For non-interactive adb shell commands, batch USB writes into 4K chunks
instead of sending small packets of data as they come in.
Add a timeout so we do not block for more than 200ms when our 4K buffer is partially full.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
Merge commit '47e234fa73116937855eaaaed4bc0ee27f87c971'
* commit '47e234fa73116937855eaaaed4bc0ee27f87c971':
AI 149490: Add support for 3rd party USB Vendor.
Merge commit '21e90f0e10b5a75e583b10799c0084ddab3433d6'
* commit '21e90f0e10b5a75e583b10799c0084ddab3433d6':
nexus: Validate that priority and KeyManagement are set before enabling a network
This is needed by the MemoryFile changes in
where it is used to find out whether a file descriptor
refers to an ashmem region.
Merge commit '3c5a6f0bc8aefc4dacab8e95ba9017a7ac7d91f5'
* commit '3c5a6f0bc8aefc4dacab8e95ba9017a7ac7d91f5':
nexus: Refactor some of the create/remove network path and add code for
retrieving network lists from supplicant
nexus: Rework properties
nexus: Implement wifi network enable/disable and add some error checking
nexus: Add some TODOs
nexus: Whitespace cleanup
nexus: Add bindings between controllers and network interfaces
nexus: Add properties for InterfaceConfig
nexus: Fix a few conversion bugs in InterfaceConfig
Signed-off-by: San Mehat <>
The ACC compiler used to be able to compile itself. This was a neat
feature, but because ACC only supports ints, pointers are stored as
ints, and cast to pointers when used.
This checkin turns many ints that are really pointers back into
pointers, so that the code is clearer.
int ch;
char* glo;
char* sym_stack;
char* dstk;
char* dptr;
int dch;
char* last_id;
Merge commit 'ebefc48e61a7d5cf2a3228e6c8729feeeb42d1b4'
* commit 'ebefc48e61a7d5cf2a3228e6c8729feeeb42d1b4':
Expose the stable/frozen log-related definitions of <cutils/logd.h> into a new header: <android/log.h>
Merge commit 'fc0182eb1db0620eb71fb6ca219b15a17dcd912f'
* commit 'fc0182eb1db0620eb71fb6ca219b15a17dcd912f':
add support and proper permissions for /dev/msm_camera/
Merge commit 'a4aace716e76e8e2c2e6e1a807b402256d9924dc'
* commit 'a4aace716e76e8e2c2e6e1a807b402256d9924dc':
Modify to launch the 'qemu-props' program when the emulator boots up.
* changes:
Modify to launch the 'qemu-props' program when the emulator boots up. Its purpose is to receive a list of system property (name,value) pairs and set them on launch.
Merge commit '1f546e6d1f6ccd1964336ddf0d8e8b3b11b1e945'
* commit '1f546e6d1f6ccd1964336ddf0d8e8b3b11b1e945':
adb: Allow enabling of device side adbd logging with a persistent system property.
To enable logging, set the property persist.adb.trace_mask to a hex value
containing the bitmask for adb_trace_mask (see the TRACE_* enum values in adb.h).
This will result in adb writing log output to a file in /data/adb/
No logging will occur if persist.adb.trace_mask is not set or has a value
that cannot be parsed as a hex integer.
The property is read once only at startup, so you must reboot or restart adbd
for changes in the property to take effect.
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <>
Merge commit '6a3075c78287ea5a7ee7a3c85cde58e894350822'
* commit '6a3075c78287ea5a7ee7a3c85cde58e894350822':
adb: Add adbd to the AID_SDCARD_RW group to allow writing to the SD card.
Merge commit '0469d2c37adddcb30cb0d88772bef33ac26c6500'
* commit '0469d2c37adddcb30cb0d88772bef33ac26c6500':
Support for 3rd party USB Vendor IDs in adb.
Vendor IDs are read from ~/.android/adb_usb.ini. The format is very simple:
1 number per line. First number is ID count, followed by the ID themselves.
Lines starting with # are considered comments.
Other misc changes: moved VENDOR_ID_* to usb_vendors.c to prevent direct
access. Made transport_usb.c reuse the USB constant introduced in usb_osx
(moved them to adb.h)
Document internal CodeGenerator interface
Move license to a separate license file.
Define a public API for calling libacc.
Update the "acc" test program to use the public API.
Move "main.cpp" and test scripts into the tests subdirectory.
Move test data from tests to tests/data
Remove stale test data.