60 lines
1.3 KiB
60 lines
1.3 KiB
# Description
This extension add CMake language feature support to Kylin-IDE.
## Features
+ syntax highlight
+ semantic tokens
+ builtin commands document hover
+ builtin commands signature support
+ commands, variable, properties... auto complete
+ document format
+ go to defination
+ publish diagnostics
+ code action
## Requirements
You should have CMake install.
## Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
* `cmakeIntelliSence.loggingLevel`: Control the logging level.
* `cmakeIntelliSence.trace.server`: Set to `verbose` or `message` to trace communication between client and server.
* `cmakeIntelliSence.cmakePath`: path to cmake executable
# 描述
## 特性
+ 语法高亮
+ 语义标记
+ 内置命令文档悬停
+ 内置命令签名支持
+ 命令,变量,属性…自动补全
+ 文档格式化
+ 转到定义
+ 发布诊断信息
+ 代码操作
## 插件依赖
## 插件设置
* `cmakeIntelliSence.loggingLevel`: 控制日志级别。
* `cmakeIntelliSence.trace.server`: 设置 `verbose` 或 `message` 跟踪客户端和服务器之间的通信.
* `cmakeIntelliSence.cmakePath`: 设置可执行的路径