* Adding ROS2 manager
* Trying to compile fastDDS in windows, but have problems with dependencies
* Camera sensors connected to ROS2, dependencies disabled temporaly
* Including enum with sensors list
* adding GNSS sensor capture
* adding IMU sensor capture
* adding DVS sensor capture
* adding Lidar sensor capture
* adding SemanticLidar and Radar capture
* adding ObstacleDetector and some fixes
* modify cmakelists, failed to find libatomic
* fixed libatomic
* compile fast-dds with libc++
* fixed compliation fast dds with libcxx
* linked carla with fastdds
* Fixed Fast-DDS lib
Now its compiled to a intermediate lib with a bridge so libstdc++ can be used
* moved all ros2 deps to ros2 folder
renamed types from .cxx to .cpp
* Finally FastDDS compiled and working inside CARLA
* exposed publish function for testing
* fixed code style
* make ros2 optional
* make ros2 optional
* Added defines to compile ROS2 code
* ros image publisher working
* deleted some buffer copies
* Added more topics and ROS2 types
* Adding sensor Transform as argument, and add function to send buffer or serialize and send buffer
* Removing empty buffer from DVS sensor
* fixed lidar publisher
* fixed lidar publisher
* Fix buffer of RGB in ROS2
* adding timestamp of each frame into ROS2 manager
* sending timestamps with frame to ROS2
* put apart timestamp from frame counter call
* adding BufferView to share buffers
* adding BufferView to share buffers
* adding ros_name attribute to all actors
* mapping ros_name for each actor
* ROS2 is now published in a different thread
Publishers now can be created on demand and be reused
Added subscriber for ego vehicle
Fixed build scripts
* forgot to add this fix
* add ros2 to windows scripts
* fixed default ros topic names
* fix topic name duplication
* Adding functions for enable/disable sensors publishing without listen to it
* Added Camera info and ROI types
RGB Camera now publishes in both topics
* move camera info immutable data to the constructor
* Publish transform for all topics
Create Camera DVS subtopics
Fixed bug with Lidar
* Added flip Y to semantic lidar
* Adding callbacks for subscribers from Unreal
* Adding camera info to ROS2 (resolution and FOV)
* Finished ROS2 naming from python
* Fixed bug with ros names
* Delete topics when deleting the sensors
* setting the rosname same as default no longer rewrites it
* ROS transform fix
* Added all camera topics with the image and camera info
Added vehicle control
Added clock publisher
* Change ros2 topic names for vehicle subscriber and clock publisher
* Rename vehicle control ros2 topic name
* rename subscriber type to CarlaEgoVehicleControl
* Fix semantic lidar default ros name
Fix sizeof the semantic lidar data buffer
* Changed controller stored as string to pointer
* Back to previous version for default hero ros name
Removed debug prints
* Remvoe callback when ego publisher disconnects
* Serializing DVS data before sending to ROS
* dvs camera image and lidar
* DVS Pointcloud publishing
* Remove unnecessary fields
* Send local transforms to ros
* avoid transform recalculation if not needed
* Optical Flow Camera fixed
* Set fixed branch for Fast-DDS to avoid cmake version change issues
* Finally Working on package
* Fix style from FastDDS auto generated files
* Added ros2 to ubuntu in jenkins
* removed ros2 from jenkins, test
* restore ros2 in jenkins
* fix copy shareds, and removed server dependency from libcarla
* test installing the fastdds dependencies in jenkins
* move installing deps to separate stage
* removed install deps
* Fixing test_benchmark_streaming
* Fixed imu orientation and camera info data
* Fixing test_benchmark_streaming.cpp with BufferView
* Removing DEBUG_ONLY()
* publish collision sensor
* Fixing unit-tests with the new BufferView
* camera info is set once
* Fix echo camera info
* fix transform rotation
* Fixing ros_name attribute creation
* fixed camera info and region of interest publish
* fix IMU compass
* Forgot to add ros2 flag to jenkins package
Co-authored-by: bernatx <bernatx@gmail.com>
* Bitmap sent and drawn in widget texture with bugs
* Map bitmap shown on widget
* Concated meshes generated in the same lane to avoid errors during simplification
* Navigation added to widget
* Avoid Simplify to remove border vertices and try to parallel assets creation process
* Road Generation 0.1 version ready
* Removing Engine Association, Formatting CarlaTools Build dependencies
* Change container type of generated procedural mesh componetns to be supported by UPROPERTY
* Fixed indices jumping by two
* Added in separate thread junctions generation
* Started dynamic database creation
* Dynamic database creation temporally removed
* First step of merge. Coords of bottom left corner and top right corner
* Libraries added to build system
* Git ignore for osmrenderer to avoid ThirdParties directory to be tracked
* Lat and Lon coords for corners sent from server to client
* Transformed to local coords meshes' vertices' coords
* Coords format error fixed
* Saving xodr and osm files inside of OpenDrive folder
* Widget fixed
* UI design improved
* WIP Windows build system for osm-world-renderer
* Socket implementation replaced by boost asio framework in osmrenderer
* Added multithreaded simplification of meshes
* Build system adapted to wndows
* Headers fixed to avoid windows specific heraders compilation
* Remove warnings
* Added widget to import building from houdini
* Added origin latitude and longituda to OSM to OpenDRIVE conversion functions. Fixed Houdini importer widgets.
* Add Houdini plugin download to the build system
* Moved houdini blueprint. Houdini plugin now dowloads by default
* Added houdini download for windows
* OpenDriveToMap Now is a UOBject instead of widget
* Added Lane mark generation.
* Roads materials and distance field scale set to 0
* M_PI macro fixed for windows osm-renderer build system
* Added Lane Marking generation
* Fixed compilation issue related with std pair non copyable lane
* Fix bug where different lanes were concating. Fix bug where end of roadmark was creating an artifact
* Lanes Marks material assignation
* Fix compilation issue and reading from not valid memory crash
* Middle Lane mark duplication bug fixed - temp solution
* Added bumps along road
* Adding marchingcubes library and added to create junctions
* Added junctions generations using marching cube and smoothed
* Fixed linux compilation and removed couple warnings
* Using previous algorithim for two road connections
* Code cleanup
* Remove debug state
* Format Files
* Format third parties files
* Spaces removal
* Fix code format
* Added spawnning for trees
* New branch to don`t loose modifications in code
* Removing unnecesary spaces
* Set trees for designer
* Tag static mesh actor from road type
* One tile with landscape and road cut
* Changed format of For
* WidgetCreated
* Widget progress
* LevelCreator Update
* Folder for basicParameters in father map
* Father map from template
* Terrain mesh generated from noise and road mask
Road mask not applied
* Assign SubLevel by position
* Changed to static functions
* StrigUpdate
* Added missing UFUNCTIONS
* Trying to move Houdini actors to tiles
* Meshes from Houdini to Tiles
* Number of X and Y tiles exposed
* Modify to new functions
* Modifying code to create a new variable-offset and table to ingest blueprints
* Update assignTile Function
* Updating widget and cpp file to relocate meshes
* Update Widget and create local copy of OpenDriveToMap
* Added planes as landscape
* RoadImported fixed
* Simplification done in UE side
* Update Houdini pipeline
* Fixed osmrenderer compilation for windows
* Generate landscape and set materials
* Generate UVs for lane meshes. Generate Normals and Tangets for lane meshes
* Delete unnecesary files
* Widget updated
* Exposing different variables to BPs
* Update Assets
* Asset path names fixed
* Fixed height for misc objects, set default landscape
* Rotate Light boxes
* Adding OSM Importer plugin
* Fixed normals on sidewalks
* Update adding buildings plugin
* Adding missing BP
* Update
* Fix BP_Instanced
* Update OSMImporter
* Creating BP_BuildingCreator
* LevelCreator Fixed
* Update building asset creation
* If def add for osm renderer
* Building block variation and styles
* Updated values and generation for demo3
* Fix Widget
* Changed unreal FSocket for boost sockets. Fixed road position errors
* Update building creation
* Updated Building Height
* Fixing line colors
* Added Planes in missing stuff
* Update for meshes
* Update deformation, avoid creation of individual buildings and add check for deformation
* Deleted unnecesary files
* New branch to work on building generation
* Added shorts walls and roofs
* Improve triangulation of polygons using UE
* Fixing pipeline
* Disabling shadows for roads and terrain
* Updated default values for BP_Opendrivetomap
* Updated OpenDriveToMap
* Use Editor world instead of GetWorld
* Added HTTP module
* Change customfiledownloader API
* Adding debuginformation
* Using OpenDriveToMapObject
* Adding Debug stuff
* Expose Buildings names in ue4
* Remove from root when generation finished
* Adding Slopes to building generation
* Table update
* Set pivot point at centre of building and Set use of material instances
* Updating Buildings plane stuff
* Fixing walls for building generator
* Update data table
* Updated road generation
* Update DT
* Update Origin of map and set moving for large map
* Remove logs prepare blueprints for getting new info
* Update slope fix and material for slopes
* Updated Digital Twins for 12/06
* Added direct URL support
* Avoid some crashes and improve QoL
* Height fix
* Tried to expose largemap in tick
* New vegetation scatter tool
* Added Full largemap support
* Edit building levels in some type of levels
* Updated static meshes instead of procedural meshes
* Updated building generation and reduced logs
* Vegetation tool into landscape pipeline
* Demo ready for digital twins
* Automated download of plugin
* Update linux build script for UE4 Plugins
* Disable sidewalks in junctions
* Re enable sidewalksin crossing lanes
* Removed asserts added checks to avoid generation of sidewalks on road
* Optimizations for VRAM
* Move actors slowly to sub levels
* Added optimizations and support for smaller or bigger maps in tiles, modified TileSize
* Garage and shed styles
* Update generation stages
* Update garage and shed parameters
* Changed method generation to tile by tile
* Fixed memory leak and UOpenDriveToMap is a uobject now
* Fixed tile by tile generation
* Added Heightmap support to map gen
* last update
* Commandlet generation working
* Merge finished
* Update DefaultEngine.ini to rever default rhi
* Clean up HoudiniImporterWidget.cpp
* Add with editor and make editor only code
* Setup dependencies for CarlaTools plugin
* Update StreetMap plugin commit and gitignore
* Update Content version
* Update next content version
* Changed based type of OpenDrivetomap
* Remove intermediate files if need similar to BuildCarlaUE4.sh
* Update order of execution of donwload
* Try to run download plugins everytime is used
* Update packages sh avoid to delete anything
* Fixing setup in windows
* Add UE Constructor to Commandlet
* More fixes
* content version
* Update package sh and update
* Update Streetmap version
* Update dependencies
* Update StreetMap commit
* Fix typo in gitignore
* Update STMap plugin commit
* Revert latest changes in windows package script
* Update comments
Co-authored-by: aollero <aollero@cvc.uab.cat>
Co-authored-by: aollero <adriollero@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel <axellopez92@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: marionzki <mnoriegazamora@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernatx <bernatx@gmail.com>
* Added way to download files from overpass api
* Save downloaded text to a file
* Changed log type for File manipulation
* Online process files when request is valid
* Correct file format
* Correct file format for UE4 class
* Fix compilation issue due to name change
* Create Widget with OpenFileDialogFunctionality
* Step xodr to map completed
* Generated Static meshes and replace procedural actors
* Created and saved assets during road generation
* Formatted file correctly
* OSM To ODR broguht to UE4
* Full pipeline working on linux
* Added osm2odr support in editor in Windos
* Added Widget to CartaTools
* Fixed Linux compilation error
* Added Carla Game Instance included to avoid compilation error
* Added Simplify to LibCarla, Added timers to measure time generation. Add mesh deformation during road creation.
* Fixed mesh format translations
* Concated meshes generated in the same lane to avoid errors during simplification
* Avoid Simplify to remove border vertices and try to parallel assets creation process
* Road Generation 0.1 version ready
* Removing Engine Association, Formatting CarlaTools Build dependencies
* Change container type of generated procedural mesh componetns to be supported by UPROPERTY
* Fixed indices jumping by two
* Cleaning branch
* Cleanup last spaces
* Remove spaces on Opendrivetowditor.cpp
* Added sparse map reprsentation
* Added pytorch for terramechanics modules
* Added saving loading particles in independent thread
* Added blank space at the EOF
* Added texture creation lambda
* Moving function to component
* Added input/output architecture for neural network
* Filling heightmap with particles data. Adding Logging to debug
* Updating Texture data at realtime
* Connected 3 stages, using MPC Position to Update and Texture
* Added square particle sampling. Added second model input/output scheme. Fixed start up crash.
* Added new flags and fixes
* Position to update not updating in material but yes in MPC
* Fixed coordinate frame issues and crashes
* Prepared to follow position in the 1st vehicle in map
* Fixed height map alignment
* Fixed large map and terrain tiles alignment
* Fixed inputs for new model
* Added scale factor
* Fixed slow read write operations
* Bug fixes
* Removed debug output
* Removed nvidia profinling marks
* Preparing merge debug code removed, runtime working by rounding the loading data properly
* Made pytorch optional module
* Added TRACE_CPUPROFILER_EVENT_SCOPE to Update and UpdateTexture
* Added optional pytorch conditions and macros
* Removed static Path
* Fixed #ifdef clause. Added missing include.
* Deformation on vehicle working. Ready to start optimisation
* First optimsation done. Heightmap per Tile
* Updated tiles'heightmap to make their size relative to texture and tilesize
* Fixed slow frames. Added functionality
* Removed unecessary library links
* Fixed pytorch link
* Limited search to relevant tiles
* Added multithreaded particle search. Fixed cuda architectures compilation
* Deformation plane added
* Added missing resources
* Updated particle movement update methods
* Spawn on runtime deformation plane
* Added cachemap lock when initializing a region
* Added UHeightMapDataAsset to hold heightmap data
* Fixing some settings
Co-authored-by: Aaron <samaniegoaaron112@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernatx <bernatx@gmail.com>
* Initial commit
This commit imports files from scenario_runner repository
* WIP TrafficDistributor
Set horizontal integral component to 0
Fixed startup concurrency issue
* TrafficDistributor first crude version
* Code asthetics, Uncrustified.
* Code clean up
* Fixed more concurrency bugs
* Reduced number of vehicles per core
Fixed some unhandled exceptions
* EOD commit 29AUG2018
* Re-organizing directory structure
* WIP code re-organization
* Redesigned PipelineStage
Implemented Messenger to communicate between stages
Implemented LocalizationStage
Added StageEnum
Removed unecessary files
* WIP Testing LocalizationStage
* Implemented and benchmarked LocalizationStage
Achieved single stage throughput of 600,000,000
* Implemented CopyBufferList() in LocalizationStage
* Fixed stage stalling and corrected benchmark
* Setting worker thread count to 1
* Code re-organization for porting MotionPlannerStage
* WIP - porting MotionPlanner
* Moved thread management logic into PipelineStage base class
* Implemented output data frame switching
Moved relavent structures and types from MotionPlannerStage.h to PIDController.h
* Re-organized directory structure to be consistent with rest of the project
Initialized frame_selector in constructor
* WIP - EOD commit 02SEP209
* WIP - managed to break deadlock between sender and receiver
* Implemented common mutex sharing for thread management in PipelineStage
Added small timeout for thread locking in PipelineStage
Finally broke deadlocks in stage integration
* Porting BatchControlStage to new design
* Ported BatchControlStage to new design
Fixed array indexing bug
Messaging actor_id instead of actor pointer to BatchControlStage
Improved thread co-ordination logic in PipelineStage
* Fixed array exetreme indexing issue
* Fixed thread co-ordination logic for multiple worker thread case
* Ported PID state map to dynamically allocated vector
Changed thread co-ordination time out to 1ms
* WIP - EOD 03092019
* Ported CollisionStage to new design
Added debug helper parameter
Added directionality pre-condition to check polygon overlap
Streamlined boundary functions
Fixed actor id to array index map
Passing individual buffers from localization
Using unsigned int keys in VicinityGrid
* WIP - fixing localization conflict on frame switching
* Fixed localization frame switching bug
* Ported TrafficLightStage to new design (#2078)
* Implemented TrafficLightStage with new architecture
* Implemented slowdown on approaching junction
* Integrated all stages into Pipeline class
* Ported PipelineExecutable.cpp to work with new Pipeline
* WIP - Fixing TrafficDistributor
* Switching to single thread stage actions
Added release options to CMakeLists.txt
Changed vicinity grid keys to string
* Changed TrafficDistributor to TrafficDistribution
This class only meant to keep track of vehicles acrros different road positions
* Changed TrafficDistributor declaration in LocalizationStage
* WIP - Lane changes
* Streamlined traffic distribution implementation
* Implemented a working lane change policy
* Fixed const correctness for ActionThreadManager and Action methods
Chaned varialbe++ to ++variable wherever suitable
* Using STL's numeric_limits instead of arbitrary high values for infinity
Made suitable constants static
Camelcase starting with uppercase for InMemoryMap methods
Fixed comment notions in all files
* Streamlined boolean return values from methods in CollisionStage.cpp
Using short hand for boost::geometry
More comments on boundary calculation logic
Camelcasing for methods
* Fixed TrafficDistribution vehicle tracking logic
Removed distance limit for lane change
* Moved lane change logic to TrafficDistributor.cpp
* Implemented logic to avoid collisions with unregistered actors
* Implemented graceful stop functionality for traffic manager
* Code aesthetics
* Added debug support for TrafficDistributor.cpp
Fixed Test.cpp
* Defined constants in TrafficDistributor.cpp
Code aesthetic changes
* Update README.md
* Aphabetical ordering of header include statements
* Code streamlining and aesthetic changes
* Review comment changes (#2116)
Review comment changes
Removed frame_map from TrafficLightStage
* Made changes for review comments (#2117)
* Fixed implicit private inheritence for LocalizationStage
Removed unecessary using <method> statements in concrete stage classes
* Removed break logic from all loops
* Added detailed comments to all header files
* Minor review comment changes to collision stage
* Detailed comments for all .cpp files
* Implemented batch spawn and delete
* Added minimum distance check for lane change
Increased wait time after sending batch spawn command
* Simplified geodesic boundary creation in collision stage
* Changing to unsigned integers when appropriate
Shorter name aliasing
* Changes for code reveiw comments
* Removed white spaces
* Code review changes
Using carla::geom::Math::DistanceSquared whenever possible
Better name aliasing
Function signature checks
* Code aesthetics, text formatting
* Changes for appropriate auto keyword usage
* Grammar check
* Grammatical correction
* Distance based check points and boundary generation
instead of index based checks
* Using explicit typing wherever possible instead of auto
* Review comment changes
* Review comment changes
* Added time margin for approaching vehicles for lane change
Increased minimum collision boundary
Streamlined InMemoryMap::StructuredWaypoints
Implemented gradual braking in PIDController
Added left right checks in SimpleWaypoint
Removed redundant method in SimpleWaypoint
* Initial implementation for reproducibility
* Fixed radomization during path selection
* Added Vicinity grid-key checker for grid to actor_id map
* WIP: junction negotiation enhancement
* Polygon to polygon distance based collision negotiation
* Update Linux.mk
* Update CMakeLists.txt
* Update Vars.mk
* Update README.md
* Update getting_started.md
* Review comment changes
Namespace aliasing checks
Redundant function call checks
Default constants defined in motion planner stage
Removed hard braking to slow down near junctions
Lane change approaching vehicle check time margin
Added -h option to get help on traffic manager
* Reverting to carla::client::Vehicle::GetTrafficlightState non-signalised junctions
* Added communication timeout and implemented stopping when carla stops
Removed throughtput measurement logic from PipelineExecutable
* Updated gitignore
* updated CHANGELOG.md
* updated CHANGELOG.md
* WIP: negotiating non-signalised junction
* Time duration ticketing system for non-signalised junctions
Changed from pre-randomised to run time randomised decisions at junctions
* Removing debug draw statements
* Fixed make and cmake, more work required
* Added traffic manager build to jenkins
* updated docs