
412 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
import pytest
from packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from poetry.core.constraints.version import parse_constraint
from poetry.core.factory import Factory
from poetry.core.packages.url_dependency import URLDependency
from poetry.core.toml import TOMLFile
from poetry.core.version.markers import SingleMarker
from poetry.core.packages.dependency import Dependency
from poetry.core.packages.vcs_dependency import VCSDependency
fixtures_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "fixtures"
def test_create_poetry() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(fixtures_dir / "sample_project")
package = poetry.package
assert package.name == "my-package"
assert package.version.text == "1.2.3"
assert package.description == "Some description."
assert package.authors == ["Sébastien Eustace <sebastien@eustace.io>"]
assert package.license
assert package.license.id == "MIT"
assert (
== "sample_project/README.rst"
assert package.homepage == "https://python-poetry.org"
assert package.repository_url == "https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry"
assert package.keywords == ["packaging", "dependency", "poetry"]
assert package.python_versions == "~2.7 || ^3.6"
assert str(package.python_constraint) == ">=2.7,<2.8 || >=3.6,<4.0"
dependencies: dict[str, Dependency] = {}
for dep in package.requires:
dependencies[dep.name] = dep
cleo = dependencies["cleo"]
assert cleo.pretty_constraint == "^0.6"
assert not cleo.is_optional()
pendulum = dependencies["pendulum"]
assert pendulum.pretty_constraint == "branch 2.0"
assert pendulum.is_vcs()
pendulum = cast("VCSDependency", pendulum)
assert pendulum.vcs == "git"
assert pendulum.branch == "2.0"
assert pendulum.source == "https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git"
assert pendulum.allows_prereleases()
assert not pendulum.develop
tomlkit = dependencies["tomlkit"]
assert tomlkit.pretty_constraint == "rev 3bff550"
assert tomlkit.is_vcs()
tomlkit = cast("VCSDependency", tomlkit)
assert tomlkit.vcs == "git"
assert tomlkit.rev == "3bff550"
assert tomlkit.source == "https://github.com/sdispater/tomlkit.git"
assert tomlkit.allows_prereleases()
assert not tomlkit.develop
requests = dependencies["requests"]
assert requests.pretty_constraint == "^2.18"
assert not requests.is_vcs()
assert not requests.allows_prereleases()
assert requests.is_optional()
assert requests.extras == frozenset({"security"})
pathlib2 = dependencies["pathlib2"]
assert pathlib2.pretty_constraint == "^2.2"
assert pathlib2.python_versions == ">=2.7 <2.8"
assert not pathlib2.is_optional()
demo = dependencies["demo"]
assert demo.is_file()
assert not demo.is_vcs()
assert demo.name == "demo"
assert demo.pretty_constraint == "*"
demo = dependencies["my-package"]
assert not demo.is_file()
assert demo.is_directory()
assert not demo.is_vcs()
assert demo.name == "my-package"
assert demo.pretty_constraint == "*"
simple_project = dependencies["simple-project"]
assert not simple_project.is_file()
assert simple_project.is_directory()
assert not simple_project.is_vcs()
assert simple_project.name == "simple-project"
assert simple_project.pretty_constraint == "*"
functools32 = dependencies["functools32"]
assert functools32.name == "functools32"
assert functools32.pretty_constraint == "^3.2.3"
assert (
== 'python_version ~= "2.7" and sys_platform == "win32" or python_version in'
' "3.4 3.5"'
dataclasses = dependencies["dataclasses"]
assert dataclasses.name == "dataclasses"
assert dataclasses.pretty_constraint == "^0.7"
assert dataclasses.python_versions == ">=3.6.1 <3.7"
assert (
== 'python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version < "3.7"'
assert "db" in package.extras
classifiers = package.classifiers
assert classifiers == [
"Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
assert package.all_classifiers == [
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
def test_create_poetry_with_packages_and_includes() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(
fixtures_dir.parent / "masonry" / "builders" / "fixtures" / "with-include"
package = poetry.package
assert package.packages == [
{"include": "extra_dir/**/*.py"},
{"include": "extra_dir/**/*.py"},
{"include": "my_module.py"},
{"include": "package_with_include"},
{"include": "tests", "format": "sdist"},
{"include": "for_wheel_only", "format": ["wheel"]},
{"include": "src_package", "from": "src"},
assert package.include == [
{"path": "extra_dir/vcs_excluded.txt", "format": []},
{"path": "notes.txt", "format": []},
def test_create_poetry_with_multi_constraints_dependency() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(
fixtures_dir / "project_with_multi_constraints_dependency"
package = poetry.package
assert len(package.requires) == 2
def test_validate() -> None:
complete = TOMLFile(fixtures_dir / "complete.toml")
doc: dict[str, Any] = complete.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
assert Factory.validate(content) == {"errors": [], "warnings": []}
def test_validate_fails() -> None:
complete = TOMLFile(fixtures_dir / "complete.toml")
doc: dict[str, Any] = complete.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
content["authors"] = "this is not a valid array"
expected = "[authors] 'this is not a valid array' is not of type 'array'"
assert Factory.validate(content) == {"errors": [expected], "warnings": []}
def test_validate_without_strict_fails_only_non_strict() -> None:
project_failing_strict_validation = TOMLFile(
fixtures_dir / "project_failing_strict_validation" / "pyproject.toml"
doc: dict[str, Any] = project_failing_strict_validation.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
assert Factory.validate(content) == {
"errors": [
"'name' is a required property",
"'version' is a required property",
"'description' is a required property",
"'authors' is a required property",
"warnings": [],
def test_validate_strict_fails_strict_and_non_strict() -> None:
project_failing_strict_validation = TOMLFile(
fixtures_dir / "project_failing_strict_validation" / "pyproject.toml"
doc: dict[str, Any] = project_failing_strict_validation.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
assert Factory.validate(content, strict=True) == {
"errors": [
"'name' is a required property",
"'version' is a required property",
"'description' is a required property",
"'authors' is a required property",
'Script "a_script_with_unknown_extra" requires extra "foo" which is not'
" defined."
"Declared README files must be of same type: found text/markdown,"
" text/x-rst"
"warnings": [
"A wildcard Python dependency is ambiguous. Consider specifying a more"
" explicit one."
'The "pathlib2" dependency specifies the "allows-prereleases" property,'
' which is deprecated. Use "allow-prereleases" instead.'
def test_strict_validation_success_on_multiple_readme_files() -> None:
with_readme_files = TOMLFile(fixtures_dir / "with_readme_files" / "pyproject.toml")
doc: dict[str, Any] = with_readme_files.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
assert Factory.validate(content, strict=True) == {"errors": [], "warnings": []}
def test_strict_validation_fails_on_readme_files_with_unmatching_types() -> None:
with_readme_files = TOMLFile(fixtures_dir / "with_readme_files" / "pyproject.toml")
doc: dict[str, Any] = with_readme_files.read()
content = doc["tool"]["poetry"]
content["readme"][0] = "README.md"
assert Factory.validate(content, strict=True) == {
"errors": [
"Declared README files must be of same type: found text/markdown,"
" text/x-rst"
"warnings": [],
def test_create_poetry_fails_on_invalid_configuration() -> None:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
Path(__file__).parent / "fixtures" / "invalid_pyproject" / "pyproject.toml"
expected = """\
The Poetry configuration is invalid:
- 'description' is a required property
assert str(e.value) == expected
def test_create_poetry_omits_dev_dependencies_iff_with_dev_is_false() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(fixtures_dir / "sample_project", with_groups=False)
assert not any("dev" in r.groups for r in poetry.package.all_requires)
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(fixtures_dir / "sample_project")
assert any("dev" in r.groups for r in poetry.package.all_requires)
def test_create_poetry_fails_with_invalid_dev_dependencies_iff_with_dev_is_true() -> (
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
Factory().create_poetry(fixtures_dir / "project_with_invalid_dev_deps")
assert "does not exist" in str(err.value)
fixtures_dir / "project_with_invalid_dev_deps", with_groups=False
def test_create_poetry_with_groups_and_legacy_dev() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(
fixtures_dir / "project_with_groups_and_legacy_dev"
package = poetry.package
dependencies = package.all_requires
assert len(dependencies) == 2
assert {dependency.name for dependency in dependencies} == {"pytest", "pre-commit"}
def test_create_poetry_with_groups_and_explicit_main() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(
fixtures_dir / "project_with_groups_and_explicit_main"
package = poetry.package
dependencies = package.requires
assert len(dependencies) == 1
assert {dependency.name for dependency in dependencies} == {
def test_create_poetry_with_markers_and_extras() -> None:
poetry = Factory().create_poetry(fixtures_dir / "project_with_markers_and_extras")
package = poetry.package
dependencies = package.requires
extras = package.extras
assert len(dependencies) == 2
assert {dependency.name for dependency in dependencies} == {"orjson"}
assert set(extras[canonicalize_name("all")]) == set(dependencies)
for dependency in dependencies:
assert dependency.in_extras == ["all"]
assert isinstance(dependency, URLDependency)
assert isinstance(dependency.marker, SingleMarker)
assert dependency.marker.name == "sys_platform"
assert dependency.marker.value == (
"darwin" if "macosx" in dependency.url else "linux"
"constraint, exp_python, exp_marker",
({"python": "3.7"}, "~3.7", 'python_version == "3.7"'),
({"platform": "linux"}, "*", 'sys_platform == "linux"'),
({"markers": 'python_version == "3.7"'}, "~3.7", 'python_version == "3.7"'),
{"markers": 'platform_machine == "x86_64"'},
'platform_machine == "x86_64"',
{"python": "3.7", "markers": 'platform_machine == "x86_64"'},
'platform_machine == "x86_64" and python_version == "3.7"',
{"platform": "linux", "markers": 'platform_machine == "x86_64"'},
'platform_machine == "x86_64" and sys_platform == "linux"',
"python": "3.7",
"platform": "linux",
"markers": 'platform_machine == "x86_64"',
'platform_machine == "x86_64" and python_version == "3.7" and'
' sys_platform == "linux"'
{"python": ">=3.7", "markers": 'python_version < "4.0"'},
"<4.0 >=3.7",
'python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"',
{"platform": "linux", "markers": 'sys_platform == "win32"'},
def test_create_dependency_marker_variants(
constraint: dict[str, Any], exp_python: str, exp_marker: str
) -> None:
constraint["version"] = "1.0.0"
dep = Factory.create_dependency("foo", constraint)
assert dep.python_versions == exp_python
assert dep.python_constraint == parse_constraint(exp_python)
assert str(dep.marker) == exp_marker