forked from openkylin/platform_build
Merge "releasetools: Fix the computation in ReviseStashSize()." am: 9cc98767ad
am: bf32e87669
am: b317d1c6ec
am: f783aeba60
Change-Id: I98e29b566d0d7e69bdd64a5ef9522e56bf9f9c62
This commit is contained in:
@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
unstashed_src_ranges = xf.src_ranges
mapped_stashes = []
for s, sr in xf.use_stash:
# TODO: We don't need 'sid' (nor free_stash_ids) in BBOTA v3+.
sid = stashes.pop(s)
unstashed_src_ranges = unstashed_src_ranges.subtract(sr)
sh = self.HashBlocks(self.src, sr)
@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
stashes[sh] -= 1
if stashes[sh] == 0:
free_size += sr.size()
free_string.append("free %s\n" % (sh))
free_string.append("free %s\n" % (sh,))
heapq.heappush(free_stash_ids, sid)
@ -618,18 +619,18 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
def ReviseStashSize(self):
print("Revising stash size...")
stashes = {}
stash_map = {}
# Create the map between a stash and its def/use points. For example, for a
# given stash of (idx, sr), stashes[idx] = (sr, def_cmd, use_cmd).
for xf in self.transfers:
# Command xf defines (stores) all the stashes in stash_before.
for idx, sr in xf.stash_before:
stashes[idx] = (sr, xf)
stash_map[idx] = (sr, xf)
# Record all the stashes command xf uses.
for idx, _ in xf.use_stash:
stashes[idx] += (xf,)
stash_map[idx] += (xf,)
# Compute the maximum blocks available for stash based on /cache size and
# the threshold.
@ -637,9 +638,13 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
stash_threshold = common.OPTIONS.stash_threshold
max_allowed = cache_size * stash_threshold / self.tgt.blocksize
stashes = {}
stashed_blocks = 0
new_blocks = 0
free_stash_ids = []
next_stash_id = 0
# Now go through all the commands. Compute the required stash size on the
# fly. If a command requires excess stash than available, it deletes the
# stash by replacing the command that uses the stash with a "new" command
@ -649,18 +654,34 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
# xf.stash_before generates explicit stash commands.
for idx, sr in xf.stash_before:
if stashed_blocks + sr.size() > max_allowed:
assert idx not in stashes
if free_stash_ids:
sid = heapq.heappop(free_stash_ids)
sid = next_stash_id
next_stash_id += 1
stashes[idx] = sid
# Check the post-command stashed_blocks.
stashed_blocks_after = stashed_blocks
if self.version == 2:
stashed_blocks_after += sr.size()
sh = self.HashBlocks(self.src, sr)
if sh in stashes:
stashes[sh] += 1
stashes[sh] = 1
stashed_blocks_after += sr.size()
if stashed_blocks_after > max_allowed:
# We cannot stash this one for a later command. Find out the command
# that will use this stash and replace the command with "new".
use_cmd = stashes[idx][2]
use_cmd = stash_map[idx][2]
print("%10d %9s %s" % (sr.size(), "explicit", use_cmd))
stashed_blocks += sr.size()
# xf.use_stash generates free commands.
for _, sr in xf.use_stash:
stashed_blocks -= sr.size()
stashed_blocks = stashed_blocks_after
# "move" and "diff" may introduce implicit stashes in BBOTA v3. Prior to
# ComputePatches(), they both have the style of "diff".
@ -676,7 +697,7 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
# It no longer uses any commands in "use_stash". Remove the def points
# for all those stashes.
for idx, sr in cmd.use_stash:
def_cmd = stashes[idx][1]
def_cmd = stash_map[idx][1]
assert (idx, sr) in def_cmd.stash_before
def_cmd.stash_before.remove((idx, sr))
@ -685,6 +706,20 @@ class BlockImageDiff(object):
new_blocks += cmd.tgt_ranges.size()
# xf.use_stash generates free commands.
for idx, sr in xf.use_stash:
sid = stashes.pop(idx)
if self.version == 2:
stashed_blocks -= sr.size()
sh = self.HashBlocks(self.src, sr)
assert sh in stashes
stashes[sh] -= 1
if stashes[sh] == 0:
stashed_blocks -= sr.size()
heapq.heappush(free_stash_ids, sid)
num_of_bytes = new_blocks * self.tgt.blocksize
print(" Total %d blocks (%d bytes) are packed as new blocks due to "
"insufficient cache size." % (new_blocks, num_of_bytes))
Reference in New Issue