2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Command to print info about makefiles remaining to be converted to soong.
See usage / argument parsing below for commandline options.
import argparse
import csv
import itertools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
DIRECTORY_PATTERNS = [x.split("/") for x in (
def match_directory_group(pattern, filename):
match = []
filename = filename.split("/")
if len(filename) < len(pattern):
return None
for i in range(len(pattern)):
pattern_segment = pattern[i]
filename_segment = filename[i]
if pattern_segment == "*" or pattern_segment == filename_segment:
return None
if match:
return os.path.sep.join(match)
return None
def directory_group(filename):
for pattern in DIRECTORY_PATTERNS:
match = match_directory_group(pattern, filename)
if match:
return match
return os.path.dirname(filename)
class Analysis(object):
def __init__(self, filename, line_matches):
self.filename = filename;
self.line_matches = line_matches
def analyze_lines(filename, lines, func):
line_matches = []
for i in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
stripped = line.strip()
if stripped.startswith("#"):
if func(stripped):
line_matches.append((i+1, line))
if line_matches:
return Analysis(filename, line_matches);
def analyze_has_conditional(line):
return (line.startswith("ifeq") or line.startswith("ifneq")
or line.startswith("ifdef") or line.startswith("ifndef"))
NORMAL_INCLUDES = [re.compile(pattern) for pattern in (
"include \$+\(CLEAR_VARS\)", # These are in defines which are tagged separately
"include \$+\(BUILD_.*\)",
"include \$\(call first-makefiles-under, *\$\(LOCAL_PATH\)\)",
"include \$\(call all-subdir-makefiles\)",
"include \$\(all-subdir-makefiles\)",
"include \$\(call all-makefiles-under, *\$\(LOCAL_PATH\)\)",
"include \$\(call all-makefiles-under, *\$\(call my-dir\).*\)",
"include \$\(BUILD_SYSTEM\)/base_rules.mk", # called out separately
"include \$\(call all-named-subdir-makefiles,.*\)",
"include \$\(subdirs\)",
def analyze_has_wacky_include(line):
if not (line.startswith("include") or line.startswith("-include")
or line.startswith("sinclude")):
return False
for matcher in NORMAL_INCLUDES:
if matcher.fullmatch(line):
return False
return True
BASE_RULES_RE = re.compile("include \$\(BUILD_SYSTEM\)/base_rules.mk")
class Analyzer(object):
def __init__(self, title, func):
self.title = title;
self.func = func
Analyzer("ifeq / ifneq", analyze_has_conditional),
Analyzer("Wacky Includes", analyze_has_wacky_include),
Analyzer("Calls base_rules", lambda line: BASE_RULES_RE.fullmatch(line)),
Analyzer("Calls define", lambda line: line.startswith("define ")),
Analyzer("Has ../", lambda line: "../" in line),
Analyzer("dist-for-​goals", lambda line: "dist-for-goals" in line),
Analyzer(".PHONY", lambda line: ".PHONY" in line),
Analyzer("render-​script", lambda line: ".rscript" in line),
Analyzer("vts src", lambda line: ".vts" in line),
Analyzer("COPY_​HEADERS", lambda line: "LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS" in line),
class Summary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.makefiles = dict()
self.directories = dict()
def Add(self, makefile):
self.makefiles[makefile.filename] = makefile
self.directories.setdefault(directory_group(makefile.filename), []).append(makefile)
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
def IsClean(self, filename):
"""Also returns true if filename isn't present, with the assumption that it's already
makefile = self.makefiles.get(filename)
if not makefile:
return True
return is_clean(makefile)
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
class Makefile(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
# Analyze the file
with open(filename, "r", errors="ignore") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
except UnicodeDecodeError as ex:
sys.stderr.write("Filename: %s\n" % filename)
raise ex
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
self.analyses = dict([(analyzer, analyze_lines(filename, lines, analyzer.func)) for analyzer
def find_android_mk():
cwd = os.getcwd()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cwd):
for filename in files:
if filename == "Android.mk":
yield os.path.join(root, filename)[len(cwd) + 1:]
for ignore in (".git", ".repo"):
if ignore in dirs:
def is_aosp(dirname):
for d in ("device/sample", "hardware/interfaces", "hardware/libhardware",
if dirname.startswith(d):
return True
for d in ("device/", "hardware/", "vendor/"):
if dirname.startswith(d):
return False
return True
def is_google(dirname):
for d in ("device/google",
if dirname.startswith(d):
return True
return False
def make_annotation_link(annotations, analysis, modules):
if analysis:
return "<a href='javascript:update_details(%d)'>%s</a>" % (
annotations.Add(analysis, modules),
return "";
def is_clean(makefile):
for analysis in makefile.analyses.values():
if analysis:
return False
return True
class Annotations(object):
def __init__(self):
self.entries = []
self.count = 0
def Add(self, makefiles, modules):
self.entries.append((makefiles, modules))
self.count += 1
return self.count-1
class SoongData(object):
def __init__(self, reader):
"""Read the input file and store the modules and dependency mappings.
self.problems = dict()
self.deps = dict()
self.reverse_deps = dict()
self.module_types = dict()
self.makefiles = dict()
self.reverse_makefiles = dict()
self.installed = dict()
self.modules = set()
for (module, module_type, problem, dependencies, makefiles, installed) in reader:
makefiles = [f for f in makefiles.strip().split(' ') if f != ""]
self.module_types[module] = module_type
self.problems[module] = problem
self.deps[module] = [d for d in dependencies.strip().split(' ') if d != ""]
for dep in self.deps[module]:
if not dep in self.reverse_deps:
self.reverse_deps[dep] = []
self.makefiles[module] = makefiles
for f in makefiles:
self.reverse_makefiles.setdefault(f, []).append(module)
for f in installed.strip().split(' '):
self.installed[f] = module
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
def transitive_deps(self, module):
results = set()
def traverse(module):
for dep in self.deps.get(module, []):
if not dep in results:
return results
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
def count_deps(depsdb, module, seen):
"""Based on the depsdb, count the number of transitive dependencies.
You can pass in an reversed dependency graph to count the number of
modules that depend on the module."""
count = 0
if module in depsdb:
for dep in depsdb[module]:
if dep in seen:
count += 1 + count_deps(depsdb, dep, seen)
return count
def contains_unblocked_modules(soong, modules):
for m in modules:
if len(soong.deps[m]) == 0:
return True
return False
def contains_blocked_modules(soong, modules):
for m in modules:
if len(soong.deps[m]) > 0:
return True
return False
def get_partition_from_installed(HOST_OUT_ROOT, PRODUCT_OUT, filename):
host_prefix = HOST_OUT_ROOT + "/"
device_prefix = PRODUCT_OUT + "/"
if filename.startswith(host_prefix):
elif filename.startswith(device_prefix):
index = filename.find("/", len(device_prefix))
if index < 0:
return filename[len(device_prefix):index]
def format_module_link(module):
return "<a class='ModuleLink' href='#module_%s'>%s</a>" % (module, module)
def format_module_list(modules):
return "".join(["<div>%s</div>" % format_module_link(m) for m in modules])
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
def traverse_ready_makefiles(soong, summary, makefiles):
def clean_and_only_blocked_by_clean(makefile):
if not is_clean(makefile):
return False
modules = soong.reverse_makefiles[makefile.filename]
for module in modules:
for dep in soong.transitive_deps(module):
for m in soong.makefiles.get(dep, []):
if not summary.IsClean(m):
return False
return True
return [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles
if clean_and_only_blocked_by_clean(makefile)]
def print_analysis_header(link, title):
<a name="%(link)s"></a>
<th class="RowTitle">Directory</th>
<th class="Count">Total</th>
<th class="Count Clean">Easy</th>
<th class="Count Clean">Unblocked Clean</th>
<th class="Count Unblocked">Unblocked</th>
<th class="Count Blocked">Blocked</th>
<th class="Count Clean">Clean</th>
""" % {
"link": link,
"title": title
for analyzer in ANALYZERS:
print("""<th class="Count Warning">%s</th>""" % analyzer.title)
print(" </tr>")
def print_analysis_row(soong, summary, annotations, modules, rowtitle, rowclass, makefiles):
all_makefiles = [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles]
clean_makefiles = [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles
if is_clean(makefile)]
easy_makefiles = traverse_ready_makefiles(soong, summary, makefiles)
unblocked_clean_makefiles = [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles
if (contains_unblocked_modules(soong, soong.reverse_makefiles[makefile.filename])
and is_clean(makefile))]
unblocked_makefiles = [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles
if contains_unblocked_modules(soong,
blocked_makefiles = [Analysis(makefile.filename, []) for makefile in makefiles
if contains_blocked_modules(soong, soong.reverse_makefiles[makefile.filename])]
<tr class="%(rowclass)s">
<td class="RowTitle">%(rowtitle)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(makefiles)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(easy)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(unblocked_clean)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(unblocked)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(blocked)s</td>
<td class="Count">%(clean)s</td>
""" % {
"rowclass": rowclass,
"rowtitle": rowtitle,
"makefiles": make_annotation_link(annotations, all_makefiles, modules),
"unblocked": make_annotation_link(annotations, unblocked_makefiles, modules),
"blocked": make_annotation_link(annotations, blocked_makefiles, modules),
"clean": make_annotation_link(annotations, clean_makefiles, modules),
"unblocked_clean": make_annotation_link(annotations, unblocked_clean_makefiles, modules),
"easy": make_annotation_link(annotations, easy_makefiles, modules),
for analyzer in ANALYZERS:
analyses = [m.analyses.get(analyzer) for m in makefiles if m.analyses.get(analyzer)]
print("""<td class="Count">%s</td>"""
% make_annotation_link(annotations, analyses, modules))
print(" </tr>")
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Info about remaining Android.mk files.")
parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, required=True,
parser.add_argument("--title", type=str,
help="page title")
parser.add_argument("--codesearch", type=str,
help="page title")
parser.add_argument("--out_dir", type=str,
help="Equivalent of $OUT_DIR, which will also be checked if"
+ " --out_dir is unset. If neither is set, default is"
+ " 'out'.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Guess out directory name
if not args.out_dir:
args.out_dir = os.getenv("OUT_DIR", "out")
while args.out_dir.endswith("/") and len(args.out_dir) > 1:
args.out_dir = args.out_dir[:-1]
TARGET_DEVICE = args.device
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
HOST_OUT_ROOT = args.out_dir + "/host"
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
PRODUCT_OUT = args.out_dir + "/target/product/%s" % TARGET_DEVICE
if args.title:
page_title = args.title
page_title = "Remaining Android.mk files"
# Read target information
# TODO: Pull from configurable location. This is also slightly different because it's
# only a single build, where as the tree scanning we do below is all Android.mk files.
with open("%s/obj/PACKAGING/soong_conversion_intermediates/soong_conv_data"
% PRODUCT_OUT, "r", errors="ignore") as csvfile:
soong = SoongData(csv.reader(csvfile))
# Which modules are installed where
modules_by_partition = dict()
partitions = set()
for installed, module in soong.installed.items():
partition = get_partition_from_installed(HOST_OUT_ROOT, PRODUCT_OUT, installed)
modules_by_partition.setdefault(partition, []).append(module)
<style type="text/css">
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2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
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2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
overflow: scroll;
flex: 2 2 600px;
#details {
display: none;
overflow: scroll;
flex: 1 1 650px;
padding: 0 20px 0 20px;
h1 {
margin: 16px 0 16px 20px;
h2 {
margin: 12px 0 4px 0;
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
.RowTitle {
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
text-align: left;
width: 200px;
min-width: 200px;
.Count {
text-align: center;
width: 60px;
min-width: 60px;
max-width: 60px;
th.Unblocked {
background-color: #1e8e3e;
th.Blocked {
background-color: #d93025;
th.Warning {
background-color: #e8710a;
th {
background-color: #1a73e8;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
td.Unblocked {
background-color: #81c995;
td.Blocked {
background-color: #f28b82;
td, th {
padding: 2px 4px;
border-right: 2px solid white;
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
tr.TotalRow td {
background-color: white;
border-right-color: white;
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
tr.AospDir td {
background-color: #e6f4ea;
border-right-color: #e6f4ea;
tr.GoogleDir td {
background-color: #e8f0fe;
border-right-color: #e8f0fe;
tr.PartnerDir td {
background-color: #fce8e6;
border-right-color: #fce8e6;
table {
border-spacing: 0;
border-collapse: collapse;
div.Makefile {
margin: 12px 0 0 0;
div.Makefile:first {
margin-top: 0;
div.FileModules {
padding: 4px 0 0 20px;
td.LineNo {
vertical-align: baseline;
padding: 6px 0 0 20px;
width: 50px;
vertical-align: baseline;
td.LineText {
vertical-align: baseline;
font-family: monospace;
padding: 6px 0 0 0;
a.CsLink {
font-family: monospace;
div.Help {
width: 550px;
table.HelpColumns tr {
border-bottom: 2px solid white;
.ModuleName {
vertical-align: baseline;
padding: 6px 0 0 20px;
width: 275px;
.ModuleDeps {
vertical-align: baseline;
padding: 6px 0 0 0;
table#Modules td {
vertical-align: baseline;
tr.Alt {
background-color: #ececec;
tr.Alt td {
border-right-color: #ececec;
.AnalysisCol {
width: 300px;
padding: 2px;
line-height: 21px;
.Analysis {
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #e8710a;
border-radius: 6px;
margin: 4px;
padding: 2px 6px;
white-space: nowrap;
.Nav {
margin: 4px 0 16px 20px;
.NavSpacer {
display: inline-block;
width: 6px;
.ModuleDetails {
margin-top: 20px;
.ModuleDetails td {
vertical-align: baseline;
<div class="Nav">
<a href='#help'>Help</a>
<span class='NavSpacer'></span><span class='NavSpacer'> </span>
""" % {
"page_title": page_title,
for partition in sorted(partitions):
print("<a href='#partition_%s'>%s</a><span class='NavSpacer'></span>" % (partition, partition))
<span class='NavSpacer'></span><span class='NavSpacer'> </span>
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
<a href='#summary'>Overall Summary</a>
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
<div id="container">
<div id="tables">
<a name="help"></a>
<div class="Help">
This page analyzes the remaining Android.mk files in the Android Source tree.
The modules are first broken down by which of the device filesystem partitions
they are installed to. This also includes host tools and testcases which don't
actually reside in their own partition but convenitely group together.
The makefiles for each partition are further are grouped into a set of directories
aritrarily picked to break down the problem size by owners.
<ul style="width: 300px">
<li style="background-color: #e6f4ea">AOSP directories are colored green.</li>
<li style="background-color: #e8f0fe">Google directories are colored blue.</li>
<li style="background-color: #fce8e6">Other partner directories are colored red.</li>
Each of the makefiles are scanned for issues that are likely to come up during
conversion to soong. Clicking the number in each cell shows additional information,
including the line that triggered the warning.
<table class="HelpColumns">
<td>The total number of makefiles in this each directory.</td>
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
<th class="Clean">Easy</th>
<td>The number of makefiles that have no warnings themselves, and also
none of their dependencies have warnings either.</td>
<th class="Clean">Unblocked Clean</th>
<td>The number of makefiles that are both Unblocked and Clean.</td>
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
<th class="Unblocked">Unblocked</th>
<td>Makefiles containing one or more modules that don't have any
additional dependencies pending before conversion.</td>
<th class="Blocked">Blocked</th>
<td>Makefiles containiong one or more modules which <i>do</i> have
additional prerequesite depenedencies that are not yet converted.</td>
<th class="Clean">Clean</th>
<td>The number of makefiles that have none of the following warnings.</td>
<th class="Warning">ifeq / ifneq</th>
<td>Makefiles that use <code>ifeq</code> or <code>ifneq</code>. i.e.
<th class="Warning">Wacky Includes</th>
<td>Makefiles that <code>include</code> files other than the standard build-system
defined template and macros.</td>
<th class="Warning">Calls base_rules</th>
<td>Makefiles that include base_rules.mk directly.</td>
<th class="Warning">Calls define</th>
<td>Makefiles that define their own macros. Some of these are easy to convert
to soong <code>defaults</code>, but others are complex.</td>
<th class="Warning">Has ../</th>
<td>Makefiles containing the string "../" outside of a comment. These likely
access files outside their directories.</td>
<th class="Warning">dist-for-goals</th>
<td>Makefiles that call <code>dist-for-goals</code> directly.</td>
<th class="Warning">.PHONY</th>
<td>Makefiles that declare .PHONY targets.</td>
<th class="Warning">renderscript</th>
<td>Makefiles defining targets that depend on <code>.rscript</code> source files.</td>
<th class="Warning">vts src</th>
<td>Makefiles defining targets that depend on <code>.vts</code> source files.</td>
<th class="Warning">COPY_HEADERS</th>
<td>Makefiles using LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS.</td>
Following the list of directories is a list of the modules that are installed on
each partition. Potential issues from their makefiles are listed, as well as the
total number of dependencies (both blocking that module and blocked by that module)
and the list of direct dependencies. Note: The number is the number of all transitive
dependencies and the list of modules is only the direct dependencies.
annotations = Annotations()
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
overall_summary = Summary()
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
# For each partition
makefiles_for_partitions = dict()
for partition in sorted(partitions):
modules = modules_by_partition[partition]
makefiles = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
[soong.makefiles[module] for module in modules]))
# Read makefiles
summary = Summary()
for filename in makefiles:
if not filename.startswith(args.out_dir + "/"):
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
# Categorize directories by who is responsible
aosp_dirs = []
google_dirs = []
partner_dirs = []
for dirname in sorted(summary.directories.keys()):
if is_aosp(dirname):
elif is_google(dirname):
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
print_analysis_header("partition_" + partition, partition)
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
for dirgroup, rowclass in [(aosp_dirs, "AospDir"),
(google_dirs, "GoogleDir"),
(partner_dirs, "PartnerDir"),]:
for dirname in dirgroup:
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
print_analysis_row(soong, summary, annotations, modules,
dirname, rowclass, summary.directories[dirname])
print_analysis_row(soong, summary, annotations, modules,
"Total", "TotalRow",
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
module_details = [(count_deps(soong.deps, m, []), -count_deps(soong.reverse_deps, m, []), m)
for m in modules]
module_details = [m[2] for m in module_details]
<table class="ModuleDetails">""")
print(" <th>Module Name</th>")
print(" <th>Issues</th>")
print(" <th colspan='2'>Blocked By</th>")
print(" <th colspan='2'>Blocking</th>")
altRow = True
for module in module_details:
analyses = set()
for filename in soong.makefiles[module]:
makefile = summary.makefiles.get(filename)
if makefile:
for analyzer, analysis in makefile.analyses.items():
if analysis:
altRow = not altRow
print("<tr class='%s'>" % ("Alt" if altRow else "",))
print(" <td><a name='module_%s'></a>%s</td>" % (module, module))
print(" <td class='AnalysisCol'>%s</td>" % " ".join(["<span class='Analysis'>%s</span>" % title
for title in analyses]))
print(" <td>%s</td>" % count_deps(soong.deps, module, []))
print(" <td>%s</td>" % format_module_list(soong.deps.get(module, [])))
print(" <td>%s</td>" % count_deps(soong.reverse_deps, module, []))
print(" <td>%s</td>" % format_module_list(soong.reverse_deps.get(module, [])))
2020-07-17 09:10:48 +08:00
print_analysis_header("summary", "Overall Summary")
modules = [module for installed, module in soong.installed.items()]
print_analysis_row(soong, overall_summary, annotations, modules,
"All Makefiles", "TotalRow",
2020-06-27 15:10:23 +08:00
<script type="text/javascript">
function close_details() {
document.getElementById('details').style.display = 'none';
class LineMatch {
constructor(lineno, text) {
this.lineno = lineno;
this.text = text;
class Analysis {
constructor(filename, modules, line_matches) {
this.filename = filename;
this.modules = modules;
this.line_matches = line_matches;
class Module {
constructor(deps) {
this.deps = deps;
function make_module_link(module) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.className = 'ModuleLink';
a.innerText = module;
a.href = '#module_' + module;
return a;
function update_details(id) {
document.getElementById('details').style.display = 'block';
var analyses = ANALYSIS[id];
var details = document.getElementById("details_data");
while (details.firstChild) {
for (var i=0; i<analyses.length; i++) {
var analysis = analyses[i];
var makefileDiv = document.createElement('div');
makefileDiv.className = 'Makefile';
var fileA = document.createElement('a');
fileA.className = 'CsLink';
fileA.href = '%(codesearch)s' + analysis.filename;
fileA.innerText = analysis.filename;
fileA.target = "_blank";
if (analysis.modules.length > 0) {
var moduleTable = document.createElement('table');
for (var j=0; j<analysis.modules.length; j++) {
var moduleRow = document.createElement('tr');
var moduleNameCell = document.createElement('td');
moduleNameCell.className = 'ModuleName';
var moduleData = MODULE_DATA[analysis.modules[j]];
var depCell = document.createElement('td');
if (moduleData.deps.length == 0) {
depCell.className = 'ModuleDeps Unblocked';
depCell.innerText = 'UNBLOCKED';
} else {
depCell.className = 'ModuleDeps Blocked';
for (var k=0; k<moduleData.deps.length; k++) {
if (analysis.line_matches.length > 0) {
var lineTable = document.createElement('table');
for (var j=0; j<analysis.line_matches.length; j++) {
var line_match = analysis.line_matches[j];
var lineRow = document.createElement('tr');
var linenoCell = document.createElement('td');
linenoCell.className = 'LineNo';
var linenoA = document.createElement('a');
linenoA.className = 'CsLink';
linenoA.href = '%(codesearch)s' + analysis.filename
+ ';l=' + line_match.lineno;
linenoA.innerText = line_match.lineno;
linenoA.target = "_blank";
var textCell = document.createElement('td');
textCell.className = 'LineText';
textCell.innerText = line_match.text;
var ANALYSIS = [
""" % {
"codesearch": args.codesearch,
for entry, mods in annotations.entries:
print(" [")
for analysis in entry:
print(" new Analysis('%(filename)s', %(modules)s, [%(line_matches)s])," % {
"filename": analysis.filename,
#"modules": json.dumps([m for m in mods if m in filename in soong.makefiles[m]]),
"modules": json.dumps(
[m for m in soong.reverse_makefiles[analysis.filename] if m in mods]),
"line_matches": ", ".join([
"new LineMatch(%d, %s)" % (lineno, json.dumps(text))
for lineno, text in analysis.line_matches]),
print(" ],")
for module in soong.modules:
print(" '%(name)s': new Module(%(deps)s)," % {
"name": module,
"deps": json.dumps(soong.deps[module]),
</div> <!-- id=tables -->
<div id="details">
<div style="text-align: right;">
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z"/></svg>
<div id="details_data"></div>
if __name__ == "__main__":