forked from openkylin/platform_build
Merge "Add multithread support to call imgdiff with block-limit"
am: 5d60cd2d3e
Change-Id: I9fe115f791a913f483626fe5e2b1043b8e799cd8
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import array
import common
import copy
import functools
import heapq
import itertools
@ -204,6 +205,18 @@ class Transfer(object):
||| = len(by_id)
self._patch = None
def patch(self):
return self._patch
def patch(self, patch):
if patch:
assert == "diff"
self._patch = patch
def NetStashChange(self):
return (sum(sr.size() for (_, sr) in self.stash_before) -
sum(sr.size() for (_, sr) in self.use_stash))
@ -213,6 +226,7 @@ class Transfer(object):
self.use_stash = []
|||| = "new"
self.src_ranges = RangeSet()
self.patch = None
def __str__(self):
return (str( + ": <" + str(self.src_ranges) + " " + +
@ -675,6 +689,7 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
# These are identical; we don't need to generate a patch,
# just issue copy commands on the device.
|||| = "move"
xf.patch = None
tgt_size = xf.tgt_ranges.size() * self.tgt.blocksize
if xf.src_ranges != xf.tgt_ranges:
print("%10d %10d (%6.2f%%) %7s %s %s (from %s)" % (
@ -683,24 +698,33 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
xf.tgt_name + " (from " + xf.src_name + ")"),
str(xf.tgt_ranges), str(xf.src_ranges)))
# For files in zip format (eg, APKs, JARs, etc.) we would
# like to use imgdiff -z if possible (because it usually
# produces significantly smaller patches than bsdiff).
# This is permissible if:
# - imgdiff is not disabled, and
# - the source and target files are monotonic (ie, the
# data is stored with blocks in increasing order), and
# - we haven't removed any blocks from the source set.
# If these conditions are satisfied then appending all the
# blocks in the set together in order will produce a valid
# zip file (plus possibly extra zeros in the last block),
# which is what imgdiff needs to operate. (imgdiff is
# fine with extra zeros at the end of the file.)
imgdiff = (not self.disable_imgdiff and xf.intact and
in ("apk", "jar", "zip"))
if xf.patch:
# We have already generated the patch with imgdiff. Check if the
# transfer is intact.
assert not self.disable_imgdiff
imgdiff = True
if not xf.intact:
imgdiff = False
xf.patch = None
# For files in zip format (eg, APKs, JARs, etc.) we would
# like to use imgdiff -z if possible (because it usually
# produces significantly smaller patches than bsdiff).
# This is permissible if:
# - imgdiff is not disabled, and
# - the source and target files are monotonic (ie, the
# data is stored with blocks in increasing order), and
# - we haven't removed any blocks from the source set.
# If these conditions are satisfied then appending all the
# blocks in the set together in order will produce a valid
# zip file (plus possibly extra zeros in the last block),
# which is what imgdiff needs to operate. (imgdiff is
# fine with extra zeros at the end of the file.)
imgdiff = (not self.disable_imgdiff and xf.intact and
in ("apk", "jar", "zip"))
|||| = "imgdiff" if imgdiff else "bsdiff"
diff_queue.append((index, imgdiff, patch_num))
patch_num += 1
@ -738,48 +762,51 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
xf_index, imgdiff, patch_index = diff_queue.pop()
xf = self.transfers[xf_index]
src_ranges = xf.src_ranges
tgt_ranges = xf.tgt_ranges
patch = xf.patch
if not patch:
src_ranges = xf.src_ranges
tgt_ranges = xf.tgt_ranges
# Needs lock since WriteRangeDataToFd() is stateful (calling seek).
with lock:
src_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="src-")
with open(src_file, "wb") as fd:
self.src.WriteRangeDataToFd(src_ranges, fd)
tgt_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="tgt-")
with open(tgt_file, "wb") as fd:
self.tgt.WriteRangeDataToFd(tgt_ranges, fd)
message = []
patch = compute_patch(src_file, tgt_file, imgdiff)
except ValueError as e:
"Failed to generate %s for %s: tgt=%s, src=%s:\n%s" % (
"imgdiff" if imgdiff else "bsdiff",
xf.tgt_name if xf.tgt_name == xf.src_name else
xf.tgt_name + " (from " + xf.src_name + ")",
xf.tgt_ranges, xf.src_ranges, e.message))
# TODO(b/68016761): Better handle the holes in mke2fs created images.
if imgdiff:
patch = compute_patch(src_file, tgt_file, imgdiff=False)
"Fell back and generated with bsdiff instead for %s" % (
|||| = "bsdiff"
with lock:
del message[:]
except ValueError as e:
"Also failed to generate with bsdiff for %s:\n%s" % (
xf.tgt_name, e.message))
if message:
# Needs lock since WriteRangeDataToFd() is stateful (calling seek).
with lock:
src_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="src-")
with open(src_file, "wb") as fd:
self.src.WriteRangeDataToFd(src_ranges, fd)
tgt_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="tgt-")
with open(tgt_file, "wb") as fd:
self.tgt.WriteRangeDataToFd(tgt_ranges, fd)
message = []
patch = compute_patch(src_file, tgt_file, imgdiff)
except ValueError as e:
"Failed to generate %s for %s: tgt=%s, src=%s:\n%s" % (
"imgdiff" if imgdiff else "bsdiff",
xf.tgt_name if xf.tgt_name == xf.src_name else
xf.tgt_name + " (from " + xf.src_name + ")",
xf.tgt_ranges, xf.src_ranges, e.message))
# TODO(b/68016761): Better handle the holes in mke2fs created
# images.
if imgdiff:
patch = compute_patch(src_file, tgt_file, imgdiff=False)
"Fell back and generated with bsdiff instead for %s" % (
|||| = "bsdiff"
with lock:
del message[:]
except ValueError as e:
"Also failed to generate with bsdiff for %s:\n%s" % (
xf.tgt_name, e.message))
if message:
with lock:
with lock:
patches[patch_index] = (xf_index, patch)
@ -1167,12 +1194,9 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
Compared to the fixed 1024-block limit, it reduces the overall package
size by 30% for volantis, and 20% for angler and bullhead."""
assert style == "diff"
# Possibly split large files into smaller chunks.
pieces = 0
cache_size = common.OPTIONS.cache_size
split_threshold = 0.125
max_blocks_per_transfer = int(cache_size * split_threshold /
# Change nothing for small files.
if (tgt_ranges.size() <= max_blocks_per_transfer and
@ -1182,6 +1206,14 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
style, by_id)
if tgt_name.split(".")[-1].lower() in ("apk", "jar", "zip"):
split_enable = (not self.disable_imgdiff and src_ranges.monotonic and
if split_enable and (self.tgt.RangeSha1(tgt_ranges) !=
large_apks.append((tgt_name, src_name, tgt_ranges, src_ranges))
while (tgt_ranges.size() > max_blocks_per_transfer and
src_ranges.size() > max_blocks_per_transfer):
tgt_split_name = "%s-%d" % (tgt_name, pieces)
@ -1275,8 +1307,136 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
tgt_name, src_name, tgt_ranges, src_ranges, style, by_id)
def ParseAndValidateSplitInfo(patch_size, tgt_ranges, src_ranges,
"""Parse the split_info and return a list of info tuples.
patch_size: total size of the patch file.
tgt_ranges: Ranges of the target file within the original image.
src_ranges: Ranges of the source file within the original image.
split_info format:
imgdiff version#
count of pieces
<patch_size_1> <tgt_size_1> <src_ranges_1>
<patch_size_n> <tgt_size_n> <src_ranges_n>
[patch_start, patch_len, split_tgt_ranges, split_src_ranges]
version = int(split_info[0])
assert version == 2
count = int(split_info[1])
assert len(split_info) - 2 == count
split_info_list = []
patch_start = 0
tgt_remain = copy.deepcopy(tgt_ranges)
# each line has the format <patch_size>, <tgt_size>, <src_ranges>
for line in split_info[2:]:
info = line.split()
assert len(info) == 3
patch_length = int(info[0])
split_tgt_size = int(info[1])
assert split_tgt_size % 4096 == 0
assert split_tgt_size / 4096 <= tgt_remain.size()
split_tgt_ranges = tgt_remain.first(split_tgt_size / 4096)
tgt_remain = tgt_remain.subtract(split_tgt_ranges)
# Find the split_src_ranges within the image file from its relative
# position in file.
split_src_indices = RangeSet.parse_raw(info[2])
split_src_ranges = RangeSet()
for r in split_src_indices:
curr_range = src_ranges.first(r[1]).subtract(src_ranges.first(r[0]))
assert not split_src_ranges.overlaps(curr_range)
split_src_ranges = split_src_ranges.union(curr_range)
split_info_list.append((patch_start, patch_length,
split_tgt_ranges, split_src_ranges))
patch_start += patch_length
# Check that the sizes of all the split pieces add up to the final file
# size for patch and target.
assert tgt_remain.size() == 0
assert patch_start == patch_size
return split_info_list
def AddSplitTransferForLargeApks():
"""Create split transfers for large apk files.
Example: Chrome.apk will be split into
src-0: Chrome.apk-0, tgt-0: Chrome.apk-0
src-1: Chrome.apk-1, tgt-1: Chrome.apk-1
After the split, the target pieces are continuous and block aligned; and
the source pieces are mutually exclusive. During the split, we also
generate and save the image patch between src-X & tgt-X. This patch will
be valid because the block ranges of src-X & tgt-X will always stay the
same afterwards; but there's a chance we don't use the patch if we
convert the "diff" command into "new" or "move" later.
while True:
with transfer_lock:
if not large_apks:
tgt_name, src_name, tgt_ranges, src_ranges = large_apks.pop(0)
src_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="src-")
tgt_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="tgt-")
with transfer_lock:
with open(src_file, "wb") as src_fd:
self.src.WriteRangeDataToFd(src_ranges, src_fd)
with open(tgt_file, "wb") as tgt_fd:
self.tgt.WriteRangeDataToFd(tgt_ranges, tgt_fd)
patch_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="patch-")
patch_info_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix="split_info-")
cmd = ["imgdiff", "-z",
"--split-info=" + patch_info_file,
src_file, tgt_file, patch_file]
p = common.Run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# TODO(xunchang) fall back to the normal split if imgdiff fails.
if p.returncode != 0:
raise ValueError("Failed to create patch between {} and {}".format(
src_name, tgt_name))
with open(patch_info_file) as patch_info:
lines = patch_info.readlines()
patch_size_total = os.path.getsize(patch_file)
split_info_list = ParseAndValidateSplitInfo(patch_size_total,
tgt_ranges, src_ranges,
for index, (patch_start, patch_length, split_tgt_ranges,
split_src_ranges) in enumerate(split_info_list):
with open(patch_file) as f:
patch_content =
split_src_name = "{}-{}".format(src_name, index)
split_tgt_name = "{}-{}".format(tgt_name, index)
transfer_split = Transfer(split_tgt_name, split_src_name,
split_tgt_ranges, split_src_ranges,
"diff", self.transfers)
transfer_split.patch = patch_content
print("Finding transfers...")
large_apks = []
cache_size = common.OPTIONS.cache_size
split_threshold = 0.125
max_blocks_per_transfer = int(cache_size * split_threshold /
empty = RangeSet()
for tgt_fn, tgt_ranges in self.tgt.file_map.items():
if tgt_fn == "__ZERO":
@ -1321,6 +1481,14 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
AddTransfer(tgt_fn, None, tgt_ranges, empty, "new", self.transfers)
transfer_lock = threading.Lock()
threads = [threading.Thread(target=AddSplitTransferForLargeApks)
for _ in range(self.threads)]
for th in threads:
while threads:
def AbbreviateSourceNames(self):
for k in self.src.file_map.keys():
b = os.path.basename(k)
Reference in New Issue