This is one of the advanced CARLA features. It allows to record and reenact a simulation while providing with a complete log of the events happened and a few queries to ease the trace and study of those.
To learn about the generated file and its specifics take a look at this [reference](
All the data is written in a binary file on the server side only. However, the recorder is managed using the [carla.Client](
To reenact the simulation, actors will be updated on every frame according to the data contained in the recorded file. Actors that appear in the simulation will be either moved or re-spawned to emulate the recording. Those that do not appear in the recording will continue their way as if nothing happened.
To start recording there is only need for a file name. Using `\`, `/` or `:` characters in the file name will define it as an absolute path. If no path is detailed, the file will be saved in `CarlaUE4/Saved`.
| `start` | Recording time in seconds to start the simulation at. | If positive, time will be considered from the beginning of the recording. <br>If negative, it will be considered from the end. |
| `duration` | Seconds to playback. 0 is all the recording. | By the end of the playback, vehicles will be set to autopilot and pedestrians will stop. |
| `camera` | ID of the actor that the camera will focus on. | By default the spectator will move freely. |
The details of a recording can be retrieved using a simple API call. By default, it only retrieves those frames where an event was registered, but setting the parameter `show_all` would return all the information for every frame. The specifics on how the data is stored are detailed in the [recorder's reference](
The following example only would retrieve remarkable events:
* __Opening information:__ map, date and time when the simulation was recorded.
* __Frame information:__ any event that could happen (actor spawning/destruction, collisions...). The output contains the actor's ID and some additional information.
* __Closing information:__ a summary of number of frames and total time recorded.
In order to record collisions, vehicles must have a [collision detector]( attached. The collisions registered by the recorder can be queried using arguments to filter the type of the actors involved in the collisions. For example, `h` identifies actors whose `role_name = hero`, usually assigned to vehicles managed by the user.
Currently, the actor types that can be used in the query are:
* __h__ = Hero
* __v__ = Vehicle
* __w__ = Walker
* __t__ = Traffic light
* __o__ = Other
* __a__ = Any
!!! Note
The `` script automatically assigns the `role_name` of the vehicle to `hero` besides providing control over it.
The API call to query collisions requires two of the previous flags to filter the collisions. The following example would show collisions registered between vehicles and any other object:
This query is used to detect vehicles that where stucked during the recording. An actor is considered blocked if it does not move a minimum distance in a certain time. This definition is made by the user during the query:
In this example, the vehicle `173` was stopped for `336` seconds at time `36` seconds. To check the cause of it , it would be useful to check how it arrived to that situation by replaying a few seconds before the second `36`:
* __show_recorder_collisions.py__: shows recorded collisions between two actors of type __A__ and __B__ defined using a series of flags: `-t = vv` would show all collisions between vehicles.
* __show_recorder_actors_blocked.py__: shows a register for vehicles considered blocked. Actors are considered blocked when not moving a minimum distance in a certain time.
Now it is time to experiment for a while. Use the recorder to playback a simulation, trace back events, make changes to see new outcomes. Feel free to say your word in the CARLA forum about this matter:
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