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CARLA Documentation
Welcome to the CARLA documentation.
This home page contains an index with a brief description of the different sections in the documentation. Feel free to read in whatever order preferred. In any case, here are a few suggestions for newcomers.
- Install CARLA. Either follow the Quick start installation to get a CARLA release or make the build for a desired platform.
- Start using CARLA. The section titled First steps is an introduction to the most important concepts.
- Check the API. there is a handy Python API reference to look up the classes and methods available.
The CARLA forum is available to post any doubts or suggestions that may arise during the reading.
!!! Warning
Change the docs version to fit the CARLA version you are using. Use the pannel in the bottom-right side of this window to change to previous versions.
Getting started
[__Introduction__](start_introduction.md) — What to expect from CARLA. [__Quick start__](start_quickstart.md) — Get the CARLA releases.
Building CARLA
[__Linux build__](build_linux.md) — Make the build on Linux. [__Windows build__](build_windows.md) — Make the build on Windows. [__Update CARLA__](build_update.md) — Get up to date with the latest content. [__Build system__](build_system.md) — Learn about the build and how it is made. [__Running in a Docker__](build_docker.md) — Run CARLA using a container solution. [__F.A.Q.__](build_faq.md) — Some of the most frequent installation issues.
First steps
[__Core concepts__](core_concepts.md) — Overview of the basic concepts in CARLA. [__1st. World and client__](core_world.md) — Manage and access the simulation. [__2nd. Actors and blueprints__](core_actors.md) — Learn about actors and how to handle them. [__3rd. Maps and navigation__](core_map.md) — Discover the different maps and how do vehicles move around. [__4th. Sensors and data__](core_sensors.md) — Retrieve simulation data using sensors.
Advanced steps
[__OpenDRIVE standalone mode__](adv_opendrive.md) — Use any OpenDRIVE file as a CARLA map. [__PTV-Vissim co-simulation__](adv_ptv.md) — Run a synchronous simulation between CARLA and PTV-Vissim. [__Recorder__](adv_recorder.md) — Register the events in a simulation and play it again. [__Rendering options__](adv_rendering_options.md) — From quality settings to no-render or off-screen modes. [__RSS__](adv_rss.md) — An implementation of RSS in the CARLA client library. [__SUMO co-simulation__](adv_sumo.md) — Run a synchronous simulation between CARLA and SUMO. [__Synchrony and time-step__](adv_synchrony_timestep.md) — Client-server communication and simulation time. [__Traffic Manager__](adv_traffic_manager.md) — Simulate urban traffic by setting vehicles to autopilot mode.
[__Python API reference__](python_api.md) — Classes and methods in the Python API. [__Blueprint library__](bp_library.md) — Blueprints provided to spawn actors. [__C++ reference__](ref_cpp.md) — Classes and methods in CARLA C++. [__Recorder binary file format__](ref_recorder_binary_file_format.md) — Detailed explanation of the recorder file format. [__Sensors reference__](ref_sensors.md) — Everything about sensors and the data they retrieve.
[__carlaviz — web visualizer__](plugins_carlaviz.md) — Plugin that listens the simulation and shows the scene and some simulation data in a web browser.
ROS bridge
[__ROS bridge installation__](ros_installation.md) — The different ways to install the ROS bridge. [__CARLA messages reference__](ros_msgs.md) — Contains explanations and fields for every type of CARLA message available in ROS. [__Launchfiles reference__](ros_launchs.md) — Lists the launchfiles and nodes provided, and the topics being consumed and published.
Tutorials — General
[__Add friction triggers__](tuto_G_add_friction_triggers.md) — Define dynamic box triggers for wheels. [__Control vehicle physics__](tuto_G_control_vehicle_physics.md) — Set runtime changes on a vehicle physics. [__Control walker skeletons__](tuto_G_control_walker_skeletons.md) — Animate walkers using skeletons. [__Retrieve simulation data__](tuto_G_retrieve_data.md) — A step by step guide to properly gather data using the recorder.
Tutorials — Assets
[__Add a new map__](tuto_A_add_map.md) — Create and ingest a new map. [__Add a new vehicle__](tuto_A_add_vehicle.md) — Prepare a vehicle to be used in CARLA. [__Add new props__](tuto_A_add_props.md) — Import additional props into CARLA. [__Create standalone packages__](tuto_A_create_standalone.md) — Generate and handle standalone packages for assets. [__Map customization__](tuto_A_map_customization.md) — Edit an existing map. [__Material customization__](tuto_A_material_customization.md) — Edit vehicle and building materials. [__Vehicle modelling__](tuto_A_vehicle_modelling.md) — Create a new vehicle for CARLA.
Tutorials — Developers
[__Contribute new assets__](tuto_D_contribute_assets.md) — Add new content to CARLA. [__Create a sensor__](tuto_D_create_sensor.md) — Develop a new sensor to be used in CARLA. [__Create semantic tags__](tuto_D_create_semantic_tags.md) — Define new semantic tags for semantic segmentation. [__Customize vehicle suspension__](tuto_D_customize_vehicle_suspension.md) — Modify the suspension system of a vehicle. [__Make a release__](tuto_D_make_release.md) — For developers who want to publish a release. [__Generate detailed colliders__](tuto_D_generate_colliders.md) — Create detailed colliders for vehicles. [__Generate pedestrian navigation__](tuto_D_generate_pedestrian_navigation.md) — Obtain the information needed for walkers to move around.
[__Contribution guidelines__](cont_contribution_guidelines.md) — The different ways to contribute to CARLA. [__Code of conduct__](cont_code_of_conduct.md) — Standard rights and duties for contributors. [__Coding standard__](cont_coding_standard.md) — Guidelines to write proper code. [__Documentation standard__](cont_doc_standard.md) — Guidelines to write proper documentation.