* __ROS Kinetic/Melodic:__ follow the official documentation to [install ROS](http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu). Some ROS packages could be necessary, depending on the user needs, such as [rviz](https://wiki.ros.org/ainstein_radar_rviz_plugins) to visualize ROS data.
* __CARLA:__ only __CARLA 0.9.7__ and later versions are supported. Follow the [quick start installation](../getting_started/quickstart) or make the build for the corresponding platform.
The path to CARLA Python is missing. Please execute the following command with the complete path to the _.egg_ file (included). Use the one, that is supported by the Python version installed:
__3) start the ROS bridge:__ use any of the different packages available that will serve to check if the bridge is running properly. Here are some suggestions:
There is some configuration for CARLA available from the ROS bridge. This can be setup by editing the file: [`carla_ros_bridge/config/settings.yaml`](https://github.com/carla-simulator/ros-bridge/blob/master/carla_ros_bridge/config/settings.yaml).
The parameters available refer to:
* __Ego vehicle:__ the list in `/carla/ego_vehicle/rolename` sets role names to identify ego vehicles. These will be controllable from ROS and thus, relevant topics will be created.
* __Host/port:__ the network settings to connect to CARLA using a Python client.
* __Simulation time-step:__ simulation time (delta seconds) between simulation steps. __It must be lower than 0.1__. Take a look at the [documentation](../simulation_time_and_synchrony) to learn more about this.
* __Synchronous mode:__
* __If false (default):__ data is published on every `world.on_tick()` and every `sensor.listen()` callbacks.
* __If true:__ the bridge waits for all sensor data that is expected within the current frame. This might slow down the overall simulation but ensures reproducible results.
* __Wait for vehicle command:__ in synchronous mode, this boolean determines if a vehicle command should be received before executing the next tick.
!!! Warning
In synchronous mode, only the ros-bridge is allowed to tick. Other CARLA clients must passively wait.
<h4>Synchronous mode</h4>
* Pause/Play
* Execute single step
The following topic allows to control the stepping.
| Topic | Type |
| ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| `/carla/control` | carla_msgs.CarlaControl |
A CARLA [Control rqt plugin](https://github.com/carla-simulator/ros-bridge/blob/master/rqt_carla_control/README.md) is available to publish to the topic.