Recently added BuildOSM2ODR.bat wasn't quoted, meaning it may not work properly with directories having spaces. Eg. Space between "My" and "PC" in C:/Users/My PC. This will lead to ignoring the BuildOSM2ODR.bat and ultimately inaccurate build. The issue is fixed in this commit.
Build success
Added package
Remove delete workspace for testing
Clean workspace after build
Add deploy for testing
Relocation of Unreal Engine
Using absolute path for UnrealEngine
Execute shell
Test without remove at end
Using bash instead of shell
New jenkins file for testing nodes
new tag
modify 'test' stage
all in GPU
all in 'build' and 'gpu'
Adjust some scripts to run smooth on GPU slave
force deploy always
Disable docker push
Remove all on slaves at end
add some locks
add some parallel stages
Fix windows package, now it copies all required files
Add 7zip option to compress package for windows
Add 'make CarlaUE4Editor' to windows
Fix the program files path for windows 64
More jobs on parallel
Add Update.bat to windows pipeline
Fixing make CarlaUE4Editor
Commenting stages in windows
Enable again download of content and fix artifact
Build only Ubuntu
Enable deploy of Docker
Make packaging of additional maps
Enabling windows build again
Adding Deploy for windows
Change URL to the new S3 buckets
Changed the Jenkins public IP
Fixes from Codacy
Disable Windows build
Add more time to smoke tests for connecting
Add 'run' option of examples without compilation
Enabled delete all after job
Adds a lock for the packaging
Removing all locks
Update the Doxygen step in Ubuntu
Fix nodes to use
Stop build if any error was found
Enable multiprocess compilation
Add BuildPythonAPI.bat to makefile
Add BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB as workaround for