virt-install -n blah -r 1024 --vcpu=1 --disk=/root/vm/blah.qcow2,size=10\
--network=bridge:br-public --pxe --boot=network,rebootTimeout=3
By default, in case of (first) pxe boot failure the VM will simply
stop trying.
By adding the above, VM will re-try pxe boot. ( useful when DHCP not
replys on first attempt.
Libvirt support it and VM XML will look as follow : ( 'bios rebootTimeout'
will be created under OS section. )
<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-rhel7.5.0'>hvm</type>
<boot dev='network'/>
<bios rebootTimeout='3'/>
(crobinso: fix it, add test case)
Otherwise if we hit an error in connect.tick, connection can be
automatically closed in the UI, plus other parts of the code
were implicitly depending on this ordering, like VM rename support
Class will work above connection. Right know, it is possible to
provide stats for domains only, but could be expanded.
To retrieve stats, you can use get_vm_stats(vm).
This class uses new virConnectGetAllDomainStats call, which reduces
number of calls needed to poll stats.
Stats are refreshed with every connection tick.
Signed-off-by: Simon Kobyda <>
(crobinso: squash commits, move statsmanager to its own file,
fix pylint)
For one, we don't offer to install it anymore because we dropped
packagekit stuff. But even having a single package here isn't
really the whole story because different desktops have their
own askpass providers, like Fedora has openssh-askpass for GNOME,
but ksshaskpass for KDE
So drop it all, make the error more generic, and point people
to setting up SSH keys too
In the future, the only option for systray icons is going to
be statusnotifier/libappindicator. statusicon doesn't work on
wayland and gtk4 is dropping the APIs. KDE however is keeping
statusnotifier's around, and ubuntu is maintaining a gnome-shell
plugin to make them work
Revive support, but add a dbus check to make it smarter about
only using libappindicator when there's a listener present.
Better architect the code to separate the differences between
statusicon and libappindicator. Clean up the menu building
On first run of the app we will check to see if libvirt and qemu
are installed, and if not, offer to install them. In theory anyways.
In practice this stuff breaks repeatedly and is a pain to test because
every desktop has their own API provider with subtly different behavior.
My last round of testing about 12 months ago: apper on KDE was completely
busted and apparently unmaintained (although that may have changed lately),
gnome-software is the latest packagekit provider on gnome and completely
changes the semantics of the API compared to old style gnome-packagekit
that break a lot of virt-manager assumptions.
So I'm tired of it and want it all gone. Still use systemd to try and
check if libvirtd is running, and provide error messages at startup
to guide people.
Libvirtd can advertise itself over avahi. The feature is disabled by
default though and in practice I hear of no one actually using it
and frankly I don't think it's all that useful
The 'Open Connection' wizard has a disproportionate amount of code
devoted to this feature, but I don't think it's useful or worth
maintaining, so let's drop it
This switch says: if we detect a rhel host, use special version
checks that match rhel backports. This pattern sucks. The way
forward is to have libvirt advertise the bits that are supported,
through domcapabilities. Then virt-manager/virtinst can react
as appropriate.
The new UI is handled in mediacombo. It's a combobox+entry. The
combobox is prepopulated with host cdrom/floppy devices, and
previously used media paths from gsettings
The new VM wizard no longer has separate UI for cdrom device vs
ISO media. The choosecd dialog is gone all together, and media
is changed with the 'apply' button like all other details changes
This was needed at one point to make our logging not throw
exceptions when passed non-ascii text, like logging translated
errors. pretty sure python 3 and probably python2.7 fixed all
those issues, so lets drop it