
345 lines
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2022-08-16 15:59:51 +08:00
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'once';
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Sub::Quote qw(
use B;
our %EVALED;
my $one = quote_sub q{
BEGIN { $::EVALED{'one'} = 1 }
my $two = quote_sub q{
BEGIN { $::EVALED{'two'} = 1 }
3 + $x++
} => { '$x' => \do { my $x = 0 } };
ok(!keys %EVALED, 'Nothing evaled yet');
is unquote_sub(sub {}), undef,
'unquote_sub returns undef for unknown subs';
my $u_one = unquote_sub $one;
[ sort keys %EVALED ], [ qw(one) ],
'subs one evaled'
is($one->(), 42, 'One (quoted version)');
is($u_one->(), 42, 'One (unquoted version)');
is($two->(), 3, 'Two (quoted version)');
is(unquote_sub($two)->(), 4, 'Two (unquoted version)');
is($two->(), 5, 'Two (quoted version again)');
my $three = quote_sub 'Foo::three' => q{
$x = $_[1] if $_[1];
die +(caller(0))[3] if @_ > 2;
return $x;
} => { '$x' => \do { my $x = 'spoon' } };
is(Foo->three, 'spoon', 'get ok (named method)');
is(Foo->three('fork'), 'fork', 'set ok (named method)');
is(Foo->three, 'fork', 're-get ok (named method)');
exception { Foo->three(qw(full cutlery set)) }, qr/Foo::three/,
'exception contains correct name'
quote_sub 'Foo::four' => q{
return 5;
my $quoted = quoted_from_sub(\&Foo::four);
like $quoted->[1], qr/return 5;/,
'can get quoted from installed sub';
my $quoted2 = quoted_from_sub(\&Foo::four);
like $quoted2->[1], qr/return 5;/,
"can still get quoted from installed sub after undefer";
undef $quoted;
package Bar;
::quote_sub blorp => q{ 1; };
ok defined &Bar::blorp,
'bare sub name installed in current package';
my $long = "a" x 251;
is exception {
(quote_sub "${long}a::${long}", q{ return 1; })->();
}, undef,
'long names work if package and sub are short enough';
like exception {
quote_sub "${long}${long}::${long}", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^package name "$long$long" too long/,
'over long package names error';
like exception {
quote_sub "${long}::${long}${long}", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^sub name "$long$long" too long/,
'over long sub names error';
like exception {
quote_sub "got a space::gorp", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^package name "got a space" is not valid!/,
'packages with spaces are invalid';
like exception {
quote_sub "Gorp::got a space", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^sub name "got a space" is not valid!/,
'sub names with spaces are invalid';
like exception {
quote_sub "0welp::gorp", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^package name "0welp" is not valid!/,
'package names starting with numbers are not valid';
like exception {
quote_sub "Gorp::0welp", q{ return 1; };
}, qr/^sub name "0welp" is not valid!/,
'sub names starting with numbers are not valid';
my $broken_quoted = quote_sub q{
return 5<;
my $err = exception { $broken_quoted->() };
$err, qr/Eval went very, very wrong/,
"quoted sub with syntax error dies when called"
my ($location) = $err =~ /syntax error at .+? line (\d+)/;
$err, qr/$location:\s*return 5<;/,
"syntax errors include usable line numbers"
sub in_main { 1 }
is exception { quote_sub(q{ in_main(); })->(); }, undef,
'package preserved from context';
package Arf;
sub in_arf { 1 }
is exception { quote_sub(q{ in_arf(); }, {}, { package => 'Arf' })->(); }, undef,
'package used from options';
my $foo = quote_sub '{}';
my $foo_string = "$foo";
my $foo2 = unquote_sub $foo;
undef $foo;
my $foo_info = Sub::Quote::quoted_from_sub($foo_string);
is $foo_info, undef,
'quoted data not maintained for quoted sub deleted after being unquoted';
is quoted_from_sub($foo2)->[3], $foo2,
'unquoted sub still included in quote info';
my @stuff = (qsub q{ print "hello"; }, 1, 2);
is scalar @stuff, 3, 'qsub only accepts a single parameter';
my @warnings;
local $ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} = 1;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ };
quote_sub(q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/sub\s*{.*this is in the quoted sub/s,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - package doesn't match anon other";
is scalar @warnings, 1,
'single debug warning';
$ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} = 'Some::Package::';
@warnings = ();
quote_sub(q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
is scalar @warnings, 0,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - package doesn't match anon other";
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Package::etc', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - package matches";
@warnings = ();
quote_sub(q{ "this is in the quoted sub" }, {}, { package => 'Some::Package' })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - package matches anon";
@warnings = ();
quote_sub(q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
is scalar @warnings, 0,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - sub name doesn't match anon";
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Package::woop', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
is scalar @warnings, 0,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - sub name doesn't match other";
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Package::etc', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
'SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - sub name matches';
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Other::Package::etc', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
'SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - sub name matches';
$ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} = 'Some::Package::foo';
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Package::foo', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
'SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - fully qualified matches';
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Other::Package::foo', q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
is scalar @warnings,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - fully qualified doesn't match other";
$ENV{SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG} = '/quoted/';
@warnings = ();
quote_sub('Some::Package::quoted', q{ "this sub should not match" })->();
is scalar @warnings,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - regex doesn't match name";
quote_sub(q{ "this is in the quoted sub" })->();
like $warnings[0],
qr/this is in the quoted sub/s,
"SUB_QUOTE_DEBUG - regex matches code";
my $sub = quote_sub q{
BEGIN { $::EVALED{'no_defer'} = 1 }
}, {}, {no_defer => 1};
is $::EVALED{no_defer}, 1,
'evaled immediately with no_defer option';
my $sub = quote_sub 'No::Defer::Test', q{
BEGIN { $::EVALED{'no_defer'} = 1 }
}, {}, {no_defer => 1};
is $::EVALED{no_defer}, 1,
'evaled immediately with no_defer option (named)';
ok defined &No::Defer::Test,
'sub installed with no_defer option';
is No::Defer::Test(), 1,
'sub callable with no_defer option';
my $caller;
sub No::Install::Tester {
$caller = (caller(1))[3];
my $sub = quote_sub 'No::Install::Test', q{
}, {}, {no_install => 1};
ok !defined &No::Install::Test,
'sub not installed with no_install option';
is $caller, 'No::Install::Test',
'sub named properly with no_install option';
my $caller;
sub No::Install::No::Defer::Tester {
$caller = (caller(1))[3];
my $sub = quote_sub 'No::Install::No::Defer::Test', q{
}, {}, {no_install => 1, no_defer => 1};
ok !defined &No::Install::No::Defer::Test,
'sub not installed with no_install and no_defer options';
is $caller, 'No::Install::No::Defer::Test',
'sub named properly with no_install and no_defer options';
my $var = sanitize_identifier('erk-qro yuf (fid)');
eval qq{ my \$$var = 5; \$var };
is $@, '', 'sanitize_identifier gives valid identifier';
my $var;
my $sub = quote_sub q{ $$var }, { '$var' => \\$var }, { attributes => [ 'lvalue' ] };
$sub->() = 5;
is $var, 5,
'attributes applied to quoted sub';
my $var;
my $sub = quote_sub q{ $$var }, { '$var' => \\$var }, { attributes => [ 'lvalue' ], no_defer => 1 };
$sub->() = 5;
is $var, 5,
'attributes applied to quoted sub with no_defer';
my $error;
eval {
my $sub = quote_sub q{ "gorf" }, {}, { attributes => [ 'oh boy' ] };
} or $error = $@;
like $error, qr/invalid attribute/,
'invalid attributes are rejected';
my $sub = quote_sub q{ sub { join " line ", (caller(0))[1,2] }->() }, {}, { line => 42 };
like $sub->(), qr/eval.* line 42\b/, "line provided";
my $sub = quote_sub q{ sub { join " line ", (caller(0))[1,2] }->() }, {}, { file => "", line => 42 };
is $sub->(), " line 42", "file and line provided";