Dima Zavin
Revert "charger: show animation when the device is unplugged"
This reverts commit e0c70dad4b
2011-09-29 17:27:37 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: dump the last_kmsg when going into charger mode
Change-Id: I3b76bb5071d8a44adfb221774bb304bf296c8c1b
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-29 17:20:44 -07:00
Lorenzo Colitti
am 15c8c3eb: Merge "Support adding, deleting, and clearing IPv6 addrs."
* commit '15c8c3ebf060c57cb165322cd498958cf9112d8b':
Support adding, deleting, and clearing IPv6 addrs.
2011-09-29 09:06:56 -07:00
Lorenzo Colitti
Merge "Support adding, deleting, and clearing IPv6 addrs."
2011-09-29 09:04:23 -07:00
Xianzhu Wang
Fix SocketListener socket leak issue.
The problem was: if a socket is shared between SocketListener and another
thread, only if the last reference is removed by SocketListener can the socket
be closed, otherwise the socket will leak. This sometimes happens in netd's
This change let the SocketClient own the socket and close the socket when
the SocketClient is destructed.
Change-Id: I2865fbfe9ee4d8b3e43d7e02919dbb2d261f70de
2011-09-29 13:42:32 +08:00
Lorenzo Colitti
Support adding, deleting, and clearing IPv6 addrs.
- Provide a function to add and delete IPv4/IPv6 addresses
using netlink.
- Provide a function that clears all IP addresses on an
interface that can be used by netd.
Also, a couple of cleanups:
- Update the header file to match reality, and include the
header file in the implementation. Also fix a caller that
has an incorrect method signature.
- Fix whitespace in Android.mk.
Change-Id: Ifba9d60cdfffb0b7e5c3b9c6ab328f5f77d259c4
2011-09-28 17:12:13 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
am 2a32df25: Merge "enable HAVE_DLADDR, since... we have it"
* commit '2a32df25b8bb307693173911041458aaca84c84c':
enable HAVE_DLADDR, since... we have it
2011-09-28 15:18:08 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "enable HAVE_DLADDR, since... we have it"
2011-09-28 15:16:44 -07:00
Vladimir Chtchetkine
am b14bbf02: Merge "Pick up on androidboot.hardware kernel cmd option"
* commit 'b14bbf02980fdb87437c1054037fda09286be6a4':
Pick up on androidboot.hardware kernel cmd option
2011-09-28 12:55:51 -07:00
Vladimir Chtchetkine
Merge "Pick up on androidboot.hardware kernel cmd option"
2011-09-28 12:53:56 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
enable HAVE_DLADDR, since... we have it
Change-Id: I02baa1f7d3383e93a43fa04de1d39f7398e971bc
2011-09-28 12:17:00 -07:00
Vladimir Chtchetkine
Pick up on androidboot.hardware kernel cmd option
x86 emulator passes hardware name through the androidboot.hardware kernel cmd option, and
ueventd must pick up on it to locate proper ueventd.rc file for that hardware.
Change-Id: Id61c5b67fe6275a15c7aa62556e0b89eda7968f8
2011-09-28 11:44:30 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am ba8ea700: am c59c6c31: am 52262788: Ignore beec0066
from gingerbread (already here)
* commit 'ba8ea7002497ef7e8555a0fd58bbd7912f9a6c51':
emulator: allow /dev/qemu_pipe access
2011-09-28 10:49:11 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am c59c6c31: am 52262788: Ignore beec0066
from gingerbread (already here)
* commit 'c59c6c31a7bb6c70dc8b4f2b2879db98cd617626':
emulator: allow /dev/qemu_pipe access
2011-09-28 10:47:47 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 52262788: Ignore beec0066
from gingerbread (already here)
* commit '52262788834da375b88cb97b995b42c4ffde0f60':
emulator: allow /dev/qemu_pipe access
2011-09-28 10:45:55 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Ignore beec0066
from gingerbread (already here)
Change-Id: Id124f8c7288e464f76bdb531dd97e10d5a22244a
2011-09-28 10:40:43 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am a5bfd4e3: am 1a5ca61b: charger: use the new asset for almost full, and show full @ 95%
* commit 'a5bfd4e3835b44296896da933ca9484441148ae3':
charger: use the new asset for almost full, and show full @ 95%
2011-09-26 19:50:22 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am df3429de: am fc44f5f4: charger: update assets
* commit 'df3429de1294de4b3cadfbfcca06e8c9dc4e090d':
charger: update assets
2011-09-26 19:50:22 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am 1a5ca61b: charger: use the new asset for almost full, and show full @ 95%
* commit '1a5ca61b28b3269b625b7a7162b4f50734f7fea9':
charger: use the new asset for almost full, and show full @ 95%
2011-09-26 19:44:47 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am fc44f5f4: charger: update assets
* commit 'fc44f5f4d4b3b05d9eba1ee787b70e1dfe0f18c5':
charger: update assets
2011-09-26 19:44:46 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: use the new asset for almost full, and show full @ 95%
Change-Id: I5f8729260ae068d35d981ff2c16d576c3d4dd82f
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-26 14:14:19 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: update assets
Change-Id: I0c0d1206fdc3aa30382a9ee86edb88bba1e21e63
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-26 13:57:45 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am d7802a2f: am e0c70dad: charger: show animation when the device is unplugged
* commit 'd7802a2fa4c5ebda3fe0becbd195479d13793a46':
charger: show animation when the device is unplugged
2011-09-26 13:16:52 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am e0c70dad: charger: show animation when the device is unplugged
* commit 'e0c70dad4b4d417182e4c0ba8adae199f2622582':
charger: show animation when the device is unplugged
2011-09-26 13:14:56 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am dcecd4cc: resolved conflicts for merge of 0052abda
to master
* commit 'dcecd4cc775a2fdc0212a0a76b861ee987ec2ef3':
charger: update charger UI with official graphics and animation
2011-09-25 22:33:02 -07:00
Dima Zavin
resolved conflicts for merge of 0052abda
to master
Change-Id: Ia33ac80949bebaafd1a012b7b131dc3960eca862
2011-09-25 22:27:13 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: show animation when the device is unplugged
Change-Id: I54af1bc61c73bbc993d1dff37174b16e1de5b7a4
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-25 22:19:49 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: update charger UI with official graphics and animation
Change-Id: I1b36fa9e380797fe01812b57ac5d8c2c38857993
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-25 21:20:55 -07:00
Kenny Root
am a031a91b: Skip argument when parsing adb install
* commit 'a031a91b9518af9a38290713b0c2126d9b8f6cde':
Skip argument when parsing adb install
2011-09-23 14:54:57 -07:00
Kenny Root
Skip argument when parsing adb install
A command line flag with an argument was checked in the Pm.java code,
but it wasn't being checked by "adb install" so attempts to use it
Change-Id: I0b84a4203a416f7323fa823c0f1f1750670d0c76
2011-09-23 13:36:00 -07:00
JP Abgrall
am 8898c874: am 29656d34: qtaguid: shhhh. LOGI -> LOGV
* commit '8898c87449fe08b7af8b6c10b01a4313f2aeac6a':
qtaguid: shhhh. LOGI -> LOGV
2011-09-22 23:42:30 -07:00
JP Abgrall
am 29656d34: qtaguid: shhhh. LOGI -> LOGV
* commit '29656d34a21f4bc3899264027664c9321b0b94e0':
qtaguid: shhhh. LOGI -> LOGV
2011-09-22 23:39:35 -07:00
JP Abgrall
qtaguid: shhhh. LOGI -> LOGV
Less verbose output.
Bug: 5360129
Change-Id: Id32a7c61d51b6a16f50a5c8bcc75a2feaa0e34b1
2011-09-22 14:39:47 -07:00
David 'Digit' Turner
am 44e96d43: Merge "emulator: Move qemu-props to core service"
* commit '44e96d4302d5878ae7727de43a0c76525a4a68d8':
emulator: Move qemu-props to core service
2011-09-22 07:58:58 -07:00
David 'Digit' Turner
Merge "emulator: Move qemu-props to core service"
2011-09-22 07:56:56 -07:00
Brian Swetland
am 303e6ac8: fix TINY_ANDROID build (exclude charger binary)
* commit '303e6ac804c110ae54a51b56a217d70e97313c10':
fix TINY_ANDROID build (exclude charger binary)
2011-09-20 17:45:40 -07:00
Brian Swetland
fix TINY_ANDROID build (exclude charger binary)
Change-Id: I28157cbadcb208df517052336f652f5810048cc1
Signed-off-by: Brian Swetland <swetland@google.com>
2011-09-20 17:38:06 -07:00
Wink Saville
am 6656d921: am 0c613613: Reduce connectivity logging.
* commit '6656d921e80093ec48d97fa4236a3cc5259b663a':
Reduce connectivity logging.
2011-09-20 17:17:17 -07:00
Wink Saville
am 0c613613: Reduce connectivity logging.
* commit '0c613613d757c544d6ec7e5678f49a631a99d72a':
Reduce connectivity logging.
2011-09-20 17:15:34 -07:00
Wink Saville
Reduce connectivity logging.
Change-Id: Ib71f3f17d56ba614436bcb18f9100196fd7e7ee6
2011-09-20 15:53:23 -07:00
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-release history after reset to master
2011-09-18 07:02:08 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am 1d37ef6e: Merge "Add Positivo\'s vendor ID to adb."
* commit '1d37ef6ecb25b2c2c974b32e14ce963882c7a699':
Add Positivo's vendor ID to adb.
2011-09-16 17:10:38 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Add Positivo's vendor ID to adb."
2011-09-16 17:08:00 -07:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Add Positivo's vendor ID to adb.
Change-Id: Ida6fc323d766249f4f12708bae1c50ae5d937b2c
2011-09-16 13:48:50 -07:00
Dima Zavin
am 92312a51: charger: reduce timeout for power-on with power key to 2 secs
* commit '92312a515b0b877deed5dfdbf9d7613e8d66fee5':
charger: reduce timeout for power-on with power key to 2 secs
2011-09-16 13:28:06 -07:00
Dima Zavin
charger: reduce timeout for power-on with power key to 2 secs
Change-Id: I8d3a49678a7fc47282d7ab407722e7c1829e9187
Signed-off-by: Dima Zavin <dima@android.com>
2011-09-16 13:16:04 -07:00
David 'Digit' Turner
emulator: allow /dev/qemu_pipe access
This patch is necessary to allow normal applications to access the
special /dev/qemu_pipe device file at runtime. This is used to provide
a high-speed communication channel with the emulator.
Needed by OpenGLES emulation.
Change-Id: Ic266bdcc4fd069d2b4355e6ea81723296a1a21d1
2011-09-16 17:02:51 +02:00
David 'Digit' Turner
emulator: Move qemu-props to core service
The qemu-props program is launched at boot to read a series of
system property assignments from the emulator and apply them.
This is necessary to deal with the dynamic nature of the emulated
platform (e.g. the screen density which depends on the skin and
cannot be hard-coded in the platform image).
This patch ensures that qemu-props is started before any other
service that may read one of these properties (e.g. surface flinger).
This is done by encapsulating the program into a 'core' service.
Core services are all stared before regular ones.
Before the patch, qemu-props was started manually inside a script
that is called from a late emulator-specific boot service
The problem was that sometimes qemu-props was run too late.
This resulted in random flakiness, especially when running
on a low-end host machine.
Fix for bug 2161189 (and probably a few others)
Change-Id: I2933a25dcb5fecbb1fc238f157264e621b8f295b
2011-09-16 00:25:16 +02:00
The Android Automerger
merge in ics-release history after reset to master
2011-09-15 06:36:05 -07:00
JP Abgrall
am 243123fb: libcutils: qtaguid: Support new functions, add tag resource tracking.
* commit '243123fb41d7d2981116bd5d11ba168b127d68e9':
libcutils: qtaguid: Support new functions, add tag resource tracking.
2011-09-14 21:35:01 -07:00