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jupytext kernelspec
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.md myst 0.8 1.4.2
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Python 3 python python3

Using markdown_it

This document can be opened to execute with Jupytext!

markdown-it-py may be used as an API via the markdown-it-py package.

The raw text is first parsed to syntax 'tokens', then these are converted to other formats using 'renderers'.



The simplest way to understand how text will be parsed is using:

from pprint import pprint
from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
md = MarkdownIt()
md.render("some *text*")
for token in md.parse("some *text*"):

The Parser


The MarkdownIt class is instantiated with parsing configuration options, dictating the syntax rules and additional options for the parser and renderer. You can define this configuration via directly supplying a dictionary or a preset name:

  • zero: This configures the minimum components to parse text (i.e. just paragraphs and text)
  • commonmark (default): This configures the parser to strictly comply with the CommonMark specification.
  • js-default: This is the default in the JavaScript version. Compared to commonmark, it disables HTML parsing and enables the table and strikethrough components.
  • gfm-like: This configures the parser to approximately comply with the GitHub Flavored Markdown specification. Compared to commonmark, it enables the table, strikethrough and linkify components. Important, to use this configuration you must have linkify-it-py installed.
from markdown_it.presets import zero
md = MarkdownIt("zero")

You can also override specific options:

md = MarkdownIt("zero", {"maxNesting": 99})

You can find all the parsing rules in the source code:,,


Any of the parsing rules can be enabled/disabled, and these methods are "chainable":

md.render("- __*emphasise this*__")
md.enable(["list", "emphasis"]).render("- __*emphasise this*__")

You can temporarily modify rules with the reset_rules context manager.

with md.reset_rules():
    print(md.render("__*emphasise this*__"))
md.render("__*emphasise this*__")

Additionally renderInline runs the parser with all block syntax rules disabled.

md.renderInline("__*emphasise this*__")

Typographic components

The smartquotes and replacements components are intended to improve typography:

smartquotes will convert basic quote marks to their opening and closing variants:

  • 'single quotes' -> single quotes
  • "double quotes" -> “double quotes”

replacements will replace particular text constructs:

  • (c), (C) → ©
  • (tm), (TM) → ™
  • (r), (R) → ®
  • (p), (P) → §
  • +- → ±
  • ... → …
  • ?.... → ?..
  • !.... → !..
  • ???????? → ???
  • !!!!! → !!!
  • ,,, → ,
  • -- → &ndash
  • --- → &mdash

Both of these components require typography to be turned on, as well as the components enabled:

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"typographer": True})
md.enable(["replacements", "smartquotes"])
md.render("'single quotes' (c)")


The linkify component requires that linkify-it-py be installed (e.g. via pip install markdown-it-py[linkify]). This allows URI autolinks to be identified, without the need for enclosing in <> brackets:

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", {"linkify": True})

Plugins load

Plugins load collections of additional syntax rules and render methods into the parser. A number of useful plugins are available in mdit_py_plugins (see the plugin list), or you can create your own (following the markdown-it design principles).

from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
import mdit_py_plugins
from mdit_py_plugins.front_matter import front_matter_plugin
from mdit_py_plugins.footnote import footnote_plugin

md = (
text = ("""
a: 1

a | b
- | -
1 | 2

A footnote [^1]

[^1]: some details

The Token Stream


Before rendering, the text is parsed to a flat token stream of block level syntax elements, with nesting defined by opening (1) and closing (-1) attributes:

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
tokens = md.parse("""
Here's some *text*

1. a list

> a *quote*""")
[(t.type, t.nesting) for t in tokens]

Naturally all openings should eventually be closed, such that:

sum([t.nesting for t in tokens]) == 0

All tokens are the same class, which can also be created outside the parser:

from markdown_it.token import Token
token = Token("paragraph_open", "p", 1, block=True, map=[1, 2])
token == tokens[0]

The 'inline' type token contain the inline tokens as children:


You can serialize a token (and its children) to a JSONable dictionary using:


This dictionary can also be deserialized:


Creating a syntax tree

`nest_tokens` and `NestedTokens` are deprecated and replaced by `SyntaxTreeNode`.

In some use cases it may be useful to convert the token stream into a syntax tree, with opening/closing tokens collapsed into a single token that contains children.

from markdown_it.tree import SyntaxTreeNode

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
tokens = md.parse("""
# Header

Here's some text and an image ![title](image.png)

1. a **list**

> a *quote*

node = SyntaxTreeNode(tokens)
print(node.pretty(indent=2, show_text=True))

You can then use methods to traverse the tree




After the token stream is generated, it's passed to a renderer. It then plays all the tokens, passing each to a rule with the same name as token type.

Renderer rules are located in md.renderer.rules and are simple functions with the same signature:

def function(renderer, tokens, idx, options, env):
  return htmlResult


You can inject render methods into the instantiated render class.

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")

def render_em_open(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
    return '<em class="myclass">'

md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open)

This is a slight change to the JS version, where the renderer argument is at the end. Also add_render_rule method is specific to Python, rather than adding directly to the md.renderer.rules, this ensures the method is bound to the renderer.


You can also subclass a render and add the method there:

from markdown_it.renderer import RendererHTML

class MyRenderer(RendererHTML):
    def em_open(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
        return '<em class="myclass">'

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer)

Plugins can support multiple render types, using the __ouput__ attribute (this is currently a Python only feature).

from markdown_it.renderer import RendererHTML

class MyRenderer1(RendererHTML):
    __output__ = "html1"

class MyRenderer2(RendererHTML):
    __output__ = "html2"

def plugin(md):
    def render_em_open1(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
        return '<em class="myclass1">'
    def render_em_open2(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
        return '<em class="myclass2">'
    md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open1, fmt="html1")
    md.add_render_rule("em_open", render_em_open2, fmt="html2")

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer1).use(plugin)

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark", renderer_cls=MyRenderer2).use(plugin)

Here's a more concrete example; let's replace images with vimeo links to player's iframe:

import re
from markdown_it import MarkdownIt

vimeoRE = re.compile(r'^https?:\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)($|\/)')

def render_vimeo(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
    token = tokens[idx]

    if vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"]):

        ident = vimeoRE.match(token.attrs["src"])[2]

        return ('<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">\n' +
               '  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//' +
                ident + '"></iframe>\n' +
    return self.image(tokens, idx, options, env)

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
md.add_render_rule("image", render_vimeo)

Here is another example, how to add target="_blank" to all links:

from markdown_it import MarkdownIt

def render_blank_link(self, tokens, idx, options, env):
    tokens[idx].attrSet("target", "_blank")

    # pass token to default renderer.
    return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env)

md = MarkdownIt("commonmark")
md.add_render_rule("link_open", render_blank_link)
print(md.render("[a]\n\n[a]: b"))