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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.1" language="gd_GB">
<source>Close Tab</source>
<translation>Dùin an taba</translation>
<source>Hide %1</source>
<translation>Falaich %1</translation>
<source>Hide Others</source>
<translation>Falaich an fheadhainn eile</translation>
<source>Show All</source>
<translation>Seall na h-uile</translation>
<source>Quit %1</source>
<translation>Fàg %1</translation>
<source>About %1</source>
<translation>Mu %1</translation>
<source>Socket operation timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air obrachadh socaide</translation>
<source>Operation on socket is not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an obrachadh air an t-socaid</translation>
<source>Host not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-òstair a lorg</translation>
<source>Connection refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Connection timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal</translation>
<source>Trying to connect while connection is in progress</source>
<translation>A’ feuchainn ri ceangal a dhèanamh fhad ’s a tha e ’ga ceangal</translation>
<source>Socket is not connected</source>
<translation>Chan eil an t-socaid ceangailte</translation>
<source>Network unreachable</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh an lìonra ruigsinn</translation>
<source>&Select All</source>
<translation>Tagh na &h-uile</translation>
<source>&Step up</source>
<translation>&Ceum suas</translation>
<source>Step &down</source>
<translation>&Ceum sìos</translation>
<translation>Seall an clàr-taice</translation>
<translation>Suidhich am fòcas</translation>
<source>Scroll Left</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu clì</translation>
<source>Scroll Right</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu deas</translation>
<source>Scroll Up</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich suas</translation>
<source>Scroll Down</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich sìos</translation>
<source>Previous Page</source>
<translation>An duilleag roimhpe</translation>
<source>Next Page</source>
<translation>An ath-dhuilleag</translation>
<source>Triggers the action</source>
<translation>Cuiridh seo an gnìomh gu dol</translation>
<source>Increase the value</source>
<translation>Meudaich an luach</translation>
<source>Decrease the value</source>
<translation>Lùghdaich an luach</translation>
<source>Shows the menu</source>
<translation>Seallaidh seo an clàr-taice</translation>
<source>Sets the focus</source>
<translation>Suidhichidh seo am fòcas</translation>
<source>Toggles the state</source>
<translation>Toglaichidh seo an staid</translation>
<source>Scrolls to the left</source>
<translation>Sgrolaichidh seo dhan taobh chlì</translation>
<source>Scrolls to the right</source>
<translation>Sgrolaichidh seo dhan taobh deas</translation>
<source>Scrolls up</source>
<translation>Sgrolaichidh seo suas</translation>
<source>Scrolls down</source>
<translation>Sgrolaichidh seo sìos</translation>
<source>Goes back a page</source>
<translation>Thèid seo dhan duilleag roimhpe</translation>
<source>Goes to the next page</source>
<translation>Thèid seo dhan ath-dhuilleag</translation>
<source>Yes to All</source>
<translation>"Tha" leis na h-uile</translation>
<translation>Chan eil</translation>
<source>No to All</source>
<translation>"Chan eil" leis na h-uile</translation>
<source>Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.</source>
<translation>Tha am faidhle so-ghnìomhaichte “%1” feumach air Qt %2 ach chaidh Qt %3 a lorg.</translation>
<source>Incompatible Qt Library Error</source>
<translation>Mearachd le leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chòrdail</translation>
<source>About Qt</source>
<translation>Mu Qt</translation>
<translation>Mu dhèidhinn</translation>
<translation>Fàg an-seo</translation>
<translation>Fàg an-seo</translation>
<translation>Gearr às</translation>
<translation>Dèan lethbhreac</translation>
<translation>Cuir ann</translation>
<source>Select All</source>
<translation>Tagh na h-uile</translation>
<source>Don't Save</source>
<translation>Na sàbhail</translation>
<source>A&lpha channel:</source>
<translation>Seanail al&pha:</translation>
<source>Cursor at %1, %2
Press ESC to cancel</source>
<translation>Cùrsair air %1, %2
Bruth ESC gus sgur dheth</translation>
<source>Select Color</source>
<translation>Tagh dath</translation>
<source>&Basic colors</source>
<translation>Dathan &bunasach</translation>
<source>&Custom colors</source>
<translation>Dathan &gnàthaichte</translation>
<source>&Add to Custom Colors</source>
<translation>Cuir ris na d&athan gnàthaichte</translation>
<source>&Pick Screen Color</source>
<translation>&Tagh dath on sgrìn</translation>
<source>Open the combo box selection popup</source>
<translation>Fosgail priob-bogsa-combo taghaidh</translation>
<source>Displays version information.</source>
<translation>Seallaidh seo fiosrachadh an tionndaidh.</translation>
<source>Displays this help.</source>
<translation>Seallaidh seo a’ chobhair seo.</translation>
<source>Unknown option '%1'.</source>
<translation>Roghainn “%1” nach aithne dhuinn.</translation>
<source>Unknown options: %1.</source>
<translation>Roghainnean nach aithne dhuinn: %1.</translation>
<source>Missing value after '%1'.</source>
<translation>Tha luach a dhìth às dèidh “%1”.</translation>
<source>Unexpected value after '%1'.</source>
<translation>Tha luach air nach robh dùil às dèidh “%1”.</translation>
<source>Usage: %1</source>
<translation>Cleachdadh: %1</translation>
<source>%1: key is empty</source>
<translation>%1: tha an iuchair falamh</translation>
<source>%1: unable to make key</source>
<translation>%1: cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a chruthachadh</translation>
<source>%1: ftok failed</source>
<translation>%1: dh’fhàillig le ftok</translation>
<source>Job Control</source>
<translation>Stiùireadh na h-obrach</translation>
<source>Scheduled printing:</source>
<translation>Clò-bhualadh air an sgeideal:</translation>
<source>Billing information:</source>
<translation>Fiosrachadh bileachaidh:</translation>
<source>Job priority:</source>
<translation>Prìomhachas na h-obrach:</translation>
<source>Banner Pages</source>
<translation>Duilleagan brataich</translation>
<comment>Banner page at end</comment>
<comment>Banner page at start</comment>
<source>Print Immediately</source>
<translation>Clò-bhuail sa bhad</translation>
<source>Hold Indefinitely</source>
<translation>Cum air ais gun chrìch</translation>
<source>Day (06:00 to 17:59)</source>
<translation>Latha (06:00m gu 5:59f)</translation>
<source>Night (18:00 to 05:59)</source>
<translation>Oidhche (6:00f gu 05:59m)</translation>
<source>Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)</source>
<translation>An dàrna sioft (4:00f gu 11:59f)</translation>
<source>Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)</source>
<translation>An treas sioft (12:00m gu 07:59m)</translation>
<source>Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)</source>
<translation>An deireadh-seachdaine (DiSathairne gu DiDòmhnaich)</translation>
<source>Specific Time</source>
<translation>Àm sònraichte</translation>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<translation>Chan eil gin</translation>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<translation>Chan ann dìomhair</translation>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<translation>Fo rùn</translation>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<source>Top Secret</source>
<comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
<source>Unable to connect</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to set autocommit</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fèin-obrachail a shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to bind variable</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an caochladair a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch record %1</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an reacord “%1” fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch next</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-fhear fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch first</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ chiad fhear fhaighinn</translation>
<translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<source>What's This?</source>
<translation>Dè th’ ann?</translation>
<translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
<comment>All other platforms</comment>
<source>Date Modified</source>
<translation>Ceann-là an atharrachaidh</translation>
<source>Operation cancelled</source>
<translation>Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadh</translation>
<source>IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ri seòlaidhean IPv6 dha dh’ainm-fhrithealaichean aig an àm seo</translation>
<source>Invalid domain name</source>
<translation>Ainm àrainne mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Not yet supported on Android</source>
<translation>Chan eil taic ris air Android fhathast</translation>
<source>Resolver functions not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach foincseanan an fhuasglair a lorg</translation>
<source>Resolver initialization failed</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le tòiseachadh an fuasglair</translation>
<source>Server could not process query</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhan fhrithealaiche a’ cheist a phròiseasadh</translation>
<source>Server failure</source>
<translation>Fàilligeadh an fhrithealaiche</translation>
<source>Non existent domain</source>
<translation>Àrainn nach eil ann</translation>
<source>Server refused to answer</source>
<translation>Dhiùlt am frithealaiche fhreagairt</translation>
<source>Invalid reply received</source>
<translation>Fhuair sinn freagairt mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Could not expand domain name</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ainm àrainne a leudachadh</translation>
<source>Invalid IPv4 address record</source>
<translation>Reacord seòlaidh IPv4 mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid IPv6 address record</source>
<translation>Reacord seòlaidh IPv6 mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid canonical name record</source>
<translation>Reacord ainm cananaich nì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid name server record</source>
<translation>Reacord ainm-fhrithealaiche mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid pointer record</source>
<translation>Reacord tomhaire mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid mail exchange record</source>
<translation>Reacord iomlaid puist-d mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid service record</source>
<translation>Reacord seirbheise mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Invalid text record</source>
<translation>Reacord teacsa mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh leabharlann an fhuasglair a luchdadh: Chan eil taic ri luchdadh leabharlainn ri àm ruith</translation>
<source>No hostname given</source>
<translation>Cha deach ainm-òstair a thoirt seachad</translation>
<source>Invalid hostname</source>
<translation>Ainm-òstair mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Host %1 could not be found.</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-òstair “%1” a lorg.</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<extracomment>Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)</extracomment>
<translation>Cuir air fleòd</translation>
<source>Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget</source>
<translation>Neo-dhocaichidh ’s ceanglaidh seo widget docaidh</translation>
<extracomment>Accessible name for button closing a dock widget</extracomment>
<source>Closes the dock widget</source>
<translation>Dùinidh seo widget docaidh</translation>
<source>Debug Message:</source>
<translation>Teachdaireachd dì-bhugachaidh:</translation>
<source>Critical Error:</source>
<translation>Mearachd mharbhtach:</translation>
<source>Fatal Error:</source>
<translation>Mearachd mharbhtach:</translation>
<source>&Show this message again</source>
<translation>&Seall an teachdaireachd seo a-rithist</translation>
<translation>&Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<source>Destination file is the same file.</source>
<translation>’S e an t-aon fhaidhle a tha san fhaidhle-uidhe.</translation>
<source>Source file does not exist.</source>
<translation>Chan eil am faidhle tùsail ann.</translation>
<source>Destination file exists</source>
<translation>Tha am faidhle-uidhe ann</translation>
<source>Error while renaming.</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ cur ainm ùr air.</translation>
<source>Unable to restore from %1: %2</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn aiseag o %1: %2</translation>
<source>Will not rename sequential file using block copy</source>
<translation>Cha chuir sinn ainm ùr air faidhle sreathach le lethbhreac bloca</translation>
<source>Cannot remove source file</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle tùsail a thoirt air falbh</translation>
<source>Cannot open %1 for input</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn “%1” fhosgladh a chum ion-chuir</translation>
<source>Cannot open for output</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fhosgladh a chum às-chuir</translation>
<source>Failure to write block</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le sgrìobhadh bloca</translation>
<source>Cannot create %1 for output</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn “%1” a chruthachadh a chum às-chuir</translation>
<source>No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension</source>
<translation>Chan eil einnsean fhaidhlichean ri làimh no cha chuir an t-einnsean taic ri UnMapExtension</translation>
<source>Look in:</source>
<translation>Lorg an-seo:</translation>
<translation>Air ais</translation>
<source>Go back</source>
<translation>Rach air ais</translation>
<translation>Alt+Gu clì</translation>
<translation>Air adhart</translation>
<source>Go forward</source>
<translation>Rach air adhart</translation>
<translation>Alt+Gu deas</translation>
<source>Parent Directory</source>
<translation>Pasgan pàraint</translation>
<source>Go to the parent directory</source>
<translation>Rach dhan phasgan pàraint</translation>
<source>Create New Folder</source>
<translation>Cruthaich pasgan ùr</translation>
<source>Create a New Folder</source>
<translation>Cruthaich pasgan ùr</translation>
<source>List View</source>
<translation>Sealladh liosta</translation>
<source>Change to list view mode</source>
<translation>Atharrach gu modh sealladh liosta</translation>
<source>Detail View</source>
<translation>Sealladh mionaideach</translation>
<source>Change to detail view mode</source>
<translation>Atharrach gu modh seallaidh mhionaidich</translation>
<source>List of places and bookmarks</source>
<translation>Liosta nan àiteachan ’s nan comharran-leabhair</translation>
<source>Files of type:</source>
<translation>Faidhlichean dhen t-seòrsa:</translation>
<source>Find Directory</source>
<translation>Lorg pasgan</translation>
<source>Save As</source>
<translation>Sàbhail mar</translation>
<source>File &name:</source>
<translation>Ai&nm an fhaidhle:</translation>
<source>All Files (*)</source>
<translation>Na h-uile faidhle (*)</translation>
<source>Show </source>
<translation>Seall </translation>
<translation>Thoi&r ainm ùr air</translation>
<translation>&Sguab às</translation>
<source>Show &hidden files</source>
<translation>Seall faid&hlichean falaichte</translation>
<source>&New Folder</source>
<translation>&Pasgan ùr</translation>
<source>All files (*)</source>
<translation>Na h-uile faidhle (*)</translation>
Directory not found.
Please verify the correct directory name was given.</source>
Cha deach am pasgan a lorg.
Dearbh gun deach ainm ceart a’ phasgain a thoirt seachad.</translation>
<source>%1 already exists.
Do you want to replace it?</source>
<translation>Tha “%1” ann mu thràth.
A bheil thu airson am fear ùr a chur ’na àite?</translation>
File not found.
Please verify the correct file name was given.</source>
Cha deach am faidhle a lorg.
Dearbh gun deach ainm ceart an fhaidhle a thoirt seachad.</translation>
<source>New Folder</source>
<translation>Pasgan ùr</translation>
<translation>Sguab às</translation>
<source>'%1' is write protected.
Do you want to delete it anyway?</source>
<translation>Tha dìon sgrìobhaidh air “%1”.
A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air co-dhiù?</translation>
<source>Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?</source>
<translation>A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson “%1” a sguabadh às?</translation>
<source>Could not delete directory.</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am pasgan a sguabadh às.</translation>
<source>Recent Places</source>
<translation>Àiteachan o chionn ghoirid</translation>
<translation>Thoir air falbh</translation>
<source>My Computer</source>
<translation>An coimpiutair agam</translation>
<source>%1 File</source>
<extracomment>%1 is a file name suffix, for example txt</extracomment>
<translation>Faidhle %1</translation>
<source>File Folder</source>
<comment>Match Windows Explorer</comment>
<translation>Pasgan fhaidhlichean</translation>
<comment>All other platforms</comment>
<comment>OS X Finder</comment>
<comment>All other platforms</comment>
<translation>Chan eil fhios</translation>
<source>%1 TB</source>
<translation>%1 TB</translation>
<source>%1 GB</source>
<translation>%1 GB</translation>
<source>%1 MB</source>
<translation>%1 MB</translation>
<source>%1 KB</source>
<translation>%1 KB</translation>
<source>%1 bytes</source>
<translation>%1 baidht</translation>
<source>Invalid filename</source>
<translation>Ainm-faidhle mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source><b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.</source>
<translation><b>Cha ghabh an t-ainm “%1” cleachdadh.</b><p>Feuch ainm eile a tha nas giorra no anns nach eil caractaran puingeachaidh.</translation>
<comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
<comment>All other platforms</comment>
<source>Date Modified</source>
<translation>Ceann-là an atharrachaidh</translation>
<source>My Computer</source>
<translation>An coimpiutair agam</translation>
<source>%1 byte(s)</source>
<translation>%1 baidht(ichean)</translation>
<comment>The Normal or Regular font weight</comment>
<source>Demi Bold</source>
<comment>The Medium font weight</comment>
<source>Extra Light</source>
<translation>Glè aotrom</translation>
<source>Extra Bold</source>
<translation>Glè throm</translation>
<extracomment>The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches</extracomment>
<extracomment>The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches</extracomment>
<translation>Seòrsa sam bith</translation>
<source>Simplified Chinese</source>
<translation>Sìnis Shimplichte</translation>
<source>Traditional Chinese</source>
<translation>Sìnis Thradaiseanta</translation>
<source>Select Font</source>
<translation>Tagh cruth-clò</translation>
<source>Font st&yle</source>
<translation>&Stoidhle a’ chrutha-chlò</translation>
<translation>Loidhne &troimhe</translation>
<source>Wr&iting System</source>
<translation>Siosta&m sgrìobhaidh</translation>
<source>Not connected</source>
<translation>Gun cheangal</translation>
<source>Host %1 not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-òstair “%1” a lorg</translation>
<source>Connection refused to host %1</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal ris an òstair “%1” a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Connection timed out to host %1</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal ris an òstair “%1”</translation>
<source>Connected to host %1</source>
<translation>Ceangailte ris an òstair “%1”</translation>
<source>Data Connection refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal dàta a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Connecting to host failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le ceangal ris an òstair:
<source>Login failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig leis a’ chlàradh a-steach:
<source>Listing directory failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le liosta a’ phasgain:
<source>Changing directory failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le atharrachadh a’ phasgain:
<source>Downloading file failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh a-nuas an fhaidhle:
<source>Uploading file failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh suas an fhaidhle:
<source>Removing file failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le toirt air falbh an fhaidhle:
<source>Creating directory failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le cruthachadh a’ phasgain:
<source>Removing directory failed:
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le toirt air falbh a’ phasgain:
<source>Connection closed</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal a dhùnadh</translation>
<translation>&Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<translation>&Sguir dheth</translation>
<source>Close without Saving</source>
<translation>Dùin gun a shàbhaladh</translation>
<comment>Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.</comment>
<source>No host name given</source>
<translation>Cha deach ainm-òstair a thoirt seachad</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>No host name given</source>
<translation>Cha deach ainm-òstair a thoirt seachad</translation>
<source>Invalid hostname</source>
<translation>Ainm-òstair mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Unknown address type</source>
<translation>Seòrsa seòlaidh nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Host not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-òstair a lorg</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Unknown error (%1)</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn (%1)</translation>
<source>Host %1 not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-òstair “%1” a lorg</translation>
<source>Connection refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Connection closed</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal a dhùnadh</translation>
<source>Proxy requires authentication</source>
<translation>Feumaidh am progsaidh dearbhadh</translation>
<source>Host requires authentication</source>
<translation>Feumaidh an t-òstair dearbhadh</translation>
<source>Data corrupted</source>
<translation>Dàta coirbte</translation>
<source>Unknown protocol specified</source>
<translation>Chaidh pròtacal nach aithne dhuinn a shònrachadh</translation>
<source>SSL handshake failed</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le crathadh-làimhe SSL</translation>
<source>Too many redirects</source>
<translation>Tha cus sìnidhean air adhart ann</translation>
<source>Insecure redirect</source>
<translation>Sìneadh air adhart neo-thèarainte</translation>
<source>Did not receive HTTP response from proxy</source>
<translation>Cha d’ fhuair sinn freagairt HTTP on phrogsaidh</translation>
<source>Error parsing authentication request from proxy</source>
<translation>Mearachd le parsadh iarrtas dearbhaidh on phrogsaidh</translation>
<source>Authentication required</source>
<translation>Tha feum air dearbhadh</translation>
<source>Proxy denied connection</source>
<translation>Dhiùlt am progsaidh an ceangal</translation>
<source>Error communicating with HTTP proxy</source>
<translation>Mearachd conaltraidh le progsaidh HTTP</translation>
<source>Proxy server not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach frithealaiche progsaidh a lorg</translation>
<source>Proxy connection refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal ris a’ phrogsaidh a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Proxy server connection timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal ris an fhrithealaiche phrogsaidh</translation>
<source>Proxy connection closed prematurely</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal ris a’ phrogsaidh a dhùnadh ro thràth</translation>
<source>Error opening database</source>
<translation>Mearachd le fosgladh an stòir-dhàta</translation>
<source>Could not start transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to create BLOB</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh BLOB a chruthachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to write BLOB</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh BLOB a sgrìobhadh</translation>
<source>Unable to open BLOB</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh BLOB fhosgladh</translation>
<source>Unable to read BLOB</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh BLOB a leughadh</translation>
<source>Could not find array</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an arraigh a lorg</translation>
<source>Could not get array data</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dàta na h-arraigh a lorg</translation>
<source>Could not get query info</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh na ceist fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Could not start transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Could not allocate statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a riarachadh</translation>
<source>Could not prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Could not describe input statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ion-chuir a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>Could not describe statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to close statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a dhùnadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute query</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ cheist a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Could not fetch next item</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-nì fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Could not get statement info</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh na h-aithrise fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Permission denied</source>
<translation>Cead air a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Too many open files</source>
<translation>Tha cus faidhlichean fosgailte</translation>
<source>No such file or directory</source>
<translation>Chan eil am faidhle no pasgan seo ann</translation>
<source>No space left on device</source>
<translation>Chan eil àite air fhàgail air an uidheam</translation>
<source>file to open is a directory</source>
<translation>tha am faidhle ri fhosgladh ’na phasgan</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Invalid device</source>
<translation>Uidheam mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>File not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach am faidhle a lorg</translation>
<source>Unsupported image format</source>
<translation>Fòrmat deilbh ris nach cuirear taic</translation>
<source>Unable to read image data</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dàta an deilbh a leughadh</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Device is not set</source>
<translation>Cha deach an t-uidheam a shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>Cannot open device for writing: %1</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-inneal fhosgladh a chum sgrìobhaidh: %1</translation>
<source>Device not writable</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh sgrìobhadh dhan uidheam</translation>
<source>Unsupported image format</source>
<translation>Fòrmat deilbh ris nach cuirear taic</translation>
<source>Enter a value:</source>
<translation>Cuir a-steach luach:</translation>
<source>no error occurred</source>
<translation>cha do thachair mearachd</translation>
<source>unterminated object</source>
<translation>oibseact neo-chrìochnaichte</translation>
<source>missing name separator</source>
<translation>tha sgaradair ainm a dhìth</translation>
<source>unterminated array</source>
<translation>arraigh neo-chrìochnaichte</translation>
<source>missing value separator</source>
<translation>tha sgaradair luach a dhìth</translation>
<source>illegal value</source>
<translation>luach mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>invalid termination by number</source>
<translation>crìochnachadh mì-dhligheach le àireamh</translation>
<source>illegal number</source>
<translation>àireamh mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>invalid escape sequence</source>
<translation>sreath teàrnaidh mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>invalid UTF8 string</source>
<translation>sreang UTF8 mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>unterminated string</source>
<translation>sreang neo-chrìochnaichte</translation>
<source>object is missing after a comma</source>
<translation>tha oibseact a dhìth às dèidh cromaig</translation>
<source>too deeply nested document</source>
<translation>tha neadachadh ro dhomhainn aig an sgrìobhainn</translation>
<source>too large document</source>
<translation>tha an sgrìobhainn ro mhòr</translation>
<source>garbage at the end of the document</source>
<translation>tha sgudal air deireadh na sgrìobhainn</translation>
<source>Press shortcut</source>
<translation>Brùth air an ath-ghoirid</translation>
<source>%1, ...</source>
<extracomment>This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."</extracomment>
<translation>%1, …</translation>
<source>'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)</source>
<translation>Chan eil “%1” ’na oibseact ELF (%2)</translation>
<source>'%1' is not an ELF object</source>
<translation>Chan eil “%1” ’na oibseact ELF</translation>
<source>'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)</source>
<translation>Chan eil “%1” ’na oibseact ELF dligheach (%2)</translation>
<source>odd cpu architecture</source>
<translation>ailtireachd cpu neònach</translation>
<source>wrong cpu architecture</source>
<translation>ailtireachd cpu chearr</translation>
<source>odd endianness</source>
<translation>seòrsa endian neònach</translation>
<source>unexpected e_shsize</source>
<translation>e_shsize ris nach robh dùil</translation>
<source>unexpected e_shentsize</source>
<translation>e_shentsize ris nach robh dùil</translation>
<message numerus="yes">
<source>announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size</source>
<numerusform>chaidh %n earra(i)nn a ghairm, %1 baidht aig gach tè, meud faidhle ro mhòr</numerusform>
<source>shstrtab section header seems to be at %1</source>
<translation>tha coltas gu bheil bann-cinn shstrtab aig %1</translation>
<source>string table seems to be at %1</source>
<translation>tha coltas gu bheil clàr sreanga aig %1</translation>
<source>section name %1 of %2 behind end of file</source>
<translation>tha ainm earrainn %1 aig %2 air cùl deireadh an fhaidhle</translation>
<source>empty .rodata. not a library.</source>
<translation>chan eil .rodata. falamh ’na thasglann.</translation>
<source>missing section data. This is not a library.</source>
<translation>tha dàta earrainn a dhìth. Chan eil seo ’na thasglann.</translation>
<source>Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn meata-dàta plugain às-tharraing o “%1”</translation>
<source>The shared library was not found.</source>
<translation>Cha deach an leabharlann co-roinnte a lorg.</translation>
<source>The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.</source>
<translation>Chan eil am faidhle “%1” ’na phlugan Qt dligheach.</translation>
<source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</source>
<translation>Tha am plugan “%1” a’ cleachdadh leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chòrdail. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</translation>
<source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)</source>
<translation>Tha am plugan “%1” a’ cleachdadh leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chòrdail. (Cha ghabh leabharlannan sgaoilidh is dì-bhugachaidh a cur ri chèile.)</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Cannot load library %1: %2</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an leabharlann “%1” a luchdadh: %2</translation>
<source>Cannot unload library %1: %2</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an leabharlann “%1” a dhì-luchdadh: %2</translation>
<source>Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3</source>
<translation>cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an samhla “%1” fhuasgladh ann an “%2”: %3</translation>
<source>'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)</source>
<translation>Chan eil “%1” na Mach-O binary dligheach (%2)</translation>
<source>file is corrupt</source>
<translation>tha am faidhle coirbte</translation>
<source>file too small</source>
<translation>tha am faidhle ro bheag</translation>
<source>no suitable architecture in fat binary</source>
<translation>chan eil ailtireachd iomchaidh sa bhìnearaidh fat</translation>
<source>invalid magic %1</source>
<translation>%1 draoidheach mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>wrong architecture</source>
<translation>ailtireachd chearr</translation>
<source>not a dynamic library</source>
<translation>chan eil seo ’na leabharlann innsgineach</translation>
<source>'%1' is not a Qt plugin</source>
<translation>chan eil “%1” ’na phlugan Qt</translation>
<translation>&Gearr às</translation>
<translation>Dèan lethbhrea&c</translation>
<translation>Cuir a&nn</translation>
<translation>Sguab às</translation>
<source>Select All</source>
<translation>Tagh na h-uile</translation>
<source>%1: Name error</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd ainm</translation>
<source>%1: Permission denied</source>
<translation>%1: Cead air a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>%1: Address in use</source>
<translation>%1: Tha an seòladh ’ga chleachdadh</translation>
<source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2</translation>
<source>%1: Connection refused</source>
<translation>%1: Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>%1: Remote closed</source>
<translation>%1: Chaidh an socaid chèin a dhùnadh</translation>
<source>%1: Invalid name</source>
<translation>%1: Ainm mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>%1: Socket access error</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd inntrigeadh socaide</translation>
<source>%1: Socket resource error</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd goireas socaide</translation>
<source>%1: Socket operation timed out</source>
<translation>%1: Dh’fhalbh an ùine air obrachadh socaide</translation>
<source>%1: Datagram too large</source>
<translation>%1: Tha an dàta-ghram ro mhòr</translation>
<source>%1: Connection error</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd leis a’ cheangal</translation>
<source>%1: The socket operation is not supported</source>
<translation>%1: Chan eil taic ris an obrachadh socaide</translation>
<source>%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state</source>
<translation>%1: chan eil an t-obrachadh ceadaichte fhad ’s a tha an t-socaid san staid seo</translation>
<source>%1: Unknown error</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Trying to connect while connection is in progress</source>
<translation>A’ feuchainn ri ceangal a dhèanamh fhad ’s a tha e ’ga ceangal</translation>
<source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
<translation>%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2</translation>
<source>%1: Access denied</source>
<translation>%1: Chaidh an t-inntrigeadh a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Unable to allocate a MYSQL object</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn oibseact MYSQL a riarachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to open database '%1'</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn an stòr-dàta “%1” fhosgladh</translation>
<source>Unable to connect</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh</translation>
<source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch data</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dàta fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to execute query</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ cheist a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to store result</source>
<translation>Tha b’ urrainn dhuinn an toradh a stòradh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute next query</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a ath-cheist a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to store next result</source>
<translation>Tha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-toradh a stòradh</translation>
<source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to reset statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ath-shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to bind value</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an luach a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to bind outvalues</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na luachan a-mach a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Unable to store statement results</source>
<translation>Tha b’ urrainn dhuinn toraidhean na h-aithrise a stòradh</translation>
<translation>(Gun tiotal)</translation>
<source>- [%1]</source>
<translation>- [%1]</translation>
<source>%1 - [%2]</source>
<translation>%1 – [%2]</translation>
<source>Restore Down</source>
<translation>Aisig a-nuas</translation>
<source>Stay on &Top</source>
<translation>&Air uachdar an-còmhnaidh</translation>
<source>Show Details...</source>
<translation>Seall am mion-fhiosrachadh…</translation>
<source>Hide Details...</source>
<translation>Falaich am mion-fhiosrachadh…</translation>
<source><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p></source>
<translation><p>’S e acainn C++ a th ann an Qt gus aplacaidean ioma-ùrlarach a leasachadh.</p><p>Le Qt, gabhaidh an t-aon bhun-tùs a phortadh thar nan siostaman-obrachaidh desktop mòra uile. Tha e ri fhaighinn airson Linux leabaichte agus siostaman-obrachaidh leabaichte ’s mobile eile cuideachd.</p><p>Tha Qt ri fhaighinn fo thrì roghainnean ceadachais eadar-dhealaichte ach am bi e freagarrach do dh’fheumalachdan iomadh luchd-chleachdaidh.</p><p>Tha Qt fon aonta cheadachais choimeirsealta againn iomchaidh dha leasachadh bathair-bhog fo shealbh/coimeirsealta mur eilear airson bun-tùs a cho-roinneadh le treas-phàrtaidh no mur urrainnear gèilleadh ri teirmichean GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 air adhbhar eile.</p><p>Tha Qt fo cheadachas GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 iomchaidh dha leasachadh aplacaidean Qt mas urrainnear gèilleadh ri teirmichean ’s cumhaichean a’ GNU LGPL tionndadh 3.</p><p>Faic <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> airson foir-shealladh air ceadachasan Qt.</p><p>Còir-lethbhreac (C) %1 The Qt Company earr. ’s tabhartaichean eile.</p><p>Tha Qt agus suaicheantas Qt ’nan comharran-malairt aig The Qt Company earr.</p><p>Is Qt am bathar aig The Qt Company earr. A tha ’ga leasachadh mar phròiseact open source. Faic <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.</p></translation>
<translation type="vanished">Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<translation type="vanished">Cobhair</translation>
<source><h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p></source>
<translation><h3>Mu Qt</h3><p>Tha am prògram seo a’ chleachdadh Qt tionndadh %1.</p></translation>
<source><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p></source>
<translation type="vanished"><p>’S e acainn C++ a th ann an Qt gus aplacaidean ioma-ùrlarach a leasachadh.</p><p>Le Qt, gabhaidh an t-aon bhun-tùs a phortadh thar nan siostaman-obrachaidh desktop mòra uile. Tha e ri fhaighinn airson Linux leabaichte agus siostaman-obrachaidh leabaichte ’s mobile eile cuideachd.</p><p>Tha Qt ri fhaighinn fo thrì roghainnean ceadachais eadar-dhealaichte ach am bi e freagarrach do dh’fheumalachdan iomadh luchd-chleachdaidh.</p><p>Tha Qt fon aonta cheadachais choimeirsealta againn iomchaidh dha leasachadh bathair-bhog fo shealbh/coimeirsealta mur eilear airson bun-tùs a cho-roinneadh le treas-phàrtaidh no mur urrainnear gèilleadh ri teirmichean GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 no GNU LGPL tionndadh 2.1. air adhbhar eile.</p><p>Tha Qt fo cheadachas GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 iomchaidh dha leasachadh aplacaidean Qt mas urrainnear gèilleadh ri teirmichean ’s cumhaichean a’ GNU LGPL tionndadh 3.</p><p>Tha Qt fo cheadachas GNU LGPL tionndadh 2.1 iomchaidh dha leasachadh aplacaidean Qt mas urrainnear gèilleadh ri teirmichean ’s cumhaichean a’ GNU LGPL tionndadh 2.1.</p><p>Faic <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> airson foir-shealladh air ceadachasan Qt.</p><p>Còir-lethbhreac (C) %1 The Qt Company earr. ’s tabhartaichean eile.</p><p>Tha Qt agus suaicheantas Qt ’nan comharran-malairt aig The Qt Company earr.</p><p>Is Qt am bathar aig The Qt Company earr. A tha ’ga leasachadh mar phròiseact open source. Faic <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.</p></translation>
<source>About Qt</source>
<translation>Mu Qt</translation>
<source>Unable to initialize non-blocking socket</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn socaid neo-bhacaidh a thòiseachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to initialize broadcast socket</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn socaid craolaidh a thòiseachadh</translation>
<source>Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support</source>
<translation>Oidhirp air socaid IPv6 a chleachdadh air ùrlar nach cuir taic ri IPv6</translation>
<source>The remote host closed the connection</source>
<translation>Dhùin an t-òstair cèin an ceangal</translation>
<source>Network operation timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air obrachadh an lìonraidh</translation>
<source>Out of resources</source>
<translation>Dìth ghoireasan</translation>
<source>Unsupported socket operation</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an obrachadh socaide</translation>
<source>Protocol type not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an t-seòrsa pròtacail</translation>
<source>Invalid socket descriptor</source>
<translation>Tuairisgeulaiche socaide mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>Host unreachable</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh an t-òstair ruigsinn</translation>
<source>Network unreachable</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh an lìonra ruigsinn</translation>
<source>Permission denied</source>
<translation>Cead air a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Connection timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal</translation>
<source>Connection refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>The bound address is already in use</source>
<translation>Tha an seòladh naisgte ’ga chleachdadh mar-thà</translation>
<source>The address is not available</source>
<translation>Chan eil an seòladh ri fhaighinn</translation>
<source>The address is protected</source>
<translation>Tha an seòladh dìonta</translation>
<source>Datagram was too large to send</source>
<translation>Bha an dàta-ghram ro mhòr gus a chur</translation>
<source>Unable to send a message</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn teachdaireachd a chur</translation>
<source>Unable to receive a message</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn teachdaireachd fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to write</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh a sgrìobhadh</translation>
<source>Network error</source>
<translation>Mearachd lìonraidh</translation>
<source>Another socket is already listening on the same port</source>
<translation>Tha socaid eile ag èisteachd ris an aon phort mar-thà</translation>
<source>Operation on non-socket</source>
<translation>Obrachadh air rud nach eil ’na shocaid</translation>
<source>The proxy type is invalid for this operation</source>
<translation>Tha seòrsa a’ phrogsaidh mì-dhligheach airson an obrachaidh seo</translation>
<source>Temporary error</source>
<translation>Mearachd shealadach</translation>
<source>Network dropped connection on reset</source>
<translation>Bhris an lìonra an ceangal leis an ath-shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>Connection reset by peer</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal ath-shuidheachadh leis an t-seise</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Error opening %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ fosgladh %1</translation>
<source>Invalid URI: %1</source>
<translation>URI mì-dhligheach: %1</translation>
<source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ sgrìobhadh gu %1: %2</translation>
<source>Socket error on %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd socaide air %1: %2</translation>
<source>Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1</source>
<translation>Dhùin an t-òstair cèin an ceangal ro thràth air %1</translation>
<source>Request for opening non-local file %1</source>
<translation>iarrtas gus faidhle %1 nach eil ionadail fhosgladh</translation>
<source>Error opening %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ fosgladh %1: %2</translation>
<source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ sgrìobhadh gu %1: %2</translation>
<source>Cannot open %1: Path is a directory</source>
<translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh: Tha an t-slighe ’na phasgan</translation>
<source>Read error reading from %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd leughaidh a’ leughadh o %1: %2</translation>
<source>No suitable proxy found</source>
<translation>Cha deach progsaidh iomchaidh a lorg</translation>
<source>Cannot open %1: is a directory</source>
<translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh: Tha e ’na phasgan</translation>
<source>Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required</source>
<translation>Cha deach leinn loga a sgrìobhadh gu %1: tha feum air dearbhadh</translation>
<source>Error while downloading %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd le luchdadh a-nuas %1: %2</translation>
<source>Error while uploading %1: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd le luchdadh suas %1: %2</translation>
<source>Network access is disabled.</source>
<translation>Chaidh inntrigeadh dhan lìonra a chur à comas.</translation>
<source>Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ tar-chur %1 – fhreagair am frithealaiche: %2</translation>
<source>Background request not allowed.</source>
<translation>Chan eil iarrtas sa chùlaibh ceadaichte.</translation>
<source>Network session error.</source>
<translation>Mearachd le seisean an lìonraidh.</translation>
<source>backend start error.</source>
<translation>mearachd tòiseachaidh a’ backend.</translation>
<source>Temporary network failure.</source>
<translation>Fàilligeadh sealadach an lìonraidh.</translation>
<source>Protocol "%1" is unknown</source>
<translation>Chan aithne dhuinn am pròtacal “%1”</translation>
<source>Operation canceled</source>
<translation>Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadh</translation>
<source>No suitable proxy found</source>
<translation>Cha deach progsaidh iomchaidh a lorg</translation>
<source>Operation canceled</source>
<translation>Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadh</translation>
<source>Invalid configuration.</source>
<translation>Rèiteachadh mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Unknown session error.</source>
<translation>Mearachd seisein nach aithne dhuinn.</translation>
<source>The session was aborted by the user or system.</source>
<translation>Chaidh sgur dhen t-seisean leis a’ chleachdaiche no leis an t-siostam.</translation>
<source>The requested operation is not supported by the system.</source>
<translation>Cha chuir an siostam taic ris an obrachadh a chaidh iarraidh.</translation>
<source>The specified configuration cannot be used.</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh an rèiteachadh sònraichte cleachdadh.</translation>
<source>Roaming was aborted or is not possible.</source>
<translation>Chaidh sgur dhe dhol air fàrsan no cha ghabh a dhèanamh.</translation>
<source>Unable to initialize</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh a thòiseachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to logon</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh clàradh a-steach</translation>
<source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to bind column for batch execute</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an colbh a nasgadh airson grunn ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute batch statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn grunn-aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to goto next</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dol dhan ath-fhear</translation>
<source>Unable to alloc statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a riarachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to get statement type</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn seòrsa na h-aithrise fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to bind value</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an luach a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to connect</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh</translation>
<source>Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh – cha chuir an draibhear taic ris a h-uile foincsean a dh’fheumas sinn</translation>
<source>Unable to disable autocommit</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fèin-obrachail a chur à comas</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to enable autocommit</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fèin-obrachail a chur an comas</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch last</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am fear mu dheireadh fhaighinn</translation>
<source>QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration</source>
<translation>QODBCResult::reset: Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn “SQL_CURSOR_STATIC” a shuidheachadh ’na bhuadh aithrise. Thoir sùil air rèiteachadh an draibheir ODBC agad</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch next</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-fhear fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch first</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ chiad fhear fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch previous</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am fear roimhe fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to bind variable</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an caochladair a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Unable to connect</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh ceangal a dhèanamh</translation>
<source>Could not begin transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Could not commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Could not rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to subscribe</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn fo-sgrìobhadh</translation>
<source>Unable to unsubscribe</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn crìoch a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh</translation>
<source>Unable to create query</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn a’ cheist a chruthachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadh</translation>
<source>Page size:</source>
<translation>Meud na duilleige:</translation>
<source>Paper source:</source>
<translation>Tùs a’ phàipeir:</translation>
<source>Reverse landscape</source>
<translation>Dreach-tìre contrarra</translation>
<source>Reverse portrait</source>
<translation>Portraid chontrarra</translation>
<source>top margin</source>
<translation>am marghan aig a’ bharr</translation>
<source>left margin</source>
<translation>am marghan clì</translation>
<source>right margin</source>
<translation>am marghan deas</translation>
<source>bottom margin</source>
<translation>am marghan aig a’ bhonn</translation>
<source>Page Layout</source>
<translation>Co-dhealbhachd na duilleige</translation>
<source>Page order:</source>
<translation>Òrdugh nan duilleagan:</translation>
<source>Pages per sheet:</source>
<translation>Co mheud duilleag air gach siota:</translation>
<source>Millimeters (mm)</source>
<translation>Mille-mheatair (mm)</translation>
<source>Inches (in)</source>
<translation>Òirleach (in)</translation>
<source>Points (pt)</source>
<translation>Puing (pt)</translation>
<source>Pica (P̸)</source>
<translation>Pica (P̸)</translation>
<source>Didot (DD)</source>
<translation>Didot (DD)</translation>
<source>Cicero (CC)</source>
<translation>Cicero (CC)</translation>
<extracomment>Unit 'Millimeter'</extracomment>
<extracomment>Unit 'Points'</extracomment>
<extracomment>Unit 'Inch'</extracomment>
<extracomment>Unit 'Pica'</extracomment>
<extracomment>Unit 'Didot'</extracomment>
<extracomment>Unit 'Cicero'</extracomment>
<source>Custom (%1mm x %2mm)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in millimeters</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1mm x %2mm)</translation>
<source>Custom (%1pt x %2pt)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in points</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1pt x %2pt)</translation>
<source>Custom (%1in x %2in)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in inches</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1in x %2in)</translation>
<source>Custom (%1pc x %2pc)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in picas</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1pc x %2pc)</translation>
<source>Custom (%1DD x %2DD)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in didots</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1DD x %2DD)</translation>
<source>Custom (%1CC x %2CC)</source>
<extracomment>Custom size name in ciceros</extracomment>
<translation>Gnàthaiche (%1CC x %2CC)</translation>
<source>%1 x %2 in</source>
<extracomment>Page size in 'Inch'.</extracomment>
<translation>%1 x %2 in</translation>
<source>Executive (7.5 x 10 in)</source>
<translation>Executive (7.5 x 10 in)</translation>
<source>Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)</source>
<translation>Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)</translation>
<source>Folio (8.27 x 13 in)</source>
<translation>Folio (8.27 x 13 in)</translation>
<source>Letter / ANSI A</source>
<translation>Letter / ANSI A</translation>
<source>Tabloid / ANSI B</source>
<translation>Tabloid / ANSI B</translation>
<source>Ledger / ANSI B</source>
<translation>Ledger / ANSI B</translation>
<source>A3 Extra</source>
<translation>A3 Extra</translation>
<source>A4 Extra</source>
<translation>A4 Extra</translation>
<source>A4 Plus</source>
<translation>A4 Plus</translation>
<source>A4 Small</source>
<translation>A4 Beag</translation>
<source>A5 Extra</source>
<translation>A5 Extra</translation>
<source>B5 Extra</source>
<translation>B5 Extra</translation>
<source>JIS B0</source>
<translation>JIS B0</translation>
<source>JIS B1</source>
<translation>JIS B1</translation>
<source>JIS B2</source>
<translation>JIS B2</translation>
<source>JIS B3</source>
<translation>JIS B3</translation>
<source>JIS B4</source>
<translation>JIS B4</translation>
<source>JIS B5</source>
<translation>JIS B5</translation>
<source>JIS B6</source>
<translation>JIS B6</translation>
<source>JIS B7</source>
<translation>JIS B7</translation>
<source>JIS B8</source>
<translation>JIS B8</translation>
<source>JIS B9</source>
<translation>JIS B9</translation>
<source>JIS B10</source>
<translation>JIS B10</translation>
<source>ANSI C</source>
<translation>ANSI C</translation>
<source>ANSI D</source>
<translation>ANSI D</translation>
<source>ANSI E</source>
<translation>ANSI E</translation>
<source>Legal Extra</source>
<translation>Legal Extra</translation>
<source>Letter Extra</source>
<translation>Letter Extra</translation>
<source>Letter Plus</source>
<translation>Letter Plus</translation>
<source>Letter Small</source>
<translation>Letter Beag</translation>
<source>Tabloid Extra</source>
<translation>Tabloid Extra</translation>
<source>Architect A</source>
<translation>Ailtire A</translation>
<source>Architect B</source>
<translation>Ailtire B</translation>
<source>Architect C</source>
<translation>Ailtire C</translation>
<source>Architect D</source>
<translation>Ailtire D</translation>
<source>Architect E</source>
<translation>Ailtire E</translation>
<source>Super A</source>
<translation>Super A</translation>
<source>Super B</source>
<translation>Super B</translation>
<source>Double Postcard</source>
<translation>Cairt-phuist dhùbailte</translation>
<source>PRC 16K</source>
<translation>PRC 16K</translation>
<source>PRC 32K</source>
<translation>PRC 32K</translation>
<source>PRC 32K Big</source>
<translation>PRC 32K Mòr</translation>
<source>Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)</source>
<translation>Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)</translation>
<source>Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)</source>
<translation>Fan-fold Gearmailteach (8.5 x 12 in)</translation>
<source>Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)</source>
<translation>Fan-fold Laghail Gearmailteach (8.5 x 12 in)</translation>
<source>Envelope B4</source>
<translation>Cèiseag B4</translation>
<source>Envelope B5</source>
<translation>Cèiseag B5</translation>
<source>Envelope B6</source>
<translation>Cèiseag B6</translation>
<source>Envelope C0</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C0</translation>
<source>Envelope C1</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C1</translation>
<source>Envelope C2</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C2</translation>
<source>Envelope C3</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C3</translation>
<source>Envelope C4</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C4</translation>
<source>Envelope C5</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C5</translation>
<source>Envelope C6</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C6</translation>
<source>Envelope C65</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C65</translation>
<source>Envelope C7</source>
<translation>Cèiseag C7</translation>
<source>Envelope DL</source>
<translation>Cèiseag DL</translation>
<source>Envelope US 9</source>
<translation>Cèiseag US 9</translation>
<source>Envelope US 10</source>
<translation>Cèiseag US 10</translation>
<source>Envelope US 11</source>
<translation>Cèiseag US 11</translation>
<source>Envelope US 12</source>
<translation>Cèiseag US 12</translation>
<source>Envelope US 14</source>
<translation>Cèiseag US 14</translation>
<source>Envelope Monarch</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Monarch</translation>
<source>Envelope Personal</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Phearsanta</translation>
<source>Envelope Chou 3</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Chou 3</translation>
<source>Envelope Chou 4</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Chou 4</translation>
<source>Envelope Invite</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Cuiridh</translation>
<source>Envelope Italian</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Eadailteach</translation>
<source>Envelope Kaku 2</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Kaku 2</translation>
<source>Envelope Kaku 3</source>
<translation>Cèiseag Kaku 3</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 1</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 1</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 2</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 2</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 3</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 3</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 4</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 4</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 5</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 5</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 6</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 6</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 7</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 7</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 8</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 8</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 9</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 9</translation>
<source>Envelope PRC 10</source>
<translation>Cèiseag PRC 10</translation>
<source>Envelope You 4</source>
<translation>Cèiseag You 4</translation>
<translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<source>Save All</source>
<translation>Sàbhail na h-uile</translation>
<source>Yes to &All</source>
<translation>“Tha” leis n&a h-uile</translation>
<translation>&Chan eil</translation>
<source>N&o to All</source>
<translation>“Chan eil” leis na h-&uile</translation>
<translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
<translation>Feuch a-rithist</translation>
<translation>Leig seachad</translation>
<translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
<translation>Tilg air falbh</translation>
<translation>Cuir an sàs</translation>
<source>Restore Defaults</source>
<translation>Aisig na bun-roghainnean</translation>
<source>The plugin was not loaded.</source>
<translation>Cha deach am plugan a luchdadh.</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Left to Right, Top to Bottom</source>
<translation>Clì gu deas, barr gu bonn</translation>
<source>Left to Right, Bottom to Top</source>
<translation>Clì gu deas, bonn gu barr</translation>
<source>Right to Left, Bottom to Top</source>
<translation>Deas gu clì, bonn gu barr</translation>
<source>Right to Left, Top to Bottom</source>
<translation>Deas gu clì, barr gu bonn</translation>
<source>Bottom to Top, Left to Right</source>
<translation>Bonn gu barr, clì gu deas</translation>
<source>Bottom to Top, Right to Left</source>
<translation>Bonn gu barr, deas gu clì</translation>
<source>Top to Bottom, Left to Right</source>
<translation>Barr gu bonn, clì gu deas</translation>
<source>Top to Bottom, Right to Left</source>
<translation>Barr gu bonn, deas gu clì</translation>
<source>1 (1x1)</source>
<translation>1 (1x1)</translation>
<source>2 (2x1)</source>
<translation>2 (2x1)</translation>
<source>4 (2x2)</source>
<translation>4 (2x2)</translation>
<source>6 (2x3)</source>
<translation>6 (2x3)</translation>
<source>9 (3x3)</source>
<translation>9 (3x3)</translation>
<source>16 (4x4)</source>
<translation>16 (4x4)</translation>
<source>All Pages</source>
<translation>A h-uile duilleag</translation>
<source>Odd Pages</source>
<translation>Duilleagan corra</translation>
<source>Even Pages</source>
<translation>Duilleagan cothrom</translation>
<source>&Options >></source>
<translation>R&oghainnean >></translation>
<source>&Options <<</source>
<translation>R&oghainnean <<</translation>
<source>Print to File (PDF)</source>
<translation>Clò-bhuail gu faidhle (PDF)</translation>
<source>Local file</source>
<translation>Faidhle ionadail</translation>
<source>Write PDF file</source>
<translation>Sgrìobh faidhle PDF</translation>
<source>Print To File ...</source>
<translation>Clò-bhuail gu faidhle…</translation>
<source>%1 is a directory.
Please choose a different file name.</source>
<translation>Tha %1 ’na phasgan.
Tagh ainm faidhle eile.</translation>
<source>File %1 is not writable.
Please choose a different file name.</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh sgrìobhadh dhan fhaidhle %1.
Tagh ainm faidhle eile.</translation>
<source>%1 already exists.
Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
<translation>Tha %1 ann mar-thà.
A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?</translation>
<source>Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
Please turn one of those options off.</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh na roghainnean “Co mheud duilleag air gach siota” ’s “Seata dhuilleagan” a chleachdadh còmhla.
Cuir tè dhe na roghainnean sin dheth.</translation>
<source>The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.</source>
<translation>Chan fhaod luach “O” a bhith nas motha na luach “Gu”.</translation>
<translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
<source>Page Setup</source>
<translation>Roghainnean na duilleige</translation>
<source>Print Preview</source>
<translation>Ro-shealladh clò-bhualaidh</translation>
<source>Next page</source>
<translation>An ath-dhuilleag</translation>
<source>Previous page</source>
<translation>An duilleag roimhpe</translation>
<source>First page</source>
<translation>A’ chiad duilleag</translation>
<source>Last page</source>
<translation>An duilleag mu dheireadh</translation>
<source>Fit width</source>
<translation>Co-fhreagair ris an leud</translation>
<source>Fit page</source>
<translation>Co-fhreagair ris an duilleag</translation>
<source>Zoom in</source>
<translation>Sùm a-steach</translation>
<source>Zoom out</source>
<translation>Sùm a-mach</translation>
<source>Show single page</source>
<translation>Seall duilleagan fa leth</translation>
<source>Show facing pages</source>
<translation>Seall duilleagan aghaidheach</translation>
<source>Show overview of all pages</source>
<translation>Seall foir-shealladh air na duilleagan uile</translation>
<source>Page setup</source>
<translation>Roghainnean na duilleige</translation>
<source>Export to PDF</source>
<translation>Às-phortaich gu PDF</translation>
<source>Printer Properties</source>
<translation>Roghainnean a’ chlò-bhualadair</translation>
<source>Job Options</source>
<translation>Roghainnean na h-obrach</translation>
<source>Print range</source>
<translation>Rainse a’ chlò-bhualaidh</translation>
<source>Print all</source>
<translation>Clò-bhuail na h-uile</translation>
<source>Pages from</source>
<translation>Duilleagan o</translation>
<source>Current Page</source>
<translation>An duilleag làithreach</translation>
<source>Page Set:</source>
<translation>Seata dhuilleagan:</translation>
<source>Output Settings</source>
<translation>Roghainnean an às-chuir</translation>
<translation>Deireadh air thoiseach</translation>
<source>Color Mode</source>
<translation>Modh datha</translation>
<source>Duplex Printing</source>
<translation>Clò-bhualadh dà-thaobhach</translation>
<translation>Chan eil gin</translation>
<source>Long side</source>
<translation>Taobh fada</translation>
<source>Short side</source>
<translation>Taobh goirid</translation>
<source>Output &file:</source>
<translation>&Faidhle às-chuir:</translation>
<source>Process failed to start</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le tòiseachadh air a’ phròiseas</translation>
<source>Process crashed</source>
<translation>Thuislich am pròiseas</translation>
<source>Process operation timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air obrachadh a’ phròiseis</translation>
<source>Error reading from process</source>
<translation>Mearachd le leughadh on phròiseas</translation>
<source>Error writing to process</source>
<translation>Mearachd le sgrìobhadh dhan phròiseas</translation>
<source>No program defined</source>
<translation>Cha deach prògram a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>Could not open input redirection for reading</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn sìneadh air adhart an ion-chuir fhosgladh a chum leughaidh</translation>
<source>Resource error (fork failure): %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd goireis (fàilligeadh na fuirce): %1</translation>
<source>Could not open output redirection for writing</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn sìneadh air adhart an às-chuir fhosgladh a chum sgrìobhaidh</translation>
<source>Process failed to start: %1</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le tòiseachadh air a’ phròiseas: %1</translation>
<translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
<source>All files (*.*)</source>
<translation type="vanished">Na h-uile faidhle (*.*)</translation>
<source>Pick a file</source>
<translation type="vanished">Tagh faidhle</translation>
<source>no error occurred</source>
<translation>cha do thachair mearachd</translation>
<source>disabled feature used</source>
<translation>chaidh gleus à comas a chleachdadh</translation>
<source>bad char class syntax</source>
<translation>droch cho-chàradh air clas caractair</translation>
<source>bad lookahead syntax</source>
<translation>droch cho-chàradh lookahead</translation>
<source>lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371</source>
<translation>chan eil taic ri lookbehind, faic QTBUG-2371</translation>
<source>bad repetition syntax</source>
<translation>droch cho-chàradh atharrais</translation>
<source>invalid octal value</source>
<translation>luach ochdach mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>missing left delim</source>
<translation>tha comharra-crìche clì a dhìth</translation>
<source>unexpected end</source>
<translation>deireadh gun dùil</translation>
<source>met internal limit</source>
<translation>chaidh crìoch an eadaraimh a choileanadh</translation>
<source>invalid interval</source>
<translation>eadaramh mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>invalid category</source>
<translation>roinn-seòrsa mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>no error</source>
<translation>gun mhearachd</translation>
<source>\ at end of pattern</source>
<translation>\ air deireadh pàtrain</translation>
<source>\c at end of pattern</source>
<translation>\c air deireadh pàtrain</translation>
<source>unrecognized character follows \</source>
<translation>tha caractar nach aithne dhuinn às dhèidh \ ann</translation>
<source>numbers out of order in {} quantifier</source>
<translation>droch òrdugh air àireamhan ann an uimhrichear {}</translation>
<source>number too big in {} quantifier</source>
<translation>àireamh ro mhòr ann an uimhrichear {}</translation>
<source>missing terminating ] for character class</source>
<translation>tha ] crìochnachaidh a dhìth air clas charactaran</translation>
<source>invalid escape sequence in character class</source>
<translation>sreath teàrnaidh mì-dligheach ann an clas charactaran</translation>
<source>range out of order in character class</source>
<translation>tha droch-òrdugh air rainse ann an clas charactaran</translation>
<source>nothing to repeat</source>
<translation type="vanished">chan eil dad ri atharrais ann</translation>
<source>internal error: unexpected repeat</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: atharrais air nach robh dùil</translation>
<source>unrecognized character after (? or (?-</source>
<translation>tha caractar nach aithne dhuinn às dhèidh (? no (?-</translation>
<source>POSIX named classes are supported only within a class</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ri clasaichean ainmichte POSIX ach am broinn clas</translation>
<source>missing )</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha ) a dhìth</translation>
<source>reference to non-existent subpattern</source>
<translation>reifreans air fo-phàtran nach eil ann</translation>
<source>erroffset passed as NULL</source>
<translation type="vanished">chaidh erroffset a chur ann ’na NULL</translation>
<source>unknown option bit(s) set</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha seata biod(aichean) ann nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>missing ) after comment</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha ) a dhìth às dèidh beachd</translation>
<source>regular expression is too large</source>
<translation>tha an t-eas-preisean riaghailteach ro mhòr</translation>
<source>failed to get memory</source>
<translation type="vanished">cha deach leinn cuimhne fhaighinn</translation>
<source>unmatched parentheses</source>
<translation type="vanished">chan eil na camagan a-rèir a chèile</translation>
<source>internal error: code overflow</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: taosgadh còid</translation>
<source>unrecognized character after (?<</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha caractar nach aithne dhuinn às dhèidh (?< ann</translation>
<source>lookbehind assertion is not fixed length</source>
<translation>chan eil fad socraichte aig a’ lookbehind assertion</translation>
<source>malformed number or name after (?(</source>
<translation>tha àireamh no ainm le droch-chumadh às dèidh (?(</translation>
<source>conditional group contains more than two branches</source>
<translation>tha corr is dà mheur aig buidheann cumhach</translation>
<source>assertion expected after (?(</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha dùil air assertion às dèidh (?(</translation>
<source>(?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )</source>
<translation>feumaidh ) a bhith as dèidh (?R no (?[+-]àireamhan</translation>
<source>unknown POSIX class name</source>
<translation>ainm clas POSIX nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>POSIX collating elements are not supported</source>
<translation>cha chuirear taic ri eileamaidean POSIX collaididh</translation>
<source>this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support</source>
<translation type="vanished">cha deach an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE a thrusadh le taic ri PCRE_UTF8</translation>
<source>character value in \x{...} sequence is too large</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha luach caractair ann an sreath \x{...} ro mhòr</translation>
<source>invalid condition (?(0)</source>
<translation>cumha mhì-dhligheach (?(0)</translation>
<source>\C not allowed in lookbehind assertion</source>
<translation type="vanished">chan eil \C ceadaichte ann an lookbehind assertion</translation>
<source>PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u</source>
<translation>cha chuir PCRE taic ri \L, \l, \N{ainm}, \U no \u</translation>
<source>number after (?C is > 255</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha àireamh às dèidh (?C nas motha na 255</translation>
<source>closing ) for (?C expected</source>
<translation type="vanished">an dùil air ) a dhùineas (?C</translation>
<source>recursive call could loop indefinitely</source>
<translation type="vanished">b’ urrainn do ghairm ath-chùrsach a lùbadh gu buan</translation>
<source>unrecognized character after (?P</source>
<translation>tha caractar nach aithne dhuinn às dhèidh (?P ann</translation>
<source>syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)</source>
<translation>tha mearachd co-chàraidh ann an ainm fo-phàtrain (tha crìochnaichear a dhìth)</translation>
<source>two named subpatterns have the same name</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha an t-aon ainm air dà fho-phàtran ainmichte</translation>
<source>invalid UTF-8 string</source>
<translation type="vanished">sreang UTF-8 mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled</source>
<translation type="vanished">cha deach taic ri \P, \p agus \X a thrusadh</translation>
<source>malformed \P or \p sequence</source>
<translation>droch-chruth air sreath \P no \p</translation>
<source>unknown property name after \P or \p</source>
<translation>ainm buaidhe nach aithne dhuinn às dèidh \P no \p</translation>
<source>subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha ainm an fho-phàtrain ro fhada (32 caractar air a char as motha)</translation>
<source>too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha cus fho-phàtranan ainmichte ann (10000 air a char as motha)</translation>
<source>octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha luach ochdach nas motha na \377 (chan ann sa mhodh UTF-8)</translation>
<source>internal error: overran compiling workspace</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: taosgadh air rum-obrach trusaidh</translation>
<source>internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: tha reifreans air fo-phràtran nach deach a lorg ’s a chaidh a dhearbhadh roimhe</translation>
<source>DEFINE group contains more than one branch</source>
<translation>tha corr is aon mheur ann am buidheann DEFINE</translation>
<source>repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed</source>
<translation type="vanished">Chan fhaodar buidheann DEFINE atharrais</translation>
<source>inconsistent NEWLINE options</source>
<translation type="vanished">roghainnean NEWLINE neo-chunbhalach</translation>
<source>\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number</source>
<translation>tha \g ann nach eil ’ga leantainn le ainm/àireamh le camagan dualach no ceàrnagach no iomradh no le àireamh lom</translation>
<source>a numbered reference must not be zero</source>
<translation>chan fhaod reifreans àireamhaichte a bhith ’na neoni</translation>
<source>an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)</source>
<translation>chan eil argamaid ceadaichte air (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) no (*COMMIT)</translation>
<source>(*VERB) not recognized</source>
<translation type="vanished">cha do dh’aithnich sinn (*VERB)</translation>
<source>number is too big</source>
<translation>tha an àireamh ro mhòr</translation>
<source>subpattern name expected</source>
<translation>tha dùil air ainm fo-phàtrain</translation>
<source>digit expected after (?+</source>
<translation>tha dùil air àireamh às dèidh (?+</translation>
<source>] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha ] ’na charactar dàta mì-dhligheach ann am modh co-chòrdalachd JavaScript</translation>
<source>different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed</source>
<translation>chan eil ainmean diofraichte air fo-phàtranan air an aon àireamh ceadaichte</translation>
<source>(*MARK) must have an argument</source>
<translation>feumaidh argamaid a bhith aig (*MARK)</translation>
<source>this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support</source>
<translation type="vanished">cha deach an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE a thrusadh le taic ri PCRE_UCP</translation>
<source>\c must be followed by an ASCII character</source>
<translation type="vanished">feumaidh caractar ASCII a bhith ann às dèidh \c</translation>
<source>\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name</source>
<translation>tha \k ann nach eil ’ga leantainn le ainm le camagan dualach no ceàrnagach no iomradh</translation>
<source>internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: tha opcode nach aithne dhuinn ann am find_fixedlength()</translation>
<source>\N is not supported in a class</source>
<translation>cha chuirear taic ri \N ann an clas</translation>
<source>too many forward references</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha cus reifreansan air adhart ann</translation>
<source>disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)</source>
<translation>tha phuing còd Unicode ann nach eil ceadaichte (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)</translation>
<source>invalid UTF-16 string</source>
<translation type="vanished">sreang UTF-16 mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)</source>
<translation>tha ainm ro fhada ann am (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) no (*THEN)</translation>
<source>character value in \u.... sequence is too large</source>
<translation type="vanished">tha luach caractair ann an sreath \u.... ro mhòr</translation>
<source>invalid UTF-32 string</source>
<translation type="vanished">sreang UTF-32 mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>setting UTF is disabled by the application</source>
<translation type="vanished">chaidh suidheachadh UTF a chur à comas leis an aplacaid</translation>
<source>non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)</source>
<translation>tha caractar nach eil sia-dheicheach ann an \x{} (a bheil a’ chamag dhùnaidh a dhìth?)</translation>
<source>non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)</source>
<translation>tha caractar nach eil ochdach ann an \o{} (a bheil a’ chamag dùnaidh a dhìth?)</translation>
<source>missing opening brace after \o</source>
<translation>tha camag dhualach fosglaidh a dhìth às dèidh \o</translation>
<source>parentheses are too deeply nested</source>
<translation>tha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air na camagan</translation>
<source>invalid range in character class</source>
<translation>rainse mhì-dligheach ann an clas charactaran</translation>
<source>group name must start with a non-digit</source>
<translation>chan fhaod ainm buidhinn a thòiseachadh le àireamh</translation>
<source>quantifier does not follow a repeatable item</source>
<translation>chan eil an t-uimhrichear a’ tighinn às dèidh nì a ghabhas atharrais</translation>
<source>missing closing parenthesis</source>
<translation>tha camag dùnaidh a dhìth</translation>
<source>pattern passed as NULL</source>
<translation>chaidh pàtran a chur ann ’na NULL</translation>
<source>unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)</source>
<translation>tha biod no dhà nach aithne dhuinn ann an roghainn àm trusaidh</translation>
<source>missing ) after (?# comment</source>
<translation>tha ) a dhìth às dèidh beachd (?#</translation>
<source>failed to allocate heap memory</source>
<translation>cha deach leinn cuimhne heap a riarachadh</translation>
<source>unmatched closing parenthesis</source>
<translation>camag dùnaidh gun seise</translation>
<source>letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'</source>
<translation>thathar an dùil air litir no fo-loidhne às dèidh (?< no (?'</translation>
<source>assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)</source>
<translation>tha dùil air assertion às dèidh (?( no (?(?C)</translation>
<source>internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail ann am pcre2_study(): cha bu chòir dha a bhith ann</translation>
<source>this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support</source>
<translation>cha chuir an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE2 taic ri Unicode</translation>
<source>parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)</source>
<translation>tha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air na camagan (dearbhadh staca)</translation>
<source>character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large</source>
<translation>tha an luach air puing còd caractair ann an sreath \x{...} no \o{} ro mhòr</translation>
<source>\C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion</source>
<translation>chan eil \C ceadaichte ann an lookbehind assertion</translation>
<source>number after (?C is greater than 255</source>
<translation>tha àireamh às dèidh (?C nas motha na 255</translation>
<source>closing parenthesis for (?C expected</source>
<translation>an dùil air camag a dhùineas (?C</translation>
<source>invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name</source>
<translation>sreath teàrnaidh mì-dligheach ann an ainm (*VERB)</translation>
<source>two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)</source>
<translation>tha an t-aon ainm air dà fho-phàtran ainmichte (cha deach PCRE2_DUPNAMES a shuidheachadh)</translation>
<source>this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X</source>
<translation>cha chuir an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE2 taic ri \P, \p no \X</translation>
<source>subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)</source>
<translation>tha ainm an fho-phàtrain ro fhada (10000 caractar air a char as motha)</translation>
<source>too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)</source>
<translation>tha cus fho-phàtranan ainmichte ann (256 air a char as motha)</translation>
<source>octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode</source>
<translation>tha luach ochdach nas motha na \377 ann am modh 8-biodan gun UTF-8</translation>
<source>internal error: unknown newline setting</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: roghainn loidhnichean ùra nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>(*VERB) not recognized or malformed</source>
<translation>cha do dh’aithnich sinn (*VERB) no tha droch-chrùth air</translation>
<source>\c must be followed by a printable ASCII character</source>
<translation>feumaidh caractar ASCII a ghabhas clò-bhualadh a bhith ann às dèidh \c</translation>
<source>\c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?</source>
<translation>feumaidh litir no fear dhe [\]^_? a bhith ann às dèidh \c</translation>
<source>SPARE ERROR</source>
<translation>MEARACHD SPARE</translation>
<source>using UTF is disabled by the application</source>
<translation>chaidh cleachdadh UTF a chur à comas leis an aplacaid</translation>
<source>using UCP is disabled by the application</source>
<translation>chaidh cleachdadh UCP a chur à comas leis an aplacaid</translation>
<source>character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large</source>
<translation>tha an luach air puing còd caractair ann an sreath \u.... ro mhòr</translation>
<source>digits missing in \x{} or \o{}</source>
<translation>tha àireamhan a dìth ann an \x{} no \o{}</translation>
<source>syntax error in (?(VERSION condition</source>
<translation>Mearachd co-chàraidh ann an cumha (?(VERSION</translation>
<source>internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail: tha opcode nach aithne dhuinn ann am auto_possessify()</translation>
<source>missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument</source>
<translation>tha comharra-crìche deiridh a dhìth air gairm le argamaid sreanga</translation>
<source>unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C</source>
<translation>Tha comharra-crìche nach aithne dhuinn às dèidh (?C</translation>
<source>using \C is disabled by the application</source>
<translation>chaidh cleachdadh \C a chur à comas leis an aplacaid</translation>
<source>(?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested</source>
<translation>tha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air camagan (?| agus/no (?J: no (?x:</translation>
<source>using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library</source>
<translation>chaidh cleachdadh \C a chur à comas san leabharlann PCRE2 seo</translation>
<source>regular expression is too complicated</source>
<translation>tha an t-eas-preisean riaghailteach ro thoinnte</translation>
<source>lookbehind assertion is too long</source>
<translation>tha an lookbehind assertion ro fhada</translation>
<source>pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application</source>
<translation>tha sreang a’ phàtrain nas fhaide na a’ chrìoch a chaidh a shuidheachadh leis an aplacaid</translation>
<source>no match</source>
<translation>cha deach seise a lorg</translation>
<source>partial match</source>
<translation>seise nach eil foirfe</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: tha 1 bhaidht a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: tha 2 bhaidht a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: tha 3 baidhtichean a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: tha 4 baidhtichean a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: tha 5 baidhtichean a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil an 2 bhiod as àirde aig a’ bhaidht ’nan 0x80</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 3 biotaichean as àirde aig a’ bhaidht ’nan 0x80</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 4 biotaichean as àirde aig a’ bhaidht ’nan 0x80</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 5 biotaichean as àirde aig a’ bhaidht ’nan 0x80</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 6 biotaichean as àirde aig a’ bhaidht ’nan 0x80</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil caractar aig a bheil 5 baidhtichean ceadaichte (RFC 3629)</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: chan eil caractar aig a bheil 6 baidhtichean ceadaichte (RFC 3629)</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: cha deach puingean còdachaidh nas motha na 0x10ffff a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: cha deach na puingean còdachaidh 0xd800-0xdfff a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: sreath 2 bhaidht a tha ro fhada</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: sreath 3 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: sreath 4 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: sreath 5 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: sreath 6 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: baidht fa leth air an deach am biod 0x80 a shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-8: baidht mì-dhligheach (0xfe no 0xff)</translation>
<source>UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-16: tha ionadair ìosal a dhìth air an deireadh</translation>
<source>UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-16: tha an t-ionadair ìosal mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-16: tha an t-ionadair ìosal fa leth</translation>
<source>UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-32: cha deach na puingean còrachaidh 0xd800-0xdfff a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined</source>
<translation>mearachd UTF-32: cha deach puingean còdachaidh nas motha na 0x10ffff a mhìneachadh</translation>
<source>bad data value</source>
<translation>droch-luach dàta</translation>
<source>patterns do not all use the same character tables</source>
<translation>cha chleachd na pàtranan uile na h-aon chlàran charactaran</translation>
<source>magic number missing</source>
<translation>tha àireamh dhraoidheach a dhìth</translation>
<source>pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error</source>
<translation>chaidh am pàtran a thrusadh sa mhodh chearr: mearachd 8/16/32-biod</translation>
<source>bad offset value</source>
<translation>droch-luach frìth-àireimh</translation>
<source>bad option value</source>
<translation>droch-luach roghainne</translation>
<source>invalid replacement string</source>
<translation>sreang ionadaich mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>bad offset into UTF string</source>
<translation>droch-fhrìth-àireimh a-steach dha shreang UTF</translation>
<source>callout error code</source>
<translation>còd mearachd gairme</translation>
<source>invalid data in workspace for DFA restart</source>
<translation>tha dàta mì-dhligheach san rum-obrach airson ath-thòiseachadh DFA</translation>
<source>too much recursion for DFA matching</source>
<translation>tha cus ath-chùrsachd airson maideadh DFA ann</translation>
<source>backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching</source>
<translation>cha chuir maidseadh DFA taic ri cumha backreference no deuchainn air ath-chùrsachd</translation>
<source>function is not supported for DFA matching</source>
<translation>cha chuir maidseadh DFA taic ris an fhoincsean</translation>
<source>pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching</source>
<translation>tha nì sa phàtran ris nach cuir maidseadh DFA taic</translation>
<source>workspace size exceeded in DFA matching</source>
<translation>tha meud an ruim-obrach ro mhòr sa mhaidseadh DFA</translation>
<source>internal error - pattern overwritten?</source>
<translation>mearachd inntearnail - an deach sgrìobhadh thairis air a’ phàtran?</translation>
<source>bad JIT option</source>
<translation>droch-roghainn JIT</translation>
<source>JIT stack limit reached</source>
<translation>ràinig sinn crìoch an staca JIT</translation>
<source>match limit exceeded</source>
<translation>chaidh sinn thar crìochan a’ mhaidsidh</translation>
<source>no more memory</source>
<translation>chan eil cuimhne air a fàgail</translation>
<source>unknown substring</source>
<translation>fo-shreang nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>non-unique substring name</source>
<translation>ainm air fo-shreang nach eil fa leth</translation>
<source>NULL argument passed</source>
<translation>chaidh argamaid NULL a chur a-nall</translation>
<source>nested recursion at the same subject position</source>
<translation>tha ath-chùrsachd leabaichte air an aon ionaid cuspair</translation>
<source>recursion limit exceeded</source>
<translation>chaidh sinn thar crìochan na h-ath-chùrsachd</translation>
<source>requested value is not available</source>
<translation>chan eil an luach a dh’iarr thu ri fhaighinn</translation>
<source>requested value is not set</source>
<translation>cha deach an luach a dh’iarr thu a shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT</source>
<translation>chaidh crìoch na frìth-àireimh a shuidheachadh às aonais PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT</translation>
<source>bad escape sequence in replacement string</source>
<translation>droch-shreath teàrnaidh ann an sreang ionadaich</translation>
<source>expected closing curly bracket in replacement string</source>
<translation>an dùil air camag dhualach dùnaidh ann an sreang ionadaich</translation>
<source>bad substitution in replacement string</source>
<translation>droch-ionadachadh ann an sreang ionadaich</translation>
<source>match with end before start is not supported</source>
<translation>cha chuir sinn taic ri maideadh an deiridh ro mhaidseadh an toisich</translation>
<source>too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)</source>
<translation>tha cus ionadachaidhean ann (corr is INT_MAX)</translation>
<source>Error opening database</source>
<translation>Mearachd le fosgladh an stòir-dhàta</translation>
<source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch results</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na toraidhean fhaighinn</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Error opening database</source>
<translation>Mearachd le fosgladh an stòir-dhàta</translation>
<source>Error closing database</source>
<translation>Mearachd le dùnadh an stòir-dhàta</translation>
<source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an tar-chur</translation>
<source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadh</translation>
<source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air ais</translation>
<source>Unable to fetch row</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an ràgh fhaighinn</translation>
<source>No query</source>
<translation>Chan eil ceist ann</translation>
<source>Unable to execute statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to execute multiple statements at a time</source>
<translation>Chan urrainn duinn iomadh aithris a ghnìomhachadh aig an aon àm</translation>
<source>Unable to reset statement</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an aithris ath-shuidheachadh</translation>
<source>Unable to bind parameters</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na paramadairean a nasgadh</translation>
<source>Parameter count mismatch</source>
<translation>Chan eil cunntas nam paramadair a-rèir a chèile</translation>
<source>Existing file %1 is not writable</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh sgrìobhadh dhan fhaidhle “%1” a tha ann</translation>
<source>Filename refers to a directory</source>
<translation>Tha ainm-faidhle a’ toirt iomradh air pasgan</translation>
<source>Writing canceled by application</source>
<translation>Sguir an aplacaid dhen sgrìobhadh</translation>
<source>Scroll here</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich an-seo</translation>
<source>Left edge</source>
<translation>An oir chlì</translation>
<source>Right edge</source>
<translation>An oir dheas</translation>
<source>Page left</source>
<translation>Duilleag dhan taobh chlì</translation>
<source>Page up</source>
<translation>Duilleag suas</translation>
<source>Page right</source>
<translation>Duilleag dhan taobh deas</translation>
<source>Page down</source>
<translation>Duilleag sìos</translation>
<source>Scroll left</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu clì</translation>
<source>Scroll up</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich suas</translation>
<source>Scroll right</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu deas</translation>
<source>Scroll down</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich sìos</translation>
<source>The remote host closed the connection</source>
<translation>Dhùin an t-òstair cèin an ceangal</translation>
<source>%1: unable to set key on lock</source>
<translation>%1: cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a shuidheachadh air a’ ghlas</translation>
<source>%1: create size is less then 0</source>
<translation>%1: tha meud a’ chruthachaidh nas lugha na 0</translation>
<source>%1: unable to lock</source>
<translation>%1: cha ghabh a ghlasadh</translation>
<source>%1: unable to unlock</source>
<translation>%1: cha ghabh a’ ghlas a thoirt fo bharr</translation>
<source>%1: key is empty</source>
<translation>%1: tha an iuchair falamh</translation>
<source>%1: bad name</source>
<translation>%1: droch-ainm</translation>
<source>%1: UNIX key file doesn't exist</source>
<translation>%1: chan eil faidhle iuchrach UNIX ann</translation>
<source>%1: ftok failed</source>
<translation>%1: dh’fhàillig le ftok</translation>
<source>%1: unable to make key</source>
<translation>%1: cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a chruthachadh</translation>
<source>%1: system-imposed size restrictions</source>
<translation>%1: tha an siostam a sparradh cuingeachaidhean air a’ mheud</translation>
<source>%1: not attached</source>
<translation>%1: cha deach a cheangal ris</translation>
<source>%1: permission denied</source>
<translation>%1: cead air a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>%1: already exists</source>
<translation>%1: tha seo ann mar-thà</translation>
<source>%1: doesn't exist</source>
<translation>%1: chan eil seo ann</translation>
<source>%1: out of resources</source>
<translation>%1: dìth ghoireasan</translation>
<source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
<translation>%1: mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2</translation>
<source>%1: invalid size</source>
<translation>%1: meud mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>%1: key error</source>
<translation>%1: mearachd iuchrach</translation>
<source>%1: size query failed</source>
<translation>%1: dh’fhàillig le ceasnachadh a’ mheud</translation>
<extracomment>This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.</extracomment>
<translation>Gu clì</translation>
<translation>Gu deas</translation>
<translation>Air ais</translation>
<translation>Air adhart</translation>
<translation>Cuir stad air</translation>
<source>Volume Down</source>
<translation>Fuaim -</translation>
<source>Volume Mute</source>
<translation>Mùch an fhuaim</translation>
<source>Volume Up</source>
<translation>Fuaim +</translation>
<source>Bass Boost</source>
<translation>Spionnadh beusa</translation>
<source>Bass Up</source>
<translation>Beus +</translation>
<source>Bass Down</source>
<translation>Beus -</translation>
<source>Treble Up</source>
<translation>Trìobail +</translation>
<source>Treble Down</source>
<translation>Trìobail -</translation>
<source>Media Play</source>
<translation>Cluich meadhan</translation>
<source>Media Stop</source>
<translation>Cuir stad air meadhan</translation>
<source>Media Previous</source>
<translation>Am meadhan roimhe</translation>
<source>Media Next</source>
<translation>An ath-mheadhan</translation>
<source>Media Record</source>
<translation>Clàraich meadhan</translation>
<source>Media Pause</source>
<extracomment>Media player pause button</extracomment>
<translation>Cuir meadhan ’na stad</translation>
<source>Toggle Media Play/Pause</source>
<extracomment>Media player button to toggle between playing and paused</extracomment>
<translation>Toglaich cluich/stad a’ mheadhain</translation>
<source>Home Page</source>
<source>Open URL</source>
<translation>Fosgail URL</translation>
<source>Launch Mail</source>
<translation>Cuir am post gu dol</translation>
<source>Launch Media</source>
<translation>Cuir am meadhan gu dol</translation>
<source>Launch (0)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (0)</translation>
<source>Launch (1)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (1)</translation>
<source>Launch (2)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (2)</translation>
<source>Launch (3)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (3)</translation>
<source>Launch (4)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (4)</translation>
<source>Launch (5)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (5)</translation>
<source>Launch (6)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (6)</translation>
<source>Launch (7)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (7)</translation>
<source>Launch (8)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (8)</translation>
<source>Launch (9)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (9)</translation>
<source>Launch (A)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (A)</translation>
<source>Launch (B)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (B)</translation>
<source>Launch (C)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (C)</translation>
<source>Launch (D)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (D)</translation>
<source>Launch (E)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (E)</translation>
<source>Launch (F)</source>
<translation>Cuir gu dol (F)</translation>
<source>Monitor Brightness Up</source>
<translation>Soilleireachd na sgrìn +</translation>
<source>Monitor Brightness Down</source>
<translation>Soilleireachd na sgrìn -</translation>
<source>Keyboard Light On/Off</source>
<translation>Solas a’ mheur-chlàir air/dheth</translation>
<source>Keyboard Brightness Up</source>
<translation>Soilleireachd a’ mheur-chlàir +</translation>
<source>Keyboard Brightness Down</source>
<translation>Soilleireachd a’ mheur-chlàir -</translation>
<source>Power Off</source>
<translation>Cuir a’ chumhachd dheth</translation>
<source>Wake Up</source>
<translation>Gluais a-mach</translation>
<translation>Cuir ’na chadal</translation>
<translation>Bolgan solais</translation>
<source>Add Favorite</source>
<translation>Cuir annsachd ris</translation>
<source>Hot Links</source>
<translation>Ceanglaichean trice</translation>
<source>Adjust Brightness</source>
<translation>Gleus an t-soilleireachd</translation>
<source>Media Rewind</source>
<translation>Toinneadh air ais meadhain</translation>
<source>Back Forward</source>
<translation>Air ais air adhart</translation>
<source>Application Left</source>
<translation>Aplacaid gu clì</translation>
<source>Application Right</source>
<translation>Aplacaid gu deas</translation>
<source>Clear Grab</source>
<translation>Clear Grab</translation>
<translation>Dèan lethbhreac</translation>
<translation>Gearr às</translation>
<translation>Clàraich a-mach</translation>
<source>Keyboard Menu</source>
<translation>Clàr-taice a’ mheur-chlàir</translation>
<source>Menu PB</source>
<translation>Menu PB</translation>
<source>My Sites</source>
<translation>Na làraichean agam</translation>
<source>Home Office</source>
<translation>Oifis taighe</translation>
<translation>Cuir ann</translation>
<translation>Cuir fòn</translation>
<source>Rotate Windows</source>
<translation>Cuairtich na h-uinneagan</translation>
<source>Rotation PB</source>
<translation>Rotation PB</translation>
<source>Rotation KB</source>
<translation>Rotation KB</translation>
<source>Split Screen</source>
<translation>Sgrìn sgoilte</translation>
<source>Task Panel</source>
<translation>Panail nan saothair</translation>
<source>Word Processor</source>
<translation>Pròiseasadh fhaclan</translation>
<source>Zoom In</source>
<translation>Sùm a-steach</translation>
<source>Zoom Out</source>
<translation>Sùm a-mach</translation>
<translation>Air falbh</translation>
<source>Mail Forward</source>
<translation>Sìneadh air adhart puist</translation>
<source>Ultra Wide Band</source>
<translation>Bann ultra-leathann</translation>
<source>Media Fast Forward</source>
<translation>Toinneadh air adhart meadhain</translation>
<source>Audio Repeat</source>
<translation>Ath-chluich fuaime</translation>
<source>Audio Random Play</source>
<translation>Cluich air thuaiream fuaime</translation>
<source>Audio Cycle Track</source>
<translation>Cuairtich traca fuaime</translation>
<translation>Dèan cadal-geamhraidh</translation>
<source>Top Menu</source>
<translation>Clàr-taice barra</translation>
<source>Power Down</source>
<translation>Dùin sìos</translation>
<translation>Cuir ’na dhàil</translation>
<source>Microphone Mute</source>
<translation>Mùch am micreofon</translation>
<source>Channel Up</source>
<translation>Seanail suas</translation>
<source>Channel Down</source>
<translation>Seanail sìos</translation>
<source>Microphone Volume Up</source>
<translation>Àirde a’ mhicreofon +</translation>
<source>Microphone Volume Down</source>
<translation>Àirde a’ mhicreofon -</translation>
<source>Print Screen</source>
<translation>Print Screen</translation>
<source>Page Up</source>
<translation>Page Up</translation>
<source>Page Down</source>
<translation>Page Down</translation>
<source>Caps Lock</source>
<translation>Caps Lock</translation>
<source>Num Lock</source>
<translation>Num Lock</translation>
<source>Number Lock</source>
<translation>Number Lock</translation>
<source>Scroll Lock</source>
<translation>Scroll Lock</translation>
<source>System Request</source>
<translation>System Request</translation>
<translation>Chan eil</translation>
<extracomment>Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)</extracomment>
<extracomment>Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)</extracomment>
<translation>Cuir crìoch air a’ ghairm</translation>
<source>Toggle Call/Hangup</source>
<extracomment>Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.</extracomment>
<translation>Toglaich gairm ’s a crìoch</translation>
<translation>Thoir flip</translation>
<source>Voice Dial</source>
<extracomment>Button to trigger voice dialing</extracomment>
<translation>Daithealadh gutha</translation>
<source>Last Number Redial</source>
<extracomment>Button to redial the last number called</extracomment>
<translation>Ath-dhaitheal an àireamh mu dheireadh</translation>
<source>Camera Shutter</source>
<extracomment>Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)</extracomment>
<source>Camera Focus</source>
<extracomment>Button to focus the camera</extracomment>
<translation>Fòcas camara</translation>
<source>Hiragana Katakana</source>
<translation>Hiragana Katakana</translation>
<source>Zenkaku Hankaku</source>
<translation>Zenkaku Hankaku</translation>
<source>Kana Lock</source>
<translation>Kana Lock</translation>
<source>Kana Shift</source>
<translation>Kana Shift</translation>
<source>Eisu Shift</source>
<translation>Eisu Shift</translation>
<source>Eisu toggle</source>
<translation>Eisu toggle</translation>
<source>Code input</source>
<translation>Ion-chur còd</translation>
<source>Multiple Candidate</source>
<translation>Iomadh tagraiche</translation>
<source>Previous Candidate</source>
<translation>An tagraiche roimhe</translation>
<source>Hangul Start</source>
<translation>Hangul Start</translation>
<source>Hangul End</source>
<translation>Hangul End</translation>
<source>Hangul Hanja</source>
<translation>Hangul Hanja</translation>
<source>Hangul Jamo</source>
<translation>Hangul Jamo</translation>
<source>Hangul Romaja</source>
<translation>Hangul Romaja</translation>
<source>Hangul Jeonja</source>
<translation>Hangul Jeonja</translation>
<source>Hangul Banja</source>
<translation>Hangul Banja</translation>
<source>Hangul PreHanja</source>
<translation>Hangul PreHanja</translation>
<source>Hangul PostHanja</source>
<translation>Hangul PostHanja</translation>
<source>Hangul Special</source>
<translation>Hangul sònraichte</translation>
<translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
<translation>Cuir an gnìomh</translation>
<translation>Fàg an-seo</translation>
<source>Touchpad Toggle</source>
<translation>Toglachadh a’ phada-shuathaidh</translation>
<source>Touchpad On</source>
<translation>Cuir am pada-suathaidh air</translation>
<source>Touchpad Off</source>
<translation>Cuir am pada-suathaidh dheth</translation>
<source>Connection to proxy refused</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal dhan phrogsaidh a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>Connection to proxy closed prematurely</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal dhan phrogsaidh a dhùnadh ro thràth</translation>
<source>Proxy host not found</source>
<translation>Cha deach òstair progsaidh a lorg</translation>
<source>Connection to proxy timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air a’ cheangal dhan phrogsaidh</translation>
<source>Proxy authentication failed</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le dearbhadh a’ phrogsaidh</translation>
<source>Proxy authentication failed: %1</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le dearbhadh a’ phrogsaidh: %1</translation>
<source>SOCKS version 5 protocol error</source>
<translation>Mearachd le pròtacal SOCKS tionndadh 5</translation>
<source>General SOCKSv5 server failure</source>
<translation>Fàilligeadh frithealaiche SOCKSv5 coitcheann</translation>
<source>Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server</source>
<translation>Cha cheadaich am frithealaiche SOCKSv5 ceangal</translation>
<source>TTL expired</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air TTL</translation>
<source>SOCKSv5 command not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ri àithne SOCKSv5</translation>
<source>Address type not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an t-seòrsa seòlaidh</translation>
<source>Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1</source>
<translation>Còd mearachd progsaidh SOCKSv5 0x%1 nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>Network operation timed out</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air obrachadh an lìonraidh</translation>
<source>invalid role</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed</extracomment>
<translation>dreuchd mhì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>title bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>menu bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>bàr clàir-thaice</translation>
<source>scroll bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>text caret</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>carait teacsa</translation>
<source>alert message</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>teachdaireachd rabhaidh</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>popup menu</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>menu item</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>nì clàir-thaice</translation>
<source>tool tip</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>tool bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>status bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>column header</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
<translation>bann-cinn cuilbh</translation>
<source>row header</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
<translation>bann-cinn ràigh</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>help balloon</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>builgean cobharach</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>list item</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>nì liosta</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>tree item</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>nì craoibhe</translation>
<source>page tab</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>taba dhuilleagan</translation>
<source>property page</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>duilleag nan roghainnean</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>push button</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>putan putaidh</translation>
<source>check box</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>radio button</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>putan rèidio</translation>
<source>combo box</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>bogsa combo</translation>
<source>progress bar</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>bàr adhartais</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>hotkey field</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>raon grad-iuchrach</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>spin box</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>button with drop down</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>putan le clàr-taice teàrnaidh</translation>
<source>button menu</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>clàr-taice putain</translation>
<source>button with drop down grid</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.</extracomment>
<translation>putan le griod teàrnaidh</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.</extracomment>
<source>page tab list</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>liosta taba dhuilleagan</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>layered pane</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>leòsan fillte</translation>
<source>web document</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>color chooser</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>roghnaichear dhathan</translation>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<source>complementary content</source>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
<translation>chan eil fhios</translation>
<source>No error</source>
<translation>Gun mhearachd</translation>
<source>Invalid input data</source>
<translation>Dàta ion-chuir mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe</source>
<translation>Thathar a’ meas nach eil na paramadairean Diffie-Hellman a chaidh a thoirt seachad sàbhailte</translation>
<source>Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)</source>
<translation>Mearachd le suidheachadh nan lùban eileapsach (%1)</translation>
<source>Error creating SSL context (%1)</source>
<translation>Mearachd le cruthachadh na co-theacsa SSL (%1)</translation>
<source>unsupported protocol</source>
<translation>pròtacal ris nach cuirear taic</translation>
<source>Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)</source>
<translation>Liosta shifirean mhì-dligheach no fhalamh (%1)</translation>
<source>Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh teisteanas gun iuchair toirt seachad, %1</translation>
<source>Error loading local certificate, %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ luchdadh teisteanais ionadaich, %1</translation>
<source>Error loading private key, %1</source>
<translation>mearachd le luchdadh iuchrach phrìobhaidich, %1</translation>
<source>Private key does not certify public key, %1</source>
<translation>Chan eil an iuchair phrìobhaideach ’na theisteanas dhan iuchair phoblach, %1</translation>
<source>Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid</source>
<translation>Chan eil na paramadairean Diffie-Hellman dligheach</translation>
<source>OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2</source>
<translation>Tha an tionndadh de dh’OpenSSL ro shean, tha feum air tionndadh 1.0.2 air a char as lugha</translation>
<source>No error</source>
<translation>Gun mhearachd</translation>
<source>The issuer certificate could not be found</source>
<translation>Cha deach teisteanas an fhoillsicheir a lorg</translation>
<source>The certificate signature could not be decrypted</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn soidhneadh an teisteanais a dhì-chrioptachadh</translation>
<source>The public key in the certificate could not be read</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an iuchair phoblach san teisteanas a leughadh</translation>
<source>The signature of the certificate is invalid</source>
<translation>Tha soidhneadh an teisteanais mì-dhligheach</translation>
<source>The certificate is not yet valid</source>
<translation>Chan eil an teisteanas dligheach fhathast</translation>
<source>The certificate has expired</source>
<translation>Dh’fhalbh an ùine air an teisteanas</translation>
<source>The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time</source>
<translation>Tha àm mì-dhligheach ann an raon notBefore an teisteanais</translation>
<source>The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time</source>
<translation>Tha àm mì-dhligheach ann an raon notAfter an teisteanais</translation>
<source>The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted</source>
<translation>Chaidh an teisteanas fhèin-shoidhneadh ’s chan eil earbsa ann</translation>
<source>The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted</source>
<translation>Chaidh teisteanas-freumha a’ cheangail teisteanais fhèin-shoidhneadh ’s chan eil earbsa ann</translation>
<source>The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found</source>
<translation>Cha do lorg sinn teisteanas an fhoillsicheir aig teisteanas a lorg sinn gu h-ionadail</translation>
<source>No certificates could be verified</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn teisteanas a dhearbhadh</translation>
<source>One of the CA certificates is invalid</source>
<translation>Tha teisteanas ùghdarrais ann nach eil dligheach</translation>
<source>The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded</source>
<translation>Chaidh dol thairis air paramadair fad slighe nam basicConstraints</translation>
<source>The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose</source>
<translation>Chan eil an teisteanas a chaidh a thoirt seachad freagarrach airson an adhbhair seo</translation>
<source>The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose</source>
<translation>Chan eil earbsa ann an teisteanas an ùghdarrais airson an adhbhair seo</translation>
<source>The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose</source>
<translation>Tha comharra ri teisteanas an ùghdarrais gus an t-adhbhar sònraichte a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate</source>
<translation>Chaidh tagraiche làithreach aig teisteanas an ùghdarrais a dhiùltadh o nach eil ainm a chuspair a-rèir ainm foillsicheir an teisteanais làithrich</translation>
<source>The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate</source>
<translation>Chaidh tagraiche làithreach aig teisteanas an ùghdarrais a dhiùltadh on a tha ainm is àireamh shreathach fhoillsicheir ann ’s chan eil iad a-rèir aithnichear iuchrach ùghdarrais an teisteanais làithrich</translation>
<source>The peer did not present any certificate</source>
<translation>Cha dug an seise teisteanas seachad</translation>
<source>The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate</source>
<translation>Cha robh ainm an t-òstair a’ maidseadh gin dhe na h-òstairean dligheach aig an teisteanas seo</translation>
<source>The peer certificate is blacklisted</source>
<translation>Tha teisteanas an t-seise air an dubh-liosta</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>The TLS/SSL connection has been closed</source>
<translation>Chaidh an ceangal TLS/SSL a dhùnadh</translation>
<source>Error creating SSL session, %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ cruthachadh seisean SSL, %1</translation>
<source>Error creating SSL session: %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd a’ cruthachadh seisean SSL: %1</translation>
<source>Unable to init SSL Context: %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd le tòiseachadh co-theacsa SSL: %1</translation>
<source>Unable to write data: %1</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dàta a sgrìobhadh: %1</translation>
<source>Unable to decrypt data: %1</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dàta a dhì-chrioptachadh: %1</translation>
<source>Error while reading: %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd le leughadh: %1</translation>
<source>Error during SSL handshake: %1</source>
<translation>Mearachd le crathadh-làimhe SSL: %1</translation>
<translation>An deasg</translation>
<source>Temporary Directory</source>
<translation>Pasgan sealadach</translation>
<source>Shared Data</source>
<translation>Dàta co-roinnte</translation>
<translation>Àm ruith</translation>
<source>Shared Configuration</source>
<translation>Rèiteachadh co-roinnte</translation>
<source>Shared Cache</source>
<translation>Tasgadan co-roinnte</translation>
<translation>Luchdadh a-nuas</translation>
<source>Application Data</source>
<translation>Dàta aplacaid</translation>
<source>Application Configuration</source>
<translation>Rèiteachadh aplacaid</translation>
<source>Missing initial state in compound state '%1'</source>
<translation>Tha staid-thòiseachaidh a dhìth air an staid fhillte “%1”</translation>
<source>Missing default state in history state '%1'</source>
<translation>Tha staid thùsail a dhìth air staid an eachdraidh “%1”</translation>
<source>No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'</source>
<translation>Chan eil an t-aon shinnsear aig targaid ’s tùs an tar-mhùthaidh ann on staid “%1” a-mach</translation>
<source>Unknown error</source>
<translation>Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn</translation>
<source>%1: permission denied</source>
<translation>%1: cead air a dhiùltadh</translation>
<source>%1: already exists</source>
<translation>%1: tha seo ann mar-thà</translation>
<source>%1: does not exist</source>
<translation>%1: chan eil seo ann</translation>
<source>%1: out of resources</source>
<translation>%1: dìth ghoireasan</translation>
<source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
<translation>%1: mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2</translation>
<source>Unable to open connection</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an ceangal fhosgladh</translation>
<source>Unable to use database</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an stòr-dàta a chleachdadh</translation>
<source>Scroll Left</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu clì</translation>
<source>Scroll Right</source>
<translation>Sgrolaich gu deas</translation>
<source>Operation on socket is not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an obrachadh air an t-socaid</translation>
<source>Could not read image data</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn dàta an deilbh a leughadh</translation>
<source>Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an uidheam shreathach (can socaid) gus dealbh a leughadh</translation>
<source>Seek file/device for image read failed</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le sireadh an fhaidhle/uidheim gus dealbh a leughadh</translation>
<source>Image header read failed</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le leughadh bann-cinn an deilbh</translation>
<source>Image type not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an t-seòrsa deilbh</translation>
<source>Image depth not valid</source>
<translation>Chan eil doimhne an deilbh dhligheach</translation>
<source>Could not seek to image read footer</source>
<translation>Dh’fhàillig le sireadh bann-coise an deilbh</translation>
<source>Could not read footer</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am bann-coise a leughadh</translation>
<source>Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ris an t-seòrsa deilbh (nach eil ’na TrueVision 2.0)</translation>
<source>Could not reset to read data</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ath-shuidheachadh gus an dàta a leughadh</translation>
<source>Unable to send a datagram</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an dàta-ghram a chur</translation>
<source>No datagram available for reading</source>
<translation>Chan eil dàta-ghram ri fhaighinn a chum leughaidh</translation>
<source>Undo %1</source>
<translation>Neo-dhèan %1</translation>
<comment>Default text for undo action</comment>
<source>Redo %1</source>
<translation>Ath-dhèan %1</translation>
<comment>Default text for redo action</comment>
<source>Undo %1</source>
<translation>Neo-dhèan %1</translation>
<comment>Default text for undo action</comment>
<source>Redo %1</source>
<translation>Ath-dhèan %1</translation>
<comment>Default text for redo action</comment>
<source>LRM Left-to-right mark</source>
<translation>LRM Comharra clì-gu-deas</translation>
<source>RLM Right-to-left mark</source>
<translation>RLM Comharra deas-gu-clì</translation>
<source>ZWJ Zero width joiner</source>
<translation>ZWJ Caractar nasgaidh gun leud</translation>
<source>ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner</source>
<translation>ZWNJ Caractar neo-nasgaidh gun leud</translation>
<source>ZWSP Zero width space</source>
<translation>ZWSP Beàrn gun leud</translation>
<source>LRE Start of left-to-right embedding</source>
<translation>LRE Toiseach air leabachadh clì-gu-deas</translation>
<source>RLE Start of right-to-left embedding</source>
<translation>RLE Toiseach air leabachadh deas-gu-clì</translation>
<source>LRO Start of left-to-right override</source>
<translation>LRO Toiseach air tar-àithne clì-gu-deas</translation>
<source>RLO Start of right-to-left override</source>
<translation>RLO Toiseach air tar-àithne deas-gu-clì</translation>
<source>PDF Pop directional formatting</source>
<translation>PDF Pop am fòrmatadh comhaireach</translation>
<source>LRI Left-to-right isolate</source>
<translation>LRI Leth-oireach clì-gu-deas</translation>
<source>RLI Right-to-left isolate</source>
<translation>RLI Leth-oireach deas-gu-clì</translation>
<source>FSI First strong isolate</source>
<translation>FSI A’ chiad leth-oireach làidir</translation>
<source>PDI Pop directional isolate</source>
<translation>PDI Pop an leth-oireach comhaireach</translation>
<source>Insert Unicode control character</source>
<translation>Cuir a-steach caractar-smachd Unicode</translation>
<source>What's This?</source>
<translation>Dè th’ ann?</translation>
<translation>&Gearr às</translation>
<translation>Dèan lethbhrea&c</translation>
<source>Copy &Link Location</source>
<translation>Dèan lethbhreac de sheò&ladh a’ cheangail</translation>
<translation>Cuir a&nn</translation>
<translation>Sguab às</translation>
<source>Select All</source>
<translation>Tagh na h-uile</translation>
<source>Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.</source>
<translation>Chan urrainn dha Qt plugan an ùrlair direct2d platform a luchdadh on a tha an tionndadh dhe Direct2D air an t-siostam seo ro shean. Tha am plugan ùrlair seo feumach air Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update air a char as lugha.
Is %1.%2.%3.%4 an tionndadh as sine dhe Direct2D a dh’obraicheas. Is %5.%6.%7.%8 an tionndadh dhe Direct2D air an t-siostam seo.</translation>
<source>Cannot load direct2d platform plugin</source>
<translation>Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn plugan an ùrlair direct2d a luchdadh</translation>
<source>Go Back</source>
<translation>Air ais</translation>
<source>< &Back</source>
<translation>< Air Ai&s</translation>
<translation>Lean air adhart</translation>
<translation>Air &adhart</translation>
<source>&Next ></source>
<translation>Air &adhart ></translation>
<translation>Dèan commit</translation>
<translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
<source>no error occurred</source>
<translation>cha do thachair mearachd</translation>
<source>error triggered by consumer</source>
<translation>dh’adhbharaich an caitheadair mearachd</translation>
<source>unexpected end of file</source>
<translation>deireadh faidhle ris nach robh dùil</translation>
<source>more than one document type definition</source>
<translation>tha iomadh document type definition ann</translation>
<source>error occurred while parsing element</source>
<translation>thachair mearachd le parsadh na h-eileamaid</translation>
<source>tag mismatch</source>
<translation>chan eil na tagaichean a-rèir a chèile</translation>
<source>error occurred while parsing content</source>
<translation>thachair mearachd le parsadh na susbaint</translation>
<source>unexpected character</source>
<translation>caractar ris nach robh dùil</translation>
<source>invalid name for processing instruction</source>
<translation>ainm mì-dhligheach air àithne pròiseasaidh</translation>
<source>version expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
<translation>bhathar an dùil ri tionndadh le leughadh an foirghill XML</translation>
<source>wrong value for standalone declaration</source>
<translation>luach cearr air foirgheall aonaranach</translation>
<source>encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
<translation>bhathar an dùil ri foirgheall còdachaidh no aonarach le leughadh an fhoirghill XML</translation>
<source>standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
<translation>bhathar an dùil ri foirgheall aonarach le leughadh an foirghill XML</translation>
<source>error occurred while parsing document type definition</source>
<translation>thachair mearachd le parsadh an document type definition</translation>
<source>letter is expected</source>
<translation>thathar an dùil ri litir</translation>
<source>error occurred while parsing comment</source>
<translation>thachair mearachd le parsadh a’ bheachd</translation>
<source>error occurred while parsing reference</source>
<translation>thachair mearachd le parsadh an reifreans</translation>
<source>internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD</source>
<translation>chan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann inntearnail ceadaichte ann an DTD</translation>
<source>external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value</source>
<translation>chan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann air a pharsadh on taobh a-muigh ceadaichte ann an luach buaidhe</translation>
<source>external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD</source>
<translation>chan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann air a pharsadh on taobh a-muigh ceadaichte ann an DTD</translation>
<source>unparsed entity reference in wrong context</source>
<translation>tha reifreans eintiteis nach deach a pharsadh sa cho-theacsa chearr</translation>
<source>recursive entities</source>
<translation>eintiteasan ath-chùrsach</translation>
<source>error in the text declaration of an external entity</source>
<translation>mearachd ann am foirgheall teacsa aig eintiteas on taobh a-muigh</translation>
<source>Extra content at end of document.</source>
<translation>Tha susbaint a bharrachd air deireadh na sgrìobhainn.</translation>
<source>Invalid entity value.</source>
<translation>Luach eintiteis mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Invalid XML character.</source>
<translation>Caractar XML mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.</source>
<translation>Chan eil an sreath “]]>” ceadaichte am broinn susbaint.</translation>
<source>Encountered incorrectly encoded content.</source>
<translation>Thachradh air susbaint nach deach a chòdachadh mar bu chòir.</translation>
<source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
<translation>Tha foirgheall a dhìth air ro-leasachan ainm-spàis “%1”</translation>
<source>Illegal namespace declaration.</source>
<translation>Foirgheall ainm-spàs mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Attribute '%1' redefined.</source>
<translation>Chaidh am buadh “%1” ath-mhìneachadh.</translation>
<source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
<translation>Caractar “%1” ris nach robh dùil ann an litearail id poblach.</translation>
<source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
<translation>Sreang tionndaidh XML mhì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
<translation>Tionndadh dhe XML ris nach cuirear taic.</translation>
<source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
<translation>Feumaidh am pseudo-bhuadh aonaranach a nochdadh às dèid a’ chòdachaidh.</translation>
<source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
<translation>Chan eil %1 ’na ainm còdachaidh dligheach.</translation>
<source>Encoding %1 is unsupported</source>
<translation>Cha chuirear taic ri còdachadh %1</translation>
<source>Standalone accepts only yes or no.</source>
<translation>Cha ghabh an t-aonarach ach ri “yes” no “no”.</translation>
<source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
<translation>Buadh mì-dhligheach ann am foirghill XML.</translation>
<source>Premature end of document.</source>
<translation>Thàinig crìoch na sgrìobhainn ro thràth.</translation>
<source>Invalid document.</source>
<translation>Sgrìobhainn mhì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Expected </source>
<translation>An dùil ri </translation>
<source>, but got '</source>
<translation>, ach fhuaras ’</translation>
<source>Unexpected '</source>
<translation>Tha seo ann gun dùil: ’</translation>
<source>Expected character data.</source>
<translation>An dùil ri dàta charactaran.</translation>
<source>Recursive entity detected.</source>
<translation>Mhothaich sinn do dh’eintiteas ath-chùrsach.</translation>
<source>Start tag expected.</source>
<translation>An dùil ri taga tòiseachaidh.</translation>
<source>NDATA in parameter entity declaration.</source>
<translation>NDATA ann am foirgheall eintiteas paramadair.</translation>
<source>XML declaration not at start of document.</source>
<translation>Foirgheall XML nach eil aig toiseach na sgrìobhainn.</translation>
<source>%1 is an invalid processing instruction name.</source>
<translation>Chan eil %1 ’na ainm àithne pròiseasaidh dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Invalid processing instruction name.</source>
<translation>Ainm àithne pròiseasaidh mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.</source>
<translation>Chan eil %1 ’na aithnichear PUBLIC dligheach.</translation>
<source>Invalid XML name.</source>
<translation>Ainm XML mì-dhligheach.</translation>
<source>Opening and ending tag mismatch.</source>
<translation>Chan eil an taga fosglaidh ’s an taga deiridh a-rèir a chèile.</translation>
<source>Entity '%1' not declared.</source>
<translation>Tha foirgheall a dhìth air an eintiteas “%1”.</translation>
<source>Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.</source>
<translation>Reifreans gu eintiteas “%1” nach deach a pharsadh.</translation>
<source>Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.</source>
<translation>Iomradh air eintiteas on taobh a-muigh “%1” ann an luach buaidh.</translation>
<source>Invalid character reference.</source>
<translation>Reifreans mì-dhligheach air caractar.</translation>