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* Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "RefBase"
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/CallStack.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#ifndef __unused
#define __unused __attribute__((__unused__))
// compile with refcounting debugging enabled
#define DEBUG_REFS 0
// whether ref-tracking is enabled by default, if not, trackMe(true, false)
// needs to be called explicitly
// whether callstack are collected (significantly slows things down)
// folder where stack traces are saved when DEBUG_REFS is enabled
// this folder needs to exist and be writable
#define DEBUG_REFS_CALLSTACK_PATH "/data/debug"
// log all reference counting operations
#define PRINT_REFS 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace android {
// Observations, invariants, etc:
// By default, obects are destroyed when the last strong reference disappears
// or, if the object never had a strong reference, when the last weak reference
// disappears.
// OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK changes this behavior to retain the object
// unconditionally until the last reference of either kind disappears. The
// client ensures that the extendObjectLifetime call happens before the dec
// call that would otherwise have deallocated the object, or before an
// attemptIncStrong call that might rely on it. We do not worry about
// concurrent changes to the object lifetime.
// AttemptIncStrong will succeed if the object has a strong reference, or if it
// has a weak reference and has never had a strong reference.
// AttemptIncWeak really does succeed only if there is already a WEAK
// reference, and thus may fail when attemptIncStrong would succeed.
// mStrong is the strong reference count. mWeak is the weak reference count.
// Between calls, and ignoring memory ordering effects, mWeak includes strong
// references, and is thus >= mStrong.
// A weakref_impl holds all the information, including both reference counts,
// required to perform wp<> operations. Thus these can continue to be performed
// after the RefBase object has been destroyed.
// A weakref_impl is allocated as the value of mRefs in a RefBase object on
// construction.
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
// In the OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG case, it is normally deallocated in decWeak,
// and hence lives as long as the last weak reference. (It can also be
// deallocated in the RefBase destructor iff the strong reference count was
// never incremented and the weak count is zero, e.g. if the RefBase object is
// explicitly destroyed without decrementing the strong count. This should be
// avoided.) In this case, the RefBase destructor should be invoked from
// decStrong.
// In the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case, the weakref_impl is always deallocated in
// the RefBase destructor, which is always invoked by decWeak. DecStrong
// explicitly avoids the deletion in this case.
// Memory ordering:
// The client must ensure that every inc() call, together with all other
// accesses to the object, happens before the corresponding dec() call.
// We try to keep memory ordering constraints on atomics as weak as possible,
// since memory fences or ordered memory accesses are likely to be a major
// performance cost for this code. All accesses to mStrong, mWeak, and mFlags
// explicitly relax memory ordering in some way.
// The only operations that are not memory_order_relaxed are reference count
// decrements. All reference count decrements are release operations. In
// addition, the final decrement leading the deallocation is followed by an
// acquire fence, which we can view informally as also turning it into an
// acquire operation. (See 29.8p4 [atomics.fences] for details. We could
// alternatively use acq_rel operations for all decrements. This is probably
// slower on most current (2016) hardware, especially on ARMv7, but that may
// not be true indefinitely.)
// This convention ensures that the second-to-last decrement synchronizes with
// (in the language of 1.10 in the C++ standard) the final decrement of a
// reference count. Since reference counts are only updated using atomic
// read-modify-write operations, this also extends to any earlier decrements.
// (See "release sequence" in 1.10.)
// Since all operations on an object happen before the corresponding reference
// count decrement, and all reference count decrements happen before the final
// one, we are guaranteed that all other object accesses happen before the
// object is destroyed.
#define INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE (1<<28)
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
#define MAX_COUNT 0xfffff
// Test whether the argument is a clearly invalid strong reference count.
// Used only for error checking on the value before an atomic decrement.
// Intended to be very cheap.
// Note that we cannot just check for excess decrements by comparing to zero
// since the object would be deallocated before that.
#define BAD_STRONG(c) \
((c) == 0 || ((c) & (~(MAX_COUNT | INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE))) != 0)
// Same for weak counts.
#define BAD_WEAK(c) ((c) == 0 || ((c) & (~MAX_COUNT)) != 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RefBase::weakref_impl : public RefBase::weakref_type
std::atomic<int32_t> mStrong;
std::atomic<int32_t> mWeak;
RefBase* const mBase;
std::atomic<int32_t> mFlags;
explicit weakref_impl(RefBase* base)
, mWeak(0)
, mBase(base)
, mFlags(0)
void addStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void removeStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void renameStrongRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { }
void addWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void removeWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void renameWeakRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { }
void printRefs() const { }
void trackMe(bool, bool) { }
weakref_impl(RefBase* base)
, mWeak(0)
, mBase(base)
, mFlags(0)
, mStrongRefs(NULL)
, mWeakRefs(NULL)
, mRetain(false)
bool dumpStack = false;
if (!mRetain && mStrongRefs != NULL) {
dumpStack = true;
ALOGE("Strong references remain:");
ref_entry* refs = mStrongRefs;
while (refs) {
char inc = refs->ref >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
ALOGD("\t%c ID %p (ref %d):", inc, refs->id, refs->ref);
refs = refs->next;
if (!mRetain && mWeakRefs != NULL) {
dumpStack = true;
ALOGE("Weak references remain!");
ref_entry* refs = mWeakRefs;
while (refs) {
char inc = refs->ref >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
ALOGD("\t%c ID %p (ref %d):", inc, refs->id, refs->ref);
refs = refs->next;
if (dumpStack) {
ALOGE("above errors at:");
CallStack stack(LOG_TAG);
void addStrongRef(const void* id) {
// "addStrongRef: RefBase=%p, id=%p", mBase, id);
addRef(&mStrongRefs, id, mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
void removeStrongRef(const void* id) {
// "removeStrongRef: RefBase=%p, id=%p", mBase, id);
if (!mRetain) {
removeRef(&mStrongRefs, id);
} else {
addRef(&mStrongRefs, id, -mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
void renameStrongRefId(const void* old_id, const void* new_id) {
// "renameStrongRefId: RefBase=%p, oid=%p, nid=%p",
// mBase, old_id, new_id);
renameRefsId(mStrongRefs, old_id, new_id);
void addWeakRef(const void* id) {
addRef(&mWeakRefs, id, mWeak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
void removeWeakRef(const void* id) {
if (!mRetain) {
removeRef(&mWeakRefs, id);
} else {
addRef(&mWeakRefs, id, -mWeak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
void renameWeakRefId(const void* old_id, const void* new_id) {
renameRefsId(mWeakRefs, old_id, new_id);
void trackMe(bool track, bool retain)
mTrackEnabled = track;
mRetain = retain;
void printRefs() const
String8 text;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mMutex);
char buf[128];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"Strong references on RefBase %p (weakref_type %p):\n",
mBase, this);
printRefsLocked(&text, mStrongRefs);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"Weak references on RefBase %p (weakref_type %p):\n",
mBase, this);
printRefsLocked(&text, mWeakRefs);
char name[100];
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), DEBUG_REFS_CALLSTACK_PATH "/%p.stack",
int rc = open(name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 644);
if (rc >= 0) {
write(rc, text.string(), text.length());
ALOGD("STACK TRACE for %p saved in %s", this, name);
else ALOGE("FAILED TO PRINT STACK TRACE for %p in %s: %s", this,
name, strerror(errno));
struct ref_entry
ref_entry* next;
const void* id;
CallStack stack;
int32_t ref;
void addRef(ref_entry** refs, const void* id, int32_t mRef)
if (mTrackEnabled) {
AutoMutex _l(mMutex);
ref_entry* ref = new ref_entry;
// Reference count at the time of the snapshot, but before the
// update. Positive value means we increment, negative--we
// decrement the reference count.
ref->ref = mRef;
ref->id = id;
ref->next = *refs;
*refs = ref;
void removeRef(ref_entry** refs, const void* id)
if (mTrackEnabled) {
AutoMutex _l(mMutex);
ref_entry* const head = *refs;
ref_entry* ref = head;
while (ref != NULL) {
if (ref->id == id) {
*refs = ref->next;
delete ref;
refs = &ref->next;
ref = *refs;
ALOGE("RefBase: removing id %p on RefBase %p"
"(weakref_type %p) that doesn't exist!",
id, mBase, this);
ref = head;
while (ref) {
char inc = ref->ref >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
ALOGD("\t%c ID %p (ref %d):", inc, ref->id, ref->ref);
ref = ref->next;
CallStack stack(LOG_TAG);
void renameRefsId(ref_entry* r, const void* old_id, const void* new_id)
if (mTrackEnabled) {
AutoMutex _l(mMutex);
ref_entry* ref = r;
while (ref != NULL) {
if (ref->id == old_id) {
ref->id = new_id;
ref = ref->next;
void printRefsLocked(String8* out, const ref_entry* refs) const
char buf[128];
while (refs) {
char inc = refs->ref >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\t%c ID %p (ref %d):\n",
inc, refs->id, refs->ref);
out->append("\t\t(call stacks disabled)");
refs = refs->next;
mutable Mutex mMutex;
ref_entry* mStrongRefs;
ref_entry* mWeakRefs;
bool mTrackEnabled;
// Collect stack traces on addref and removeref, instead of deleting the stack references
// on removeref that match the address ones.
bool mRetain;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RefBase::incStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
const int32_t c = refs->mStrong.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
ALOG_ASSERT(c > 0, "incStrong() called on %p after last strong ref", refs);
ALOGD("incStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
int32_t old = refs->mStrong.fetch_sub(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,
// A decStrong() must still happen after us.
ALOG_ASSERT(old > INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, "0x%x too small", old);
void RefBase::decStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
const int32_t c = refs->mStrong.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
ALOGD("decStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(BAD_STRONG(c), "decStrong() called on %p too many times",
if (c == 1) {
int32_t flags = refs->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
delete this;
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
// The destructor does not delete refs in this case.
// Note that even with only strong reference operations, the thread
// deallocating this may not be the same as the thread deallocating refs.
// That's OK: all accesses to this happen before its deletion here,
// and all accesses to refs happen before its deletion in the final decWeak.
// The destructor can safely access mRefs because either it's deleting
// mRefs itself, or it's running entirely before the final mWeak decrement.
void RefBase::forceIncStrong(const void* id) const
// Allows initial mStrong of 0 in addition to INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE.
// TODO: Better document assumptions.
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
const int32_t c = refs->mStrong.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 0, "forceIncStrong called on %p after ref count underflow",
ALOGD("forceIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
switch (c) {
// fall through...
case 0:
int32_t RefBase::getStrongCount() const
// Debugging only; No memory ordering guarantees.
return mRefs->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
RefBase* RefBase::weakref_type::refBase() const
return static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->mBase;
void RefBase::weakref_type::incWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
const int32_t c __unused = impl->mWeak.fetch_add(1,
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 0, "incWeak called on %p after last weak ref", this);
void RefBase::weakref_type::decWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
const int32_t c = impl->mWeak.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(BAD_WEAK(c), "decWeak called on %p too many times",
if (c != 1) return;
int32_t flags = impl->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// This is the regular lifetime case. The object is destroyed
// when the last strong reference goes away. Since weakref_impl
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
// outlives the object, it is not destroyed in the dtor, and
// we'll have to do it here.
if (impl->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
// Decrementing a weak count to zero when object never had a strong
// reference. We assume it acquired a weak reference early, e.g.
// in the constructor, and will eventually be properly destroyed,
// usually via incrementing and decrementing the strong count.
// Thus we no longer do anything here. We log this case, since it
// seems to be extremely rare, and should not normally occur. We
// used to deallocate mBase here, so this may now indicate a leak.
ALOGW("RefBase: Object at %p lost last weak reference "
"before it had a strong reference", impl->mBase);
} else {
// ALOGV("Freeing refs %p of old RefBase %p\n", this, impl->mBase);
delete impl;
} else {
// This is the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case. The last weak-reference
// is gone, we can destroy the object.
delete impl->mBase;
bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
int32_t curCount = impl->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >= 0,
"attemptIncStrong called on %p after underflow", this);
while (curCount > 0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// we're in the easy/common case of promoting a weak-reference
// from an existing strong reference.
if (impl->mStrong.compare_exchange_weak(curCount, curCount+1,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our
// situation. curCount was updated by compare_exchange_weak.
if (curCount <= 0 || curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// we're now in the harder case of either:
// - there never was a strong reference on us
// - or, all strong references have been released
int32_t flags = impl->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// this object has a "normal" life-time, i.e.: it gets destroyed
// when the last strong reference goes away
if (curCount <= 0) {
// the last strong-reference got released, the object cannot
// be revived.
return false;
// here, curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, which means
// there never was a strong-reference, so we can try to
// promote this object; we need to do that atomically.
while (curCount > 0) {
if (impl->mStrong.compare_exchange_weak(curCount, curCount+1,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our
// situation (e.g.: another thread has inc/decStrong'ed us)
// curCount has been updated.
if (curCount <= 0) {
// promote() failed, some other thread destroyed us in the
// meantime (i.e.: strong count reached zero).
return false;
} else {
// this object has an "extended" life-time, i.e.: it can be
// revived from a weak-reference only.
// Ask the object's implementation if it agrees to be revived
if (!impl->mBase->onIncStrongAttempted(FIRST_INC_STRONG, id)) {
// it didn't so give-up.
return false;
// grab a strong-reference, which is always safe due to the
// extended life-time.
curCount = impl->mStrong.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// If the strong reference count has already been incremented by
// someone else, the implementor of onIncStrongAttempted() is holding
// an unneeded reference. So call onLastStrongRef() here to remove it.
// (No, this is not pretty.) Note that we MUST NOT do this if we
// are in fact acquiring the first reference.
if (curCount != 0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
ALOGD("attemptIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, curCount);
// curCount is the value of mStrong before we incremented it.
// Now we need to fix-up the count if it was INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE.
// This must be done safely, i.e.: handle the case where several threads
// were here in attemptIncStrong().
// curCount > INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE is OK, and can happen if we're doing
// this in the middle of another incStrong. The subtraction is handled
// by the thread that started with INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE.
if (curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
return true;
bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
int32_t curCount = impl->mWeak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >= 0, "attemptIncWeak called on %p after underflow",
while (curCount > 0) {
if (impl->mWeak.compare_exchange_weak(curCount, curCount+1,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// curCount has been updated.
if (curCount > 0) {
return curCount > 0;
int32_t RefBase::weakref_type::getWeakCount() const
// Debug only!
return static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->mWeak
void RefBase::weakref_type::printRefs() const
static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->printRefs();
void RefBase::weakref_type::trackMe(bool enable, bool retain)
static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this)->trackMe(enable, retain);
RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::createWeak(const void* id) const
return mRefs;
RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::getWeakRefs() const
return mRefs;
: mRefs(new weakref_impl(this))
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
int32_t flags = mRefs->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Life-time of this object is extended to WEAK, in
// which case weakref_impl doesn't out-live the object and we
// can free it now.
// It's possible that the weak count is not 0 if the object
// re-acquired a weak reference in its destructor
if (mRefs->mWeak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0) {
delete mRefs;
} else if (mRefs->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)
// We never acquired a strong reference on this object.
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mRefs->mWeak.load() != 0,
"RefBase: Explicit destruction with non-zero weak "
"reference count");
// TODO: Always report if we get here. Currently MediaMetadataRetriever
// C++ objects are inconsistently managed and sometimes get here.
// There may be other cases, but we believe they should all be fixed.
delete mRefs;
Make RefBase more robust and debuggable This prevents two different kinds of client errors from causing undetected memory corruption, and helps with the detection of others: 1. We no longer deallocate objects when the weak count goes to zero and there have been no strong references. This otherwise causes us to return a garbage object from a constructor if the constructor allocates and deallocates a weak pointer to this. And we do know that clients allocate such weak pointers in constructors and their lifetime is hard to trace. 2. We abort if a RefBase object is explicitly destroyed while the weak count is nonzero. Otherwise a subsequent decrement would cause a write to potentially reallocated memory. 3. We check counter values returned by atomic decrements for plausibility, and fail immediately if they are not plausible. We unconditionally log any cases in which 1 changes behavior from before. We abort in cases in which 2 changes behavior, since those reflect clear bugs. In case 1, a log message now indicates a possible leak. We have not seen such a message in practice. The third point introduces a small amount of overhead into the reference count decrement path. But this should be negligible compared to the actual decrement cost. Add a test for promote/attemptIncStrong that tries to check for both (1) above and concurrent operation of attemptIncStrong. Add some additional warnings and explanations to the RefBase documentation. Bug: 30503444 Bug: 30292291 Bug: 30292538 Change-Id: Ida92b9a2e247f543a948a75d221fbc0038dea66c
2016-08-03 09:39:30 +08:00
// For debugging purposes, clear mRefs. Ineffective against outstanding wp's.
const_cast<weakref_impl*&>(mRefs) = NULL;
void RefBase::extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode)
// Must be happens-before ordered with respect to construction or any
// operation that could destroy the object.
mRefs->mFlags.fetch_or(mode, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void RefBase::onFirstRef()
void RefBase::onLastStrongRef(const void* /*id*/)
bool RefBase::onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* /*id*/)
return (flags&FIRST_INC_STRONG) ? true : false;
void RefBase::onLastWeakRef(const void* /*id*/)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RefBase::renameRefs(size_t n, const ReferenceRenamer& renamer) {
for (size_t i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
void RefBase::renameRefs(size_t /*n*/, const ReferenceRenamer& /*renamer*/) { }
void RefBase::renameRefId(weakref_type* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id) {
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(ref);
impl->renameStrongRefId(old_id, new_id);
impl->renameWeakRefId(old_id, new_id);
void RefBase::renameRefId(RefBase* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id) {
ref->mRefs->renameStrongRefId(old_id, new_id);
ref->mRefs->renameWeakRefId(old_id, new_id);
ReferenceRenamer::~ReferenceRenamer() {}
VirtualLightRefBase::~VirtualLightRefBase() {}
}; // namespace android