The soong-only variable is used to specify the location where the symbol
file is located. When unspecified, LOCAL_MODULE_PATH is used instead as
This is needed when the path that a file is installed to is different
from the path that the file is accessed from at runtime. For example, if
TARGET_FLATTEN_APEX=true, a file lib/ in an APEX
is installed to /system/apex/ However, it's
runtime path is /apex/ as
/system/apex/ is bind-mounted to /apex/com,
Bug: 120846816
Test: m and inspect that symbol files exist under
Change-Id: I1b39f6e0cde115d442f14380c365796feff3437b
This is part of refactoring work and also a
preliminary task to design and implement its Soong counterpart.
Test: built and flashed an image for a Pixel device + TreeHugger
Change-Id: I89b13b1e0a2780b02fda7ee888e73052ac1abd9c
After migrating the primary install location of test modules into a
generic testcase folder. All test modules will install to
out/target/product/<product>/testcase/<module_name>/ if they don't
specify their LOCAL_MODULE_PATH.
But the dependent test module should also be copied to testcase
folder even its LOCAL_MODULE_PATH be set.
BUG: 128815093
Test: 1. vi cts/tests/signature/api-check/
add LOCAL_MODULE_PATH for cts-hiddenapi_flags-csv
2. m CtsHiddenApiBlacklistDebugClassTestCases
Then, hiddenapi_flags.csv should also be copied to testcase
Change-Id: Iff872447348e74b2728e0913d04e46ccbaa4e972
After I25163e91886cea6941afa25cdb529ed053278dcb there is no longer
a dependency on $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) for boot jars, as
is installed instead. Add a dependency from to
dependencies (which may include jacoco-report-classes.jar) is
copied for every build.
Fixes: 127702563
Test: forrest
Change-Id: I4db2d1f5fe2e1141fe93317cd7a2a58a33f8fbff
if (DAP && !BUILD_SUPER) error;
if (BUILD_SUPER && !DAP) error;
This allows DAP devices to disable building super partition when the OEM
doesn't want to. The ability to build super partition shouldn't be
a requirement of enabling DAP; rather, building super partition requires
DAP to be enabled.
To do this on a device, PRODUCT_BUILD_SUPER_PARTITION should be set
to false explicitly. If it is unset, it will use the value of
Bug: 127687287
Test: set PRODUCT_BUILD_SUPER_PARTITION to false and build dist
Change-Id: I25f1866e61d73affb445c1aec042cf53aac93583
ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix might be either "/system" or "/product",
to decide the location of the fstab.postinstall, used to mount
system_other partition on A/B devices.
Bug: 112103720
Test: factory reset and boot device, checks cppreopt logs
Change-Id: Ib1e282752c37713e2220239f4f903453ce3c8bab
superimage-nodeps and supernod depends
on images from $(ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT) (not from
target files package). It doesn't rebuild source
images if they are present.
A typical workflow is:
m -j
# change code in system
m snod -j
m supernod -j
Test: For non retrofit, run:
`m snod -j; m supernod -j`
Fixes: 128321505
Change-Id: Ib8c011cadb9c0cd334234aef39f19be6a48fee62
This reverts commit 224e103308.
Reason for revert: Build Breakage in git_pi-dev-plus-aosp/docs @5366136
make -j110 docs showcommands dist DIST_DIR=/buildbot/dist_dirs/git_pi-dev-plus-aosp-linux-docs/5366136 checkbuild
Dependencies in out found with no rule to create them:
15:53:46 stopping
make -j50 showcommands dist TARGET_PRODUCT=cf_x86_phone DIST_DIR=/buildbot/dist_dirs/git_master-linux-ndk_translation_all/5366149 ndk_translation_all
FAILED: ninja: 'out/target/product/vsoc_x86/data/nativetest/arm/arm_insn_tests_arm_static/arm_insn_tests_arm_static', needed by 'out/target/product/vsoc_x86/obj/PACKAGING/ndk_translation_tests_intermediates/arm_insn_tests_arm_static_result.xml', missing and no known rule to make it
15:55:38 ninja failed with: exit status 1
make: *** [run_soong_ui] Error 1
Return Code: 2
Change-Id: Idf95ef2e06526a0a31690420c923207db627605f
Whenever we're not loading all makefiles, we shouldn't be checking that
all the host packages exist.
Test: m snod
Change-Id: If1f817d855cbe329b83caee9fdd68c2cce55f02b