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block);
typedef void(*BoundaryCondition) (Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_left(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_right(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_left(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_right(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_left(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_right(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block, Fluid1d bcvalue);
void Reconstruction_within_cell(Interface1d *interfaces, Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block);
typedef void(*Reconstruction_within_Cell)(Point1d &left, Point1d &right, Fluid1d *fluids);
extern Reconstruction_within_Cell cellreconstruction;
void Check_Order_Reduce(Point1d &left, Point1d &right, Fluid1d &fluid);
void Check_Order_Reduce_by_Lambda_1D(bool &order_reduce, double *convar);
void Vanleer(Point1d &left, Point1d &right, Fluid1d *fluids);
void weno_3rd_left(double& var, double& der1, double& der2,
double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double h);
void weno_3rd_right(double& var, double& der1, double& der2,
double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double h);
void WENO3_left(double& left, double w_back, double w, double w_forward, double h);
void WENO3_right(double& right, double w_back, double w, double w_forward, double h);
void WENO5_AO(Point1d &left, Point1d &right, Fluid1d *fluids);
void weno_5th_ao_left(double &var, double &der1, double &der2, double wn2, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void weno_5th_ao_right(double &var, double &der1, double &der2, double wn2, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void Reconstruction_forg0(Interface1d *interfaces, Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block);
typedef void (*Reconstruction_forG0)(Interface1d &interfaces, Fluid1d *fluids);
extern Reconstruction_forG0 g0reconstruction;
void Center_2nd_collisionless(Interface1d& interfaces, Fluid1d* fluids);
void Center_3rd(Interface1d& interfaces, Fluid1d* fluids);
void Center_simple_avg(Interface1d &interfaces, Fluid1d *fluids);
void Center_collision(Interface1d &interfaces, Fluid1d *fluids);
void Calculate_flux(Flux1d** fluxes, Interface1d* interfaces, Block1d &block, int stage);
typedef void(*Flux_function)(Flux1d &flux, Interface1d& interface, double dt);
extern Flux_function flux_function;
void GKS(Flux1d &flux, Interface1d& interface, double dt);
typedef void(*TimeMarchingCoefficient)(Block1d &block);
extern TimeMarchingCoefficient timecoe_list;
void S1O1(Block1d& block);
void S1O2(Block1d& block);
void S2O4(Block1d& block);
void RK4(Block1d &block);
void Initial_stages(Block1d &block);
Flux1d** Setflux_array(Block1d block);
void SetUniformMesh(Block1d block, Fluid1d* fluids, Interface1d *interfaces, Flux1d **fluxes);
void CopyFluid_new_to_old(Fluid1d *fluids, Block1d block);
double Get_CFL(Block1d &block, Fluid1d *fluids, double tstop);
double Dtx(double dtx, double dx, double CFL, double convar[3]);
void Update(Fluid1d *fluids, Flux1d **fluxes, Block1d block, int stage);
// two dimensional hllc and its subprogram
void ESTIME(double& SL, double& SM, double& SR, double DL, double UL, double PL, double CL, double DR, double UR, double PR, double CR);
void get_flux(double p[4], double* flux);
void ustarforHLLC(double d1, double u1, double v1, double p1, double s1, double star1, double* ustar);
void HLLC(Flux1d& flux, Interface1d& interface, double dt);
void get_Euler_flux(double p[3], double* flux);
void ustarforHLLC(double d1, double u1, double p1, double s1, double star1, double* ustar);
void LF(Flux1d& flux, Interface1d& interface, double dt);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
#pragma once
extern int gausspoint;
extern double *gauss_loc;
extern double *gauss_weight;
enum GKS2d_type { nothing_2d, kfvs1st_2d, kfvs2nd_2d, gks1st_2d, gks2nd_2d};
extern GKS2d_type gks2dsolver;
typedef class Block2d
//geometry information of 2D block
int index;
bool uniform;
int ghost;
int nodex;
int nodey;
int nx; //total = real + ghost
int ny; //total = real + ghost
int xcell_begin;
int xcell_end;
int ycell_begin;
int ycell_end;
int xinterface_begin_n;
int xinterface_begin_t;
int xinterface_end_n;
int xinterface_end_t;
int yinterface_begin_n;
int yinterface_begin_t;
int yinterface_end_n;
int yinterface_end_t;
double dx;
double dy;
double overdx;
double overdy;
double left;
double right;
double down;
double up;
int stages;
double timecoefficient[5][5][2];
double t; //current simulation time
double CFL; //cfl number, actually just a amplitude factor
double dt;//current_global time size
int step; //start from which step
double T; //stop time
int outputperstep;
// to remember the fluid information in a fixed point,
// such as reconstructioned value, or middle point value
class Point2d
// Note : store values relating to one point
double convar[4];
double der1x[4];
double der1y[4];
double x;
double y;
double normal[2];
bool is_reduce_order;
// to remeber the cell avg values
//typedef class Fluid2d
typedef class Fluid2d
// Note : store the cell-averaged values
// do not have the global geometry/block information
double primvar[4];
double convar[4];
double convar_old[4];
double res[4];
double xindex;
double yindex;
double coordx;
double coordy;
double dx;
double dy;
double area;
bool is_hweno;
double node[8];
bool boundary;
// remember the flux in a fixed interface,
// for RK method, we only need f
// for 2nd der method, we need derf
class Flux2d
double x[4];
double f[4];
double derf[4];
double length;
double normal[2];
// every interfaces have left center and right value.
// and center value for GKS
// and a group of flux for RK method or multi-stage GKS method
class Recon2d
// Note : reconstruction can obtain left, cenrer, and right value
Point2d left;
Point2d center;
Point2d right;
double x;
double y;
double normal[2];
typedef class Interface2d
// Note : for one interface, reconstruction can be for line-averagend or gauss point
// These reconstructed values can be used for the calculation of the flux at gauss points (stored in Flux2d_gauss) of the interface
Recon2d line;
Recon2d* gauss;
double x;
double y;
double normal[2];
double length;
class Flux2d_gauss
// Note : Flux2d store the variables relating to flux
// Flux2d_gauss, includes several gauss points
// Final, one interface should have one Flux2d_gauss
Flux2d* gauss;
void SetGuassPoint();
double Get_CFL(Block2d &block, Fluid2d *fluids, double tstop);
void A_point(double *a, double* der, double* prim);
void G_address(int no_u, int no_v, int no_xi, double *psi, double a[4], MMDF& m);
void GL_address(int no_u, int no_v, int no_xi, double *psi, double a[4], MMDF& m);
void GR_address(int no_u, int no_v, int no_xi, double *psi, double a[4], MMDF& m);
typedef void(*BoundaryCondition2dnew) (Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_left(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_right(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_down(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void free_boundary_up(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_left(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_right(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_down(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void periodic_boundary_up(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void noslip_adiabatic_boundary_left(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void noslip_adiabatic_boundary(double* w_ghost, double* w_inner, double* normal, double* local_wall_velocity);
void noslip_adiabatic_boundary_right(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* face, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void noslip_adiabatic_boundary_down(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void noslip_adiabatic_boundary_up(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_up(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_down(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_right(Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d* face, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary_left(Fluid2d *fluids, Interface2d* face, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void reflection_boundary(double* ghost, double* inner, double* normal);
void inflow_boundary_left(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void inflow_boundary_right(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void inflow_boundary_up(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, Fluid2d bcvalue);
void ICfor_uniform_2d(Fluid2d* fluid, double* prim, Block2d block);
bool negative_density_or_pressure(double* primvar);
void Convar_to_Primvar(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Convar_to_primvar(Fluid2d *fluid, Block2d block);
void YchangetoX(double *fluidtmp, double *fluid);
void XchangetoY(double *fluidtmp, double *fluid);
void CopyFluid_new_to_old(Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Reconstruction_within_cell(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
typedef void(*Reconstruction_within_Cell_2D_normal)(Interface2d &left, Interface2d &right, Interface2d &down, Interface2d &up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
extern Reconstruction_within_Cell_2D_normal cellreconstruction_2D_normal;
void First_order_normal(Interface2d& left, Interface2d& right, Interface2d& down, Interface2d& up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void first_order(Point2d& left, Point2d& right, double* normal_l, double* normal_r, double* w);
void Vanleer_normal(Interface2d &left, Interface2d &right, Interface2d &down, Interface2d &up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Vanleer_non_uniform(Point2d& left, Point2d& right, double* normal_l, double* normal_r, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double h);
void Vanleer(Point2d &left, Point2d &right, double *wn1, double *w, double *wp1, double h);
void WENO3_normal(Interface2d& left, Interface2d& right, Interface2d& down, Interface2d& up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO3(Point2d& left, Point2d& right, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double h);
void WENO(Point2d& left, Point2d& right, double* wn2, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double* wp2, double h);
void WENO5_normal(Interface2d& left, Interface2d& right, Interface2d& down, Interface2d& up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO5_left(double& var, double& der1, double& der2, double wn2, double wn1, double w, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void WENO5_right(double& var, double& der1, double& der2, double wn2, double wn1, double w, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void WENO5_AO_normal(Interface2d &left, Interface2d &right, Interface2d &down, Interface2d &up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO5_AO(Point2d &left, Point2d &right, double * wn2, double * wn1, double * w, double * wp1, double * wp2, double h);
typedef void(*Reconstruction_within_Cell_2D_tangent)(Interface2d *left, Interface2d *right, Interface2d *down, Interface2d *up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
extern Reconstruction_within_Cell_2D_tangent cellreconstruction_2D_tangent;
void First_order_tangent(Interface2d* left, Interface2d* right, Interface2d* down, Interface2d* up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void first_order_tangent(Point2d& gauss, Point2d& w0);
void Vanleer_tangent(Interface2d *left, Interface2d *right, Interface2d *down, Interface2d *up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Vanleer(Point2d& gauss, Point2d &wn1, Point2d &w0, Point2d &wp1, double h);
void Vanleer_tangential(double *coe, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double h);
void Polynomial_3rd(double* coefficent, double pn1, double w0, double pp1, double h);
void Polynomial_5th(double* coefficent, double wn2, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
double Value_Polynomial(int order, double x0, double* coefficient);
double Der1_Polynomial(int order, double x0, double* coefficient);
void Polynomial_3rd_avg(double* coefficent, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double h);
double Value_Polynomial_3rd(double x, double coefficient[3]);
double Der1_Polynomial_3rd(double x, double coefficient[3]);
void WENO5_left(double& var, double wn2, double wn1, double w, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void WENO5_right(double& var, double wn2, double wn1, double w, double wp1, double wp2, double h);
void WENO5_tangential(double* left, double* right, double* wn2, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double* wp2, double h);
void WENO5_tangential_for_slope(double* left, double* right, double* wn2, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double* wp2, double h);
void WENO5_tangential(Recon2d* re, Recon2d& wn2, Recon2d& wn1, Recon2d& w0, Recon2d& wp1, Recon2d& wp2, double h);
void WENO5_tangent(Interface2d* left, Interface2d* right, Interface2d* down, Interface2d* up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO5_AO_tangent(Interface2d *left, Interface2d *right, Interface2d *down, Interface2d *up, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO5_AO_tangential(Recon2d *re, Recon2d &wn2, Recon2d &wn1, Recon2d &w0, Recon2d &wp1, Recon2d &wp2, double h);
void weno_5th_ao_2gauss(double &g1, double &g1x, double &g1xx, double &g2, double &g2x, double &g2xx, double wn2, double wn1, double w0, double wp1, double wp2, double h, int order);
void WENO3_tangent(Interface2d* left, Interface2d* right, Interface2d* down, Interface2d* up, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void WENO3_tangential(Recon2d* re, Recon2d& wn1, Recon2d& w0, Recon2d& wp1, double h);
void WENO3_tangential(double* left, double* right, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double h);
void WENO3_tangential_for_slope(double* left, double* right, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double h);
void Reconstruction_forg0(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
typedef void(*Reconstruction_forG0_2D_normal)(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
extern Reconstruction_forG0_2D_normal g0reconstruction_2D_normal;
void Center_3rd_normal(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_3rd_Splitting(Interface2d& interface, double* w, double* wp1, double h);
void Center_collision_normal(Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_do_nothing_normal(Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_4th_normal(Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_4th_normal(Interface2d& interface, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double* wp2, double h);
void Center_5th_normal(Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_5th_normal(Interface2d& interface, double* wn1, double* w, double* wp1, double* wp2, double h);
typedef void(*Reconstruction_forG0_2D_tangent)(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
extern Reconstruction_forG0_2D_tangent g0reconstruction_2D_tangent;
void Center_all_collision_multi(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_all_collision_2d_multi(Recon2d &gauss);
void Center_first_order_tangent(Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_3rd_tangent(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_3rd_Multi(Point2d& gauss, Point2d& wn1, Point2d& w0, Point2d& wp1, double h);
void Center_5th_tangent(Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Fluid2d *fluids, Block2d block);
void Center_5th_Multi(Recon2d *re, Recon2d &wn2, Recon2d &wn1, Recon2d &w0, Recon2d &wp1, Recon2d &wp2, double h);
void Calculate_flux(Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes, Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces, Block2d block, int stage);
typedef void(*Flux_function_2d)(Flux2d &flux, Recon2d & re, double dt);
extern Flux_function_2d flux_function_2d;
void GKS2D_smooth(Flux2d &flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
void GKS2D(Flux2d &flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
void LF2D(Flux2d &flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
void HLLC2D(Flux2d& flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
void NS_by_central_difference_prim_2D(Flux2d& flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
void NS_by_central_difference_convar_2D(Flux2d& flux, Recon2d& interface, double dt);
typedef void(*TimeMarchingCoefficient_2d)(Block2d &block);
extern TimeMarchingCoefficient_2d timecoe_list_2d;
void S1O1_2D(Block2d &block);
void S1O2_2D(Block2d& block);
void RK2_2D (Block2d& block);
void S2O4_2D(Block2d &block);
void RK4_2D(Block2d& block);
void Initial_stages(Block2d &block);
Fluid2d *Setfluid(Block2d &block);
Interface2d *Setinterface_array(Block2d block);
Flux2d_gauss** Setflux_gauss_array(Block2d block);
void SetUniformMesh(Block2d& block, Fluid2d* fluids, Interface2d *xinterfaces, Interface2d *yinterfaces, Flux2d_gauss **xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss **yfluxes);
void Copy_geo_from_interface_to_line(Interface2d& interface);
void Copy_geo_from_interface_to_flux(Interface2d& interface, Flux2d_gauss* flux, int stages);
void Set_Gauss_Coordinate(Interface2d &xinterface, Interface2d &yinterface );
void Set_Gauss_Intergation_Location_x(Point2d &xgauss, int index, double h);
void Set_Gauss_Intergation_Location_y(Point2d &ygauss, int index, double h);
void Update(Fluid2d *fluids, Flux2d_gauss **xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss **yfluxes, Block2d block, int stage);
void Update_with_gauss(Fluid2d *fluids, Flux2d_gauss **xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss **yfluxes, Block2d block, int stage);
void Check_Order_Reduce_by_Lambda_2D(bool &order_reduce, double *convar);
void Recompute_KFVS_1st(Fluid2d &fluid, double* center, double* left, double* right, double* down, double* up, Block2d& block);
void KFVS_1st(double *flux, double* left, double* right, double dt);
void SetNonUniformMesh(Block2d& block, Fluid2d* fluids,
Interface2d* xinterfaces, Interface2d* yinterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes, double** node2d);
void Set_cell_geo_from_quad_node
(Fluid2d& fluid, double* n1, double* n2, double* n3, double* n4);
void Set_interface_geo_from_two_node
(Interface2d& interface, double* n1, double* n2, int direction);
void Set_Gauss_Coordinate_general_mesh_x
(Interface2d& xinterface, double* node0, double* nodex1);
void Set_Gauss_Coordinate_general_mesh_y
(Interface2d& yinterface, double* node0, double* nodey1);
void Residual2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block, int outputstep);
@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
//this libarary includes some basic functions for gks
#define S 110.4
//artifical viscosity for euler problem
double c1_euler = -1.0; //initialization
double c2_euler = -1.0; //initialization
bool is_Prandtl_fix = false; //initialization
double Pr = 1.0; //initialization
// to prepare the basic element for moment calculation
MMDF1d::MMDF1d() { u = 1.0; lambda = 1.0; };
MMDF1d::MMDF1d(double u_in, double lambda_in)
u = u_in;
lambda = lambda_in;
void MMDF1d::calcualte_MMDF1d()
uwhole[0] = 1;
uwhole[1] = u;
uplus[0] = 0.5 * Alpha(lambda, -u);
uminus[0] = 0.5 * Alpha(lambda, u);
uplus[1] = u * uplus[0] + 0.5 * Beta(lambda, u);
uminus[1] = u * uminus[0] - 0.5 * Beta(lambda, u);
for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++)
uwhole[i] = u * uwhole[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) / lambda * uwhole[i - 2];
for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++)
uplus[i] = u * uplus[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) / lambda * uplus[i - 2];
uminus[i] = u * uminus[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) / lambda * uminus[i - 2];
xi2 = 0.5 * K / lambda;
xi4 = 0.25 * (K * K + 2 * K) / (lambda * lambda);
//xi6?? how to calculate
xi6 = 0.5 * (K + 4) / lambda * xi4;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if ((i + 2 * k) <= 9)
if (k == 0)
upxi[i][k] = uplus[i];
unxi[i][k] = uminus[i];
if (k == 1)
upxi[i][k] = uplus[i] * xi2;
unxi[i][k] = uminus[i] * xi2;
if (k == 2)
upxi[i][k] = uplus[i] * xi4;
unxi[i][k] = uminus[i] * xi4;
if (k == 3)
upxi[i][k] = uplus[i] * xi6;
unxi[i][k] = uminus[i] * xi6;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if ((i + 2 * k) <= 9)
if (k == 0)
uxi[i][k] = uwhole[i];
if (k == 1)
uxi[i][k] = uwhole[i] * xi2;
if (k == 2)
uxi[i][k] = uwhole[i] * xi4;
if (k == 3)
uxi[i][k] = uwhole[i] * xi6;
//a general G function
void G(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m)
psi[0] = a[0] * m.uxi[no_u][no_xi] + a[1] * m.uxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.uxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.uxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]);
psi[1] = a[0] * m.uxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[1] * m.uxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.uxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.uxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]);
psi[2] = 0.5 * (a[0] * (m.uxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.uxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]) +
a[1] * (m.uxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.uxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]) +
a[2] * 0.5 * (m.uxi[no_u + 4][no_xi] + m.uxi[no_u][no_xi + 2] + 2 * m.uxi[no_u + 2][no_xi + 1]));
void GL(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m)
psi[0] = a[0] * m.upxi[no_u][no_xi] + a[1] * m.upxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.upxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.upxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]);
psi[1] = a[0] * m.upxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[1] * m.upxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.upxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.upxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]);
psi[2] = 0.5 * (a[0] * (m.upxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.upxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]) +
a[1] * (m.upxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.upxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]) +
a[2] * 0.5 * (m.upxi[no_u + 4][no_xi] + m.upxi[no_u][no_xi + 2] + 2 * m.upxi[no_u + 2][no_xi + 1]));
void GR(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m)
psi[0] = a[0] * m.unxi[no_u][no_xi] + a[1] * m.unxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.unxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.unxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]);
psi[1] = a[0] * m.unxi[no_u + 1][no_xi] + a[1] * m.unxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + a[2] * 0.5 * (m.unxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.unxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]);
psi[2] = 0.5 * (a[0] * (m.unxi[no_u + 2][no_xi] + m.unxi[no_u][no_xi + 1]) +
a[1] * (m.unxi[no_u + 3][no_xi] + m.unxi[no_u + 1][no_xi + 1]) +
a[2] * 0.5 * (m.unxi[no_u + 4][no_xi] + m.unxi[no_u][no_xi + 2] + 2 * m.unxi[no_u + 2][no_xi + 1]));
//moments of the maxwellian distribution function
MMDF::MMDF() { u = 1.0; v = 1.0; lambda = 1.0; };
MMDF::MMDF(double u_in, double v_in, double lambda_in)
u = u_in;
v = v_in;
lambda = lambda_in;
void MMDF::calcualte_MMDF()
//the moment of u in whole domain
uwhole[0] = 1;
uwhole[1] = u;
//the moment of u in half domain (>0 && <0)
uplus[0] = 0.5 * Alpha(lambda, -u);
uminus[0] = 1.0 - uplus[0];
uplus[1] = u * uplus[0] + 0.5 * Beta(lambda, u);
uminus[1] = u - uplus[1];
double overlambda = 1.0 / lambda;
for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++)
uwhole[i] = u * uwhole[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * uwhole[i - 2];
for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++)
uplus[i] = u * uplus[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * uplus[i - 2];
uminus[i] = uwhole[i] - uplus[i];
//the moment of v in whole domain
//the moment of v in half domain is useless
vwhole[0] = 1;
vwhole[1] = v;
for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++)
vwhole[i] = v * vwhole[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * vwhole[i - 2];
//the moment of xi (kesi)
xi2 = 0.5 * K * overlambda;
xi4 = 0.25 * (K * K + 2 * K) * overlambda * overlambda;
//xi6?? how to calculate
//xi6 = 0.5*(K + 4) / lambda*xi4; // no use
//get other variables by the above mement variables
//i, j, k, means i power of u, j power of v, and 2k power of xi
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if ((i + j + 2 * k) <= 6)
if (k == 0)
// u, half domain > 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 0
upvxi[i][j][k] = uplus[i] * vwhole[j];
// u, half domain < 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 0
unvxi[i][j][k] = uminus[i] * vwhole[j];
// u, whole domain ; v, whole domain; xi, equals 0
uvxi[i][j][k] = upvxi[i][j][k] + unvxi[i][j][k];
// = (uplus[i] + uminus[i]) * vwhole[j] = uwhole[i] * vwhole[j]
if (k == 1)
// u, half domain > 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 2
upvxi[i][j][k] = uplus[i] * vwhole[j] * xi2;
// u, half domain < 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 2
unvxi[i][j][k] = uminus[i] * vwhole[j] * xi2;
// u, whole domain ; v, whole domain; xi, equals 2
uvxi[i][j][k] = upvxi[i][j][k] + unvxi[i][j][k];
if (k == 2)
// u, half domain > 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 4
upvxi[i][j][k] = uplus[i] * vwhole[j] * xi4;
// u, half domain < 0; v, whole domain; xi, equals 4
unvxi[i][j][k] = uminus[i] * vwhole[j] * xi4;
// u, whole domain ; v, whole domain; xi, equals 4
uvxi[i][j][k] = upvxi[i][j][k] + unvxi[i][j][k];
MMDF1st::MMDF1st() { u = 1.0; v = 1.0; lambda = 1.0; };
MMDF1st::MMDF1st(double u_in, double v_in, double lambda_in)
u = u_in;
v = v_in;
lambda = lambda_in;
void MMDF1st::calcualte_MMDF1st()
uwhole[0] = 1.0;
uwhole[1] = u;
//return erfc(sqrt(lambda)*u);
//return exp(-lambda*u*u) / sqrt(pi*lambda);
uminus[0] = 0.5 * Alpha(lambda, u);
uplus[0] = 1.0 - uminus[0];
double beta = Beta(lambda, u);
//uplus[1] = u*uplus[0] + 0.5*Beta(lambda, u);
//uminus[1] = u*uminus[0] - 0.5*Beta(lambda, u);
uplus[1] = u * uplus[0] + 0.5 * beta;
uminus[1] = u * uminus[0] - 0.5 * beta;
double overlambda = 1.0 / lambda;
for (int i = 2; i <= 3; i++)
uwhole[i] = u * uwhole[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * uwhole[i - 2];
for (int i = 2; i <= 3; i++)
uplus[i] = u * uplus[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * uplus[i - 2];
uminus[i] = uwhole[i] - uplus[i];
vwhole[0] = 1;
vwhole[1] = v;
for (int i = 2; i <= 2; i++)
vwhole[i] = v * vwhole[i - 1] + 0.5 * (i - 1) * overlambda * vwhole[i - 2];
xi2 = 0.5 * K * overlambda;
void Collision(double* w0, double left, double right, MMDF& m2, MMDF& m3)
// get the equilibrium variables by collision
w0[0] = left * m2.uplus[0] + right * m3.uminus[0];
w0[1] = left * m2.uplus[1] + right * m3.uminus[1];
w0[2] = left * m2.vwhole[1] * m2.uplus[0] + right * m3.vwhole[1] * m3.uminus[0];
w0[3] = 0.5 * left * (m2.uplus[2] + m2.uplus[0] * m2.vwhole[2] + m2.uplus[0] * m2.xi2) +
0.5 * right * (m3.uminus[2] + m3.uminus[0] * m3.vwhole[2] + m3.uminus[0] * m3.xi2);
void Collision(double* w0, double left, double right, MMDF1st& m2, MMDF1st& m3)
w0[0] = left * m2.uplus[0] + right * m3.uminus[0];
w0[1] = left * m2.uplus[1] + right * m3.uminus[1];
w0[2] = left * m2.vwhole[1] * m2.uplus[0] + right * m3.vwhole[1] * m3.uminus[0];
w0[3] = 0.5 * left * (m2.uplus[2] + m2.uplus[0] * m2.vwhole[2] + m2.uplus[0] * m2.xi2) +
0.5 * right * (m3.uminus[2] + m3.uminus[0] * m3.vwhole[2] + m3.uminus[0] * m3.xi2);
void A(double* a, double der[4], double prim[4])
//Note: solve the a coefficient (slope information), equivalent to solving the matrix to get a
//input: der[4], the gradient of conservative variables, density, momentumX, momentumY, energy, partialW/patialX
//input: prim[4], the primary variables (density, u, v, lambda) at one point or one interface
//output: a, solve the results
double R4, R3, R2;
double overden = 1.0 / prim[0];
//double overlambda = 1.0 / prim[3];
R4 = der[3] * overden - 0.5 * (prim[1] * prim[1] + prim[2] * prim[2] + 0.5 * (K + 2) / prim[3]) * der[0] * overden;
R3 = (der[2] - prim[2] * der[0]) * overden;
R2 = (der[1] - prim[1] * der[0]) * overden;
a[3] = (4.0 / (K + 2)) * prim[3] * prim[3] * (2 * R4 - 2 * prim[1] * R2 - 2 * prim[2] * R3);
a[2] = 2 * prim[3] * R3 - prim[2] * a[3];
a[1] = 2 * prim[3] * R2 - prim[1] * a[3];
a[0] = der[0] * overden - prim[1] * a[1] - prim[2] * a[2] - 0.5 * a[3] * (prim[1] * prim[1] + prim[2] * prim[2] + 0.5 * (K + 2) / prim[3]);
//R4 = der[3] / prim[0] - 0.5*(prim[1] * prim[1] + prim[2] * prim[2] + 0.5*(K + 2) / prim[3])*der[0] / prim[0];
//R3 = (der[2] - prim[2]*der[0]) / prim[0];
//R2 = (der[1] - prim[1]*der[0]) / prim[0];
//a[3] = 4.0 * prim[3]*prim[3] / (K + 2)*(2.0 * R4 - 2.0 * prim[1]*R2 - 2.0 * prim[2]*R3);
//a[2] = 2.0 * prim[3]*R3 - prim[2]*a[3];
//a[1] = 2.0 * prim[3]*R2 - prim[1]*a[3];
//a[0] = der[0] / prim[0] - prim[1]*a[1] - prim[2]*a[2] - 0.5*a[3] * (prim[1]*prim[1] + prim[2]*prim[2] + 0.5*(K + 2) / prim[3]);
double Get_Tau_NS(double density0, double lambda0)
if (tau_type == Euler)
return 0.0;
else if (tau_type == NS)
if (Mu > 0.0)
//cout << "here" << endl;
return 2.0 * Mu * lambda0 / density0;
else if (Nu > 0.0)
return 2 * Nu * lambda0;
return 0.0;
else if (tau_type == Sutherland)
return TauNS_Sutherland(density0, lambda0);
return TauNS_power_law(density0, lambda0);
double Get_Tau(double density_left, double density_right, double density0, double lambda_left, double lambda_right, double lambda0, double dt)
if (tau_type == Euler)
if (c1_euler <= 0 && c2_euler <= 0)
return 0.0;
double C = c2_euler * abs(density_left / lambda_left - density_right / lambda_right) / abs(density_left / lambda_left + density_right / lambda_right);
//C+= c2_euler * abs(density_left - density_right) / abs(density_left + density_right);
//if (C < 10)
return c1_euler * dt + dt * C;
// return c1_euler*dt + 10*dt;
// //return c1_euler*dt + dt*C;
else if (tau_type == NS)
double tau_n = c2_euler * abs(density_left / lambda_left - density_right / lambda_right) / abs(density_left / lambda_left + density_right / lambda_right) * dt;
if (tau_n != tau_n)
tau_n = 0.0;
if ((Mu > 0.0 && Nu > 0.0) || (Mu < 0.0 && Nu < 0.0))
return 0.0;
if (Mu > 0.0)
return tau_n + 2.0 * Mu * lambda0 / density0;
else if (Nu > 0.0)
return tau_n + 2 * Nu * lambda0;
return 0.0;
else if (tau_type == Sutherland)
double tau_n = c2_euler * abs(density_left / lambda_left - density_right / lambda_right) / abs(density_left / lambda_left + density_right / lambda_right) * dt;
if (tau_n != tau_n)
tau_n = 0.0;
if ((Mu > 0.0 && Nu > 0.0) || (Mu < 0.0 && Nu < 0.0))
return 0.0;
if (Mu > 0.0)
return tau_n + TauNS_Sutherland(density0, lambda0);
else if (Nu > 0.0)
return tau_n + 2 * Nu * lambda0;
return 0.0;
else if (tau_type == Power_law)
double tau_n = c2_euler * abs(density_left / lambda_left - density_right / lambda_right) / abs(density_left / lambda_left + density_right / lambda_right) * dt;
if (tau_n != tau_n)
tau_n = 0.0;
if ((Mu > 0.0 && Nu > 0.0) || (Mu < 0.0 && Nu < 0.0))
return 0.0;
if (Mu > 0.0)
return tau_n + TauNS_power_law(density0, lambda0);
else if (Nu > 0.0)
return tau_n + 2 * Nu * lambda0;
return 0.0;
return 0.0;
double TauNS_Sutherland(double density0, double lambda0)
double T0 = 1.0 / 2.0 / (lambda0 * R_gas);
double mu = Mu * pow(T0 / T_inf, 1.5) * (T_inf + S) / (T0 + S);
return 2.0 * mu * lambda0 / density0;
double TauNS_power_law(double density0, double lambda0)
double T0 = 1.0 / 2.0 / (lambda0 * R_gas);
double mu = Mu * pow(T0 / T_inf, 0.76);
return 2.0 * mu * lambda0 / density0;
double Lambda(double density, double u, double densityE)
return (K + 1.0) * 0.25 * (density / (densityE - 0.5 * density * (u * u)));
double Lambda(double density, double u, double v, double densityE)
return (K + 2.0) * 0.25 * (density / (densityE - 0.5 * density * (u * u + v * v)));
void Convar_to_ULambda_1d(double* primvar, double convar[3])
primvar[0] = convar[0];
primvar[1] = U(convar[0], convar[1]);
primvar[2] = Lambda(convar[0], primvar[1], convar[2]);
double Alpha(double lambda, double u)
return erfc(sqrt(lambda) * u);
//return erfcmy(sqrt(lambda)*u);
double Beta(double lambda, double u)
double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
return exp(-lambda * u * u) / sqrt(pi * lambda);
//solution of matrix equation b=Ma 1D
void Microslope(double* a, double der[3], double prim[3])
double R4, R2;
R4 = der[2] / prim[0] - 0.5 * (prim[1] * prim[1] + 0.5 * (K + 1) / prim[2]) * der[0] / prim[0];
R2 = (der[1] - prim[1] * der[0]) / prim[0];
a[2] = 4 * prim[2] * prim[2] / (K + 1) * (2 * R4 - 2 * prim[1] * R2);
a[1] = 2 * prim[2] * R2 - prim[1] * a[2];
a[0] = der[0] / prim[0] - prim[1] * a[1] - 0.5 * a[2] * (prim[1] * prim[1] + 0.5 * (K + 1) / prim[2]);
void Convar_to_ULambda_2d(double* primvar, double convar[4]) //density, U, V, lambda
primvar[0] = convar[0];
primvar[1] = U(convar[0], convar[1]);
primvar[2] = V(convar[0], convar[2]);
//here primvar[3] refers lambda
primvar[3] = Lambda(convar[0], primvar[1], primvar[2], convar[3]);
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#pragma once
extern double c1_euler;
extern double c2_euler;
extern bool is_Prandtl_fix;
extern double Pr;
//basic gks function
// to store the moment
class MMDF1d
double u;
double lambda;
double uwhole[10];
double uplus[10];
double uminus[10];
double upxi[10][4];
double unxi[10][4];
double uxi[10][4];
double xi2;
double xi4;
double xi6;
MMDF1d(double u_in, double lambda_in);
void calcualte_MMDF1d();
// to calculate the microsolpe moment
void G(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m);
void GL(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m);
void GR(int no_u, int no_xi, double* psi, double a[3], MMDF1d m);
//moments of the maxwellian distribution function
class MMDF
double u;
double v;
double lambda;
double uwhole[7];
double uplus[7];
double uminus[7];
double vwhole[7];
double upvxi[7][7][3];
double unvxi[7][7][3];
double uvxi[7][7][3];
double xi2;
double xi4;
MMDF(double u_in, double v_in, double lambda_in);
void calcualte_MMDF();
class MMDF1st
double u;
double v;
double lambda;
double uwhole[4];
double uplus[4];
double uminus[4];
double vwhole[3];
double xi2;
MMDF1st(double u_in, double v_in, double lambda_in);
void calcualte_MMDF1st();
void Collision(double *w0, double left, double right, MMDF &m2, MMDF &m3);
void Collision(double *w0, double left, double right, MMDF1st &m2, MMDF1st &m3);
void A(double *a, double der[4], double prim[4]);
double Get_Tau_NS(double density0, double lambda0); // solve the smooth tau
double TauNS_Sutherland(double density0, double lambda0); // solve the smooth tau by using sutherland
double TauNS_power_law(double density0, double lambda0); //solver the smooth tau by using power law
double Get_Tau(double density_left, double density_right, double density0, double lambda_left, double lambda_right, double lambda0, double dt); // solve not smooth numerical tau
double Lambda(double density, double u, double densityE);
double Lambda(double density, double u, double v, double densityE);
void Convar_to_ULambda_1d(double* primvar, double convar[3]);
double Alpha(double lambda, double u);
double Beta(double lambda, double u);
//solution of matrix equation b=Ma
void Microslope(double *a, double der[3], double prim[3]); //in one dimensional
void Convar_to_ULambda_2d(double* primvar, double convar[4]);
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
//故建议从main函数 顺序 看起,搭配注释学习。注释采用土洋结合,以简洁方便的传递作者意图为原则。
//(1)X.JI, F.ZHAO, W.SHYY, & K.XU(2018).
//A family of high - order gas - kinetic schemes and its comparison with Riemann solver based high - order methods.
//Journal of Computational Physics, 356, 150 - 173.
//(2)X.JI, & K.XU(2020).Performance Enhancement for High - order Gas - kinetic Scheme Based on WENO - adaptive - order Reconstruction.
//Communication in Computational Physics, 28, 2, 539 - 590
#include<omp.h> //omp并行,尖括号<>代表外部库文件
#include"output.h" //双引号代表该项目中的头文件
using namespace std; //默认std的命名规则
void Set_omp_thread()
int num_thread;
cout << "please_specify threads number for omp parallel: ";
cin >> num_thread;
int main()
Set_omp_thread(); //设置omp并行线程
make_directory_for_result(); //兼容linux的结果文件夹的临时方案
//accuracy_sinwave_1d(); //一维精度测试,通过周期线性的正弦波传播算例,测试格式在光滑(smooth flow)无粘工况下的精度
//riemann_problem_1d(); //一维黎曼问题测试,测试格式对于可压缩间断问题的鲁棒性和分辨率
//accuracy_sinwave_2d(); //二维精度测试,通过二维周期线性的正弦波传播算例,测试格式在光滑(smooth flow)无粘工况下的精度
//riemann_problem_2d(); //二维黎曼问题测试,测试格式对于多维可压缩间断问题的鲁棒性和分辨率
boundary_layer(); //二维边界层问题测试,测试格式对于光滑(smooth flow)粘性边界的分辨率,非均匀直角网格
cylinder(); //二维超音速圆柱绕流问题测试,测试格式对于间断问题和非均匀网格的鲁棒性
return 0;
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
string add_mesh_directory_modify_for_linux()
#if defined(_WIN32)
return "";
return "../";
void Read_structured_mesh(string& filename,
Fluid2d** fluids, Interface2d** xinterfaces, Interface2d** yinterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss*** xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss*** yfluxes, Block2d& block)
//参考 因特网无名前辈
int block_num = 1;
ifstream in;
|, ifstream::binary);
if (!in.is_open())
cout << "cannot find input structured grid file (.plt) " << endl;
while (1);
cout << "reading mesh..." << endl;
//prepare node information
double*** node2d = new double** [block_num];
// Header section
// section i
char buffer[9];
|, 8);
buffer[8] = '\0';
string version = string(buffer);
if (version != "#!TDV112")
cout << "Parser based on version #!TDV112, current version is: " << version << endl;
// section ii
int IntegerValue;
|*)&IntegerValue, sizeof(IntegerValue));
if (IntegerValue != 1)
cout << "the interger value is not equal to 1 but " << IntegerValue << endl;
// section iii
//file type 0=FULL 1=GRID 2=SOLUTION
int file_type;
|*)&file_type, sizeof(file_type));
//file title ---> defined name of the plt
string title;
read_ascii_to_string(title, in);
cout << "the mesh title is " << title;
//the number of total variables (x, y, z) as defult
int number_variables;
|*)&number_variables, sizeof(number_variables));
if (number_variables != 3)
cout << "warning, the input grid file has the number of variables " << number_variables << endl;
string variable_names[3];
for (int i = 0; i < number_variables; i++)
read_ascii_to_string(variable_names[i], in);
// section iv
// we try to read multi-zone; the marker for a start of new zone is a float number
// validation_marker==299.0
float validation_marker;
|*)&validation_marker, sizeof(validation_marker));
assert(validation_marker == 299.0);
int zone_num = 0;
int imax[100];
int jmax[100];
int kmax[100];
size_t number_nodes[100];
while (validation_marker == 299.0)
string zone_name;
int parent_zone;
int strand_id;
double solution_time;
int not_used;
int data_packing; // 0=Block, 1=Point
int var_location;
read_ascii_to_string(zone_name, in);
|*)&parent_zone, sizeof(parent_zone));
|*)&strand_id, sizeof(strand_id));
|*)&solution_time, sizeof(solution_time));
|*)¬_used, sizeof(not_used));
|*)&zone_type, sizeof(zone_type));
|*)&data_packing, sizeof(data_packing));
|*)&var_location, sizeof(var_location));
if (var_location == 0)
cout << "we donnt support this function" << endl;
// face neighbors
int face_neighbors;
|*)&face_neighbors, sizeof(face_neighbors));
if (face_neighbors == 0)
cout << "we donnt support this function" << endl;
// ordered zone
if (zone_type == 0)
|*)&imax[zone_num - 1], sizeof(imax[zone_num - 1]));
|*)&jmax[zone_num - 1], sizeof(jmax[zone_num - 1]));
|*)&kmax[zone_num - 1], sizeof(kmax[zone_num - 1]));
number_nodes[zone_num - 1]
= imax[zone_num - 1] * jmax[zone_num - 1] * kmax[zone_num - 1];
cout << zone_name << " has total "
<< imax[zone_num - 1] << " * " << jmax[zone_num - 1] << " * " << kmax[zone_num - 1] << "points " << endl;
cout << "we donnt support unstructure mesh currently" << endl;
// to do create an auxiliary structure
// add all the structures to a vector
|*)&validation_marker, sizeof(validation_marker));
// read the next marker to check if
// there is more than one zone
|*)&validation_marker, sizeof(validation_marker));
} // end of zone section
int sum_mesh_number = 0;
for (int iblock = 0; iblock < block_num; iblock++)
block.nodex = imax[iblock] - 1;
block.nodey = jmax[iblock] - 1;
for (int iblock = 0; iblock < block_num; iblock++)
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.ny = block.nodey + 2 * block.ghost;
sum_mesh_number += block.nodex * block.nodey;
node2d[iblock] = new double* [(block.nx + 1) * (block.ny + 1)];
for (int icell = 0; icell < (block.nx + 1) * (block.ny + 1); icell++)
node2d[iblock][icell] = new double[2];
// section v
if (validation_marker == 399)
// read geometries
cout << "Geometry section not implemented. Stopping." << endl;
// end of geometrie
// end of header section
cout << "total " << zone_num << " zones are read in" << endl;
cout << "the total cell for all zones is " << sum_mesh_number << endl;
// Data section
assert(validation_marker == 357.0);
for (size_t index = 0; index < zone_num; index++)
|*)&validation_marker, sizeof(validation_marker));
assert(validation_marker == 299.0);
int format[3];
for (int i_var = 0; i_var < number_variables; i_var++)
|*)&format[i_var], sizeof(format[i_var]));
if (format[i_var] != 2)
cout << "we only support double pricision coordinates now" << endl;
int has_passive_variables;
|*)&has_passive_variables, sizeof(has_passive_variables));
if (has_passive_variables)
cout << "we donnt support has_passive_variables != 0 now" << endl;
int has_variable_sharing;
|*)&has_variable_sharing, sizeof(has_variable_sharing));
if (has_variable_sharing)
cout << "we donnt support has_variable_sharing != 0 now" << endl;
int zone_share_connectivity;
|*)&zone_share_connectivity, sizeof(zone_share_connectivity));
double min_value[3], max_value[3];
for (int i = 0; i < number_variables; i++)
|*)&min_value[i], sizeof(min_value[i]));
|*)&max_value[i], sizeof(max_value[i]));
for (int i_var = 0; i_var < number_variables; i_var++)
for (int k = 0; k < kmax[index]; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < jmax[index]; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < imax[index]; i++)
double coord;
|*)&coord, sizeof(coord));
int icell = block.ghost + i;
int jcell = block.ghost + j;
int inode = icell * (block.ny + 1) + jcell;
if (i_var < 2)
node2d[index][inode][i_var] = coord;
create_mirror_ghost_cell(block, node2d[0]);
//once we have the dimension infomation, we can use it
// to allocate memory
*fluids = Setfluid(block);
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, (N+1)*(N+1)
*xinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
*yinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
*xfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
*yfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
//we shall use the node coordinate to compute the geometric infos for cells/interfaces
SetNonUniformMesh(block, fluids[0],
xinterfaces[0], yinterfaces[0],
xfluxes[0], yfluxes[0], node2d[0]);
void read_ascii_to_string(string& value, ifstream& in)
int ascii(-1);
|*)&ascii, sizeof(ascii));
while (ascii != 0)
char temp = (char)ascii;
value.append(sizeof(char), temp);
|<char*>(&ascii), sizeof(ascii));
void create_mirror_ghost_cell(Block2d& block, double** node2d)
//create the coordinate for ghost nodes
for (int j = 0; j < block.ny + 1; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx + 1; i++)
int inode = i * (block.ny + 1) + j;
int base_node = 0, bc_node = 0;
int base_index_x = i, base_index_y = j;
int bc_index_x = i, bc_index_y = j;
if (i < block.ghost)
base_index_x = 2 * block.ghost - i;
bc_index_x = block.ghost;
else if (i > block.nx - block.ghost)
base_index_x = 2 * (block.nx - block.ghost) - i;
bc_index_x = block.nx - block.ghost;
if (j < block.ghost)
base_index_y = 2 * block.ghost - j;
bc_index_y = block.ghost;
else if (j > block.ny - block.ghost)
base_index_y = 2 * (block.ny - block.ghost) - j;
bc_index_y = block.ny - block.ghost;
if (base_index_x != i || base_index_y != j)
base_node = base_index_x * (block.ny + 1) + base_index_y;
bc_node = bc_index_x * (block.ny + 1) + bc_index_y;
//cacluate mirror point
node2d[inode][0] = 2 * node2d[bc_node][0] - node2d[base_node][0];
node2d[inode][1] = 2 * node2d[bc_node][1] - node2d[base_node][1];
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
using namespace std;
string add_mesh_directory_modify_for_linux();
void Read_structured_mesh(string& filename,
Fluid2d** fluids, Interface2d** xinterfaces, Interface2d** yinterfaces,
Flux2d_gauss*** xfluxes, Flux2d_gauss*** yfluxes, Block2d& block);
void read_ascii_to_string(string& value, ifstream& in);
void create_mirror_ghost_cell(Block2d& block, double** node2d);
@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
void make_directory_for_result()
string newfolder = "result";
#if defined(_WIN32)
//一个简单的宏定义判断,如果是win系统 则运行以下代码
if (_mkdir(newfolder.c_str()) != 0)
cout << "fail to create new folder for result file" << endl;
//如果是linux系统 则运行以下代码
mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777);
if (mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777) != 0)
mkdir(newfolder.c_str(), 0777);
cout << "fail to create new folder for result file" << endl;
void couthere()
// to test that the program can run up to here
cout << "here" << endl;
void cinhere()
// to test taht the program can run up here
//and only show once
double a;
cout << "the program run here" << endl;
cin >> a;
void output_error_form(double CFL, double dt_ratio, int mesh_set, int* mesh_number, double** error)
cout << "Accuracy-residual-file-output" << endl;
ofstream error_out("result/error.txt");
error_out << "the CFL number is " << CFL << endl;
error_out << "the dt ratio over dx is " << dt_ratio << endl;
double** order = new double* [mesh_set - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set - 1; i++)
order[i] = new double[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
order[i][j] = log(error[i][j] / error[i + 1][j]) / log(2);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh_set; i++)
if (i == 0)
error_out << "1/" << mesh_number[i]
<< scientific << setprecision(6)
<< " & " << error[i][0] << " & ~"
<< " & " << error[i][1] << " & ~"
<< " & " << error[i][2] << " & ~"
<< " \\\\ " << endl;
error_out << "1/" << mesh_number[i]
<< " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][0];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][0];
error_out << " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][1];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][1];
error_out << " & " << scientific << setprecision(6) << error[i][2];
error_out << " & " << fixed << setprecision(2) << order[i - 1][2];
error_out << " \\\\ " << endl;
void output1d(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result1D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables = x,density,u,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i].cx << " "
<< setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[i].primvar[1] << " "
<< fluids[i].primvar[2] << " "
<< Temperature(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< entropy(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i].primvar[1], 2)) / Soundspeed(fluids[i].primvar[0], fluids[i].primvar[2]) << " "
<< endl;
void continue_compute(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d& block)
fstream in("result/continue-in.txt", ios::in);
if (!in.is_open())
cout << "cannot find continue.txt" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
int in_mesh[2];
in >> in_mesh[0] >> in_mesh[1];
if (in_mesh[0] == block.nodex && in_mesh[1] == block.nodey)
fstream dat("result/continue-in.plt", ios::in);
if (!dat.is_open())
cout << "cannot find continue.plt, which contains fluid data" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
string s;
getline(dat, s);
dat.ignore(256, '\n');
if (block.ghost <= 0 || block.ghost >= 5)
cout << "a wrong ghost set up initializing" << endl;
//cell avg information
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
int index = i * block.ny + j;
dat >> fluids[index].coordx
>> fluids[index].coordy;
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
dat >> fluids[index].convar[var];
in >> block.t;
cout << "successfully read in continue-compute-file in t= " << block.t << endl;
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
cout << "change convar to primvar" << endl;
cout << "mesh size is not same" << endl;
cout << "a new case will start" << endl;
void output2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
//for create a output file, pls include the follow standard lib
//#include <fstream>
//#include <sstream>
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,density,u,v,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy << " "
<< setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2] << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3] << " "
<< Temperature(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< entropy(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], 2) + pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2], 2)) /
Soundspeed(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " "
<< endl;
void output2d_center(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,density,u,v,pressure,temperature,entropy,Ma" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex + 1 << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey + 1 << ", DATAPACKING=BLOCK, VARLOCATION=([3-9]=CELLCENTERED)" << endl;
//output locations
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[0] << " ";
out << endl;
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[1] << " ";
out << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
//output four primary variables
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
//output temperature
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< Temperature(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
//output entropy
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< entropy(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
//output Ma number
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << setprecision(10)
<< sqrt(pow(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], 2))
/ Soundspeed(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3]) << " ";
out << endl;
void output2d_blow_up(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/BlowUp-2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# CFL number is " << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << c1_euler << " c2_euler " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << Mu << " Nu " << Nu << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is " << block.stages << " stage method" << endl;
out << "variables = x,y,blow_point,density,u,v,pressure" << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex + 1 << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey + 1 << ", DATAPACKING=BLOCK, VARLOCATION=([3-7]=CELLCENTERED)" << endl;
//output locations
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[0] << " ";
out << endl;
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey + 1; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex + 1; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].node[1] << " ";
out << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
if (negative_density_or_pressure(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar))
out << 1.0 << " ";
out << 0.0 << " ";
out << endl;
//output four primary variables
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
if (negative_density_or_pressure(fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar))
out << -1.0 << " ";
out << setprecision(10)
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
void output_record(Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/Record2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".txt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "# This is a two dimensional result" << endl;
if (block.uniform == true)
out << "# uniform mesh is used for calculation" << endl;
out << "# left region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.left << endl;
out << "# right region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.right << endl;
out << "# down region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.down << endl;
out << "# up region coordinate " << endl;
out << block.up << endl;
out << "# non-uniform mesh is used for calculation" << endl;
out << "# ghost cell number is " << endl;
out << block.ghost << endl;
out << "# Mesh size nodex and nodey" << endl;
out << block.nodex << " " << block.nodey << endl;
out << "# CFL number is " << endl;
out << block.CFL << endl;
out << "# simulation time is " << endl;
out << block.t << endl;
out << "# simulation step is " << endl;
out << block.step << endl;
out << "# tau type (0 refer euler, 1 refer NS) is " << endl;
out << tau_type << endl;
if (tau_type == Euler)
out << "# c1_euler " << " c2_euler " << endl;
out << c1_euler << " " << c2_euler << endl;
if (tau_type == NS)
out << "# Mu " << " Nu " << endl;
out << Mu << " " << Nu << endl;
out << "# the number of gaussian point it use: " << endl;
out << gausspoint << endl;
out << "# normal_reconstruction_for_left_right_states is ";
if (cellreconstruction_2D_normal == First_order_normal)
out << "FirstOrder_splitting " << endl;
else if (cellreconstruction_2D_normal == Vanleer_normal)
out << "Vanleer_splitting " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# normal_reconstruction_for_g0_states is ";
if (g0reconstruction_2D_normal == Center_collision_normal)
out << "Center_collision_normal " << endl;
else if (g0reconstruction_2D_normal == Center_3rd_normal)
out << "Center_3rd_normal " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# tangential_reconstruction_for_left_right_states is ";
if (cellreconstruction_2D_tangent == Vanleer_tangent)
out << "Vanleer_tangent " << endl;
else if (cellreconstruction_2D_tangent == First_order_tangent)
out << "First_order_tangent " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# g0reconstruction_2D_multi is ";
if (g0reconstruction_2D_tangent == Center_all_collision_multi)
out << "Center_all_collision_tangent " << endl;
else if (g0reconstruction_2D_tangent == Center_3rd_tangent)
out << "Center_all_collision_tangent " << endl;
out << "not_specified" << endl;
out << "# time marching strategy is ";
if (timecoe_list_2d == S1O1_2D)
out << "S1O1 " << endl;
if (timecoe_list_2d == S2O4_2D)
out << "S2O4 " << endl;
if (timecoe_list_2d == RK4_2D)
out << "RK4 " << endl;
out << "# the flux function is ";
if (flux_function_2d == GKS2D_smooth)
out << "gks2nd_smooth" << endl;
if (flux_function_2d == GKS2D)
if (gks2dsolver == kfvs1st_2d)
out << "kfvs1st " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == kfvs2nd_2d)
out << "kfvs2nd " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == gks1st_2d)
out << "gks1st " << endl;
if (gks2dsolver == gks2nd_2d)
out << "gks2nd " << endl;
out << "# the limitation for current scheme is " << endl;
void output2d_binary(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
cout << "Output binary result..." << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
stringstream name;
name << "result/Result2D-" << setfill('0') << setw(5) << block.step << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out;
|, ios::out | ios::binary);
int IMax = block.nodex;
int JMax = block.nodey;
int KMax = 1;
int NumVar = 7;
char Title[] = "structure2d";
char Varname1[] = "X";
char Varname2[] = "Y";
char Varname3[] = "Z";
char Varname4[] = "density";
char Varname5[] = "u";
char Varname6[] = "v";
char Varname7[] = "pressure";
char Zonename1[] = "Zone 001";
float ZONEMARKER = 299.0;
float EOHMARKER = 357.0;
//==============Header Secontion =================//
//------1.1 Magic number, Version number
char MagicNumber[] = "#!TDV101";
// the magic number must be output with 8 lengths without NULL end
out.write(MagicNumber, 8);
//---- - 1.2.Integer value of 1.----------------------------------------------------------
int IntegerValue = 1;
out.write((char*)&IntegerValue, sizeof(IntegerValue));
//---- - 1.3.Title and variable names.------------------------------------------------ -
//---- - 1.3.1.The TITLE.
write_character_into_plt(Title, out);
//---- - 1.3.2 Number of variables(NumVar) in the c_strfile.
out.write((char*)&NumVar, sizeof(NumVar));
//------1.3.3 Variable names.N = L[1] + L[2] + ....L[NumVar]
write_character_into_plt(Varname1, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname2, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname3, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname4, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname5, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname6, out);
write_character_into_plt(Varname7, out);
//---- - 1.4.Zones------------------------------------------------------------------ -
//--------Zone marker.Value = 299.0
out.write((char*)&ZONEMARKER, sizeof(ZONEMARKER));
//--------Zone name.
write_character_into_plt(Zonename1, out);
//--------Zone color
int ZoneColor = -1;
out.write((char*)&ZoneColor, sizeof(ZoneColor));
int ZoneType = 0;
out.write((char*)&ZoneType, sizeof(ZoneType));
//--------DaraPacking 0=Block, 1=Point
int DaraPacking = 1;
out.write((char*)&DaraPacking, sizeof(DaraPacking));
//--------Specify Var Location. 0 = Don't specify, all c_str is located at the nodes. 1 = Specify
int SpecifyVarLocation = 0;
out.write((char*)&SpecifyVarLocation, sizeof(SpecifyVarLocation));
//--------Number of user defined face neighbor connections(value >= 0)
int NumOfNeighbor = 0;
out.write((char*)&NumOfNeighbor, sizeof(NumOfNeighbor));
//-------- - IMax, JMax, KMax
out.write((char*)&IMax, sizeof(IMax));
out.write((char*)&JMax, sizeof(JMax));
out.write((char*)&KMax, sizeof(KMax));
//----------// -1 = Auxiliary name / value pair to follow 0 = No more Auxiliar name / value pairs.
int AuxiliaryName = 0;
out.write((char*)&AuxiliaryName, sizeof(AuxiliaryName));
//----I HEADER OVER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//=============================Geometries section=======================
//=============================Text section======================
// EOHMARKER, value = 357.0
out.write((char*)&EOHMARKER, sizeof(EOHMARKER));
//================II.Data section===============//
//---- - 2.1 zone---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
out.write((char*)&ZONEMARKER, sizeof(ZONEMARKER));
//--------variable c_str format, 1 = Float, 2 = Double, 3 = LongInt, 4 = ShortInt, 5 = Byte, 6 = Bit
int fomat[20];
for (int ifomat = 0; ifomat < 20; ifomat++)
fomat[ifomat] = 2;
for (int ifomat = 0; ifomat < NumVar; ifomat++)
out.write((char*)&fomat[ifomat], sizeof(fomat[ifomat]));
//--------Has variable sharing 0 = no, 1 = yes.
int HasVarSharing = 0;
out.write((char*)&HasVarSharing, sizeof(HasVarSharing));
//----------Zone number to share connectivity list with(-1 = no sharing).
int ZoneNumToShareConnectivity = -1;
out.write((char*)&ZoneNumToShareConnectivity, sizeof(ZoneNumToShareConnectivity));
//----------Zone c_str.Each variable is in c_str format asspecified above.
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
double coordz = 0.0;
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&coordz, sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[0], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[1], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[2], sizeof(double));
out.write((char*)&fluids[i * block.ny + j].primvar[3], sizeof(double));
void write_character_into_plt(char* str, ofstream& out)
int value = 0;
while ((*str) != '\0')
value = (int)*str;
out.write((char*)&value, sizeof(value));
char null_char[] = "";
value = (int)*null_char;
out.write((char*)&value, sizeof(value));
void continue_compute_output(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block)
//for create a output file, pls include the follow standard lib
//#include <fstream>
//#include <sstream>
stringstream name;
name << "result/continue-out" << ".plt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << "variables = x,y,convar0,convar1,convar2,convar3";
out << endl;
out << "zone i = " << block.nodex << " " << ", j = " << block.nodey << ", F=POINT" << endl;
//before output data, converting conservative varabile to primitive variable
Convar_to_primvar(fluids, block);
//output the data
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ghost + block.nodey; j++)
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.ghost + block.nodex; i++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordx << " "
<< fluids[i * block.ny + j].coordy << " "
<< setprecision(10);
for (int var = 0; var < 4; var++)
out << fluids[i * block.ny + j].convar[var] << " ";
out << endl;
void continue_compute_output_param(Block2d block)
stringstream name;
name << "result/continue-out" << ".txt" << endl;
string s;
name >> s;
ofstream out(s);
out << block.nodex << " " << block.nodey << endl; //mesh point
out << setprecision(14);
out << block.t << endl;//simulation time
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#pragma once
#if defined(_WIN32)
struct Runtime {
//for record wall clock time
clock_t start_initial;
clock_t finish_initial;
clock_t start_compute;
clock_t finish_compute;
memset(this, 0, sizeof(Runtime));
void make_directory_for_result();
void couthere();
void cinhere();
void output_error_form(double CFL, double dt_ratio, int mesh_set, int* mesh_number, double** error);
//tecplot 一维输出
void output1d(Fluid1d* fluids, Block1d block);
void continue_compute(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d& block);
//tecplot 一维输出,单元中心点值
void output2d(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
//tecplot 一维输出,单元值
void output2d_center(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void output2d_blow_up(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void output_record(Block2d block);
void output2d_binary(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void write_character_into_plt(char* str, ofstream& out);
void continue_compute_output(Fluid2d* fluids, Block2d block);
void continue_compute_output_param(Block2d block);
@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
void riemann_problem_1d()
Runtime runtime;//statement for recording the running time
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block1d block;
block.nodex = 100;
block.ghost = 4;
double tstop = 0.2;
block.CFL = 0.5;
Fluid1d* bcvalue = new Fluid1d[2];
K = 4;
Gamma = 1.4;
R_gas = 1.0;
gks1dsolver = gks2nd;
//g0type = collisionn;
tau_type = Euler;
//Smooth = false;
c1_euler = 0.05;
c2_euler = 1;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
BoundaryCondition leftboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition rightboundary(0);
leftboundary = free_boundary_left;
rightboundary = free_boundary_right;
//prepare the reconstruction function
cellreconstruction = Vanleer;
wenotype = wenoz;
reconstruction_variable = characteristic;
g0reconstruction = Center_3rd;
is_reduce_order_warning = true;
//prepare the flux function
flux_function = GKS;
//prepare time marching stratedgy
timecoe_list = S1O2;
// allocate memory for 1-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.nodex_begin = block.ghost;
block.nodex_end = block.nodex + block.ghost - 1;
Fluid1d* fluids = new Fluid1d[block.nx];
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, N+1
Interface1d* interfaces = new Interface1d[block.nx + 1];
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux1d** fluxes = Setflux_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
//bulid or read mesh,
//since the mesh is all structured from left and right,
//there is no need for buliding the complex topology between cells and interfaces
//just using the index for address searching
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 1.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, interfaces, fluxes);
//ended mesh part
// then its about initializing, lets first initialize a sod test case
//you can initialize whatever kind of 1d test case as you like
Fluid1d zone1; zone1.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone1.primvar[1] = 0.0; zone1.primvar[2] = 1.0;
Fluid1d zone2; zone2.primvar[0] = 0.125; zone2.primvar[1] = 0.0; zone2.primvar[2] = 0.1;
//Fluid1d zone1; zone1.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone1.primvar[1] = -2.0; zone1.primvar[2] = 0.4;
//Fluid1d zone2; zone2.primvar[0] = 1.0; zone2.primvar[1] = 2.0; zone2.primvar[2] = 0.4;
ICfor1dRM(fluids, zone1, zone2, block);
//initializing part end
//then we are about to do the loop
block.t = 0;//the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int inputstep = 1;//input a certain step,
//initialize inputstep=1, to avoid a 0 result
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
while (block.t < tstop)
// assume you are using command window,
// you can specify a running step conveniently
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output1d(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
//Copy the fluid vales to fluid old
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
//determine the cfl condtion
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
//after determine the cfl condition, let's implement boundary condtion
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
// here the boudary type, you shall go above the search the key words"BoundaryCondition leftboundary;"
// to see the pointer to the corresponding function
//then is reconstruction part, which we separate the left or right reconstrction
//and the center reconstruction
Reconstruction_within_cell(interfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(interfaces, fluids, block);
//then is solver part
Calculate_flux(fluxes, interfaces, block, i);
//then is update flux part
Update(fluids, fluxes, block, i);
//output1d_checking(fluids, interfaces, fluxes, block);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 10 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
if ((block.t - tstop) > 0)
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "initializiation time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
cout << "computational time is " << (float)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "seconds" << endl;
output1d(fluids, block);
//output1d_checking(fluids, interfaces, fluxes, block);
void ICfor1dRM(Fluid1d* fluids, Fluid1d zone1, Fluid1d zone2, Block1d block)
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
if (i < 0.5 * block.nx)
Copy_Array(fluids[i].primvar, zone1.primvar, 3);
Copy_Array(fluids[i].primvar, zone2.primvar, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
Primvar_to_convar_1D(fluids[i].convar, fluids[i].primvar);
void riemann_problem_2d()
Runtime runtime;
runtime.start_initial = clock();
Block2d block;
block.uniform = true;
block.nodex = 200;
block.nodey = 200;
block.ghost = 3;
block.CFL = 0.5;
Fluid2d* bcvalue = new Fluid2d[4];
K = 3;
Gamma = 1.4;
//prepare the boundary condtion function
BoundaryCondition2dnew leftboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew rightboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew downboundary(0);
BoundaryCondition2dnew upboundary(0);
leftboundary = free_boundary_left;
rightboundary = free_boundary_right;
downboundary = free_boundary_down;
upboundary = free_boundary_up;
//prepare the reconstruction function
gausspoint = 1;
reconstruction_variable = characteristic;
wenotype = wenoz;
cellreconstruction_2D_normal = Vanleer_normal;
cellreconstruction_2D_tangent = Vanleer_tangent;
g0reconstruction_2D_normal = Center_do_nothing_normal;
g0reconstruction_2D_tangent = Center_all_collision_multi;
is_reduce_order_warning = true; //重构出负后 输出出负的单元
//prepare the flux function
gks2dsolver = gks2nd_2d;
tau_type = Euler;
c1_euler = 0.05;
c2_euler = 1;
flux_function_2d = GKS2D;
//prepare time marching stratedgy
//time coe list must be 2d
timecoe_list_2d = S1O2_2D;
// allocate memory for 2-D fluid field
// in a standard finite element method, we have
// first the cell average value, N*N
block.nx = block.nodex + 2 * block.ghost;
block.ny = block.nodey + 2 * block.ghost;
Fluid2d* fluids = Setfluid(block);
// then the interfaces reconstructioned value, (N+1)*(N+1)
Interface2d* xinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
Interface2d* yinterfaces = Setinterface_array(block);
// then the flux, which the number is identical to interfaces
Flux2d_gauss** xfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
Flux2d_gauss** yfluxes = Setflux_gauss_array(block);
//end the allocate memory part
block.left = 0.0;
block.right = 1.0;
block.down = 0.0;
block.up = 1.0;
block.dx = (block.right - block.left) / block.nodex;
block.dy = (block.up - block.down) / block.nodey;
block.overdx = 1 / block.dx;
block.overdy = 1 / block.dy;
//set the uniform geometry information
SetUniformMesh(block, fluids, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, xfluxes, yfluxes);
//ended mesh part
//RM 1 T=0.2
double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
double zone1[] = { 0.8, 0, 0, 1.0 };
double zone2[]{ 1.0, 0, 0.7276, 1.0 };
double zone3[]{ 0.5313, 0, 0, 0.4 };
double zone4[]{ 1.0, 0.7276, 0, 1.0 };
////RM config 1 four rarefaction wave T=0.2
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 0.1072,-0.7259,-1.4045,0.0439 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.2579,0,-1.4045,0.15};
//Initial zone3{ 1,0,0,1};
//Initial zone4{ 0.5197,-0.7259,0,0.4};
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone4{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone3{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//double tstop[] = { 0.2 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone2{ 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0 };
//Initial zone3{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
//Initial zone4{ 0.125, 0, 0, 0.1 };
////RM 3 T=0.8 with x,y=0.5
//double tstop[] = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55,0.6 };
//double p0 = 1.0; // this p0 is for adjust the speed of shear layer
//Initial zone1{ 1, -0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone2{ 3.0, -0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone3{ 1.0, 0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone4{ 2.0, 0.75, 0.5, p0 };
////RM 2 T=0.6 with x,y = 0.7
//double tstop[] = { 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
//Initial zone1{ 0.138, 1.206, 1.206, 0.029 };
//Initial zone2{ 0.5323, 0, 1.206, 0.3 };
//Initial zone3{ 1.5, 0, 0, 1.5 };
//Initial zone4{ 0.5323, 1.206, 0, 0.3 };
////RM 4 T=0.25 with x,y=0.5
//double tstop[] = { 0.25,0.3};
//double p0 = 1.0; // this p0 is for adjust the speed of shear layer
//Initial zone3{ 1, -0.75, -0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone4{ 2.0, -0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone1{ 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, p0 };
//Initial zone2{ 3.0, 0.75, -0.5, p0 };
IC_for_riemann_2d(fluids, zone1, zone2, zone3, zone4, block);
runtime.finish_initial = clock();
block.t = 0;//the current simulation time
block.step = 0; //the current step
int tstop_dim = sizeof(tstop) / sizeof(double);
int inputstep = 1;//input a certain step,
//initialize inputstep=1, to avoid a 0 result
for (int instant = 0; instant < tstop_dim; ++instant)
if (inputstep == 0)
while (block.t < tstop[instant])
if (block.step % inputstep == 0)
cout << "pls cin interation step, if input is 0, then the program will exit " << endl;
cin >> inputstep;
if (inputstep == 0)
output2d_binary(fluids, block);
if (runtime.start_compute == 0.0)
runtime.start_compute = clock();
cout << "runtime-start " << endl;
CopyFluid_new_to_old(fluids, block);
block.dt = Get_CFL(block, fluids, tstop[instant]);
for (int i = 0; i < block.stages; i++)
leftboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[0]);
rightboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[1]);
downboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[2]);
upboundary(fluids, block, bcvalue[3]);
Convar_to_Primvar(fluids, block);
Reconstruction_within_cell(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Reconstruction_forg0(xinterfaces, yinterfaces, fluids, block);
Calculate_flux(xfluxes, yfluxes, xinterfaces, yinterfaces, block, i);
Update(fluids, xfluxes, yfluxes, block, i);
block.t = block.t + block.dt;
if (block.step % 10 == 0)
cout << "step 10 time is " << (double)(clock() - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
if ((block.t - tstop[instant]) > 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (block.step % 100 == 0)
output2d(fluids, block);
if (fluids[block.nx / 2 * (block.ny) + block.ny / 2].convar[0] != fluids[block.nx / 2 * (block.ny) + block.ny / 2].convar[0])
cout << "the program blows up!" << endl;
output2d(fluids, block);
runtime.finish_compute = clock();
cout << "the total run time is " << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "initializing time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_initial - runtime.start_initial) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
cout << "the pure computational time is" << (double)(runtime.finish_compute - runtime.start_compute) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second !" << endl;
void IC_for_riemann_2d(Fluid2d* fluid, double* zone1, double* zone2, double* zone3, double* zone4, Block2d block)
double discon[2];
discon[0] = 0.5;
discon[1] = 0.5;
for (int i = block.ghost; i < block.nx - block.ghost; i++)
for (int j = block.ghost; j < block.ny - block.ghost; j++)
if (i < discon[0] * block.nx && j < discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone1, 4);
if (i >= discon[0] * block.nx && j < discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone2, 4);
if (i >= discon[0] * block.nx && j >= discon[1] * block.ny)
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone3, 4);
Copy_Array(fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar, zone4, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < block.nx; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < block.ny; j++)
Primvar_to_convar_2D(fluid[i * block.ny + j].convar, fluid[i * block.ny + j].primvar);
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
void riemann_problem_1d();
void ICfor1dRM(Fluid1d* fluids, Fluid1d zone1, Fluid1d zone2, Block1d block);
void riemann_problem_2d();
void IC_for_riemann_2d(Fluid2d* fluid, double* zone1, double* zone2, double* zone3, double* zone4, Block2d block);
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue